24 research outputs found

    Оцінка якості життя у вікових першовагітних та вагітних з великим інтергенетичним інтервалом

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    Проведено изучение показателей качества жизни у 120 возрастных первобеременных и 240 беременных с большим интергенетическим интервалом с использованием опросника SF-36 Health Status Survey, разработанного The Health Institute, New England Medical Center, Boston, USA. Исследование показало, что пациентки обеих групп имеют низкие показатели качества жизни. При сравнении большинство изучаемых параметров оценки качества жизни в обследованных группах не отличались, однако у пациенток с большим интергенетическим интервалом – достоверно выше оценка социальной роли и энергетичности. Оценка качества жизни у возрастных первобеременных и беременных с большим интергенетическим интервалом является важным сегментом наблюдения во время беременности, который оценивает перспективы развития беременности в психологическом, физическом и социальном аспектах.A study of the life quality of 120 over-age primigravidas and of 240 women with a large intergenetic interval has been carried out using the questionnaire SF-36 Health Status Survey developed by The Health Institute, New England Medical Center, Boston, USA. This research has shown that the patients in the both groups have a low quality of life. The major part of the life quality parameters were the same in the both groups, however, in patients with a large interval between births the values of the social role and the energy level were significantly higher. The life quality of over-age primigravidas and pregnant women with a large interval between successive births is an important sector of observation during pregnancy, which allows assessing the prospects of pregnancy in the psychological, physical, and social aspects

    Science Priorities for Seamounts: Research Links to Conservation and Management

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    Seamounts shape the topography of all ocean basins and can be hotspots of biological activity in the deep sea. The Census of Marine Life on Seamounts (CenSeam) was a field program that examined seamounts as part of the global Census of Marine Life (CoML) initiative from 2005 to 2010. CenSeam progressed seamount science by collating historical data, collecting new data, undertaking regional and global analyses of seamount biodiversity, mapping species and habitat distributions, challenging established paradigms of seamount ecology, developing new hypotheses, and documenting the impacts of human activities on seamounts. However, because of the large number of seamounts globally, much about the structure, function and connectivity of seamount ecosystems remains unexplored and unknown. Continual, and potentially increasing, threats to seamount resources from fishing and seabed mining are creating a pressing demand for research to inform conservation and management strategies. To meet this need, intensive science effort in the following areas will be needed: 1) Improved physical and biological data; of particular importance is information on seamount location, physical characteristics (e.g. habitat heterogeneity and complexity), more complete and intensive biodiversity inventories, and increased understanding of seamount connectivity and faunal dispersal; 2) New human impact data; these shall encompass better studies on the effects of human activities on seamount ecosystems, as well as monitoring long-term changes in seamount assemblages following impacts (e.g. recovery); 3) Global data repositories; there is a pressing need for more comprehensive fisheries catch and effort data, especially on the high seas, and compilation or maintenance of geological and biodiversity databases that underpin regional and global analyses; 4) Application of support tools in a data-poor environment; conservation and management will have to increasingly rely on predictive modelling techniques, critical evaluation of environmental surrogates as faunal “proxies”, and ecological risk assessment

    Profundiconus maribelae Tenorio & Castelin, 2016 MNHN-IM-2007-34878

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    <p>SPECIMEN<br> SEC & ALCOOL95: MNHN-IM-2007-34878<br> Size: 27.5</p> <p>TAXONOMY<br> Phylum: Mollusca<br> Class: Gastropoda<br> Order: Neogastropoda<br> Family: Conidae<br> Genus: Profundiconus<br> Species: Profundiconus maribelae<br> Name: Profundiconus maribelae Tenorio & Castelin, 2016</p> <p>ORIGIN<br> Country label: ILES SALOMON<br> Locality: Guadalcanal<br> Collector's name<br> Richer & Boisselier rec.<br> Expedition: SALOMONBOA 3<br> Ship: Alis<br> Ship type: Navire océanographique<br> Station number: CP2767<br> Collection date: 2007-09-10T17:35+0200/2007-09-10T18:05+0200<br> Depth (meters): 416 -425<br> Geographic coordinates: 9° 18' 59.3388'' S ; 160° 5' 55.518'' E<br> Type locality: SOLOMON ISLANDS: Guadalcanal, 9°19' S, 160°6' E, 416–425 m (SALOMONBOA 3 st. CP 2767).</p

    Macroevolution of venom apparatus innovations in auger snails (Gastropoda; Conoidea; Terebridae)

