685 research outputs found

    Um Framework de Práticas Ágeis para Apoio à Implementação do Processo de Projeto e Construção do Produto

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    Qualidade de software é um tema recorrente nas organizações especializadas. No Brasil, a SOFTEX criou o programa MPS.BR, tendo o objetivo impulsionar a qualidade do software brasileiro. Adicionalmente, visando maior agilidade nos processos, muitas organizações estão adotando práticas ágeis para apoiar a implementação deste programa de qualidade. Assim, o presente artigo visa apresentar um framework contendo práticas ágeis oriundas das metodologias Crystal, FDD, TDD e eXtreme Programming para apoio à implementação do processo de Projeto e Construção do Produto constante no programa MPS.BR

    Caracterização de acessos de Eugeniauniflora: uma espécie nativa com elevado potencial comercial

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    Surinam cherry (Eugenia uniflora L.) is a fruit species with the potential for economic exploration. The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic variability and cytological stability in 40 accessions of Surinam cherry in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. We used 18 molecular markers of RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) to access the genetic variability. The cytological analysis included meiotic behavior, viability, and in vitro germination of pollen and counting the anthers number. The analysis of genetic variability allowed the separation of the accessions into three groups with an average of 9.5 bands amplified by the primer; 8.39 polymorphic bands; 88.57% of polymorphism and 86% genetic similarity. In the cytological analysis, the average normal meiotic cells were 85.07%; average pollen viability was 90.47%; in vitro germination of 44.33%; and the anther/flower average of 54.53. Therefore, the accessions have high genetic similarity and cytological stability.A pitangueira (Eugenia uniflora L.) é uma frutífera com potencial para exploração econômica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a variabilidade genética e a estabilidade citológica em 40 acessos de pitangueira no Rio Grande do Sul. A determinação da variabilidade genética foi feita com 18 marcadores moleculares RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA). As análises citológicas consistiram na determinação do comportamento meiótico, viabilidade e germinação in vitro do pólen e contagem do número de anteras. A análise da variabilidade genética permitiu a separação dos acessos em três grupos com uma média de 9,5 bandas amplificadas por primer; 8,39 bandas polimórficas; 88,57% de polimorfismo e 86% de similaridade genética. Na análise citológica, a média de células meióticas normais foi de 85,07%; a viabilidade média do pólen foi de 90,47%; a germinação in vitro de 44,33% e a média de anteras/flor de 54,53. Portanto, os acessos possuem alta similaridade genética e estabilidade citológica


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    It is challenging to obtain pure cultures of Leptospira from environmental samples, mainly due to the presence of accompanying microbiota that can contaminate cultures, highlighting bacteria of the genus Spirillum that have characteristics similar to leptospires. Thus, cannot be eliminated by the most common decontamination techniques during leptospires isolation process. The purpose of this study was to evaluate five decontamination methods to obtain pure cultures of Leptospira from mixed samples with Spirillum spp. We collected ten samples from untreated domestic sewage dumped of to streets in Macapá city – Brazilian Amazon, and submitted to bacteriological culture for Leptospira isolation. The presence of leptospires was confirmed by visualization under dark-field microscopy and by 16S PCR. In the samples in which Spirillum was observed, five methods of decontamination were tested: 1 – Membrane filtration (0.20 μm and 0.22 μm); 2- Culture in selective medium for Leptospira spp.; 3- Centrifugation; 4- Serial dilution and 5- Plating on solid EMJH medium. Out of all 10 samples, five were positive for leptospires and in three there was the simultaneous detection of leptospires and Spirillum. Plating on solid EMJH medium (5) was the most efficient method, decontaminating all three mixed cultures. Only one culture was decontaminated by the technique of culture in selective medium for Leptospira spp. (2), and the other methods were ineffective. In conclusion, plating on solid EMJH medium method can be used to obtain pure cultures of Leptospira spp. from environmental samples containing Spirillum spp.Keywords: Leptospira; decontamination; mixed cultures; Spirillum.É um desafio obter culturas puras de Leptospira a partir de amostras ambientais, principalmente devido à presença de microbiota acompanhante que pode contaminar culturas, destacando bactérias do gênero Spirillum que possuem características semelhantes às leptospiras. Assim, não pode ser eliminado pelas técnicas mais comuns de descontaminação durante o processo de isolamento das leptospiras. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar cinco métodos de descontaminação para obter culturas puras de Leptospira a partir de amostras mistas com Spirillum spp. Foram coletadas dez amostras de esgoto doméstico não tratado descartado nas ruas da cidade de Macapá - Amazônia Brasileira, e submetidas à cultura bacteriológica para isolamento de Leptospira. A presença de leptospiras foi confirmada por visualização em microscopia de campo escuro e por 16S PCR. Nas amostras em que Spirillum foi observado, foram testados cinco métodos de descontaminação: 1 - Filtragem por membrana (0,20 μm e 0,22 μm); 2- Cultura em meio seletivo para Leptospira spp.; 3- Centrifugação; 4- Diluição em série e 5- Plaqueamento em meio sólido EMJH. Das 10 amostras, cinco foram positivas para leptospiras e em três houve a detecção simultânea de leptospiras e Spirillum. Plaqueamento em meio sólido EMJH (5) foi o método mais eficiente, descontaminando as três culturas mistas. Apenas uma cultura foi descontaminada pela técnica de cultura em meio seletivo para Leptospira spp. (2), e os outros métodos foram ineficazes. Em conclusão, o método de plaqueamento em meio sólido EMJH pode ser usado para obter culturas puras de Leptospira spp. de amostras ambientais contendo Spirillum spp.Palavras-chave: Leptospira, descontaminação, culturas mistas, Spirillum

