820 research outputs found

    You Can’t be Serious, that Ball was IN: An Investigation of Junior Tennis Cheating Behavior

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    Because junior tennis players have to enforce the rules of the game against each other, cheating to give a player an unfair advantage is common. While this deviant behavior is found to be commonplace in the sport, there is little research to investigate its cause or influences. Results indicated that junior players felt that personal and parental pressures were the most common sources of perceived pressure to win that resulted in cheating behavior. The prevalence of parents who cheat was also cited as a major issue with the participants. Implications as to how the current study adds to the literature of youth cheating as well as practical implications are discusse

    Blindfolding the Jury

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    Psychological antecedents of youth versus adult participation: An examination based on the Sport Commitment Model

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    This study examined adult and youth Taekwondo (TKD) participants utilizing the Sport Commitment Model (SCM). In addition to direct effects predicting commitment, indirect effects of enjoyment as a mediating variable were examined. TKD participants (adult, n = 204; youth, n = 227) from four studios completed a questionnaire that included SCM variables (commitment, enjoyment, involvement alternatives, involvement opportunities, personal investments, social constraints, and social support). Structural equation modeling analysis compared age groups to assess similarities and differences. Similarities between age groups included involvement opportunities and personal investments being significant predictors of commitment while involvement alternatives were a significant detractor of commitment. Analysis of differences found that the social variables (i.e., social constraints and support) and enjoyment were significant predictors for youth only. This was the first study examining the SCM with both youth and adults participating in the same sport activity. Findings are discussed relative to theoretical and practical implications. 

    Public Parks Usage Near Hydraulic Fracturing Operations

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    Following the advent of hydraulic fracturing to effectively collect natural gas and oil, there has been growing interest in placing exploration and extraction wells in or adjacent to public park and forest systems across North America and Europe. At the heart of the debate about leasing public parkland is the concern that park acreage and accessibility will be lost to fracking operations, thereby decreasing park attendance. In this study, we apply value-belief-norm theory to evaluate park users’ general attitudes toward fracking and public policy and their perceptions of fracking’s impact on their recreational activity. A survey of 255 park users in the Appalachian Basin of the United States indicated that individuals holding strong pro-environmental attitudes in general would likely avoid parklands that are affected by fracking operations. Additionally, a majority of respondents reported concern that fracking would disrupt park access and thusly supported legislative bans of fracking in public parklands

    Corn Silage Variety Trial Archive

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    This report features the available corn silage data from 2003-2017. Crop performance testing results are released annually through the activities of SDSU Extension and the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station at SDSU

    The coloration toolkit of flowers:Filtering pigments, scattering structures and biological significance

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    In dit proefschrift onderzoek ik de mechanismen en functies van bloemkleur. Kleurvorming in veruit de meeste bloemen komt door reflectie van licht door celstructuren binnenin de bloembladeren en de aanwezige pigmenten geven het gereflecteerde licht een bepaalde kleurtint. Ik laat zien hoe verschillen in anatomie, zoals veranderingen in pigmentconcentraties en –lokalisaties en dikte van het bloemblad, de kleuren van bloemen beïnvloeden. Via een optisch model wordt kwantitatief bepaald hoe verschillende structuren in het bloemblad bijdragen aan het visuele signaal van de bloemen. We interpreteren de contrasterende visuele signalen met behulp van modellen van het visuele detectiesysteem van insecten, om zo een beter beeld te krijgen in de strategieën die planten gebruiken om hun zichtbaarheid te vergroten. Ik heb ook gekeken naar bloemkleur door middel van structuren. Over het algemeen is het visuele signaal door bloemoppervlakken verwaarloosbaar vergelijken met het visuele signaal ten gevolge van pigmentkleur. Boterbloemen zijn hierop een uitzondering. De prominente glans van boterbloemen wordt veroorzaakt door de unieke anatomie van de bloem: de bovenste laag van de bloem werkt als een optische dunne film. Daarnaast heb ik de rol van bloemkleur in natuurgebied de Drentsche Aa onderzocht en gevonden dat planten die elkaar beconcurreren bij het aantrekken van insecten meer verschillend gekleurde bloemen hebben dan planten die niet concurreren. Middels een literatuurstudie laat ik zien hoe in uitsluitend vegetatief vermeerderende planten de voortplantingsorganen degenereren. Tot slot bespreek ik waarom veel spectaculaire visuele signalen van bloemen onzichtbaar zijn voor bloembezoekers en dus het beste kunnen worden beschouwd als een bijproduct. Dit proefschrift is een van de weinige werken waar de optische mechanismen van bloemkleur worden bestudeerd

