142 research outputs found

    Enumeration of chordal planar graphs and maps

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    We determine the number of labelled chordal planar graphs with nn vertices, which is asymptotically c1n5/2γnn!c_1\cdot n^{-5/2} \gamma^n n! for a constant c1>0c_1>0 and γ11.89235\gamma \approx 11.89235. We also determine the number of rooted simple chordal planar maps with nn edges, which is asymptotically c2n3/2δnc_2 n^{-3/2} \delta^n, where δ=1/σ6.40375\delta = 1/\sigma \approx 6.40375, and σ\sigma is an algebraic number of degree 12. The proofs are based on combinatorial decompositions and singularity analysis. Chordal planar graphs (or maps) are a natural example of a subcritical class of graphs in which the class of 3-connected graphs is relatively rich. The 3-connected members are precisely chordal triangulations, those obtained starting from K4K_4 by repeatedly adding vertices adjacent to an existing triangular face

    Read the world to write the future : An interview with professors E Wayne Ross and Xosé Manuel Souto, experts in critical social studies

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    E Wayne Ross is professor at the University of British Columbia (Canada). He is interested in the influence of social and institutional contexts on teachers' practice as well as the role of curriculum and teaching in building a democratic society in the face of antidemocratic impulses of greed, individualism, and intolerance. Xosé Manuel Souto is professor at the University of Valencia (Spain), in the department of social and experimental sciences education. He directs the Gea-Clío educational innovation group that has developed, for the past thirty years, its work in the fields of teacher training, creation of curricular material and educational research.E Wayne Ross és professor de la University of British Columbia (Canadà). Està interessat en la influència dels contextos socials i institucionals en la pràctica dels docents, així com en el paper de el pla d'estudis i l'ensenyament en la construcció d'una societat democràtica enfront dels impulsos antidemocràtics de la cobdícia, l'individualisme i la intolerància. Xosé Manuel Souto és professor catedràtic de la Universitat de València (Espanya), en el departament de didàctica de les ciències socials i experimentals. Destaca la seva participació en la coordinació i direcció del grup d'innovació educativa Gea-Clío que continua desenvolupant, des de fa trenta anys, la seva tasca en els àmbits de la formació docent, elaboració de material curricular i investigació educativa.E Wayne Ross es profesor de la University of British Columbia (Canadá). Está interesado en la influencia de los contextos sociales e institucionales en la práctica de los docentes, así como en el papel del plan de estudios y la enseñanza en la construcción de una sociedad democrática frente a los impulsos antidemocráticos de la codicia, el individualismo y la intolerancia. Xosé Manuel Souto es profesor catedrático de la Universitat de València (España), en el departamento de didáctica de las ciencias sociales y experimentales. Destaca su participación en la coordinación y dirección del grupo de innovación educativa Gea-Clío que continúa desarrollando, desde hace treinta años, su labor en los ámbitos de la formación docente, elaboración de material curricular e investigación educativa.E Wayne Ross est professeur à l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique (Canada). Il s'intéresse à l'influence des contextes sociaux et institutionnels dans la pratique des enseignants, ainsi qu'au rôle du curriculum et de l'enseignement dans la construction d'une société démocratique face aux pulsions antidémocratiques de la cupidité, de l'individualisme. intolérance. Xosé Manuel Souto est professeur à l'Université de Valence (Espagne), dans le département d'enseignement des sciences sociales et expérimentales. Il participe à la coordination et à la direction du groupe d'innovation pédagogique Gea-Clío qui développe, depuis trente ans, son travail dans les domaines de la formation des enseignants, l'élaboration de le matériel curriculaire et la recherche pédagogique

    La Revolució Americana: estat de la qüestió

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    Treballs Finals de Grau en Història, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2012-2013, Tutor: Joan Villarroya FontThe American Revolution is one of the most important events in the world's history and it's, with the French Revolution, one of the evidences that shows the transition between the Early Modern History and the Modern History. The struggles that happened between 1775 and 1783 are well known but it's interesting to study and analyze the different points of view and the different interpretations of the historians during history about this period. The purpose of this work is to analyze the different historical tendencies and compare each one with the others, focusing on the most important historians of each tendency and their best works and books. The Wigh historians and the Neo-Whig historians, with their differences, have a common trait that's try to explain the Revolution through its ideals, and make them the main explanation about why the Revolution happened. Progressives and Neo-Progressives, with their differences also, are trying to explain the Revolution not using romantic ideas but using numbers, statistics and the study of the society. Imperialists have another point of view, they interpret the revolution as a lack of understand between the British and the Americans where no one is guilty of tyranny nor evilness