    Estimação da demanda por ônibus na América Latina e no Caribe

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    As dinâmicas de crescimento populacional e de ocupação do espaço trazem enormes desafios para o transporte urbano na América Latina e no Caribe. A falta de planejamento das cidades, atrelado às altas taxas de pobreza e de desigualdade socioeconômica, implica a necessidade de grandes deslocamentos para as populações mais carentes. Este relatório apresenta um modelo de estimação da demanda por ônibus, micro-ônibus e similares nos países e entes subnacionais da América Latina e do Caribe, com cenários para 2025 e 2030. Os resultados indicam continuidade do crescimento da frota, próximo aos 6% anuais, o que posicionaria a região como um mercado atraente para o setor de mobilidade urbana coletiva.Introdução .-- I. Taxa de motorização na América Latina .-- II. Demanda por ônibus na América Latina .-- III. Estratégia empírica .-- IV. Dados disponíveis .-- V. Resultados


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    This study discusses the role of science/chemistry class in secondary education. For the purpose of data collection, we carried out semi structured interviews with chemistry teachers from state public schools in Uberlandia, MG, and, in addition, we observed the classes of one of the teacher participants. Based on analysis of the data, it was possible to perceive that the pedagogical chemistry teacher practice is directed to preparation of the student to achieve success in educational/job selection examinations, in contrast with a practice that aims at education of the student for effective exercise of his/her role as a citizen in society. Thus, we compare the data obtained with the proposals of researchers in education and we realize that secondary education, the way it is being presented to students of basic education, is not an end in itself, but performs a propaedeutic function.O presente artigo aponta discussões sobre o papel das aulas de ciências/química no ensino médio. Para a construção de dados, realizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores de ciências/química de escolas públicas estaduais da cidade de Uberlândia/MG e, ainda, acompanhamos as aulas de um dos docentes participantes na pesquisa. Foi possível depreender que a prática pedagógica do professor de química é direcionada a preparação do aluno para obter êxito em processos seletivos, em contraposição a uma prática que visa à formação do discente para exercer efetivamente o seu papel de cidadão na sociedade. Dessa forma, confrontamos os dados obtidos com as proposições de pesquisadores na área de educação e percebemos que o ensino médio, da forma que está sendo apresentado aos estudantes da educação básica, não tem um fim em si mesmo, mas desempenha forte caráter propedêutico


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    Resumo: Realizou-se trabalho científico em área experimental do Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus Ceres, objetivando-se gerar a equação volumétrica de frutíferas do Cerrado no arboreto. Foram identificadas e coletados os dados de todas as plantas adultas e de mesma idade de cinco espécies, totalizando 88 plantas, com DAP igual ou superior a 5 cm.  As variáveis dendrométricas consideradas na árvore em pé foram DAP e altura total. Na determinação de unidades cúbicas mediu-se a altura do fuste e os diâmetros na altura de 0,05 m do solo e altura da primeira bifurcação do fuste. Foram testados 18 modelos volumétricos. O cálculo de volume de madeira com casca, pela formula de Smalian, obteve volume total 0,86 m³ por hectare. A equação volumétrica que melhor adequou-se foi a de Spurr, resultou em maior significância do coeficiente de determinação ajustado > 0,95, e menores erros e desvios estimados ( =19%, = -0,00036; = -0,93; = -0,21). Palavras-chave: Arboreto. Cubagem. Volume

