1,363 research outputs found

    Algebraic structure of stochastic expansions and efficient simulation

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    We investigate the algebraic structure underlying the stochastic Taylor solution expansion for stochastic differential systems.Our motivation is to construct efficient integrators. These are approximations that generate strong numerical integration schemes that are more accurate than the corresponding stochastic Taylor approximation, independent of the governing vector fields and to all orders. The sinhlog integrator introduced by Malham & Wiese (2009) is one example. Herein we: show that the natural context to study stochastic integrators and their properties is the convolution shuffle algebra of endomorphisms; establish a new whole class of efficient integrators; and then prove that, within this class, the sinhlog integrator generates the optimal efficient stochastic integrator at all orders.Comment: 19 page

    Optimal β\beta-beam at the CERN-SPS

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    A β\beta-beam with maximum γ=150\gamma=150 (for \helio ions) or γ=250\gamma=250 (for \neon) could be achieved at the CERN-SPS. We study the sensitivity to θ13\theta_{13} and δ\delta of such a beam as function of γ\gamma, optimizing with the baseline constrained to CERN-Frejus (130 km), and also with simultaneous variation of the baseline. These results are compared to the {\it standard} scenario previously considered, with lower γ=60/100\gamma=60/100, and also with a higher γ350\gamma\sim 350 option that requires a more powerful accelerator. Although higher γ\gamma is better, loss of sensitivity to θ13\theta _{13} and δ\delta is most pronounced for γ\gamma below 100.Comment: 22 page

    Untangling CP Violation and the Mass Hierarchy in Long Baseline Experiments

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    In the overlap region, for the normal and inverted hierarchies, of the neutrino-antineutrino bi-probability space for νμνe\nu_\mu \to \nu_e appearance, we derive a simple identity between the solutions in the (sin22θ13\sin^2 2\theta_{13}, sinδ\sin \delta) plane for the different hierarchies. The parameter sin22θ13\sin^2 2\theta_{13} sets the scale of the νμνe\nu_\mu \to \nu_e appearance probabilities at the atmospheric δmatm22.4×103\delta m^2_{atm} \approx 2.4 \times 10^{-3} eV2^2 whereas sinδ\sin \delta controls the amount of CP violation in the lepton sector. The identity between the solutions is that the difference in the values of sinδ\sin \delta for the two hierarchies equals twice the value of sin22θ13\sqrt{\sin^2 2\theta_{13}} divided by the {\it critical} value of sin22θ13\sqrt{\sin^2 2\theta_{13}}. We apply this identity to the two proposed long baseline experiments, T2K and NOν\nuA, and we show how it can be used to provide a simple understanding of when and why fake solutions are excluded when two or more experiments are combined. The identity demonstrates the true complimentarity of T2K and NOν\nuA.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, 4 postscript figures. Submitted to New Journal of Physics, ``Focus on Neutrino Physics'' issu

    Lumen-oriented versus wall-oriented treatment strategies for intracranial aneurysms - A systematic review of suggested therapeutic concepts.

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    The development of new treatment strategies for intracranial aneurysms (IAs) has been and continues to be a major interest in neurovascular research. Initial treatment concepts were mainly based on a physical-mechanistic disease understanding for IA occlusion (lumen-oriented therapies). However, a growing body of literature indicates the important role of aneurysm wall biology (wall-oriented therapies) for complete IA obliteration. This systematic literature review identified studies that explored endovascular treatment strategies for aneurysm treatment in a preclinical setting. Of 5278 publications screened, 641 studies were included, categorized, and screened for eventual translation in a clinical trial. Lumen-oriented strategies included (1) enhanced intraluminal thrombus organization, (2) enhanced intraluminal packing, (3) bridging of the intraluminal space, and (4) other, alternative concepts. Wall-oriented strategies included (1) stimulation of proliferative response, (2) prevention of aneurysm wall cell injury, (3) inhibition of inflammation and oxidative stress, and (4) inhibition of extracellular matrix degradation. Overall, lumen-oriented strategies numerically still dominate over wall-oriented strategies. Among the plethora of suggested preclinical treatment strategies, only a small minority were translated into clinically applicable concepts (36 of 400 lumen-oriented and 6 of 241 wall-oriented). This systematic review provides a comprehensive overview that may provide a starting point for the development of new treatment strategies

    Study of the eightfold degeneracy with a standard β\beta-Beam and a Super-Beam facility

