822 research outputs found

    A ação de uma companhia privada de colonização no processo de ocupação do Norte Paranaense

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    O presente artigo traz algumas informações e análises sobre uma série de elementos que compõem a formação histórico-espacial do Norte do Estado paranaense. Trata-se da incorporação do Norte do Paraná ao processo de acumulação capitalista, apartir da expansão da cafeicultura paulista sobre essa porção do Paraná. Aproveitando-se dessa conjuntura favorável para seus objetivos, foi desencadeado um conjunto de ações por parte de uma empresa privada de colonização - a Companhia de Terras Norte do Paraná -, a qual empreendeu um projeto imobiliário de grande escala que iria adquirir fama nacional. Esse projeto deixou registrado, na organização espacial planejada inicialmente, as bases da ocupação agrária, urbana e rodo-ferroviária, as quais, ainda nos dias de hoje influenciam a realidade enquanto um fator espacial socialmente constituído

    Emotional Intelligence, Motivational Climate and Levels of Anxiety in Athletes from Different Categories of Sports: Analysis through Structural Equations

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    (1) Background: Psychological factors can strongly affect the athletes’ performance. Therefore, currently the role of the sports psychologist is particularly relevant, being in charge of training the athlete’s psychological factors. This study aims at analysing the connections between motivational climate in sport, anxiety and emotional intelligence depending on the type of sport practised (individual/team) by means of a multigroup structural equations analysis. (2) 372 semi-professional Spanish athletes took part in this investigation, analysing motivational climate (PMCSQ-2), emotional intelligence (SSRI) and levels of anxiety (STAI). A model of multigroup structural equations was carried out which fitted accordingly (χ2= 586.77; df = 6.37; р < 0.001; Comparative Fit Index (CFI) = -0.951; Normed Fit Index (NFI) = -0.938; Incremental Fit Index (IFI) = 0.947; Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) = 0.069). (3) Results: A negative and direct connection has been found between ego oriented climate and task oriented climate, which is stronger and more differentiated in team sports. The most influential indicator in ego oriented climate is intra-group rivalry, exerting greater influence in individual sports. For task-oriented climate the strongest indicator is having an important role in individual sports, while in team sports it is cooperative learning. Emotional intelligence dimensions correlate more strongly in team sports than in individual sports. In addition, there was a negative and indirect relation between task oriented climate and trait-anxiety in both categories of sports. (4) Conclusions: This study shows how the task-oriented motivational climate or certain levels of emotional intelligence can act preventively in the face of anxiety states in athletes. Therefore, the development of these psychological factors could prevent anxiety states and improve performance in athletes

    Burnout syndrome in nursing professionals in COVID -19 intensive care

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    La pandemia de la COVID-19 evidenció un escenario de mayores exigencias a los profesionales de la salud que puede derivar en desgaste profesional. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar el Síndrome de Burnout (BS) y factores asociados en los profesionales de enfermería en las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) durante la pandemia. Los 157 profesionales fueron evaluados con relación a las variables sociodemográficas, ocupacionales y condiciones de trabajo, y se utilizó el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). La prevalencia del SB fue del 45,2%, distribuidos: agotamiento emocional (28,7%), despersonalización (3,8%) y baja realización profesional (24,8%). El análisis de regresión logística mostró que el sexo femenino, no tener hijos, la relación laboral reglamentaria, los profesionales que contrajeron COVID-19 y que declararon querer salir del entorno de la UCI tuvieron un mayor riesgo de presencia de SB. Los resultados mostraron SB en profesionales de enfermería y que se agregaron nuevos factores de riesgo con el advenimiento de la pandemia.The COVID-19 pandemic evidenced a scenario of increased demands on health professionals that can lead to professional burnout. This study aimed to investigate Burnout Syndrome (BS) and associated factors in nursing professionals working in intensive care units (ICU) of the public service during the COVID-19 pandemic. 157 professionals were evaluated regarding sociodemographic, occupational and working conditions variables, and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) was used. The prevalence of BS was 45.2%, distributed: emotional exhaustion (28.7%), depersonalization (3.8%) and low professional fulfillment (24.8%). Logistic regression analysis in the final model showed that female gender, not having children, statutory bond, professionals who had COVID-19 and declared wanting to leave the ICU environment had a higher risk of BS. The results showed BS in nursing professionals and that new risk factors were added with the advent of the pandemic.A pandemia de COVID-19 evidenciou um cenário de acréscimo de demandas aos profissionais de saúde que pode levar ao esgotamento profissional. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a Síndrome de Burnout (SB) e fatores associados em profissionais de enfermagem nas unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI) durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Foram avaliados 157 profissionais em relação às variáveis sociodemográficas, ocupacionais e condições de trabalho, e o Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) foi utilizado. A prevalência da SB foi de 45,2%, distribuídos: exaustão emocional (28,7%), despersonalização (3,8%) e baixa realização profissional (24,8%). Análise de regressão logística no modelo final mostrou que o gênero feminino, não ter filhos, vínculo estatutário, profissionais que tiveram COVID-19 e que declararam querer sair do ambiente de UTI tiveram maior risco de presença da SB. Os resultados evidenciaram SB nos profissionais de enfermagem e que novos fatores de risco foram acrescidos com o advento da pandemia

    Análisis de la resiliencia, autoconcepto y motivación en judo según el género

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    El objetivo de estudio fue determinar y analizar las relaciones existentes entre el clima motivacional, autoconcepto físico y resiliencia, en base al género. Participaron 148 judocas con una edad media de 23.09 años (DT = 6.731) de Chile. Completaron los cuestionarios de clima motivacional (PMCSQ-2), autoconcepto físico (AF-5) y resiliencia (CD-RISC). Para el análisis estadístico se emplearon las ecuaciones estructurales, realizándose mediante multigrupos (masculino y femenino). Los resultados indicaron una bondad de ajuste aceptable del modelo, se determinó que la correlación entre el clima tarea y clima ego es mayor en mujeres, ellas consideran que cuando aumenta el clima motivacional se incrementa su propio autoconcepto físico y se genera un incremento en los sentimientos de satisfacción hacia la tarea y que en los hombres el aumento del autoconcepto físico provoca mayores niveles de resiliencia que en las mujeres.The aim of the study was to determine and analyze the relationships between motivational climate, physical self-concept and resilience, based on gender. 148 judokas participated with a mean age of 23.09 years (SD = 6.731) of Chile. Completed questionnaires motivational climate (PMCSQ-2), physical self (AF 5) and resilience (CD-RISC). For statistical analysis, structural equations were used, performed by multi group (male and female). The results indicated acceptable goodness of fit of the model, it was determined that the correlation between climate and ego climate task is higher in women, they consider that when the motivational climate increases increases its own physical self and generated an increase in feelings satisfaction to the task and that men increased physical self causes higher levels of resilience than in women.O objetivo do estudo foi determinar e analisar as relações entre clima motivacional, autoconceito físico e resiliência, com base no gênero. 148 judocas participaram com média de idade de 23,09 anos (DP = 6,731) do Chile. Questionários preenchidos clima motivacional (PMCSQ-2), auto físico (AF-5) e resiliência (CD-RISC). Para análise estatística, foram utilizadas equações estruturais, realizadas por multi-grupo (masculino e feminino). Os resultados indicaram uma qualidade aceitável de ajuste do modelo, determinouse que a correlação entre clima e ego clima tarefa é maior em mulheres, eles consideram que quando o clima motivacional aumenta aumenta seu próprio self físico e gerou um aumento na satisfação de sentimentos para o Tarefa e que os homens aumentaram o auto físico provoca níveis mais elevados de resiliência do que nas mulheres

    Comportamento de crianças e adolescentes em relação ao tempo de tela em Porto Velho, Amazônia Ocidental Brasileira

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    Introduction: In studies directed to children and adolescents, the sedentary behavior has been usually represented by exposure to screen, which comprise the total or separate measured time exposed to television, videogame, tablets, mobile devices, and computer. Objective: To analyze the prevalence and factors associated with screen time in children and adolescents. Methods: A cross-sectional school-based study was carried out with 1,471 students from Elementary School, aged between 7 to 18 years (51.3% male), enrolled at public schools (55.6%) in Porto Velho, Rondônia (RO) state, Brazil. Excess screen time was defined as watching television, using the computer, and playing video games for more than two hours per day. Poisson regression was used to obtain crude and adjusted prevalence ratios and their respective 95% CI. Results: Overall prevalence of screen time exposure over two hours per day was 65.9%. After adjustments, risk of screen time exposure was higher in males, PR = 1.51 (95% CI: 1.08 - 1.92), under or equal to 14 years old, PR = 1.69 (95% CI: 1.48 - 1.92), in the 5th grade, PR = 1.41 (95% CI: 1.02 - 1.89), in the 6th grade, PR = 1.44 (95% CI: 1.06 - 1.97) and in the 7th grade, PR = 1.52 (95% CI: 1.09 - 2.13), attending two weekly PE classes or fewer, PR = 1.25 (95% CI: 1.07 - 1.53) ), consuming more than 3 daily meals, PR = 2.69 (95% CI: 2.14 - 3.37) and overweight, PR = 1.51 (95% CI: 1.13 - 2.03). Conclusion: The findings showed that the exposure equal to or more than two hours of daily screen time was high. The students more exposed to this outcome had the next characteristics: male sex, age less than or equal to 14 years, from the fifth, sixth, and seventh grade of elementary education, practice physical education classes less than or equal to two hours per week, consume more than three meals daily and have excess body fat (G%).Introdução: Em estudos direcionados a crianças e adolescentes, o comportamento sedentário tem sido usualmente representado pela exposição aos comportamentos de tela, que compreendem as medidas (unificadas ou distintas) do tempo de televisão, videogame, tablets, aparelhos celulares e computador. Objetivo: Investigar a prevalência e os fatores associados ao tempo de tela em crianças e adolescentes. Método: Estudo transversal de base escolar, com 1471 escolares de 9 a 18 anos, sendo 51,3% do sexo masculino pertencentes às escolas públicas (55,6%) do ensino fundamental de Porto Velho, Rondônia. O tempo excessivo de tela foi definido como assistir televisão, usar o computador e jogar videogames por mais de duas horas diárias. Análise utilizada foi regressão de Poisson para obtenção das razões de prevalências brutas e ajustadas e seus respectivos IC95%. Resultados: A prevalência geral de exposição de tempo de tela maior que duas horas diárias foi de 65,9%. Após ajustes, o risco à exposição de tempo de tela foi maior no sexo masculino RP = 1,51 (IC95%: 1,08 – 1,92), idade menor ou igual a 14 anos RP = 1,69 (IC95%: 1,48 – 1,92), graus de ensino 5ª ano RP=1,41 (IC95%: 1,02 – 1,89), 6ª ano RP=1,44 (IC95%: 1,06 – 1,97) e 7ª ano RP = 1,52 (IC95%: 1,09 – 2,13), frequentar as aulas de educação física menos ou igual a duas aulas semanais RP = 1,25 (IC95%:1,07 – 1,53), consumir refeições diárias mais de três por dia RP = 2,69 (IC95%:2,14 – 3,37) e ter excesso de gordura RP = 1,51 (IC95%: 1,13 – 2,03). Conclusão: Os resultados mostraram que a exposição igual ou superior a duas horas de tela diária era alta. Os estudantes mais expostos a este desfecho tiveram as seguintes características: sexo masculino, idade menor ou igual a 14 anos, de quinta, sexta e sétima série do ensino fundamental, praticar aulas de educação física menor ou igual a duas horas semanais, consumir mais de três refeições diárias e estar com excesso de gordura corporal (G%)

    Supporting the Photocatalysts on ZrO2 : An Effective Way to Enhance the Photocatalytic Activity of SrSnO3

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    This work was supported by Paraíba State Research Foundation /FAPESQ (grant number 0012/2019), PROINFRA/FINEP/MCTIC and in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001. The authors acknowledge Professor Graeme Paton from the School of Biological Sciences – University of Aberdeen, for the use of the spectrofluorimeter and Ana Rita Ferreira Alves Teixeira for kindly giving in the photocatalytic results with P25 for comparison. CRediT authorship contribution statement Luzia Maria Castro Honorio: Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing - original draft. André Luiz Menezes Oliveira: Formal analysis, Writing - original draft. Edson Cavalcanti Silva Filho: . Josy Anteveli Osajima: . Amer Hakki: . Donald E. Macphee: Writing - review & editing. Iêda Maria Garcia Santos: Investigation, Writing - review & editing, Supervision.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Aspectos anatômicos e fisiológicos de mudas de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) com cercosporiose (Cercospora coffeicola Berk. & Cook.) adubadas com ácido silícico

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    Our objective was to verify how silicic acid can influence physiological and anatomical characteristics of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) seedlings inoculated with Cercospora coffeicola Berk. & Cook.. The treatments were six silicic acid doses amended to the soil (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 6 g kg –1 of soil) using a complete randomized block experimental design with four replicates. The experimental unit was composed of 12 coffee seedlings from the cultivar Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99. We evaluated the leaves by their chlorophyll a, b, carotenoids and lignin content as well as by the presence of epicuticular wax. The photosynthetic potential was evaluated in seedling with and without  symptoms of brown eye spot in the highest silicic acid dose (6.0 g kg-1) and control. Transversal stem cuts were performed for measurements of the epidermal, cambium, xylem, phloem and spongy parenchyma thickness. The content of leaf pigments and lignin as well as the stem’s anatomical characteristics were not influenced by the increasing silicic acid amendment. The presence of epicuticular wax was observed in leaves of plants grown in the 2g and 6g silicic acid. The highest silicic acid dose showed the lowest photosynthetic potential capacity in seedlings without symptoms of brown eye spot.  Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar o efeito do ácido silícico em características fisiológicas e anatômicas de mudas de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) inoculadas com Cercospora coffeicola Berk. &amp; Cook.. Os tratamentos consistiram de seis doses de ácido silícico no solo (0, 0,5; 1; 2; 4 e 6 g kg –1), em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. A parcela experimental foi constituída por 12 mudas de cafeeiro cultivar Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99. Nas folhas, foram avaliados os conteúdos de clorofila a, clorofila b e de carotenoides, acúmulo de lignina e presença de cera epicuticular. A fotossíntese potencial foi medida em plantas com e sem sintomas visuais da cercosporiose, na maior dose de ácido silícico (6,0 g. kg-1 de solo) e na testemunha. Cortes transversais foram feitos no caule das mudas de cafeeiro para avaliar a espessura da epiderme, do câmbio vascular, do xilema, do floema e do parênquima esponjoso. Os conteúdos de clorofila a, b, carotenoides e lignina, bem como as características anatômicas do caule, não foram influenciados pelos tratamentos. Observou-se maior presença de cera epicuticular nas folhas de mudas cultivadas nos tratamentos 2 g e 6 g de ácido silícico. A maior dose de ácido silícico (6 g kg-1 de solo) proporcionou a menor fotossíntese potencial em folhas de plantas sem sintomas de cercosporiose

    An Explanatory Model for the Relationship between Motivation in Sport, Victimization, and Video Game Use in Schoolchildren

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    (1) Background: Society is changing amazingly fast, and this is bringing about changes in the way that people spend their free time. In the 21st century, free time is increasingly spent using technological devices such as video games, thus increasing levels of sedentariness. The aim of the present study was to define an explanatory model for the problematic use of video games, physical activity, motivational climate in sports, and victimization in schoolchildren, and to analyze the relationships between these variables according to gender; (2) Methods: A total of 734 schoolchildren, of both sexes, participated in this research study. They were aged from 10 to 12 and lived in the province of Granada (Spain). The main instruments used were the questionnaires PMCSQ-2, PAQ-C, QERV, and SVS. A multigroup structural equation model was used, which had an excellent fit (χ2 = 319.472; df = 72; р< 0.001; CFI = 0.962; NFI = 0.952; IFI = 0.962; RMSEA = 0.048); (3) Results: The practice of physical activity was related negatively and indirectly to the problematic use of video games ((r = -0.085, boys); (r = -0.081, girls)), and this in turn was related positively and directly to victimization ((r = 0.094, boys); (r = 0.174, girls)). Additionally, task climate was inversely related to the problematic use of video games for girls (r = -0.133), and ego climate was directly related to the use of these devices only with regard to boys (r = 0.250). (4) Conclusions: It must be noted that schoolchildren’s pathological use of video games is closely related to lower levels of physical activity. In addition, those motivational climates in sports that are oriented towards performance exacerbate this pathological behavior, which accentuates the importance of promoting motivational climates that are oriented towards tasks in schoolchildren.This work was supported by “Precompetitive Research Projects for Young Researchers 2017”—Modality B under de Grant PPJI_B-05, the project “DISPERSA” under the Grant TIN2015-67149-C3-R and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Grant P11-TIC-7486

    Impactos da pandemia Covid-19 em empresas de grande porte: avaliação das mudanças na infraestrutura de tecnologia para o teletrabalho sob as óticas das teorias das capacidades dinâmicas e estrutura adaptativa

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    With the emergence of the new Covid-19 disease in Brazil in the beginning of 2020, many companies had to reduce their activities or even paralyze them completely, another part of these companies had an additional demand compared to the daily history of operation. The objective of this article is to understand and analyze the main difficulties in the IT field of three large companies to adapt their ICT infrastructure to the new scenario under the theoretical lenses of the Theory of Dynamic Capacities and Theory of Adaptive Structuring. The methodology of this research project proposes the study of multiple cases with a longitudinal perspective and the Dynamic Capabilities Research Model and the Technology Appropriation Model with an exploratory approach, through a case study. As a result, the two models prove that companies A, B and C were able to meet the new demands, adapting their ICT infrastructures to the new scenario caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, forcing employees to adopt the new form of work.Con el surgimiento de la nueva enfermedad Covid-19 en Brasil a principios de 2020, muchas empresas tuvieron que reducir sus actividades o incluso paralizarlas totalmente, otra parte de estas empresas tuvieron una demanda adicional en comparación con el cotidiano histórico de operación. El objetivo de este artículo es comprender y analizar las principales dificultades, en el ámbito de TI de tres grandes empresas para adecuar su infraestructura de TIC al nuevo escenario bajo las lentes teóricas de la Teoría de las Capacidades Dinámicas y Teoría de la Estructuración Adaptativa. La metodología de este proyecto de investigación propone el estudio de casos múltiples con perspectiva longitudinal y los frameworks Modelo de Investigación de Capacidades Dinámicas y el Modelo de Apropiación de Tecnología con abordaje de naturaleza exploratoria, por medio de estudio de caso. Como resultado, los dos modelos demuestran que las empresas A, B y C fueron capaces de soportar las nuevas demandas, adaptando sus infraestructuras de Tics al nuevo escenario causado por la pandemia de Covid-19, obligando a los empleados a adoptar la nueva forma de trabajo.Com o surgimento da nova doença Covid-19 no Brasil no início de 2020, muitas empresas tiveram que que reduzir suas atividades ou até mesmo paralisá-las totalmente, outra parte dessas empresas tiveram uma demanda adicional se comparado com o cotidiano histórico de operação. O objetivo deste artigo é compreender e analisar as principais dificuldades, no âmbito de TI de três empresas de grande porte para adequar sua infraestrutura de TIC ao novo cenário sob as lentes teóricas da Teoria das Capacidades Dinâmicas e Teoria da Estruturação Adaptativa. A metodologia deste projeto de pesquisa propõe o estudo de casos múltiplos com perspectiva longitudinal e os frameworks Modelo de Pesquisa de Capacidades Dinâmicas e o Modelo de Apropriação de Tecnologia com abordagem de natureza exploratória, por meio de estudo de caso. Como resultados, os dois modelos comprovam que as empresas A, B e C tiveram condições de suportar as novas demandas, adaptando as suas infraestruturas de TICs para o novo cenário causado pela pandemia do Covid-19, forçando os colaboradores a adotarem a nova forma de trabalho