    A computational literature review of football performance analysis through probabilistic topic modeling

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    Principe, V. A., de Souza Vale, R. G., de Castro, J. B. P., Carvano, L. M., Henriques, R. A. P., Lobo, V. J. D. A. E. S., & de Alkmim Moreira Nunes, R. (2022). A computational literature review of football performance analysis through probabilistic topic modeling. Artificial Intelligence Review, 55(2). [Advanced online publication on 4 April 2021]. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-021-09998-8This research aims to illustrate the potential use of concepts, techniques, and mining process tools to improve the systematic review process. Thus, a review was performed on two online databases (Scopus and ISI Web of Science) from 2012 to 2019. A total of 9649 studies were identified, which were analyzed using probabilistic topic modeling procedures within a machine learning approach. The Latent Dirichlet Allocation method, chosen for modeling, required the following stages: 1) data cleansing, and 2) data modeling into topics for coherence and perplexity analysis. All research was conducted according to the standards of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses in a fully computerized way. The computational literature review is an integral part of a broader literature review process. The results presented met three criteria: (1) literature review for a research area, (2) analysis and classification of journals, and (3) analysis and classification of academic and individual research teams. The contribution of the article is to demonstrate how the publication network is formed in this particular field of research, and how the content of abstracts can be automatically analyzed to provide a set of research topics for quick understanding and application in future projects.authorsversionpublishe

    Overview of University Actions Aimed at The Nutrition of Two Indigenous Communities In The Interior of The State of Mato Grosso Do Sul – Brazil: Report of Experience In Public Policies

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    The diet composed of adequate food is reported in the literature as one of the aspects of health promotion and maintenance, and it is the duty and obligation of the State to promote public policies that seek to meet these needs of the population. However, due to a number of factors, the minority or vulnerable populations end up not benefiting from a good part of the projects in force in Brazil. Thus, this work aimed to conduct a case study with two indigenous communities living in the interior of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, listing the main points related to food practices, evaluation of the state of health in force and measures that help adherence to good food practices. The largest target audience was children from 0 (zero) to 12 (twelve) years, totaling 190 (one hundred and ninety), followed by newborns and puerperals who totaled 14 (fourteen) family nuclei and the elderly population of the community, which totaled 15 (fifteen). The service team was composed of Nutritionist, Health Agent, Social Worker and Nutrition Intern professionals. Several activities were developed, occurring according to the public attended during the different days of visit in the villages, mainly home visits, community actions such as vaccination campaigns, lectures and collective guidance. It is concluded that the measures adopted in public policies related to feeding the indigenous community is a powerful tool to provide the benefits for a better quality of life, well-being and maintenance of the health of indigenous peoples

    Food Science from the Perspective of the Nutrition Professional

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    This work had as thematic the study in analysis of foods from the perspective of the nutrition professional. The objective of the research was to seek the training of this professional for the then analysis of the performance in quality control and formulation of products, with the perspective of assistance to projects carried out on site. This research was conducted in a community cafeteria located in a university in the interior of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil. As a data collection tool, preparation technical sheets were used in which costs were collected, the preparation order, and the nutritional value provided. Sensory observation was used as an analysis of the data in order to measure and analyze and interpret the reactions of food and material characteristics. It appears that with the identification, attributions and activities developed by a nutritionist in the area, it became possible to analyze the processing of raw material and industrialized food products, according to the needs presented by the site. As for the points not reached were not due to any other factors than those related to the specificities of the research site, which did not prevent the acquisition of theoretical, practical, scientific, social and environmental knowledge of the points concerning the area of action of the nutritionist professional within the field of food science

    Nutritional Intervention in the Area of Clinical Nutrition in a Hospital Environment: A Report of Field Experience

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    The present experience report narrates a nutritional intervention in the area of individual and collective clinical nutrition that took place in a University Hospital (HU) in the interior of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil. The main objective of this field work was the professional training for hospital and outpatient nutritional care through general and specific activities performed on site. The specific activities consisted in writing care protocols and standardization of hospital diets while the general activities consisted in the analysis of medical records, survey of clinical diagnoses, proposal of dietotherapic conduct, monitoring of nutritional status, prescription and dietary adequacy, preparation of nutritional guidelines and development, presentation and discussion of clinical cases. This work also reports on the difficulties in implementing and carrying out this intervention agenda and, given the results obtained, it was concluded that the field experience in the hospital area was a valid and beneficial opportunity in which it was possible to harmonize theory with practice