514 research outputs found

    Porcine circovirus 3 is highly prevalent in serum and tissues and may persistently infect wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa)

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    Porcine circovirus 3 (PCV‐3) prevalence has been minimally investigated in wild boar; dynamics of infection and viral tissue distribution are currently unknown. In this study, serum samples from 518 wild boar (from years 2004 to 2018) were used to study frequency of infection. Also, serum samples from 19 boar captured and recaptured at least two times for a period of time from 1 month to 1 year were collected to determine PCV‐3 infection dynamics. Finally, to elucidate PCV‐3 DNA organic distribution, sera, different tissues and faeces were obtained from 35 additional wild boar. PCV‐3 DNA was extracted and amplified with a conventional PCR. For the PCV‐3 PCR‐positive sera from the longitudinally sampled and different tissue types, a quantitative PCR was performed. Genome sequence was obtained from a number of PCV‐3 PCR‐positive samples from different years, different time‐points of infection and tissues. Obtained results confirmed the susceptibility of wild boar to the virus, showing high frequency of PCV‐3 detection (221 out of 518, 42.66%) and demonstrating circulation at least since 2004. Compiled data indicate the possibility of long‐term infections, since 5 out of 10 PCV‐3 PCR‐positive boars longitudinally sampled showed positivity in samplings separated for more than 5 months. All tested tissue types' harboured PCV‐3 genome, with the highest percentage of PCR positivity in submandibular lymph node, tonsil, lung, liver, spleen and kidney. The amount of DNA in all tested PCV‐3 PCR‐positive samples was moderate to low. All partial and complete PCV‐3 sequences obtained from wild boar displayed high nucleotide identity, higher than 98%. In conclusion, this study further confirms that wild boar is susceptible to PCV‐3 infection, showing high frequency of detection in this animal species. Furthermore, PCV‐3 can be found in different tissues of wild boar and is apparently able to cause persistent infection.Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria. Grant Number: E‐RTA2017‐00007‐00‐0

    Assessing mammal trapping standards in wild boar drop-net capture

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    Applying contemporary trapping standards when managing wildlife should no longer be an option, but a duty. Increasing wild boar populations originate a growing number of conflicts and hunting is the only cost-effective management option in most cases. However, new scenarios where hunting is unfeasible emerge and trapping necessities cope with lacking regulatory frameworks and technical guidelines. In this research, we evaluated drop nets, a capture method not considered by the international trapping standards, to capture Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa), a wildlife species not included in the list of mammal species under the scope of the Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards (AIHTS). Less than 20% of the captured wild boars presented moderate or severe injuries attributable to the capture method, hence fulfilling the acceptance thresholds of the outdated AIHTS. Based on the new standards thresholds of acceptance, the humaneness of drop-nets in our study ranged 66-78%, under the 85% required. The capture success and selectivity were 100%, as ensured by operator-driven triggering, which should be considered the main strengths of this method, together with the minimization of animal suffering owing the short duration of the stressful situation. Additionally, in spite of the socially adverse environment, with people contrary to wild boar removal, no disturbances against the capture system or operations occurred. This is the first assessment of a drop-net capture method according to internationally accepted mammal trapping standards, with unconclusive results. However, there is a need for adapted procedures and thresholds of acceptance aimed at not-mechanical traps in general, and specifically at drop-nets. Compared to other live-capture methods, drop-nets minimize the duration of the stressful situation -at the expense of a strong adrenergic acute response-, maximize the probabilities of capturing entire sounders of prosocial species, which may be also considered as more humane, and has the ability to coordinate higher values of capture success, absolute selectivity and adaptability to difficult environments

    Urban Wild Boars and Risk for Zoonotic Streptococcus suis, Spain

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    Urban wild boars (Sus scrofa) from Barcelona, Spain, harbor great diversity of Streptococcus suis strains, including strains with the cps2 gene and with the same molecular profile as local human cases. The increasing trend of potential effective contacts for S. suis transmission is of public health concern.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La evolución del área de gestión del talento humano en las empresas privadas en Latinoamérica: una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica en los últimos 10 años, 2008-2018

