1,531 research outputs found

    A diplomacia económica em Portugal

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    Com o desmantelamento do bloco soviético e a progressiva liberalização de trocas e de fluxos de investimento, instituiu-se gradualmente o processo de dinamização e valorização da componente económica no âmbito da diplomacia. Este artigo centra-se na análise do gradual processo de incorporação de conteúdos económicos nas práticas diplomáticas, processo particularmente fundamental para países com mercados internos reduzidos, como Portugal. Partimos da clarificação conceptual de diplomacia e sua evolução no sentido da progressiva incorporação de questões económicas, e analisamos os modelos recentes aplicados em Portugal, de forma a concluir quanto à sua adequabilidade enquanto instrumentos de política económica externa. Following the dismantling of the Soviet bloc and with the progressive liberalization of trade and investment flows, the economic dimension of diplomacy was gradually displayed and encouraged. This article focus on this gradual process of incorporation of the economic dimension within the diplomatic practices, a process of utmost importance for countries with small internal markets, such as Portugal. We begin by clarifying the concept of Diplomacy and its gradual incorporation of economic issues, and we analyse the recent Economic Diplomacy models applied in Portugal so as to conclude on their adequacy as instruments of External Economic Policy

    Regional innovation networks evolution and firm performance: one or two way causality?

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    Current research has revealed the existence of a relationship between networks and firm growth (Jarillo, 1989; Huggins, 2000). Nevertheless, network content and specificity and how these networks influence firm economic and financial performance has been little investigated. In addition, the influence of regions in relation to the spatial proximity on inter-firm networks should be an additional dimension taken into account if the determinants of firm performance are to be adequately understood. The most important linkages tend to be characterised by territorial closeness and have relevant effects over firm performance (Oerlemans and Meeus, 2002; Lechner and Dowling, 2003). Since automobile industry can be regarded as a worldwide cluster, where the evolution tendency on constructor’s behalf has been to gradually delegate technological competencies into industry suppliers, the regional networks acquire a renewed importance beyond the recognized benefits of sharing, interaction and reciprocity. Given that networks “do not happen in a virtual space where spatial proximity does not matter” (Lechner and Dowling, 2003: 9), the Portuguese inter-firm cooperation within the automotive industry can be regarded as a possible source of regional advantage for responding to globalisation competitive challenges. Thus, in this paper we explore how firms grow through the use of external linkages and become competitive, using case study material based on a Portuguese inter-firm network of the auto-parts industry (ACECIA) and one of its founding members, Simoldes. Using a set of performance indicators, we concluded that its positive evolution was contemporaneous and last beyond ACECIA´s constitution date. Moreover, evidence of possible leverage effects from the combined collaboration emerged indicating that the relation between networks and firm performance implies a two-way causality association.

    Low carbon development in Latin America

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    Brazilian Amazonian politics and policy (2019-2022) and the need for transformative change

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    Despite its potential to transition toward a green economy, Brazil became an environmental villain in recent years. The anti-environmentalist and anti-indigenist administration of President Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2022) partly dismantled environmental governance. The Amazon and its more-than-human populations were severely hit by Bolsonaro's predatory agenda, which supported and legitimized the interests of the anti-conservationist forces within economic sectors such as agribusiness and mining, and fueled organized crime and violence in the region. This paper provides an overview and analysis of Amazonian politics and policy during this period, and discusses the importance of, and possibilities for, a transformative approach to the governance of the region

    Reprodutibilidade intra e interexaminador de medidas da arquitetura tendínea usando ultrassonografia em pacientes críticos

