1,659 research outputs found

    Town planning and public housing

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    During the last seven years, Spain has experience importans legislativies changes in land and housing materia. The land law of 1990, conceive the urbanistic proficience as colectivity result and the cession of part of this proficience to the land owner. This law changes the point of view about the land ownership. The use of this legislation with the objetive to maximice the colectivity utility to a minimun ejecutation cost and the transfer of the proficience from some town zones to others, building systems of distribution of charges and benefits. The city of Cadiz is a particular case where is used and checked. With the housing legislation has been posible the creation of public housing companies, perfect complement to the public intervencion in thats materials. A special case is the San Fernando public housing company (Cadiz) with the objetive of intervention in the low rent housing market without cost for the Local Administration. Keywords: Town Planning, Public Intervention, Housing.

    A conceptual frame work for digital marketers in the young parisian target (25-29 years old)

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    Digital marketing is evolving day to day and the digital channel is becoming the mainstream interaction space between sellers and potential buyers in a B2C context. Digital marketing, like any other conventional mode of marketing, is intended to interact with consumers and make them commit to what the marketer proposes; influence them and turning them into buyers. Wherever the consumer interacts, there arises the significance of behavioral studies, as the marketer has to align his marketing strategies to interact better with the consumer. The study I am proposing here is aimed to understandand answer the following question: What motivates the consumer to purchase a product or service online? Thereby framing a conceptual model where one can assess the interaction between digital marketing and consumer by different contact dots, and overlapping these dots in order to understand the vice versa flow in the interactions. For that, this paper streams through the various literature that mentions several digital marketing parameters with the key concepts in consumer behavior and motivations. I conducted a survey to Parisians into the age range of 25 to 29, this survey was made with the questions twinning the concepts of digital marketing and consumer motivation, elaborating the hypothesis in accordance with the theory which I had derived out of the literature. That theory functions as the conceptual model that I had proposed and matching with the results of the survey to end with the most influence drivers and ranking them in order to present to digital marketers where they could allocate their resources to have a better rate of conversion and be more efficiency. I had identified the internal and external consumer motivators (derived from the theory) and was able to demine which consumer motivational factors affect the marketer's return in accordance with the purchase decision of the consumer. This conceptual framework that I propose could be used for further studies focusing on more on consumer motivations with other determinants of digital marketing. In addition, this conceptual model could be used in other geographical areas, with another range of ages. For instance, in Peru that currently there is a tendency for B2C companies to migrate to multichannel and omnichannel models, this conceptual framework could be used to understand better the consumer motivations (extrinsic and intrinsic), framing to the target public that the companies would have. It is recommendable to marketers frame and structure the customer portrait with 2 big factors: Demographic and geographic, with those it would be possible apply this conceptual framework and use the variables to conduct the surveys

    Random regression models and their impact in the genetic evaluation of binary fertility traits in beef cattle

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    2021 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.To view the abstract, please see the full text of the document

    A Fractal Interaction Model for Winding Paths through Complex Distributions: Application to Soil Drainage Networks

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    Water interacts with soil through pore channels putting mineral constituents and pollutants into solution. The irregularity of pore boundaries and the heterogeneity of distribution of soil minerals and contaminants are, among others, two factors influencing that interaction and, consequently, the leaching of chemicals and the dispersion of solute throughout the soil. This paper deals with the interaction of irregular winding dragging paths through soil complex distributions. A mathematical modelling of the interplay between multifractal distributions of mineral/pollutants in soil and fractal pore networks is presented. A Ho¨lder path is used as a model of soil pore network and a multifractal measure as a model of soil complex distribution, obtaining a mathematical result which shows that the Ho¨lder exponent of the path and the entropy dimension of the distribution may be used to quantify such interplay. Practical interpretation and potential applications of the above result in the context of soil are discussed. Since estimates of the value of both parameters can be obtained from field and laboratory data, hopefully this mathematical modelling might prove useful in the study of solute dispersion processes in soil

    Evaluation and Attitude towards Homosexuality in the Irish Context: A Corpus-assisted Discourse Analysis of APPRAISAL Patterns in 2008 Newspaper Articles

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    The analysis of newspaper discourse offers valuable insights into how society represents or misrepresents certain social participants and their actions. In view of the bias claimed to exist in journalistic prose (Bednarek, 2006; White, 2006), it is not uncommon to find evidence of the mistreatment directed towards particular minorities (Baker et al., 2008; Fowler, 1991). In this paper, the ideological stance associated with a specific minority group (i.e. homosexuals) is brought to the forefront in 2008, when Ireland’s vibrant economy took a dramatic turn for the worse. Incidentally, this coincided with homosexuality taking centre stage in Ireland’s political agenda, as 2008 marked the final stage of the long drawn-out debate on the Civil Partnership Bill. This paper is designed to offer insights into how evaluative language may reflect the mentality of Irish society in relation to the LGBT community. Martin & White’s (2005) appraisal theory is highly relevant and applicable for this purpose, as it covers the idea of social esteem, social sanction, personal attitude and appreciation, which can be powerful indicators of a society’s take on current affairs. The methodology employed here is that of corpus-assisted discourse analysis (Stubbs, 1996). The dataset comprises over 200,000 words taken from three different newspapers: Two tabloids and one broadsheet. Our dataset is annotated on the basis of the categories in Martin & White’s (2005) subsystem of attitude (affect, judgement and appreciation). The application of this taxonomy uncovers a remarkably negative stance towards the Irish LGBT community in the sample analysed. This is particularly evident in the predominance of evaluative and emotive language associated with the categories of negative judgement and affect. Previous research on the same sample, looking at metaphor, transitivity and modality (e.g. Bartley & Hidalgo-Tenorio, 2015), has cast light on how homosexuals are repeatedly discriminated against and vilified in the Irish public arena. This study confirms the results so far obtained through the analysis of evaluative language

    Ruta turística como alternativa de desarrollo turístico sostenible en distrito de Montero, Ayabaca, Piura 2022

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    El estudio titulado “Ruta Turística como alternativa de Desarrollo Turístico Sostenible en Distrito de Montero, Ayabaca, Piura 2022” con un enfoque cuantitativo con diseño no experimental, de tipo transversal y con un alcance correlacional causal; tuvo como objetivo principal Determinar la incidencia de la ruta turística en el desarrollo turístico sostenible en Distrito de Montero, Ayabaca, Piura 2022, para lo cual se aplicó como técnica de recolección de datos la encuesta cuyo instrumento estuvo conformado por 2 cuestionarios. Los resultados de la investigación indicaron que con un nivel de confianza del 95% y un P valor 0.024 < 0.050 se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se asume que existe una relación entre la variable independiente Ruta turística y la variable dependiente Desarrollo Turístico sostenible, es decir que una ruta Turística incide en el Desarrollo Turístico Sostenible en Distrito de Montero, Ayabaca, Piura 2022. Se recomienda impulsar la creación de una ruta turística que integre los recursos del distrito con la finalidad de informar a los turistas de los diferentes atractivos, servicios y tiempos para que optimicen su recorrido y aseguren una mayor satisfacción en su experiencia y de esta forma impulsar el desarrollo turístico sostenible en Distrito de Montero

    On the use of Neumann's principle for the calculation of the polarizability tensor of nanostructures

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    The polarizability measures how the system responds to an applied electrical field. Computationally, there are many different ways to evaluate this tensorial quantity, some of which rely on the explicit use of the external perturbation and require several individual calculations to obtain the full tensor. In this work, we present some considerations about symmetry that allow us to take full advantage of Neumann's principle and decrease the number of calculations required by these methods. We illustrate the approach with two examples, the use of the symmetries in real space and in spin space in the calculation of the electrical or the spin response.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in the Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnolog

    La selección de personal y su relación con el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de la Municipalidad Distrital de Ancón, Año 2017

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación de la selección de personal y desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de la Municipalidad Distrital de Ancón, 2017, la población estuvo constituida por 150 trabajadores y la muestra de 109 trabajadores, los datos se obtuvieron utilizando la técnica de encuesta mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario estilo Likert de 20 preguntas, los datos se procesaron mediante el uso del programa SPSS 23 de acuerdo a los estadísticos descriptivos e inferenciales; obteniéndose como resultado que existe correlación positiva alta R=0.904 entre las variables de selección de personal con desempeño laboral