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    The Terebridae are a diverse family of tropical and subtropical marine gastropods that use a complex and modular venom apparatus to produce toxins that capture polychaete and enteropneust preys. The complexity of the terebrid venom apparatus suggests that venom apparatus development in the Terebridae could be linked to the diversification of the group and can be analyzed within a molecular phylogenetic scaffold to better understand terebrid evolution. Presented here is a molecular phylogeny of 89 terebrid species belonging to 12 of the 15 currently accepted genera, based on Bayesian inference and Maximum Likelihood analyses of amplicons of 3 mitochondrial (COI, 16S and 12S) and one nuclear (28S) genes. The evolution of the anatomy of the terebrid venom apparatus was assessed by mapping traits of six related characters: proboscis, venom gland, odontophore, accessory proboscis structure, radula, and salivary glands. A novel result concerning terebrid phylogeny was the discovery of a previously unrecognized lineage, which includes species of Euterebra and Duplicaria. The non-monophyly of most terebrid genera analyzed indicates that the current genus-level classification of the group is plagued with homoplasy and requires further taxonomic investigations. Foregut anatomy in the family Terebridae reveals an inordinate diversity of features that covers the range of variability within the entire superfamily Conoidea, and that hypodermic radulae have likely evolved independently on at least three occasions. These findings illustrate that terebrid venom apparatus evolution is not perfunctory, and involves independent and numerous changes of central features in the foregut anatomy. The multiple emergence of hypodermic marginal radular teeth in terebrids are presumably associated with variable functionalities, suggesting that terebrids have adapted to dietary changes that may have resulted from predator–prey relationships. The anatomical and phylogenetic results presented serve as a starting point to advance investigations about the role of predator–prey interactions in the diversification of the Terebridae and the impact on their peptide toxins, which are promising bioactive compounds for biomedical research and therapeutic drug development

    Hidden diversity and endemism on seamounts : focus on poorly dispersive neogastropods

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    The seamounts chain offers a set of fragmented habitats in which species with poor dispersive ability may undergo divergence in allopatry. Such a scenario may explain the endemism often described on seamounts. In gastropods, it is possible to infer the mode of development of a species from the morphology of its larval shell. Accordingly, we examine the population genetics of several caenogastropods from the Norfolk and Lord Howe seamounts (south-west Pacific) with contrasting modes of larval development. A prerequisite to our study was to clarify the taxonomic framework. The species delimitation was ruled using an integrative approach, based on both morphological and molecular evidence. Molecular data indicate an unexpected taxonomic diversity within the existing species names. Both the clarification of the taxonomic framework and the importance of the sampling effort allow us to confidently detect cryptic diversity and micro-endemism. These results are discussed in relation to the dispersive capacities of the organisms

    Speciation patterns in gastropods with long-lived larvae from deep-sea seamounts

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    Characterizing speciation processes in the sea remains a highly contentious issue because geographic barriers to gene exchange, which are the initial conditions for the allopatric speciation model, are not obvious. Moreover, many benthic marine organisms have long-lived planktonic larvae that allow them to connect distant patches of habitats. We here analyse the pattern of speciation in the gastropod genus Bursa in which all species have long-lived and planktonic-feeding larvae. We use a large taxonomic and ecologic coverage of Bursidae from the Indo-Pacific. We use an integrative approach to taxonomy to give more support to available taxonomic hypotheses. This analysis revealed cryptic lineages and suggest that a taxonomic revision of the family should be performed. A molecular clock calibrated from the fossil record was used to estimate divergence times. We then focus on the three co-existing species living in the deep waters of New Caledonia. Over the wide sampled area, no genetic structure was detected for the three species. We show that among New Caledonia species, Bursa fijiensis and Bursa quirihorai are reciprocally monophyletic. These two species are the two more closely related species in the inferred phylogeny. The present biogeographic ranges of the two species and the estimated time of divergence make the scenario of geographic isolation followed by secondary contact unlikely

    Molluskan species richness and endemism on New Caledonian seamounts : are they enhanced compared to adjacent slopes ?

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    Seamounts were often considered as 'hotspots of diversity' and 'centers of endemism', but recently this opinion has been challenged. After 25 years of exploration and the work of numerous taxonomists, the Norfolk Ridge (Southwest Pacific) is probably one of the best-studied seamount chains worldwide. However, even in this intensively explored area, the richness and the geographic patterns of diversity are still poorly characterized. Among the benthic organisms, the post-mortem remains of mollusks can supplement live records to comprehensively document geographical distributions. Moreover, the accretionary growth of mollusk shells informs us about the life span of the pelagic larva. To compare diversity and level of endemism between the Norfolk Ridge seamounts and the continental slopes of New Caledonia we used species occurrence data drawn from (i) the taxonomic literature on mollusks and (ii) a raw dataset of mainly undescribed deep-sea species of the hyperdiverse Turridae. Patterns of endemism and species richness were analyzed through quantitative indices of endemism and species richness estimator metrics. To date, 403 gastropods and bivalves species have been recorded on the Norfolk Ridge seamounts. Of these, at least 38 species (similar to 10%) are potentially endemic to the seamounts and nearly all of 38 species have protoconchs indicating lecithotrophic larval development. Overall, our results suggest that estimates of species richness and endemism, when sampling effort is taken into account, were not significantly different between slopes and seamounts. By including in our analyses 347 undescribed morphospecies from the Norfolk Ridge, our results also demonstrate the influence of taxonomic bias on our estimates of species richness and endemism