    Boise State Open Educational Resources Staff Training

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    Join colleagues from the Library, eCampus, Learning Technology Solutions and the IDEA Shop for a morning of learning about OER. Goals include: 1) Participants will learn about OER and how we can help support faculty interested in adopting OER. 2) Participants will meet each other, learn what we do in our respective departments and how we can work together

    Grensesnitt for trådløs kommunikasjon og energioverføring

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    Bacheloroppgaven gikk ut på å utvikle et grensesnitt for trådløs kommunikasjon og energioverføring over spoler. Systemet består av to noder, en primær- og en sekundærnode. Hver node er inndelt i tre hoveddeler: kraftelektronikk, kommunikasjonselektronikk og mikrokontrollerelektronikk. I denne oppgaven ble kommunikasjonen realisert med Bluetooth, og derfor inngår kommunikasjonselektronikken i mikrokontrollerelektronikken. Inkludert i mikrokontrollerelektronikken er også en sensormodul som skal måle inngangsstrømmen og -spenningen til kraftelektronikken. Det har i tillegg blitt laget et C#-basert grafisk brukergrensesnitt for overvåking og styring av systemet. Systemet kan brukes uavhengig av brukergrensesnittet. Kraftelektronikken i primærnoden forsynes med 10 V - 24 V og maks 8 A. Den forsynte energien overføres induktivt til kraftelektronikken i sekundærnoden, som bruker energien til å drive seg selv, og en ekstern last. Mikrokontrolleren i hver node forsynes med en egen kraftforsyning som kan levere 5 V og omtrent 100 mA. Kommunikasjonselektronikken består av to enkelte Bluetooth-moduler som er montert på hver sin mikrokontroller. Bluetooth-modulene kobler seg til hverandre automatisk ved oppstart, og står for kommunikasjon mellom primær- og sekundærnoden. Kommunikasjonshastigheten til Bluetooth-modulene er konfigurert til å være 115200 baud. Det er i tillegg montert en sensor på hver mikrokontroller. Ved forespørsel fra mikrokontrolleren foretar sensoren målinger av inngangsstrømmen og -spenningen til kraftelektronikken i den respektive noden. Det grafiske brukergrensesnittet kan kobles til én node om gangen og brukes til å kommunisere med systemet, i tillegg til andre enheter koblet til systemet. Brukergrensesnittet kan også presentere målingene av strøm og spenning som umiddelbare verdier, og i et plott. Under bacheloroppgaven ble det også prøvd ut forskjellige metoder for å overføre data mellom primær- og sekundærnoden over spolene som er brukt for kraftoverføring, hvor kun prinsippene ble utprøvd. Deriblant ble overlagring av en sinus på kraftsignalet testet for å legge grunnlaget for frekvensskiftmodulasjon (FSK). I tillegg ble prinsippet for dataoverføring ved å amplitudemodulere kraftsignalet utprøvd.The main task in this bachelor thesis was to develop an interface for wireless communication and energy transfer over coils. The system consists of two nodes, a primary and a secondary node. Each node is divided into three main parts: power electronics, communication electronics and microcontroller electronics. In this task, the communication was realized with Bluetooth, and therefore the communication electronics are included in the microcontroller electronics. Included in the microcontroller electronics is also a sensor module that will measure the input current and input voltage of the power electronics. In addition, a C# -based graphical user interface has been created for monitoring and controlling the system. The system can be used independently of the user interface. The power electronics in the primary node are supplied with 10 V - 24 V and a maximum of 8 A. The supplied energy is inductively transferred to the power electronics in the secondary node, which uses the energy to drive itself, and an external load. The microcontroller in each node is supplied with a separate power supply that can supply 5 V and approximately 100 mA. The communication electronics consist of two individual Bluetooth modules that are mounted on separate microcontrollers. The Bluetooth modules connect to each other automatically at start-up, and are responsible for the communication between the primary and secondary node. The communication speed of the Bluetooth modules is configured to be 115200 baud. A sensor is also mounted on each microcontroller. At the request of the microcontroller, the sensor makes measurements of the input current and input voltage of the power electronics in the respective node. The graphical user interface can be connected to one node at a time and can be used to communicate with the system, in addition to other devices connected to the system. The user interface can also present the measurements of the current and the voltage as immediate values, and in a plot. During the bachelor thesis, different methods were also tested for transferring data between the primary and secondary nodes over the coils used for power transmission, however only the concepts were tested. Among other things, superimposition of a sine on the power signal was tested to lay the foundation for frequency shift modulation (FSK). In addition, the principle of data transmission by amplitude modulating the power signal was tested