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    The study of the eightfold degeneracy at a neutrino complex that includes a standard β\beta-Beam and a Super-Beam facility is presented for the first time in this paper. The scenario where the neutrinos are sent toward a Megaton water Cerenkov detector located at the Fr\'{e}jus laboratory (baseline 130 Km) is exploited. The performance in terms of sensitivity for measuring the continuous (θ13\theta_{13} and δ\delta) and discrete (sign[Δm232]{sign} [ \Delta m^2_{23} ] and sign[tan(2θ23)]{sign} [\tan (2\theta_{23}) ]) oscillation parameters for the β\beta-Beam and Super-Beam alone, and for their combination has been studied. A brief review of the present uncertainties on the neutrino and antineutrino cross-sections is also reported and their impact on the discovery potential discussed

    The impact of biogenic VOC emissions on photochemical ozone formation during a high ozone pollution episode in the Iberian Peninsula in the 2003 summer season

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    Throughout Europe the summer of 2003 was exceptionally warm, especially July and August. The European Environment Agency (EEA) reported several ozone episodes, mainly in the first half of August. These episodes were exceptionally long-lasting, spatially extensive, and associated to high temperatures. In this paper, the 10$ndash;15 August 2003 ozone pollution event has been analyzed using meteorological and regional air quality modelling. During this period the threshold values of the European Directive 2002/3/EC were exceeded in various areas of the Iberian Peninsula. <br><br> The aim of this paper is to computationally understand and quantify the influence of biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions in the formation of tropospheric ozone during this high ozone episode. Being able to differentiate how much ozone comes from biogenic emissions alone and how much comes from the interaction between anthropogenic and biogenic emissions would be helpful to develop a feasible and effective ozone control strategy. The impact on ozone formation was also studied in combination with various anthropogenic emission reduction strategies, i.e., when anthropogenic VOC emissions and/or NO<sub>x</sub> emissions are reduced. The results show a great dependency of the BVOC contribution to ozone formation on the antropoghenic reduction scenario. In rural areas, the impact due to a NO<sub>x</sub> and/or VOC reduction does not change the BVOC impact. Nevertheless, within big cities or industrial zones, a NO<sub>x</sub> reduction results in a decrease of the biogenic impact in ozone levels that can reach 85 μg/m<sup>3</sup>, whereas an Anthropogenic Volatile Organic Compound (AVOC) reduction results in a decrease of the BVOC contribution on ozone formation that varies from 0 to 30 μg/m<sup>3</sup> with respect to the contribution at the same points in the 2003 base scenario. On the other hand, downwind of the big cities, a decrease in NO<sub>x</sub> produces a minor contribution of biogenic emissions and a decrease in AVOCs results in greater contributions of BVOCs to the formation of ozone

    Sensitivity analysis of surface ozone to modified initial and boundary conditions in both rural and industrial zones

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    International audienceA three-dimensional air quality model based on a set of chemical species mass conservation equations describes the time evolution of chemical species in the atmosphere. In order to solve this set of equations, proper choices of initial and boundary conditions are needed. Ideally, initial and boundary conditions should be determined on the basis of observations. However, since such high-resolution observations are generally not available, it becomes necessary to use other information sources to specify the initial and boundary values. The fact that both the initial and the boundary conditions are specified with some degree of presumption makes it important to evaluate their influence in the model results. In this paper we present a study of the impact of initial and boundary concentrations on the modelled surface ozone concentration over two environments: Huelva and Badajoz, an industrial and a rural zone, respectively. The impacts are analysed for the same meteorological period (10?15 August 2003)

    Swallowing Activity Assessed by Ambulatory Impedance-pH Monitoring Predicts Awake and Asleep Periods at Night

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    Introduction: Voluntary muscle activity, including swallowing, decreases during the night. The association between nocturnal awakenings and swallowing activity is under-researched with limited information on the frequency of swallows during awake and asleep periods. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess nocturnal swallowing activity and identify a cut-off predicting awake and asleep periods. Methods: Patients undergoing impedance-pH monitoring as part of GERD work-up were asked to wear a wrist activity detecting device (Actigraph®) at night. Swallowing activity was quantified by analysing impedance changes in the proximal esophagus. Awake and asleep periods were determined using a validated scoring system (Sadeh algorithm). Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analyses were performed to determine sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of swallowing frequency to identify awake and asleep periods. Results: Data from 76 patients (28male, 48 female; mean age 56±15years) were included in the analysis. The ROC analysis found that 0.33sw/min (i.e. one swallow every 3min) had the optimal sensitivity (78%) and specificity (76%) to differentiate awake from asleep periods. A swallowing frequency of 0.25sw/min (i.e. one swallow every 4min) was 93% sensitive and 57% specific to identify awake periods. A swallowing frequency of 1sw/min was 20% sensitive but 96% specific in identifying awake periods. Summary and Conclusion: Impedance-pH monitoring detects differences in swallowing activity during awake and asleep periods. Swallowing frequency noticed during ambulatory impedance-pH monitoring can predict the state of consciousness during nocturnal period