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ceilândia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Reabilitação, 2018.Introdução: Os tendões podem apresentar alterações estruturais visualizadas ao ultrassom (US). Apesar de tratar-se de um exame não ionizante e realizável a beira leito, a reprodutibilidade do US para avaliação tendína ainda não foi determinada em ambiente de terapia intensiva. Objetivo: Determinar a reprodutibilidade intra e interexaminador da imagem sonográfica tendínea em pacientes criticamente enfermos. Métodos: Um estudo observacional, transversal, foi realizado para avaliar a espessura, área de secção transversa (AST) e ecogenicidade dos tendões patelar e quadricipital direito em 20 pacientes criticamente enfermos. A aquisição das imagens foi realizada por dois examinadores independentes e com diferente nível de experiência com o instrumento de US. A confiabilidade foi avaliada pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC) e, em uma escala nominal, pela estatística de Kappa. Para a concordância utilizou-se o limite de concordância LOA) obtido pela análise de Bland-Altman. Resultados: A avaliação do tendão por US foi reprodutível tanto na análise qualitativa quanto quantitativa da morfologia do tecido em relação à espessura e AST referente ao momento da aquisição da imagem. A análise de Bland-Altman demonstrou haver melhor concordância interexaminadores utilizando-se duas medidas da mesma estrutura. Conclusão: a avaliação por US pode ser útil na monitorização da espessura e AST tendínea em pacientes criticamente enfermos. A experiência do examinador com a técnica não influenciou na aquisição da imagem. Uma única medida não é recomendável para a caracterização das dimensões tendíneas.Background: Structural alterations in tendons can be visualized on ultrasound (US) images. Although it is a practical examination without the use of ionizing radiation, the reproducibility of US on tendons has not yet been determined in an intensive care unit (ICU). Objective: To determine the intra- and inter-rater reproducibility of tendon sonographic imaging in critically ill patients. Methods: A cross-sectional, observational study was performed to assess the thickness, cross sectional area and echogenicity of patellar and quadriceps tendons by US in 20 critically ill patients. Image acquisition reproducibility was performed by two independent raters with different levels of experience with US techniques. Reliability was assessed by intraclass coefficient correlation and by Kappa statistics at a nominal scale. Agreement was assessed by Bland-Altman plot analysis. Results: Tendon US evaluation was reliable both in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the morphology of the tendon tissue in relation to thickness and CSA evaluation. Moreover, the Bland-Altman analysis demonstrated good agreement between repeated measures. Conclusion: US imaging acquisition can be useful in monitoring tendon thickness and CSA evaluation in critically ill patients. These results were not influenced by the rater’s experience with the technique. A single measurement is not recommended for the characterization of tendon dimensions

    Compreender as conceções de aprendizagem da população reclusa: um estudo fenomenográfico

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia (área de especialização em Psicologia da Justiça)Baixos níveis de ensino, abandono escolar precoce e historial limitado de emprego, contribuem para o envolvimento criminal. O sistema prisional português oferece a possibilidade de os reclusos continuarem a sua formação escolar, contudo a taxa de adesão é reduzida e a de desistência elevada. Por estes motivos é importante analisar a forma como os reclusos percecionam a aprendizagem e o modo como aprendem. Este estudo fenomenográfico com 30 reclusos Portugueses, de idades compreendidas entre os 20 e os 58 anos de idade, revelou que estes interpretam a sua aprendizagem como aprender para saber, para se integrar, para perceber o propósito, para beneficiar, para se corrigir e para evoluir. Consequentemente, referem que o processo de aprendizagem ocorre fazendo coisas, pedindo ajuda, dando exemplo aos seus filhos, participando frequente e assiduamente nas aulas, refletindo nos seus erros e tornando o seu tempo útil. A aprendizagem é percebida pelos reclusos alunos como oportunidade de mudança e evolução. As implicações para os processos educativos e práticas escolares em meio prisional são também consideradas.Low levels of education, early school leaving and limited employment history, contribute to the criminal involvement. The Portuguese prison system offers the possibility of inmates completing their education. However the rate of adhesion is reduced and the rate of dropout is high. For these reasons, it is important to analyze how the inmates perceived their learning as well as how they learn. Data from a phenomenographic study of 30 Portuguese inmates students, ranging from 20 to 58 years of age, revealed that they understand their learning as learning to know, to integrate, to seeing purpose, to benefit, to correct themselves and to evolve. Consequently, they notice their learning process occurs doing things, asking for help, giving example to their children, participating assiduously in the classroom, reflecting on their mistakes and making their time useful. Hence, learning is perceived as an opportunity for change and evolve. The implications for educational processes and school practices in prison are considered