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    RESUMEN La evolución del área de gestión de talento se ha convertido en la necesidad de las empresas en Latinoamérica demostrado en la formación de colaboradores motivados a superar problemas desafiantes. Se ha demostrado que la gestión correcta significa éxito o fracaso de una empresa por buen uso de herramientas de gestión que a su vez permiten reducir la tasa de rotación de personal generando una marca comercial distinguida. En américa Latina y Colombia, se ha realizado la evaluación de tendencias por implementar sistemas de gestión organizacional desde el año 2010 hasta el 2017 con 61 investigaciones que destacan como puntos claves de la evolución resumidos en gestión de la seguridad de la información y tecnología, de calidad y procesos, de la innovación, de los recursos humanos, y la responsabilidad social empresarial. La información evaluada ha sido de la base de datos EBSCOhost, ProQuest, Scielo y Redalyc que contienen revistas indexadas con rigor científico. Se realizó la revisión sistemática para los años 2008 al 2018 y para revistas en español. Se buscó responder a la pregunta principal: ¿Cómo ha evolucionado el área de Gestión del Talento Humano en las empresas privadas de Latinoamérica en los últimos diez años? Determinando la necesidad de implementar procesos de selección adecuados, implementar mejoras en las herramientas de gestión, mantener en seguimiento la evaluación de desempeño, actividades de capacitación y motivación; lograr el uso de tecnologías de comunicación entre las diversas áreas logrando un equipo de colaboradores convencidos y motivados con los objetivos de la organización.ABSTRACT The evolution of the talent management area has become the need of companies in Latin America demonstrated in the training of collaborators motivated to overcome challenging problems. It has been shown that correct management means success or failure of a company for good use of management tools that in turn reduce the turnover rate of personnel by generating a distinguished trademark. In Latin America and Colombia, the evaluation of trends has been carried out by implementing organizational management systems from 2010 to 2017 with 61 investigations that stand out as key points of the evolution summarized in information and technology security management, quality and processes, innovation, human resources, and corporate social responsibility. The information evaluated was from the database EBSCOhost, ProQuest, Scielo and Redalyc that contain journals indexed with scientific rigor. The systematic review was carried out for the years 2008 to 2018 and for journals in Spanish. The main question was answered: How has the area of Human Talent Management evolved in private companies in Latin America in the last ten years? Determining the need to implement appropriate selection processes, implement improvements in management tools, keep track of performance evaluation, training and motivation activities; achieve the use of communication technologies between the different areas, achieving a team of collaborators who are convinced and motivated by the organization's objectives

    Detection of Beta-Lactam-Resistant Escherichia coli and Toxigenic Clostridioides difficile Strains in Wild Boars Foraging in an Anthropization Gradient

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    Funding: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (PIF-UAB 2015). Secretaria d'Universitats i Recerca del Departament d'Economia i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya 2018FI_B_00978 i 2016FI_B 00425Disease transmission among wild boars, domestic animals and humans is a public health concern, especially in areas with high wild boar densities. In this study, fecal samples of wild boars (n = 200) from different locations of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona were analyzed by PCR to explore the frequency of β-lactamases and extended cephalosporin and carbapenem resistance genes (ESBLs) in Escherichia coli strains and the presence of toxigenic Clostridioides difficile. The prevalence of genes conferring resistance to β-lactam antimicrobials was 8.0% (16/200): blaCMY-2 (3.0%), blaTEM-1b (2.5%), blaCTX-M-14 (1.0%), blaSHV-28 (1.0%), blaCTX-M-15 (0.5%) and blaCMY-1 (0.5%). Clostridioides difficile TcdA+ was detected in two wild boars (1.0%), which is the first report of this pathogen in wild boars in Spain. Moreover, the wild boars foraging in urban and peri-urban locations were more exposed to AMRB sources than the wild boars dwelling in natural environments. In conclusion, the detection of E. coli carrying ESBL/AmpC genes and toxigenic C. difficile in wild boars foraging in urban areas reinforces the value of this game species as a sentinel of environmental AMRB sources. In addition, these wild boars can be a public and environmental health concern by disseminating AMRB and other zoonotic agents. Although this study provides the first hints of the potential anthropogenic sources of AMR, further efforts should be conducted to identify and control them

    Stochastic assessment of management strategies for a Mediterranean peri-urban wild boar population

