7,754 research outputs found

    The economic geography of football success: empirical evidence from european cities

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    Introduction. – 1. The geography of successful football teams: an analytical framework – 2. Empirical analysis – 2.1. Data, model estimation and results – 2.2. Cities and teams: some remarks about market size and teams’ performance – 3. Conclusions – 4. Annex

    The production process in basketball: Empirical evidence from Spanish league

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    The main objective of this paper is to provide an empirical assessment of the production process in a basketball team. We estimate a logit model in which the output produced by a team is the game outcome (win or loss) and the inputs are those play characteristics that impact on that outcome. From the results obtained it is clear that, on average, there is a substantial difference between the impact of each play characteristic on a basketball team’s winning probability and that probability varies as the quality/quantity of the inputs used changes, albeit not proportionally.sports economics, team sport, professional basketball, productive process, logit model

    Propiedades mecánicas de cermets basados en diboruro de titanio

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    Las propiedades mecánicas de los cermets basados en diboruro de titanio (TiB 2 ) dependen críticamente de la composición de la fase ligante. Se ha comprobado que tanto la tenacidad como la dureza aumentan significativamente si se evita la formación de boruros secundarios durante la sinterización en fase líquida. Las observaciones fractográficas realizadas en cermets basados en TiB 2 sin boruros secundarios confirman el comportamiento plástico de la fase ligante durante la fractura. La ruta pulvimetalúrgica aplicada a estos materiales permite la modificación intencionada de la estructura de la fase ligante desde ferrita a austenita mediante adiciones de aluminio a las mezclas de polvos. Los valores de tenacidad más elevados se han obtenido para los cermets con matriz austenítica. El análisis mediante difracción de rayos X de la superficie de fractura de estos materiales confirma que la fase ligante experimenta transformación martensítica durante la fractura, mecanismo de aumento de tenacidad ya observado en otros sistemas. Esta nueva familia de materiales duros presenta una excelente combinación de dureza y tenacidad, comparable a la obtenida con grados comerciales de carburos cementados (WC-Co).Peer reviewe

    French multinationals and Spanish human capital, c. 1950s-1990s

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    France made a significant contribution to the Spanish economic miracle starting in the late 1950s, not only with capital investment and exports, but also through the transfer of knowledge and skills. The aim of this paper is to explore the influence of French multinationals in the enhancement of Spanish human capital, from specialized assembly-line workers and technicians to engineers, executives and managers. Based on a wide variety of sources, we will focus on three relevant sectors with large spillover effects: the nuclear sector, the defence industry and car manufacturing represented by Renault's subsidiary. These case studies will allow us to gain insight into the internationalization and internalization processes of issuing and host economiesThis paper is part of Research Projets HAR2017-86086-R (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness), PGC2018-098057-A-I00 (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) and SA241P18 (FEDER UE-Junta de Castilla y León

    Using the Language of Wellbeing in the Care of the Elderly in Mexico

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    The language we use with others derives from hidden assumptions about them and commands expectations and outcomes. That is why the constructs and language used in health services provided to the elderly are a worthwhile object of study.This paper addresses the language used in the services provided to the elderly population in Mexico and many other Latin-American countries. The psychological, linguistic and practical aspects of the wellbeing language paradigm are discussed. The linguistic analysis of the discourse used by health care providers conveys important implications to the kind, quality and purpose of intervention.It is argued that by using the language of wellness, health professionals are in a better position to listen and assess the degree of satisfaction and happiness, to explore for conditions that may promote or hinder quality of life, and also, they are in a better position for planning services to the elderly that reach beyond physical health and economic indicators.It is posited that quality of life in old age is incomplete without a sense of the patient’s wellbeing

    Association of Motivational Climate With Addictive Behaviors Depending on Type of Sport in University Students: Structural Equation Analysis

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    This research study aims at contrasting a structural model of the associations between the alcohol consumption, tobacco dependence, and the problematic use of video games with motivational climate toward sport depending on the category of sports practiced in a sample of Physical Education university students. The sample consisted of 775 university students from the Autonomous Community of Andalusia (Spain), aged between 21 and 35 (22.22 ± 3.76) years. The instruments used were the Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire (PMCSQ-2), the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND), and the Questionnaire of Experiences Related to Video Games (QERV) questionnaires. A path model that fitted properly in the multigroup analysis for both categories of sports was used, χ2 = 19.843; gl = 8; p = .011; comparative fit index (CFI) = 0.911; normed fit index (NFI) = 0.903; incremental fit index (IFI) = 0.912; root mean square error approximation (RMSEA) = 0.085. An inverse association was shown between task climate and tobacco consumption in individual sports, being weaker in collective sports. This association is not significant for collective sports, but it is for individual sports for ego climate. However, a positive association was found between ego climate and the use of video games in individual sports, not being significant in the case of collective sports. The importance of promoting motivational climates oriented toward tasks that are based on the practice of collective sports is established, because they could act as protective factors against the development of addictive behavior in university students.This research study has been supported by the Education Innovation Project PID 16-45, named “Implementation of digital resources in the classroom for the development of psychosocial and motivational factors in students of the degree in Primary Education with the speciality in Physical Education,” funded by the University of Granada. Education Innovation Project PIBD Advanced 470, named “Program of teaching intervention in students of the degree in primary education and early childhood education through the use of new technologies for the improvement of the psychosocial factors of the students,” funded by the University of Granada. Project I+D+I “DISPERSA,” with code number TIN2015-67149-C3-R, named “Design of Pervasive Games Based on Learning Experiences Sensitive to Context” funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Precompetitive Research Projects for Young Researchers (PPJI_B-05); Self-plan Research of the University of Granada

    The alternative of EXERGAMEs in improving the quality of life of the elderly

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    Actualmente vivimos en una sociedad claramente condicionada por el alcance de las nuevas tecnologías. Asimismo, el significativo aumento del número de nuestros mayores constituye otra característica que la determina. Esta situación plantea la necesidad de propuestas que promuevan la calidad de vida y bienestar en la tercera edad. Para ello, se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica considerando el ámbito de la actividad física, el cual se concretada como una de las bazas más importantes a tratar para lograr ese objetivo; y el papel que pueden jugar las nuevas tecnologías en él, concretamente los «Exergames». Por ello, y con el fin de buscar alternativas para la mejora de la salud en la tercera edad, este estudio pretende poner en relieve la utilización de las nuevas tecnologías con dicha meta. En este sentido, se destaca el uso de los videojuegos activos, una tecnología que lleva en auge desde hace algún tiempo, con la cual nuestros mayores podrán no solo mejorar su condición física y mental, sino su calidad de vida de forma global