    La gènesi del significat en un ritual: les fogueres catalanistes de la Nit de Sant Joan de 1906 i 1907

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    La Nit de Sant Joan de l’any 1906, en mig d’una efervescència política catalana, s’inventa un nou ritual catalanista. El material exegètic de les cròniques periodístiques informen d’una festa per imaginar un futur nou, modern i de llibertat, però paradoxalment és expressat i reclamat amb elements simbòlics antics i tradicionals. El foc, les muntanyes i la nit santjoanenca en les seves versions romàntiques no solament s'articulen per a donar el missatge renovador volgut sinó que també generen significats particulars i inesperats sobre alguns problemes socials. Les “Foguerades Patriòtiques”, tal com se les anomena, esdevenen un ritual emergent, casual, amb objectes simbòlics molt potents, que possibilita la representació de la “unitat dels catalans” i de la “llibertat”, que és el discurs essencial de la coalició política Solidaritat Catalana, i incorpora al Foc de Sant Joan els significats que perduren amb força encara cent anys després. Paraules clau: Foc de Sant Joan, ritual, significat, festa, Catalunya Abstract On Midsummer Eve 1906, in a time of political effervescence in Catalonia, a new Catalanist ritual was invented. The newspaper reports of the time speak of a festival evoking a new and modern future of freedom, but paradoxically this desire was expressed through traditional symbolic elements of considerable antiquity. Fire, mountains, and the romanticism associated with St. John’s Eve not only combined to create a message of renewal, but also generated unexpected meanings regarding certain social problems. The “Patriotic Bonfires”, as they were called, became an emergent ritual, combining powerfully symbolic objects in a way that made possible the representation of “Catalan unity” and “liberty”, essential elements in the discourse of the Solidaritat Catalana political coalition, and incorporated into the bonfires of St. John’s Eve the meanings that still endure a century later. Keywords: St. John’s Eve bonfire, ritual, meaning, festival, Cataloni

    The Educational Implications of Populism, Emotions and Digital Hate Speech: A Dialogue with Scholars from Canada, Chile, Spain, the UK, and the US

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    The recent rise of authoritarian populism, fueled by the spread of digital hate speech and the preeminence of emotions in the political arena, has not aroused much interest among educational researchers. In response to this gap in the literature, the authors of the present article aim to provide an overview of the educational implications of the recent wave of authoritarian populism by interviewing a group of experts on democratic citizenship education from various countries and backgrounds. The dialogue resulting from their responses helps to move forward the educational debate on how schools can deal with the emotions and hate speech that motivate support for authoritarian populisms

    Nota de l'editor : Llegir el món per escriure el futur: educació crítica per enfrontar els problemes contemporanis