    Grensesnitt for trådløs kommunikasjon og energioverføring

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    Bacheloroppgaven gikk ut på å utvikle et grensesnitt for trådløs kommunikasjon og energioverføring over spoler. Systemet består av to noder, en primær- og en sekundærnode. Hver node er inndelt i tre hoveddeler: kraftelektronikk, kommunikasjonselektronikk og mikrokontrollerelektronikk. I denne oppgaven ble kommunikasjonen realisert med Bluetooth, og derfor inngår kommunikasjonselektronikken i mikrokontrollerelektronikken. Inkludert i mikrokontrollerelektronikken er også en sensormodul som skal måle inngangsstrømmen og -spenningen til kraftelektronikken. Det har i tillegg blitt laget et C#-basert grafisk brukergrensesnitt for overvåking og styring av systemet. Systemet kan brukes uavhengig av brukergrensesnittet. Kraftelektronikken i primærnoden forsynes med 10 V - 24 V og maks 8 A. Den forsynte energien overføres induktivt til kraftelektronikken i sekundærnoden, som bruker energien til å drive seg selv, og en ekstern last. Mikrokontrolleren i hver node forsynes med en egen kraftforsyning som kan levere 5 V og omtrent 100 mA. Kommunikasjonselektronikken består av to enkelte Bluetooth-moduler som er montert på hver sin mikrokontroller. Bluetooth-modulene kobler seg til hverandre automatisk ved oppstart, og står for kommunikasjon mellom primær- og sekundærnoden. Kommunikasjonshastigheten til Bluetooth-modulene er konfigurert til å være 115200 baud. Det er i tillegg montert en sensor på hver mikrokontroller. Ved forespørsel fra mikrokontrolleren foretar sensoren målinger av inngangsstrømmen og -spenningen til kraftelektronikken i den respektive noden. Det grafiske brukergrensesnittet kan kobles til én node om gangen og brukes til å kommunisere med systemet, i tillegg til andre enheter koblet til systemet. Brukergrensesnittet kan også presentere målingene av strøm og spenning som umiddelbare verdier, og i et plott. Under bacheloroppgaven ble det også prøvd ut forskjellige metoder for å overføre data mellom primær- og sekundærnoden over spolene som er brukt for kraftoverføring, hvor kun prinsippene ble utprøvd. Deriblant ble overlagring av en sinus på kraftsignalet testet for å legge grunnlaget for frekvensskiftmodulasjon (FSK). I tillegg ble prinsippet for dataoverføring ved å amplitudemodulere kraftsignalet utprøvd.The main task in this bachelor thesis was to develop an interface for wireless communication and energy transfer over coils. The system consists of two nodes, a primary and a secondary node. Each node is divided into three main parts: power electronics, communication electronics and microcontroller electronics. In this task, the communication was realized with Bluetooth, and therefore the communication electronics are included in the microcontroller electronics. Included in the microcontroller electronics is also a sensor module that will measure the input current and input voltage of the power electronics. In addition, a C# -based graphical user interface has been created for monitoring and controlling the system. The system can be used independently of the user interface. The power electronics in the primary node are supplied with 10 V - 24 V and a maximum of 8 A. The supplied energy is inductively transferred to the power electronics in the secondary node, which uses the energy to drive itself, and an external load. The microcontroller in each node is supplied with a separate power supply that can supply 5 V and approximately 100 mA. The communication electronics consist of two individual Bluetooth modules that are mounted on separate microcontrollers. The Bluetooth modules connect to each other automatically at start-up, and are responsible for the communication between the primary and secondary node. The communication speed of the Bluetooth modules is configured to be 115200 baud. A sensor is also mounted on each microcontroller. At the request of the microcontroller, the sensor makes measurements of the input current and input voltage of the power electronics in the respective node. The graphical user interface can be connected to one node at a time and can be used to communicate with the system, in addition to other devices connected to the system. The user interface can also present the measurements of the current and the voltage as immediate values, and in a plot. During the bachelor thesis, different methods were also tested for transferring data between the primary and secondary nodes over the coils used for power transmission, however only the concepts were tested. Among other things, superimposition of a sine on the power signal was tested to lay the foundation for frequency shift modulation (FSK). In addition, the principle of data transmission by amplitude modulating the power signal was tested