1,493 research outputs found

    Critical Distinctions between Expert and Novice Translators: Task and Professional Satisfaction

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    The nature of translation projects and tasks in the language industry has undergone significant changes due to a widespread adoption of the subcontracting model and recent technological trends. Managing increasing terminological complexity, higher task specialisation, and higher levels of technical expertise have become essential elements of a translator’s professional profile. Nonetheless, the requirement of such a sophisticated professional profile has challenged novice translators in their incipient careers because of limited knowledge and training opportunities. Since many changes have occurred to the profession over a relatively short span of time, this article studies sources of translator satisfaction and dissatisfaction that may affect their perception of work as well as the language industry at large. This study reports results from an ongoing investigation into the ‘expertise effect’ measured through translator satisfaction in relation to two main categories: (a) professional satisfaction and (b) task satisfaction. A student’s t-test is used to compare perceptions of novice and expert translators (N=250), and the results suggest a gap in critical sources of satisfaction between the two populations. The findings could be applied to determine possible means of mitigating career turnover among translators and used by translator trainers to comprehend the needs of novice professionals

    The Effect of the Domain Topology on the Number of Minimal Nodal Solutions of an Elliptic Equation at Critical Growth in a Symmetric Domain

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    We consider the Dirichlet problem Δu + λu + |u|2*−2u = 0 in Ω, u = 0 on ∂Ω where Ω is a bounded smooth domain in RN, N≥4, and 2* = 2N/(N−2) is the critical Sobolev exponent. We show that if Ω is invariant under an orthogonal involution then, for λ\u3e0 sufficiently small, there is an effect of the equivariant topology of Ω on the number of solutions which change sign exactly once

    A Management Model for Improve the Governance of Protected Areas since an Institutional Perspective and an Empirical Case in a Spanish Natural Park

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    This paper propose a management model for improve the governance of protected areas from an institutional perspective. The good governance in protected areas is based in seven principles: Legitimacy, Inclusiveness, Accountability, Performance, Equity, Connectivity and Institutional sustainability. This proposal is based on an overview of work at the institutional framework level and incorporates factors that affect to the efficiency of governance and improve it. A collaborative multi-criteria method is proposed to improve the good governance and ensure the Institutional Sustainability dimension, by integrating the stakeholder preferences in decision making. This model allows for obtain priorities on the management objectives of the stakeholders in a protected area and identify equivalences with IUCN protection categories using a multi-criteria outranking technique. It also presents an application in the Albufera Natural Park in Valencia, a strongly man-modified wetland located in Eastern Spain. This holistic approach allows ensure the incorporation of elements associated with the institutional sustainability that are not sufficiently represented in the governance in protected areas and to lay the theoretical basis for improve the governance for the global network of protected areas. The application of the model in the Albufera Natural Park has identified the V-Protected Lanscape / Seascape IUCN category as the equivalent international protection category. The results obtained by the park staff and other stakeholders have no major discrepancies. This suggests that this protection category seems well adapted to the social context of this protected area, moreover, the V protection category usually fits well to ecosystems strongly modified by human activities as is the case of the Albufera of Valencia. This model achieves improve two subdimensions of the Institutional Sustainability in the governance of protected areas: the Institutional Resilience, with a flexible integration of the preferences of the stakeholders and the Institutional Robustness, including the priorities of the stakeholders in the decision making of the protected areas

    El aprendizaje de algunos aspectos del sistema de numeración decimal a través de problemas aritméticos verbales al inicio de educación primaria

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    En este trabajo se narra la experiencia de un taller de resolución de problemas con niños de 6 y 7 años, pertenecientes a dos aulas de primero de Educación Primaria. La resolución de problemas favorece la comprensión de las relaciones que se dan en las cantidades involucradas en las operaciones aritméticas. Uno de los contenidos matemáticos que se introduce en el primer ciclo de Educación Primaria es el sistema de numeración decimal. Este trabajo se basa en la instrucción guiada cognitivamente de resolución de problemas para introducir algunos aspectos del sistema numérico decimal en el primer curso de Educación Primaria, y se ve reflejado las primeras estrategias basadas en el manejo de grupos de diez utilizando problemas de estructura multiplicativa