    The impact of the financial crisis on the financial constraints of portuguese small and medium enterprises

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    Dissertação de mestrado em FinançasWith the Portuguese financial crisis, companies had to struggle to be able to overcome the difficulties. Some were able to manage those difficulties, but others did not have the possibility to maintain their activity and had to close the doors. But how were their financial constraints affected? What was the impact that the crisis had on small and medium enterprises (SMEs)? To answer these questions, this study analyses the impact of the recent financial crisis and the sovereign credit rating downgrade of 2011 on the financial constraints of Portuguese SMEs, in a way to understand the difficulties that they faced (or still face) after the crisis. In this dissertation is used the Erel, Jang and Weisbach (2015) approach since their analysis also focus only private firms. According to their methodology, three hypotheses should be tested based on the cash flow sensitivity of cash, the cash flow sensitivity of investment and cash holdings. If a firm is financially constrained, these factors should increase. In this case, the results obtained are not the expected because the three hypothesis purposed are all rejected, indicating that private firms and, more specifically, SMEs were not financially constrained after the financial crisis and the Portuguese sovereign credit rating downgrade in 2011. However, this may not mean that companies were well, but instead that they were even worse than expected, since they did not have the possibility to save cash to finance future investments, nor to retain the cash obtained from the cash inflows or even were not able to use their cash flows to invest.Com a crise financeira Portuguesa, as empresas tiveram de batalhar para ultrapassar as dificuldades. Algumas foram capazes de lidar com essas dificuldades, mas outras não tiveram a possibilidade de manter a sua atividade e tiveram de fechar as portas. Mas como é que foram afectadas as suas restrições financeiras? Qual o impacto que a crise teve nas pequenas e medias empresas (PMEs)? Para responder a estas questões, este estudo analisa o impacto da recente crise financeira e da descida do rating soberano em 2011 nas restrições financeiras das PMEs Portuguesas, de forma a perceber as dificuldades que estas enfrentaram (ou que ainda enfrentam) depois da crise. Nesta dissertação é utilizada a abordagem de Erel, Jang and Weisbach (2015), uma vez que estes autores também focam o seu estudo em empresas privadas. De acordo com a sua metodologia, três hipóteses devem ser testadas com base na sensibilidade de caixa ao cash flow, sensibilidade do investimento ao cash flow e acumulação de liquidez. Se uma empresa está financeiramente restringida, estes fatores devem aumentar. Neste caso, os resultados obtidos não são os esperados, pois as três hipóteses propostas são todas rejeitadas indicando que as empresas privadas e, mais especificamente, as PMEs não estavam restringidas financeiramente depois da crise financeira e da descida do rating soberano Português em 2011. Contudo, isto pode não significar que as empresas estavam bem, mas sim que elas estavam ainda piores do que se esperava, uma vez que não tinham possibilidade de poupar dinheiro para financiar futuros investimentos, nem para reter dinheiro proveniente dos cash inflows ou nem foram capazes de utilizar os cash flows para investir

    Dietary supplements with green tea marketed in Portugal: information on website, labels and antioxidant activity

