7 research outputs found

    Thermo-mechanical behavior of alternative material combinations for full-arch implant-supported hybrid prostheses with short cantilevers

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    Objectives: To compare the fracture resistance (FR) of three combinations of materials for full-arch maxillary implant-supported hybrid prostheses (HPs) with short cantilevers (≤ 10 mm). Methods: Maxillary HPs were fabricated and classified as follows (n = 5 each): Group-1 (CC-A, control): acrylic resin-veneered Co-Cr frameworks; Group-2 (CF-A): acrylic-resin-veneered carbon-fiber mesostructures; and Group-3 (CF-R): composite-resin-veneered carbon-fiber frames. Specimens were thermal-cycled (5,000 cycles; 5 ◦C–55 ◦C; dwell time: 30 s). Vertical loads were applied until failure, first at the 10-mm-long cantilever (LC), and, afterwards, at the anterior region (AR), using a universal testing machine (crosshead speed: 0.05 mm/s). The fracture pattern was assessed by stereomicroscope and SEM. The one-way ANOVA, the Bonferroni, and the in dependent samples t tests, were run (α= 0.05). Results: At LC, CF-A, and CC-A samples exhibited the highest FR values (p< 0.001), showing no differences to each other. At AR, CC-A specimens recorded the highest FR, followed by CF-A samples (p< 0.001). CF-R HPs displayed the lowest FR at both locations (p< 0.001). The only group with differences between the tested sites was the CC-A, the AR being more resistant (p< 0.001). Most CC-A and CF-A HPs failed cohesively. CF-R pros theses mainly failed adhesively. Conclusions: Maxillary HPs with short cantilevers (≤ 10 mm) made of Co-Cr or carbon-fiber veneered with acrylic resin demonstrated an adequate mechanical resistance (> 900 N). Clinical significance: For maxillary HPs with cantilevers up to 10 mm, acrylic-veneered carbon- fiber meso structures may be recommended, whereas coating carbon-fiber frames with composite resin seems not suitable.Depto. de Odontología Conservadora y PrótesisFac. de OdontologíaTRUEpu

    Teorías y Sistemas Psicológicos - PS04 201601

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    El curso de Teorías y Sistemas Psicológicos es un curso de especialidad de la carrera de Psicología, de carácter teórico, dirigido a estudiantes de primer ciclo, que busca desarrollar la competencia general de pensamiento crítico y la competencia específica de fundamento teórico conceptual

    Teorías y Sistemas Psicológicos - PS04 201401

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    El curso de Teorías y Sistemas Psicológicos brinda al alumno un acercamiento contextual y teórico a las corrientes más importantes de la psicología actual: psicoanálisis, conductismo, cognitivismo, humanismo y sistémica. El curso se divide en módulos que examinan las mencionadas teorías. Cada módulo, presenta un espacio a nivel introductorio, para reflexionar sobre el surgimiento y vigencia, los alcances y las limitaciones de estas perspectivas, dentro de una mirada contextual e integradora. El alumno describe los diversos postulados de cada corriente contrastándolos y relacionándolos