    Formalización progresiva en matemáticas: el caso de la adición en primer curso de primaria

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    Estudiamos el desarrollo de conocimientos matemáticos informales, de alumnos de primer curso de primaria, a través de las estrategias que utilizan para resolver problemas aritméticos verbales. Hemos creado un entorno de aprendizaje, con formato de taller, donde los alumnos elaboran estrategias propias y representaciones para la resolución de los problemas. Esto permite observar el desarrollo de las estrategias informales y representaciones concretas hacia conocimientos formales, más simbólicos y abstractos, sobre contenidos matemáticos relacionados con el valor posicional del número, la decena y la aritmética (adición). Este desarrollo del conocimiento matemático implica procesos de formalización progresiva y matematización


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    Cyberbullying is a harmful and intentional act of an aggressor/s to a victim, through technology, which causes an imbalance of power. The role of bystanders is key for early intervention in the phenomenon. The objective of the study is to detect risk factors associated with cyberbystanders in Primary Education based on individual variables related to the use of technologies (number of technologies, type of technology, frequency, purpose of use, time slot, and place of connection) and experiences as victims or aggressors of cyberbullying. A sample of 1169 families whose children were in 5th or 6th grade of Primary Education was selected and surveyed using a self-administered questionnaire that measures all the indicated variables (α = .84). The study of the risk factors was carried out using binary logistic regression (bivariate models and multivariate model) with the software R version 4.1.0. Bivariate analyses identified: a) using a mobile phone with the Internet, b) Internet connection to talk with friends, c) cybervictimization, and d) cyberperpetration as possible individual risk factors (p < .05). The multivariate model showed joint predictors of the risk of being cyberbystanders in Primary Education: cyberperpetration, cybervictimization, number of technologies used and using the Internet to talk with friends. The interrelation between the roles of cyberbullying and the risk derived from the very frequent use of various technological devices is evidenced. Implications for educational practice are studied.El ciberacoso es un acto dañino e intencional de un agresor/es a una víctima, mediante las tecnologías, que provoca un desequilibrio de poder. El papel de los testigos es clave a la hora de intervenir de manera temprana en el fenómeno. El objetivo del estudio es detectar factores de riesgo asociados con los cibertestigos en Educación Primaria a partir de las variables individuales relacionadas con el uso de las tecnologías (número de tecnologías, tipo de tecnología, frecuencia y finalidad de uso, franja horaria y lugar de conexión) y las experiencias como víctimas o agresores de ciberacoso.  Se seleccionó una muestra de 1169 familias cuyos hijos cursaban 5º o 6º de Educación Primaria, encuestada mediante un cuestionario autoadministrado que mide todas las variables indicadas (α = .84). El estudio de los factores de riesgo se llevó a cabo mediante la regresión logística binaria (modelos bivariantes y modelo multivariante). Los análisis bivariantes identificaron: a) uso del teléfono móvil con Internet, b) conexión a Internet para hablar con amigos, c) ser víctima de ciberacoso y d) ser ciberperpetrador como posibles factores de riesgo individuales (p < .05). El modelo multivariante mostró como predictores conjuntos del riesgo de ser cibertestigos en Educación Primaria: ser ciberagresor, ser víctima de ciberacoso, número de tecnologías empleadas y usar Internet para hablar con amigos. Se evidencia la interrelación