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    Wild boar (Sus scrofa) population spread into urban and periurban areas has exacerbated conflicts with humans. There is a need for planned wild boar management strategies, and Population viability analysis (PVA) combined with perturbation analyses allow the assessment of the management effort of control methods. Our study aims to develop stochastic predictive models of the increasing wild boar population of the 80 km2 periurban Mediterranean area of Collserola Natural Park (CNP), located near Barcelona, Spain, as well as assessing specific management measures (including reduced food availability, selective harvest, and reduction in fertility). Population parameters were estimated from previously published census and hunting data provided by the CNP and the local hunting administration. The results revealed that under the current conditions the CNP wild boar population will continue to increase. The most efficient strategy to reduce wild boar abundance was a combination of reducing supplementary anthropogenic food resources and selective removal of juvenile (<1 year) and yearling (1±2 years) wild boar. These strategies will probably be also the most efficient ones in other oversupplemented increasing wild boar populations in similar situations, although specific studies will be needed to fine-tune the best management option for each context. PVA allows the prediction of future population trends and the assessment of the efficacy and efficiency of potential management strategies before implementing management measures

    Hypothyroidism confers tolerance to cerebral malaria

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    The modulation of the host’s metabolism to protect tissue from damage induces tolerance to infections increasing survival. Here, we examined the role of the thyroid hormones, key metabolic regulators, in the outcome of malaria. Hypothyroidism confers protection to experimental cerebral malaria by a disease tolerance mechanism. Hypothyroid mice display increased survival after infection with Plasmodium berghei ANKA, diminishing intracranial pressure and brain damage, without altering pathogen burden, blood-brain barrier disruption, or immune cell infiltration. This protection is reversed by treatment with a Sirtuin 1 inhibitor, while treatment of euthyroid mice with a Sirtuin 1 activator induces tolerance and reduces intracranial pressure and lethality. This indicates that thyroid hormones and Sirtuin 1 are previously unknown targets for cerebral malaria treatment, a major killer of children in endemic malaria areas.This work was funded by grants SAF2017-83289-R to S.A. and A.A., SAF2017-90604REDT to A.A. supported by the The European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and BIO2016-77430-R to J.M.B. from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; B2017/BMD-3724 to S.A. and A.A. from the Comunidad de Madrid; and CIBERONC CB/16/00228 to A.A. from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III

    Establishment of triple-negative breast cancer cells based on BMI: A novel model in the correlation between obesity and breast cancer

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    IntroductionObesity has been associated with an increased risk of biologically aggressive variants in breast cancer. Women with obesity often have tumors diagnosed at later stages of the disease, associated with a poorer prognosis and a different response to treatment. Human cell lines have been derived from specific subtypes of breast cancer and have served to define the cell physiology of corresponding breast cancer subtypes. However, there are no current cell lines for breast cancer specifically derived from patients with different BMIs. The availability of those breast cancer cell lines should allow to describe and unravel functional alterations linked to these comorbidities. MethodsCell cultures were established from tumor explants. Once generated, the triple negative subtype in a patient with obesity and a patient with a normal BMI were chosen for comparison. For cellular characterization, the following assays were conducted: proliferation assays, chemo – sensitivity assays for doxorubicin and paclitaxel, wound healing motility assays, matrix invasion assays, breast cancer cell growth to estradiol by chronic exposure to leptin, induction of endothelial permeability and tumorigenic potential in athymic mice with normo - versus hypercaloric diets with an evaluation of the epithelium – mesenchymal transformation proteins.ResultsTwo different cell lines, were established from patients with breast cancer: DSG-BC1, with a BMI of 21.9 kg/m2 and DSG-BC2, with a BMI of 31.5 kg/m2. In vitro, these two cell lines show differential growth rates, motility, chemosensitivity, vascular permeability, response to leptin with an activation of the JAK2/STAT3/AKT signaling pathway. In vivo, they displayed distinct tumorigenic potential. In particular, DSG-BC2, presented higher tumorigenicity when implanted in mice fed with a hypercaloric diet.DiscussionTo our knowledge, these primary cultures are the first in vitro representation of both breast cancer and obesity. DSG – BC2 presented a more aggressive in vivo and in vitro phenotype. These results support the hypothesis that breast cancer generated in an obese metabolic state may represent a contrasting variant within the same disease. This new model will allow both further comprehension, functional studies and the analysis of altered molecular mechanisms under the comorbidity of obesity and breast cancer

    Traditional Excluding Forces: A Review of the Quantitative Literature on the Economic Situation of Indigenous Peoples, Afro-Descendants, and People Living with Disability

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