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    La didàctica de les ciències socials i la didàctica de la llengua i la literatura estan unides per un fort vincle que es remunta a l'origen d'ambdues àrees. El desenvolupament del pensament crític i de la literacitat crítica ha estat -i segueix sent- un dels elements centrals de les seves línies de recerca. Aquestes sempre han tingut en l'horitzó la formació d'una ciutadania global, reflexiva i crítica, capaç de desmantellar els relats de l'odi presents en els mitjans i en les xarxes socials, llegint més enllà de les línies i de les fonts d'informació, i analitzant textos, imatges, vídeos, i altres productes culturals per tal d' identificar ideologies i poder comprendre i enfrontar els problemes socials passats i presents, i projectar-se cap al futurSocial sciences education and language and literature education are bonded by a strong link that goes back to the origins of both areas. The development of critical thinking and critical literacy has been -and continues to be- one of the key elements of these research lines. Both have always had on the horizon a global, reflective, and critical citizenship education, capable of dismantling hate narratives present in the media and on social networks by reading beyond the lines and the sources of information, analyzing texts, images, videos, and other cultural products in order to identify ideologies and be able to understand and face past and current social issues, projecting themselves into the futureLa didáctica de las ciencias sociales y la didáctica de la lengua y la literatura están unidas por un fuerte vínculo que se remonta al origen de ambas áreas. El desarrollo del pensamiento crítico y de la literacidad crítica ha sido -y sigue siendo- uno de los elementos centrales de sus líneas de investigación. Estas siempre han tenido en el horizonte la formación de una ciudadanía global, reflexiva y crítica, capaz de desmantelar los relatos del odio presentes en los medios y en las redes sociales, leyendo más allá de las líneas y de las fuentes de información, y analizando textos, imágenes, vídeos, y otros productos culturales con el fin de identificar ideologías y poder comprender y enfrentar los problemas sociales pasados ​​y presentes, y proyectarse hacia el futuroLa didactique des sciences sociales et la didactique du langage et de la littérature sont liées par un lien fort qui remonte aux origines des deux domaines. Le développement de la pensée critique et de la littératie critique a été - et continue d'être - l'un des éléments centraux de ses axes de recherche. Celles-ci ont toujours eu à l'horizon la formation d'une citoyenneté globale, réflexive et critique, capable de démanteler les histoires de haine présentes dans les médias et sur les réseaux sociaux, de lire au-delà des lignes et des sources d'information, et d'analyser des textes, images, vidéos, et d'autres produits culturels afin d'identifier les idéologies et de pouvoir comprendre et affronter les problèmes sociaux passés et présents, et se projeter dans l'aveni

    Schugurensky, Daniel y Wolhuter, Charl (2020). <i>Global Citizenship Education and Teacher Education. Theoretical and practical issues.</i> Nueva York y Oxon: Routledge, 298 páginas.

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    Reseña de Global Citizenship Education and Teacher Education. Theoretical and practical issues (2020) de Daniel Schugurensky y Charl, Wolhuter.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    3Cat-3/MOTS nanosatellite mission for optical multispectral and GNSS-R Earth Observation: concept and analysis

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    The 3Cat-3/MOTS (3: Cube, Cat: Catalunya, 3: 3rd CubeSat mission/Missió Observació Terra Satèl·lit) mission is a joint initiative between the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech (UPC) to foster innovative Earth Observation (EO) techniques based on data fusion of Global Navigation Satellite Systems Reflectometry (GNSS-R) and optical payloads. It is based on a 6U CubeSat platform, roughly a 10 cm × 20 cm × 30 cm parallelepiped. Since 2012, there has been a fast growing trend to use small satellites, especially nanosatellites, and in particular those following the CubeSat form factor. Small satellites possess intrinsic advantages over larger platforms in terms of cost, flexibility, and scalability, and may also enable constellations, trains, federations, or fractionated satellites or payloads based on a large number of individual satellites at an affordable cost. This work summarizes the mission analysis of 3Cat-3/MOTS, including its payload results, power budget (PB), thermal budget (TB), and data budget (DB). This mission analysis is addressed to transform EO data into territorial climate variables (soil moisture and land cover change) at the best possible achievable spatio-temporal resolution.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Enumeration of chordal planar graphs and maps

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    We determine the number of labelled chordal planar graphs with n vertices, which is asymptotically for a constant and . We also determine the number of rooted simple chordal planar maps with n edges, which is asymptotically , where , , and s is an algebraic number of degree 12. The proofs are based on combinatorial decompositions and singularity analysis. Chordal planar graphs (or maps) are a natural example of a subcritical class of graphs in which the class of 3-connected graphs is relatively rich. The 3-connected members are precisely chordal triangulations, those obtained starting from by repeatedly adding vertices adjacent to an existing triangular face.We gratefully acknowledge earlier discussions on this project with Erkan Narmanli. M.N. was supported by grants MTM2017-82166-P and PID2020-113082GB-I00, the Severo Ochoa and María de Maeztu Program for Centers and Units of Excellence in R&D (CEX2020-001084-M). C.R. was supported by the grant Beatriu de Pinós BP2019, funded by the H2020 COFUND project No 801370 and AGAUR (the Catalan agency for management of university and research grants), and the grant PID2020-113082GB-I00 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft