987 research outputs found

    Estándares internacionales en materia de verdad, justicia y reparación en el proceso especial de justicia y paz en Colombia

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    El proceso de justicia y paz cumple los estándares internacionales mencionados en la medida en que la ley 975 de 2005, y su jurisprudencia, reconocen ampliamente los derechos de las víctimas a la verdad, la justicia y la reparación. A pesar del reconocimiento formal, la práctica del proceso no ha sido satisfecha los derechos de las víctimas, pues los resultados son escasos y sólo se cuenta con dos condenados, ninguna víctima reparada y alguna información fruto de las confesiones de los postulados. Dado que el estado colombiano ha suscrito una buena cantidad de instrumentos internacionales en materias de derechos humanos, derecho internacional humanitario y derecho penal internacional de la negociación con los paramilitares y la ley que cerró el acuerdo, debieron ajustarse a los estándares que dichos instrumentos señalan tanto para tiempos de paz, como para de guerra y momentos de transición, erigiéndose como límites a la discrecionalidad de gobierno y congreso al momento de expedir la leyPregrad

    Examining Dietary Acculturation in Hispanic Males Residing in South Mississippi

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    This study explored dietary behavior in terms of dietary intake, dietary intake change and dietary contributing factors in a sample of Hispanic males residing in southern Mississippi that are at various stages of the acculturation process. Grounded theory and the bidimensional acculturation model were incorporated to identify the dietary factors and assess acculturation in each participant. Qualitative and quantitative measures were used in data collection. Qualitative measurements included Semistructured interviews, a focus group, and photovoice with group interviews. The ARSMA-II, Marginality Scale, Fruit/Vegetable and Fat Food Screeners, a psychosocial dietary questionnaire, and the New Vital Signs Food Label for Health Literacy were quantitative instruments used to examine acculturation and dietary behavior. All interviews and questionnaires were interviewer-administered in either Spanish or English as specified by the participant. Grounded theory drove the data analysis. First, the ARSMA-II and Marginality scale scores were determined for each participant, and each participant was placed into one of four bidimensional acculturation groups. Second, three trained qualitative coders, used open, axial, and selective coding to extract codes, identify themes and main themes, draw connections between themes and identify and define core categories. Ill-defined and unclear themes were identified during this process, leading to the photovoice and group interviews which were used to clarify ill-defined themes. Constant comparison was used to incorporate the quantitative data into the qualitative data findings and compare data across groups. Dietary patterns and contributing factors for each acculturation group were identified and compared across groups, and a dietary acculturation conceptual framework was proposed. Information gained can be used to inform nutrition practice and nutrition intervention development relevant to Hispanic males

    Plan de mejora para la transformación digital en una empresa de telecomunicaciones

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    83 páginas y anexos.This paper presents the different approaches, about new trends in technology, such as digital transformation; it evaluates to what extent organizations incorporate not only changes or transformations due to competitiveness, but also survival and how these changes generate impact once they have been implemented and can trigger problems and often the expected results are not achieved. It includes the design of a tool, which allows to diagnose the current state in front of the components of governance, culture and people, processes and technology, which, analyzed and combined in a systemic way, give an orientation to the path that the company must travel to implement a digital transformation Project. The importance of this document in addition to formulating an improvement plan for the organization under study, is to demonstrate that, in order to carry out a digital transformation, it is necessary to evaluate various components, ensuring that they are aligned with the business strategy, and these in turn, they must work integrally to identify through the application of the tool the gaps or aspects that the Company must develop. The report excludes the implementation and closing of the gaps that are identified in the diagnosis.Este trabajo presenta los diversos planteamientos, acerca de las nuevas tendencias de la tecnología, tales como la transformación digital; evalúa hasta qué punto las organizaciones incorporan no solo cambios o transformaciones por competitividad, sino además por supervivencia y como dichos cambios generan impacto una vez se han implementado y pueden desencadenar problemas y muchas veces los resultados esperados no se logran. Comprende el diseño de una herramienta, la cual permite diagnosticar el estado actual frente a los componentes de gobernanza, cultura y personas, procesos y tecnología, los cuales, analizados y combinados de forma sistémica, dan una orientación al camino que debe recorrer la compañía para implementar un proyecto de transformación digital. La importancia de este documento además de formular un plan de mejora a la organización objeto de estudio, es demostrar que, para realizar una transformación digital, es necesario evaluar diversos componentes, garantizando que estén alineados con la estrategia del negocio, y éstos a su vez, se deben trabajar integralmente para identificar a través de la aplicación de la herramienta las brechas o aspectos que la Compañía debe desarrollar. El informe excluye la implementación y cierre de las brechas que se identifiquen en el diagnóstico.Magíster en Gerencia Estratégica de Tecnologías de InformaciónMaestrí

    The Feasibility of Using the Super Tracker Website for Behavior Changes in the Adolescent Population

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    Research suggests technology such as health websites may be a viable way to effect lifestyle behavior and promote health. Several websites utilize self-monitoring of physical activity and diet as well as provide health-related education as a method to impact behavior. One such site is the Super Tracker tool on ChooseMyPlate.gov, created by the United States Department of Health. The site was created to encourage healthy diet and physical activity within the US population. Therefore, the aim of this original research was to examine the acceptability and feasibility outcomes of a self-monitoring physical activity intervention delivered by the Super Tracker website among inner city adolescents. A total of 26 students volunteered for this feasibility study. The website incorporates goal setting, self-monitoring of physical and dietary activity. Focus groups were conducted to assess the participants’ perceptions of the intervention and the application performance. Results suggested that the website intervention was feasible and acceptable to adolescents and may be utilized as an integral part in behavioral interventions for this specific population

    Development and implementation of an evaluation tool for measuring Cultural Competency learning activities in Health and Sport Science undergraduate students

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    Due to the diversity within the healthcare system, it is important to promote cultural competency in healthcare providers. The integration of pedagogical approaches to cultural competency into health-related programs cannot be understated. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop an instrument to examine the student engagement in cultural competency-related activities within health-related degree programs and determine the relationship between engagement and cultural competency. Participants of the study included first- and fourth-year undergraduate students studying within a health-related program at a mid-sized, private university in the Midwestern US. Participants completed a cultural competency inventory questionnaire which included activities identified from prior studies that facilitated cultural competency learning. They also completed The Inventory for Assessing the Process of Cultural Competence For Healthcare Professionals -Student Version (IAPCC-SV, 2009); a measure of cultural competency. Using the exploratory factor analysis, the Cultural Learning Inventory (CLI) indicated a 4-factor construct with adequate construct detection. Overall, three of the four CLI constructs were positively associated with overall cultural competency. Further, first-year students had lower CLI and cultural competency scores compared to fourth year students. In conclusion, promoting learning activities and programs can positively impact future cultural competency in health-related professionals

    Exploring the Connection Between Community Food Security Initiatives and Social-Cognitive Factors on Dietary Intake

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    Food insecurity and poor dietary consumption continue to impact low-income populations in the U.S. However, communities are developing ways to address it at the local level. Community Food Security Initiatives (CFSI) focus on increasing a sustainable, healthy food supply and food system while addressing food insecurity and dietary quality within a community. The purpose of this study was two-fold: (1) explore CFSIs in low-income areas in a metropolitan Midwest city and (2) examine the effects of the initiatives along with other social-cognitive factors on fruit and vegetable consumption in persons participating in local CFSIs. This was a mixed-methods study. First, seven representatives from different CFSIs were interviewed, and factors regarding initiative success were identified. Secondly, a group of 128 community members made up of both CFSI participants and non-CFSI participants completed questionnaires assessing fruit and vegetable intake, dietary-related social cognitive behavior, and socio-demographics. Several themes emerged from the interviews with the CFSI representatives including challenges, resources, and benefits in developing and sustaining an initiative. A multiple regression analysis was utilized to explain fruit and vegetable behavior across CFSI participation and dietary-related social-cognitive factors, controlling for education and income. The analysis showed that dietary-related social-cognitive factors, not CFSI participation, were an independent predictor of fruit and vegetable intake. In conclusion, CFSIs may increase food access within a local food system but may have a minimal impact on dietary behavior overall. CFSIs may need to reexamine their operations and identify ways to address not only food access but other social factors such as community empowerment and individual psychosocial factors relating to dietary behavior

    “Tamizaje de sobrepeso y actividad física según su frecuencia y duración en un grupo de estudiantes con sobrepeso del curso 902 de una institución educativa distrital – Colombia“

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    56 páginasEl sobrepeso en la adolescencia ha presentado una tendencia de crecimiento a nivel mundial, llegando a convertirse en una epidemia según la OMS. Se ha demostrado que la inactividad física y el sedentarismo son un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo del sobrepeso, por esta razón se realizó esta investigación desde el área de fisioterapia mediante un tamizaje de sobrepeso en un grupo de estudiantes del curso 902 de una institución educativa distrital de Bogotá y por medio de la aplicación del cuestionario internacional de actividad física IPAQ, formato corto se determinó la relación del sobrepeso en los adolescentes, con el nivel de actividad física realizada según su frecuencia y duración Nota: Para consultar la carta de autorización de publicación de este documento por favor copie y pegue el siguiente enlace en su navegador de Internet: http://hdl.handle.net/10818/919

    Análisis de los proyectos de inversión directa del Fondo de Prestaciones Económicas Cesantías y Pensiones- FONCEP, en relación al cumplimiento de los objetivos estratégicos organizacionales y al plan de desarrollo distrital para el periodo 2012-2016 Bogotá Humana

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    El Fondo de Prestaciones Económicas y Pensiones FONCEP, dentro de la estructura organizacional del Distrito Capital, tiene, por una parte, el deber de cumplir con el logro de sus objetivos estratégicos, y por otra, la función de aportar en la consecución de los objetivos planteados por la Alcaldía Mayor como cabeza de la administración central, y los cuales se plasman en el Plan de Desarrollo Bogotá Humana para el periodo 2012 2016. Para ello es importante que se ejecuten proyectos de inversión que aporten al fortalecimiento de la infraestructura para la adecuada prestación de los servicios y la implementación de un Sistema Integrado de Gestión con el fin de hacer más eficiente y eficaz a la Administración de la ciudad de Bogotá

    Sistema de información para el registro de visitantes y movimientos de entrada y salida de equipos de cómputo a la sede alterna de dirección general del SENA.

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    El Sistema de información para el registro de los movimientos de entrada y salida de equipos de cómputo de la sede alterna de la Dirección General del SENA en Bogotá, es una solución diseñada e implementada para dar respuesta a múltiples problemas presentados al momento de entrar a las instalaciones con un equipo de cómputo y hacer el respectivo registro. Actualmente, este procedimiento presenta inconvenientes como pérdida y segregación de la información por hacerse por separado en cada entrada y salida del edificio. El Sistema de información desarrollado introduce un aplicativo de escritorio instalado en los computadores que utilizan los vigilantes que se conecta a una base de datos centralizada; de esta forma, los registros de una entrada pueden ser vistos y actualizados desde los demás puntos. Este sistema también permite generar reportes para el área administrativa. En conclusión, es una solución integral sujeta a ser vinculada a procesos de mayor envergadura y alcance.The check-in and checkout information system for recording the entrance and exit of computers at the SENA financial services center headquarters in Bogota, is a solution designed and implemented in order to solve multiple problems presented with the entrance of computer equipment to the facility and with its appropriate register. Currently, this method has shown some problems as lost or segregation of information as it is made separately in each entrance and exit of the building. The information system developed introduces a desktop application installed on computers that the guards at each entry use, and which are connected to a centralized database; thus, records of entrance and exit of equipment can be viewed and updated from different points at the facility. This system also allows to generate reports for the administrative area. It is an integral solution subject to be linked to larger processes with a broader scope