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    The use of plants and their health benefits have been recognized over the years. Its use and consumption of herbal dietary supplements has increased in the last years in United States and Europe. Internet is one of the most required options to buy dietary supplements (DS). Several studies suggest that information on most sites is incomplete, poorly referenced, and may contain illegal claims. Thus, a conscious and informed decision is essential for consumers. Camellia s inensis , also known as green tea, is one of the most consumed plants worldwide and has been recognized by its antioxidant potential over the years. This activity can protect several diseases with an oxidative stress origin. For these reasons, a study was performed to evaluate the quality of information on websites selling dietary supplements with green tea. A modified DISCERN tool was used to evaluate websites from pharmacies/parapharmacies, websites from food health stores, and websites without physical space. Websites scored 1 or 2 at evaluation rating (Low – serious or extensive outcomes). These results reveal the importance of developing a checklist for the online marketing of herbal products, based on DISCERN instrument, or other. These instruments can guide health professionals, who have a very important role in directing patients to high-quality sources of information.Legal framework for dietary supplements varies among countries, and in Portugal, DS are regulated by the Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária (DGAV). Although there are directives published by European Commission, in Portugal, decree-law are incomplete and DS safety is placed on the substance’s manufacturer or marketer. In addition, clinical trials are not required for DS in Portugal, which allows adulteration, falsification, contamination and incorrect labels. In Portugal, DS can be sold in pharmacies, parapharmacies, supermarkets, dietetic stores and online, and consumers should be able to make informed and appropriate health care choices. Also, consumers use DS labels (information provided on the packaging) and leaflets to further their understanding about some DS ingredients, relevant indication(s), directions for use, side effects, contraindications and drug-supplements interactions. For these reasons, another study was performed using an adapted form to evaluate legal and scientific information of twenty green tea DS sold in pharmacies, parapharmacies and health food stores in Portugal. From the legal and scientific points of view none of the websites fulfilled all the analyzed criteria. Seven DS (35.0%) had indications of use similar to those mentioned in the literature. Adverse reactions and drug interactions information were rarely provided by two and three DS, respectively. Green tea is a complex mixture of several constituents, which include phenolic compounds like catechins, flavonoids, and phenolic acids. This chemical composition is associated with antioxidant activity. Antioxidant products demand has been increasing over the last years. They are referenced as having a protective role in many diseases, like cancer, neurodegenerative and cardiovascular disorders. Considering the lack of legislation, in Portugal, that controls DS prior to its introduction in the market, the last aim of this thesis was to evaluate antioxidant activity of six green tea supplements (three isolated and three mixture of substances/plant extracts). This evaluation was performed by common assays, namely, DPPH, superoxide and Fe2+ chelating assays. Results showed that antioxidant activity depends on composition and concentration of each substance present in green tea’s DS. In addition, green tea DS studied showed different antioxidant results at different assays performed. These thesis results may contribute to understand the importance of quality information provided by websites selling DS, and also the importance of regulation regarding its manufacturing and selling

    Biodiesel production by microalgae and macroalgae from north littoral portuguese coast

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    Biodiesel, as an alternative fuel, has many benefits. It is biodegradable, non-toxic and compared to petroleum-based diesel, has a more favorable combustion emission profile, such as low emissions of carbon monoxide, particulate matter and unburned hydrocarbons. In brief, these merits make biodiesel a good alternative to petroleum based fuel. Biodiesel feedstocks derived from microalgae and macroalgae have emerged as one of the most promising alternative sources of lipid for use in biodiesel production because of their high photosynthetic efficiency to produce biomass and their higher growth rates and productivity compared to conventional crops. In addition to their fast reproduction, they are easier to cultivate than many other types of plants and can produce a higher yield of oil for biodiesel production. In this work biodiesel was produced using the species of microalgae Chlorella emersonii and Botrycoccus braunii due to its high oil content. Biodiesel productions through macroalgae oil are in preliminary phase. Therefore, results and methodology will not be presented in this work. Technological assessment of process was carried out to evaluate their technical benefits, limitations and quality of final product. In this work biodiesel from microalgae oil was produced by an alkali-catalyzed transesterification and it was achieved 93% of mass conversion. The evaluation of quality from raw materials and final biodiesel was performed according to standard EN 14214. Results show that all parameters analyzed meet the standard and legislation requirements. This evidence proves that in those operational conditions the biodiesel produced from microalgae can substitute petroleum-based diesel