de los roles de ciberacoso y el riesgo derivado del uso muy frecuente de varios dispositivos tecnológicos. Se estudian las implicaciones para la práctica educativa.O cyberbullying é um ato prejudicial e intencional de um agressor ou uma agressora a uma vítima, através das tecnologias, que provoca um desequilíbrio de poder. O papel das testemunhas é fundamental para uma intervenção precoce no fenómeno. O objetivo do estudo é detetar fatores de risco associados ao cyberbullying no Ensino Primário a partir das variáveis individuais relacionadas com a utilização das tecnologias (número de tecnologias, tipo de tecnologia, frequência e finalidade de utilização, intervalo horário e local de ligação) e as experiências como vítimas ou agressores de cyberbullying. Selecionou-se uma amostra de 1169 famílias cujos filhos estavam no 5.º ou 6.º ano do Ensino Básico, que foram inquiridas utilizando um questionário autoadministrado que mede todas as variáveis indicadas (α = .84). O estudo dos fatores de risco foi realizado mediante a regressão logística binária (modelos bivariantes e modelo multivariante). As análises bivariantes identificaram: a) uso do telemóvel com Internet, b) ligação à Internet para falar com amigos, c) ser vítima de cyberbullying e d) ser um ciberperpetrador como possíveis fatores de risco individuais (p < .05). O modelo multivariante mostrou como preditores conjuntos do risco de ser um testemunhas de cyberbullying no Ensino Primário: ser ciberagressor, ser vítima de cyberbullying, número de tecnologias utilizadas e utilizar a Internet para falar com amigos. A inter-relação dos papéis de cyberbullying e o risco derivado da utilização muito frequente de vários dispositivos tecnológicos é evidente. As implicações para a prática educativa são estudadas.O cyberbullying é um ato prejudicial e intencional de um agressor ou uma agressora a uma vítima, através das tecnologias, que provoca um desequilíbrio de poder. O papel das testemunhas é fundamental para uma intervenção precoce no fenómeno. O objetivo do estudo é detetar fatores de risco associados ao cyberbullying no Ensino Primário a partir das variáveis individuais relacionadas com a utilização das tecnologias (número de tecnologias, tipo de tecnologia, frequência e finalidade de utilização, intervalo horário e local de ligação) e as experiências como vítimas ou agressores de cyberbullying. Selecionou-se uma amostra de 1169 famílias cujos filhos estavam no 5.º ou 6.º ano do Ensino Básico, que foram inquiridas utilizando um questionário autoadministrado que mede todas as variáveis indicadas (α = .84). O estudo dos fatores de risco foi realizado mediante a regressão logística binária (modelos bivariantes e modelo multivariante). As análises bivariantes identificaram: a) uso do telemóvel com Internet, b) ligação à Internet para falar com amigos, c) ser vítima de cyberbullying e d) ser um ciberperpetrador como possíveis fatores de risco individuais (p < .05). O modelo multivariante mostrou como preditores conjuntos do risco de ser um testemunhas de cyberbullying no Ensino Primário: ser ciberagressor, ser vítima de cyberbullying, número de tecnologias utilizadas e utilizar a Internet para falar com amigos. A inter-relação dos papéis de cyberbullying e o risco derivado da utilização muito frequente de vários dispositivos tecnológicos é evidente. As implicações para a prática educativa são estudadas.网络暴力是施暴者通过科技手段,对受害者进行的有意图的危害行径,网络暴力直接导致了权利平衡的偏失。在对网络暴力的早期干预中目击者的角色至关重要。目标:该研究的目的是通过与科技使用相关的独立变量(科技数量、科技种类、使用频率和目的、连接时间段和地址)来发现小学背景下与网络暴力目击者相关的危险因素,同时发现作为网络暴力施暴者或受害者的相关经历。我们选择了由1169个家庭组成的样本,这些家庭的共同特点是他们的孩子正处于小学的五、六年级。我们采用自编问卷对样本的上述变量进行测量(α = 0.84)。对危险因素的研究采用了二元逻辑回归(双变量模型和多变量模型)。通过双变量分析确定:(1)使用联网的手机;(2)联网与朋友沟通;(3)是网络暴力的受害者;(4)是网络暴力的施暴者,这四项可能的独立危险因素(p <0 .05)。多变量模型显示了在小学背景下作为网络暴力目击者所面临危险的共同预测因素:是网络暴力施暴者、是网络暴力的受害者、科技数量和使用网络跟朋友交流。一方面研究显示出了网络暴力不同角色的相互关系、多科技设备的频繁使用所带来的风险都是十分突出的问题,另一方面也探讨了该研究在教育实践中的应用

    A goal programming model to guide decision-making processes towards conservation consensuses

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    In this paper we propose a goal programming model that provides a consensual aggregated solution minimizing conflicts to guide multi-stakeholder decision-making processes and gen-erates information regarding stakeholder groups to be exploited for negotiation purposes. This model permits to quantify variations in conflicts when the relative contribution of each criteria changes and gives insight to negotiation strategies with application in conservation areas. A dataset of a case study in the Meseta Ibérica Biosphere Reserve (Portugal-Spain) was used to test and vali-date the model. Fifty people belonging to four groups (scientists, government, farmers and busi-nesspersons) assessed 20 management objectives in four dimensions: conservation, logistical sup-port, development, and governance. The results showed the highest conflicts to be found for fauna and flora, education, and guarantees objectives while the most conflictive groups were scientists and farmers. The proposed model substantially reduced the global and intergroup conflicts associ-ated to the same objectives, modelling the weights assigned to each objective in each dimension to find the most consensual/least conflictive solutions. This model can be a useful tool to improve complex decision-making processes in conservation areas with strong conflicts between stakehold-ers, such as transboundary biosphere reserves.This research was partially funded by FCT/MCTES through project grant UIDB/00690/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Descubrimiento del valor posicional a través de la resolución de problemas

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    Estudiamos la comprensión de la decena en un contexto de resolución de problemas, con alumnos de primer curso de educación primaria. Para ello, planteamos problemas de estructura multiplicativa, con grupos de diez, cuya estrategia óptima de resolución implica el conocimiento del valor posicional de números de dos cifras. Los problemas se realizan en un taller semanal a lo largo de todo el curso. Recogemos datos mediante vídeo, entrevistas, hojas de registro y fotografías. En los resultados, destaca la preferencia de los alumnos por el uso de estrategias informales de modelización directa. En menor medida, los niños van incorporando los algoritmos, las estrategias inventadas y el conocimiento del valor posicional para resolver los problemas

    Dos aspectos de la enseñanza de la aritmética mediante la resolución de problemas en la transición de educación infantil a primaria

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    En este trabajo presentamos dos aspectos a tener en cuenta en la enseñanza de la aritmética en la transición de Educación Infantil a Educación Primaria utilizando talleres de resolución de problemas aritméticos verbales. El primer aspecto plantea la resolución de problemas como proceso para desarrollar la competencia matemática, que implica resolver problemas, pensar, razonar y argumentar, comunicarse utilizando el lenguaje matemático, utilizar las representaciones y símbolos propios de las matemáticas, elaborar e interpretar modelos, y aplicar los conocimientos y procesos matemáticos a situaciones prácticas. El segundo aboga por introducir, además de los conocimientos formales marcados curricularmente, aspectos informales de los contenidos en las programaciones de aula o unidades didáctica que los niños son capaces de resolver sin conocimiento formales sobre el contenido en cuestión. [ABSTRACT] In this paper, we present two aspects to consider in the teaching of arithmetic in the transition from kindergarten to primary education using arithmetic word problem-solving workshops. The first issue arises as problem solving process to develop mathematical literacy, which involves solving problems, thinking, reasoning and argumentation, communicate using mathematical language, using representations and symbols of mathematics, develop and interpret models, and apply mathematical processes and knowledge to practical situations. The second calls for entering, further than marked formal curricular knowledge, informal aspects of the content in the classroom programs or units of learning that children are able to solve without formal knowledge about the content in question