6,318 research outputs found

    Robust new method in frequency domain watermarking

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    Proceeding of: 4th International Conference, ISC 2001, Malaga, Spain, October 1-3, 2001This article presents a new and robust watermarking method in the frequency domain that improves over the existing ones. It is robust to JPEG compression, very configurable, simple, efficient and very easy to implement. Apart from JPEG test, it shows very good results in all tests applied.Publicad

    Printers are dangerous

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    Proceeding of: IEEE 35th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, London , UK, 16 - 19 october 2001In the last years, many new intelligent full-featured peripherals that assist information systems have appeared. Those peripherals, such as printers, copiers, PDA organizers, Web cameras, etc. usually have a very friendly way of configuration and management (via http, ftp or telnet servers) and offer more networked services everyday. Their computation, memory and networking capabilities have also increased in the last years. Nowadays, many of them are comparable to workstations and run complete operating systems such as Linux or Solaris. All those factors imply that these devices could represent a real threat to the security of information systems. This problem is even worse because most of those peripherals have been considered inoffensive and not many administrators are aware of their security risks. The most representative example is printers, which have been traditionally considered totally harmless devices. At the present time, that idea is difficult to defend because many security incidents related with networked printers have arisen in the last years. System and security administrators have traditionally focused their efforts in fortifying servers and hosts only, but it seems that this view is not enough for assuring security nowadays.Publicad

    Black anglerfish (Lophius budegassa): weight-length relationships, weight conversion factors and condition factor trends from a decade of two stocks, in ICES Div. VIIIc-IXa (northern Iberian Atlantic waters) and in Div. VIIb,c,h,j,k (Celtic Sea, south-western Ireland and Porcupine Bank)

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    Weight-length relationships, weight conversion factors and condition factor are presented from a decade (2006 to 2015) for both stocks of black anglerfish (Lophius budegassa) in northern Iberian Atlantic waters (ICES Div. VIIIc-IXa) and in Celtic Sea, south-western Ireland and Porcupine Bank (ICES Div. VIIb,c,h,j,k). A total of 2035 and 1263 specimens were sampled respectively in each stock from commercial landings and research surveys. Total length [Lt (cm)], total weight [Wt (g)], “commercial” weight (gutted with liver) [Wgl (g)] and “scientific” weight (gutted without liver) [Wg (g)] were obtained. The weight-length relationships for the combined sexes were: Lt = 0.020 Wt2.916; Lt = 0.017 Wgl2.929; Lt = 0.017 Wg2.922 in Div. VIIIc-IXa, and Lt = 0.025 Wt2.841; Lt = 0.013 Wgl2.984; Lt = 0.013 Wg2.971 in Div. VIIb,c,h,j,k. The conversion factors (total weight - gutted weight), useful in fisheries management due to the commercial landings of this species are available in gutted weight, were: Wt = 1.186 Wgl; Wt = 1.236 Wg in Div. VIIIc-IXa, and Wt = 1.187 Wgl; Wt = 1.233 Wg in Div. VIIb,c,h,j,k. These updated values can be used in the process of the annual assessment of the state of both stocks in the ICES working group. The evolution of the condition factor over the year, indicator of nutritional status evolution, is also estimated for immature and mature individuals of each sex, showing some seasonal variation. The results are similar to the previously estimated in other studies

    Social support for female sexual dysfunction in fibromyalgia

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    The aim of this study is to describe and understand experiences related to social support for women with fibromyalgia who suffer from sexual dysfunction. An interpretive qualitative research methodology based on Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics was used. Data collection included a focus group and in-depth interviews with 13 women who averaged 44.8 years of age and 14.3 years since being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Data were analyzed using Fleming’s method and two themes were identified: “searching for understanding in socio-family support” and “lack of formal support regarding fibromyalgia patient’s sexuality.” The partner constitutes the main support for women with fibromyalgia. Although they can find understanding and social support in patient associations, they lack formal support from health care professionals. Women demand trusted and expert professionals, like sexologists and nurses, to carry out a multidisciplinary approach to tackle sexual dysfunction associated with fibromyalgia

    Texture-based Classification for the Automatic Rating of the Perivascular Spaces in Brain MRI

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    Los espacios perivasculares (EVP) se relacionan con una cognición deficiente, depresión en la edad avanzada, enfermedad de Parkinson, inflamación, hipertensión y enfermedad de pequeños vasos cerebrales, cuando están agrandados y son visibles en imágenes de resonancia magnética (MRI). En este artículo exploramos cómo clasificar la densidad del PVS agrandado en los ganglios basales (BG) mediante la descripción de la textura de la RM cerebral estructural. La textura de la región BG se describe mediante estadísticas de primer orden y características derivadas de la matriz de co-ocurrencia, ambas computadas a partir de la imagen original y los coeficientes producidos por la transformada de wavelet discreta (WSF y WCF, respectivamente), y patrones binarios locales (LBP). Los resultados experimentales con un clasificador de Máquina de vectores de soporte (SVM) muestran que WCF logra una precisión del 80.03%

    Body Shape, Image, and Composition as Predictors of Athlete’s Performance

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    Body shape, image, and composition are three different but related concepts used to describe people. Body shape, also known as somatotype, represents the tangible body, which can be externally observed and measured without destroying or hurting it. On the contrary, body image represents the subjective and intangible human nature, a construct that we try to define by applying validated scientific tools—a set of dimensions easily affected by psychological perception. Instead, body composition represents the physical parts grouped into similar compartments. Due to the fact that it cannot be observed or measured with the naked eye, and in order to reduce measurement error, we try to measure them with the highest and most accurate available technology. Shape, image, and composition affect sport?s performance. Sports literature mentions, sometimes interchangeably, form, image, and body composition. So when we refer to them we have to distinguish them. Social, political, economic, cultural, educational, and genetic factors influence them. Technological advances in determining the shape and composition are reliable, but not the ones for body image, which needs further development. In this paper, the interrelation of these three aspects is described, with health and sport?s ambit indicators

    The Present and Future of Academical Dress in Spain: Catalogue of Guidelines on the Use of Academical Dress and its Colours in Spanish Universities

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    The Association for the Study of University Protocol, founded in 1997, brings together professionals in Spanish universities who are responsible for the organization of academic ceremonies, university traditions, as well as the new activities derived from those traditions which maintain the university in its place. In the course of the activities of the Association it soon became apparent that it was necessary to understand with the greatest possible degree of accuracy ways in which academical dress was used and that it was important to establish a catalogue of suggestions on its use and of the current use of colours. The fruits of this labour, co-ordinated by the authors of this article, were elaborated in such a Catalogue. [Excerpt from Introduction]

    Anomalous Hall conductivity control in Mn3_3NiN antiperovskite by epitaxial strain along the kagome plane

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    Antiferromagnetic manganese-based nitride antiperovskites, such as Mn3_3NiN, hold a triangular frustrated magnetic ordering over their kagome lattice formed by the Mn atoms along the (111)-plane. As such, frustration imposes a non-trivial interplay between the symmetric and asymmetric magnetic interactions, which can only reach equilibrium in a noncollinear magnetic configuration. Consequently, the associated electronic interactions and their possible tuning by external constraints, such as applied epitaxial strain, play a crucial role in defining the microscopic and macroscopic properties of such topological condensed matter systems. Thus, in the present work, we explored and explained the effect of the epitaxial strain imposed within the (111)-plane, in which the magnetic and crystallographic symmetry operations are kept fixed, and only the magnitude of the ionic and electronic interactions are tuned. We found a linear shifting in the energy of the band structure and a linear increase/decrease of the available states near the Fermi level with the applied strain. Concretely, the compression strain reduces the Mn-Mn distances in the (111) kagome plane but linearly increases the separation between the stacked kagome lattices and the available states near the Fermi level. Despite the linear controlling of the available states across the Fermi energy, the anomalous Hall conductivity shows a non-linear behavior where the σ111\sigma_{111} conductivity nearly vanishes for tensile strain. On the other hand, σ111\sigma_{111} fetches a maximum increase of 26\% about the unstrained structure for a compression value close to -1.5\%.This behavior found an explanation in the non-divergent Berry curvature within the kagome plane, which is increased for constraining but significantly reduced for expansion strain values..