256 research outputs found

    The mediating role of self-regulation in cigarette smoking and alcohol use among young people

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    Esta investigación estudia el papel de la auto-regulación en los comportamientos de consumo, desde una perspectiva del desarrollo. Se explora la influencia del grupo de iguales y las competencias de los padres en la auto-regulación, en relación con el consumo de sustancias en jóve-nes, mediante dos muestras de conveniencia, la primera compuesta por 478 jóvenes con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y los 20 años, siendo la mayoría del género femenino, y la segunda formada por 311 jóvenes, con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y los 17 años, siendo la mayoría del género masculino. Se utilizó un Cuestionario Sociodemográfico (ad hoc), un Cuestionario de consumo de tabaco y alcohol (ad hoc), el Inventario de Auto-regulación en la Adolescencia - versión reducida (IARA-2r), la Esca-la de Competencias de los Padres y el Cuestionario de Relación de Pareja. Los resultados confirman la existencia de una relación entre género y auto-regulación a largo plazo, más elevada en el género femenino. Los jóvenes con compañeros que fuman o consumen alcohol regularmente, presentan puntuaciones más bajas en las subescalas de auto-regulación a corto plazo. Se confirma una relación positiva moderada entre la auto-regulación a lar-go plazo y las competencias positivas de los padres.This research explores the role of self-regulation in substance-use behaviours from a developmental perspective. We explore the influ-ence of the peer group and parental competencies on self-regulation, in relation to substance use in young people, by means of two convenience samples, the first comprising 478 participants aged 10 to 20, the majority of whom were female, and the second made up of 311 youngsters aged 10 to 17, the majority being male. The instruments used were a Sociodemo-graphic Questionnaire (ad hoc), a Smoking and Alcohol Use Question-naire (ad hoc), the Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory – brief version (ASRI-2r), the Parental Competencies Scale and the Peer Relations Ques-tionnaire. The results confirm a relationship between gender and long-term self-regulation, whose level is higher among girls and young women. Those youngsters with friends who smoke or regularly drink alcohol score lower on the short-term self-regulation subscales. A moderate positive re-lationship is confirmed between long-term self-regulation and positive competencies in parents

    Gestión de la calidad y el desempeño laboral en la Gerencia Subregional de Alto Amazonas, 2021

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    El objetivo general de la presente tesis fue determinar la relación existe entre la calidad de gestión y el desempeño laboral en la Gerencia Subregional de Alto Amazonas, 2021 ; para ello, se utilizó el tipo de investigación no experimental con diseño descriptivo correlacional, se trabajó con una muestra de 40 colaboradores, la técnica usada fue la encuesta, como instrumento el cuestionario. Los resultados indicaron que la gestión de la calidad y el desempeño laboral según, el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson (r) es igual a 0.882 encontrándose una relación positiva y fuerte, esto confirma con el valor del coeficiente de determinación R2 igual a 0.7782. Concluyendo, que, la gestión de la calidad se relaciona significativamente con el desempeño laboral, es por ello que se rechaza la hipótesis nula y acepta la hipótesis alterna. Es decir, a mejor gestión de la calidad, mejor seré el rendimiento laboral

    La información contable cualitativa: especial mención al Reporting Integrado

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    La información contable cualitativa juega un papel clave a la hora de comunicar el valor de las organizaciones. A lo largo de los años esta información se ha venido presentando de forma diferente, pasando de breves comentarios hasta varios informes muy detallados como existe en la actualidad. Debido a la grave crisis económica que hemos sufrido esta forma de informar se ha vuelto insuficiente, es necesario en este punto reorganizar esta información para cumplir con su objetivo. Es el Reporting Integrado la herramienta que unifica todos estos informes que existían, integrando la información cualitativa con la cuantitativa e informando acerca de todo el proceso de creación de valor. En concreto en el Ibex 35 ya se ha empezado a aplicar esta nueva forma de informar, si bien es de forma voluntaria. Cumpliendo en gran parte con los contenidos establecidos para un correcto informe integrado.Universidad de Sevilla. Doble Grado en Derecho y en Finanzas y Contabilida

    Historia de los reyes godos que vinieron de la Scythia de Europa contra el Imperio romano y a España, con sucession dellos hasta los catolicos reyes Don Fernando y Doña Isabel

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010ColofónSign.: [calderón]\p4\s, 2[calderón]\p8\s, A-Z\p8\s, 2A-2G\p8\s, 2H\p6\s, 2I\p8\s, 2K\p6\s, 2L\p4\sTexto a dos col. y con apostillas marginalesLas [3] h. de grab. calc

    Adaptation of scales of attitudes toward tobacco, alcohol and other drugs to Portuguese adolescents

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    El presente estudio muestra los resultados de la adaptación de las escalas de actitudes hacia el tabaco (López-Sánchez, Garcia-Rodriguez, Mira y Estévez, 2000), el alcohol (Garcia-Rodriguez y López-Sánchez, 2001) y otras drogas (López-Sánchez et al., 2000) en población portuguesa. Se trata de tres escalas, cada una con trece ítems, de respuesta tipo Likert con cinco opciones de respuesta, que diferencian tres sub-escalas. Para realizar el estudio de adaptación de las escalas a la población portuguesa, se han utilizado dos muestras independientes, constituidas por 329 y 443 adolescentes, alumnos de bachillerato del norte del país, a quienes se administraron los instrumentos. Los datos recogidos, después de ser sometidos a un análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio, permitieron encontrar una solución adecuada para cada una de las escalas, dando como resultando una buena validez y fiabilidad. En la validez concurrente, los resultados sugieren diferencias de género con todas las sub-escalas y una relación negativa con la edad, así como diferencias en las actitudes de acuerdo con la experiencia y el consumo.This study presents results about attitudes toward tobacco scale (López-Sánchez, García-Rodriguez, Mira & Estévez, 2000), alcohol scale (García-Rodríguez & López-Sánchez, 2001) and other drugs (López-Sánchez et al., 2000) scale adaptations to portuguese population. There are three scales, 13 items each one and five points Likert response scale with three sub scales. We have used two independent samples with 329 and 443 adolescents, north country high school students. Data collected, after confirmatory and exploratoy analysis, showed a good solution to each one scale, with high validity and reliability rates. Results in concurrent validity suggest gender differences with all the sub scales and a negative relation with age, as well as attitude differences based on experience and consumption

