94 research outputs found

    On growth and fluctuation of k-abelian complexity

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    An extension of abelian complexity, so called k-abelian complexity, has been considered recently in a number of articles. This paper considers two particular aspects of this extension: First, how much the complexity can increase when moving from a level k to the next one. Second, how much the complexity of a given word can fluctuate. For both questions we give optimal solutions. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Nivat's conjecture holds for sums of two periodic configurations

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    Nivat's conjecture is a long-standing open combinatorial problem. It concerns two-dimensional configurations, that is, maps Z2A\mathbb Z^2 \rightarrow \mathcal A where A\mathcal A is a finite set of symbols. Such configurations are often understood as colorings of a two-dimensional square grid. Let Pc(m,n)P_c(m,n) denote the number of distinct m×nm \times n block patterns occurring in a configuration cc. Configurations satisfying Pc(m,n)mnP_c(m,n) \leq mn for some m,nNm,n \in \mathbb N are said to have low rectangular complexity. Nivat conjectured that such configurations are necessarily periodic. Recently, Kari and the author showed that low complexity configurations can be decomposed into a sum of periodic configurations. In this paper we show that if there are at most two components, Nivat's conjecture holds. As a corollary we obtain an alternative proof of a result of Cyr and Kra: If there exist m,nNm,n \in \mathbb N such that Pc(m,n)mn/2P_c(m,n) \leq mn/2, then cc is periodic. The technique used in this paper combines the algebraic approach of Kari and the author with balanced sets of Cyr and Kra.Comment: Accepted for SOFSEM 2018. This version includes an appendix with proofs. 12 pages + references + appendi

    Specular sets

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    We introduce the notion of specular sets which are subsets of groups called here specular and which form a natural generalization of free groups. These sets are an abstract generalization of the natural codings of linear involutions. We prove several results concerning the subgroups generated by return words and by maximal bifix codes in these sets.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1405.352

    Words with the Maximum Number of Abelian Squares

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    An abelian square is the concatenation of two words that are anagrams of one another. A word of length nn can contain Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) distinct factors that are abelian squares. We study infinite words such that the number of abelian square factors of length nn grows quadratically with nn.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of WORDS 201

    Garside and quadratic normalisation: a survey

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    Starting from the seminal example of the greedy normal norm in braid monoids, we analyse the mechanism of the normal form in a Garside monoid and explain how it extends to the more general framework of Garside families. Extending the viewpoint even more, we then consider general quadratic normalisation procedures and characterise Garside normalisation among them.Comment: 30 page

    Homotopy bases and finite derivation type for Schutzenberger groups of monoids

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    Given a finitely presented monoid and a homotopy base for the monoid, and given an arbitrary Schutzenberger group of the monoid, the main result of this paper gives a homotopy base, and presentation, for the Schutzenberger group. In the case that the R-class R' of the Schutzenberger group G(H) has only finitely many H-classes, and there is an element s of the multiplicative right pointwise stabilizer of H, such that under the left action of the monoid on its R-classes the intersection of the orbit of the R-class of s with the inverse orbit of R' is finite, then finiteness of the presentation and of the homotopy base is preserved.Comment: 24 page

    Scalar Ambiguity and Freeness in Matrix Semigroups over Bounded Languages

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    There has been much research into freeness properties of finitely generated matrix semigroups under various constraints, mainly related to the dimensions of the generator matrices and the semiring over which the matrices are defined. A recent paper has also investigated freeness properties of matrices within a bounded language of matrices, which are of the form M1M2 · · · Mk ⊆ F n×n for some semiring F [9]. Most freeness problems have been shown to be undecidable starting from dimension three, even for upper-triangular matrices over the natural numbers. There are many open problems still remaining in dimension two. We introduce a notion of freeness and ambiguity for scalar reachability problems in matrix semigroups and bounded languages of matrices. Scalar reachability concerns the set {ρ TMτ |M ∈ S}, where ρ, τ ∈ F n are vectors and S is a finitely generated matrix semigroup. Ambiguity and freeness problems are defined in terms of uniqueness of factorizations leading to each scalar. We show various undecidability results