    Current situation of sepsis care in Spanish emergency departments

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    Objective. To describe the approach to the patients with suspected sepsis in the Spanish emergency department hospitals (ED) and analyze whether there are differences according to the size of the hospital and the number of visits to the emergency room. Method. Structured survey of those responsible for the 282 public EDs that serve adults 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It was asked about assistance and management in the emergency room in the care of patients with suspected sepsis. The results are compared according to hospital size (large = 500 beds vs medium-small <500) and influx to the emergency room (discharge = 200 visits / day vs medium-low <200). Results. A total of 250 Spanish EDs responded (89%). Sepsis protocols are available in 163 (65%) EDs median weekly sepsis treated ranged from 0-5 per week in 39 (71%) ED, 6-10 per week in 10 (18%), 11-15 per week in 4 (7%), and more than 15 activations per week in 3 centers (3.6%). The criteria used for sepsis diagnosis were the qSOFA/SOFA in 105 (63.6%) of the hospitals, SIRS in 6 (3.6%), while in 49 (29.7%) they used both criteria simultaneously. In 79 centers, the sepsis diagnosis was computerized, and in 56 there were tools to help decision-making. 48% (79 of 163) of the EDs had data on bundles compliance. In 61% (99 of 163) of EDs there was training in sepsis and in 56% (55 of 99) it was periodic. Considering the size of the hospital, large hospitals participated more frequently as recipients of patients with sepsis and had an infectious, sepsis and short-stay unit, a microbiologist and infectious disease specialist on duty. Conclusion. Most EDs have sepsis protocols, but there is room for improvement. The computerization and development of alerts for diagnosis and treatment still have a long way to go in EDs

    A data mining approach using cortical thickness for diagnosis and characterization of essential tremor.

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    Essential tremor (ET) is one of the most prevalent movement disorders. Being that it is a common disorder, its diagnosis is considered routine. However, misdiagnoses may occur regularly. Over the past decade, several studies have identified brain morphometric changes in ET, but these changes remain poorly understood. Here, we tested the informativeness of measuring cortical thickness for the purposes of ET diagnosis, applying feature selection and machine learning methods to a study sample of 18 patients with ET and 18 age- and sex-matched healthy control subjects. We found that cortical thickness features alone distinguished the two, ET from controls, with 81% diagnostic accuracy. More specifically, roughness (i.e., the standard deviation of cortical thickness) of the right inferior parietal and right fusiform areas was shown to play a key role in ET characterization. Moreover, these features allowed us to identify subgroups of ET patients as well as healthy subjects at risk for ET. Since treatment of tremors is disease specific, accurate and early diagnosis plays an important role in tremor management. Supporting the clinical diagnosis with novel computer approaches based on the objective evaluation of neuroimage data, like the one presented here, may represent a significant step in this direction.post-print1720 K

    Utility of the medial region of pro-adrenomodulin for the detection of true bacteremia in elderly patients treated in the emergency department for suspected infection

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    Background. The prediction of bacteremia in the emergency department (ER) is important for initial decision-making. The elderly population is a diagnosis challenge. The objective was to evaluate the accuracy of mid regional pro-adrenomedullin (MR-proADM) to identify true bacteremia (BV) in elderly patients attended in 3 hospital emergency departments. Methods. Observational study including patients =75 years of age or older attended in the ER for suspected infection in whom a blood culture (BC) was extracted. Sociodemographic, comorbidity, hemodynamic and analytical variables, biomarkers [MR-proADM, procalcitonin (PCT), C-reactive protein (CRP) and lactate] and final diagnosis were collected. The primary outcome was a true positive on a blood culture. Results. A total of 109 patients with a mean age of 83 (SD: 5.5) years were included. A final diagnosis of BV was obtained in 22 patients (20.2%). The independent variables to predict it were PCT (OR: 13.9; CI95%: 2.702-71.703; p=0.002), MR-proADM (OR: 4.081; CI95%: 1.026-16.225; p=0.046) and temperature (OR: 2.171; CI95%: 1.109-4.248; p=0.024). Considering the cut-off point for MR-proADM (2.13 mg/dl), a sensitivity (Se) of 73%, specificity (E) of 71%, a positive predictive value (PPV) of 39%, a negative predictive value (NPV) of 91%, a positive likelihood ratio (LHR+) of 2.53 and a negative likelihood ratio (LHR-) of 0.38; for PCT (0.76 mg/dl) a Se of 90%, E of 65%, PPV of 40%, NPV of 96%, LHR+ 2,64 and a LHR- of 0.14 were obtained. When combining both, a Se of 69%, E of 84%, PPV of 52%, NPV of 91%, LHR+ of 4.24 and LHR- of 0.38 were observed. Conclusions. Elevated levels of PCT and MR-proADM were independently associated with an increased risk of BV and the combination of both improves the accuracy to identify these patients