8 research outputs found

    La incidencia de la práctica físico-deportiva de los padres hacia sus hijos durante la infancia y la adolescencia

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    Se ha realizado una investigación sobre los hábitos de vida en relación con la salud, concretamente sobre la relación existente entre los hábitos de práctica de actividad física en escolares de primaria y secundaria obligatoria, en función de la práctica físico-deportiva por parte de sus padres. Para realizar dicha investigación se han utilizado cuestionarios validados mediante dos estudios piloto dobles, con las respuestas a un primer y segundo cuestionario readaptado, por medio de un grupo control en cada uno de los niveles educativos mencionados. Los resultados del estudio confirman una clara involución de la práctica física en el paso de un nivel educativo a otro, existiendo diferencias estadísticamente significativas a favor de los varones. Del mismo modo, el hábito de practicar actividad física frecuentemente tanto el padre como la madre del joven favorece una mayor participación deportiva por parte del escola

    La incidència de la pràctica físicoesportiva dels pares cap als seus fills durant la infància i l’adolescència

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    S’ha realitzat una investigació sobre els hàbits de vida en relació amb la salut, concretament sobre la relació existent entre els hàbits de pràctica d’activitat física en escolars de primària i secundària obligatòria, en funció de la pràctica físicoesportiva per part dels seus pares. Per realitzar aquesta investigació s’han utilitzat qüestionaris validats mitjançant dos estudis pilot dobles, amb les respostes a un primer i a un segon qüestionari readaptat, mitjançant un grup control a cadascun dels nivells educatius esmentats. Els resultats de l’estudi confirmen una clara involució de la pràctica física en el pas d’un nivell educatiu a un altre; existeixen diferències estadísticament significatives a favor dels barons. Així mateix, l’hàbit de practicar activitat física sovint tant el pare com la mare del jove, afavoreix una més gran participació esportiva per part de l’escolar

    Efecto de un programa de intervención sobre el estrés percibido, autoestima y rendimiento en jóvenes pilotos de motociclismo de elite

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    In the motorcycling sport specialty, scientific literature has focused on technology, safety or even on injury variables; however there is little information regarding psychological variables. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of a technical and physical intervention on psychological variables such as self-esteem, self-assessment, appraisal of others and, finally, performance. The sample was made up of twenty-seven young elite road-race motorcyclists who competed in the Red Bull Moto GP Rookies Cup. 16 of whom completed an intervention program (Experimental Group, EG), while the other 14 belonged to the Control Group (CG). We collected the measurements in the first and last race of the season. Our results indicate the EG had controlled the stress level, had a better technique, physical, and psychological conditions, besides better competition performance, in comparison with the CG. We conclude that our intervention program has been effective at maintaining stress levels, bettering technical, tactical and psychological skills, and also improving performance throughout the competition period

    Feeding habits of young international elite motorcyclists

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    La alimentación es fundamental para rendir en el deporte, ya que una dieta inadecuada puede limitar el resultado. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio ha sido conocer los hábitos nutricionales de 27 jóvenes pilotos de motociclismo de élite internacional a través de un cuestionario. Los resultados muestran cómo un 96.2% de los pilotos se alejan de las recomendaciones nutricionales de cinco comidas al día, así como de la recomendación de 3 raciones diarias de cereales y pan, que son cumplidas por 15,4% y 30,8% respectivamente. No existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas para ninguno de los macronutrientes entre los momentos de entrenamiento y justo antes de una competición. Respecto a la hidratación, existen diferencias significativas entre un día de entrenamiento y un día de competición (p= 0,008). Los resultados sugieren que los hábitos alimentarios de los jóvenes pilotos de motociclismo deberían ser mejorados, estableciéndose pautas de actuación e implicando a los deportistas, familias y entrenadores.Feeding is crutial to perform at the highest level in elite sport. So, to offer feeding patterns to the next Moto GP pilots, we have analyzed the feeding patterns of 27 elite young worldwide motorcycling pilots coming from the 5 continents, selected after a rigorous process developed by the organizers of the word motorcycling championship (Moto GP). It has been found that although pilots give a big importance to their weigth and feeding, their feeding habits are not adapted to the standards and recommendations for athletes. They are no big or meaningful differences for any of the macronutrients in the training sessions and the period before a competition. Regarding hidratation, there are significant differences between a training day and a competition one (p=0,008). Results suggest that feeding habits of the elite young motorcyclists should be clearly improved, stablishing patterns that involve athletes, parents, and coaches, all of them taking care about the nutrition

    Ansiedad, depresión, calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y fitness físico-educativo en mujeres de mediana edad

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    During a specific time of life, aging is a natural and inevitable process which affects the decline of cognitive capacity and psychological disorders. However, a lot of people do not manage a correct quality of life due to physical fitness or psychological variables such as anxiety and depression. The aim of the present study is to analyze the relationship of anxiety and depression with quality of life related to health and physical fitness level in middle-age women. A total of 116 women aged between 41 and 79 years participated in this study. A cross-sectional study was used to assess clinical characteristics, anxiety and depression variables, health-related quality of life and physical fitness of participants. The results indicated that high levels of depression were not presented. However, higher HADS-anxiety and HADS-depression status groups showed the worst physical fitness test except thelower body muscular strength. It is necessary to highlight the relevance of engagement in physical-educative programs to decrease levels of depression and anxiety, improving subjects’ quality of life related to health and physical fitness in middle-age women.El envejecimiento es un proceso natural e inevitable, durante un periodo específico de la vida que afecta a la declinación de la capacidad cognitiva y desórdenes psicológicos. Hay mucha gente que no gestiona correctamente su calidad de vida debido a variables psicológicas como la ansiedad, depresión o capacidad física. El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar la relación de la ansiedad y depresión con la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y el nivel de capacidad física en mujeres de mediana edad. Un total de 116 mujeres con edades comprendidas entre 41 y 79 años participaron en este estudio. Un estudio transversal fue utilizado para evaluar las características clínicas, variables de ansiedad y depresión, calidad de vida y capacidad física de las participantes. Los resultados no indicaron altos valores de HADS-depresión. Sin embargo, los grupos de participantes con mayores valores de HADS-ansiedad y HADS-depresión mostraron peores resultados de capacidad física excepto en la fuerza de tren inferior. Es necesario destacar la relevancia de la participación en programas físico-educativos para disminuir los niveles de depresión y ansiedad, mejorar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud de las participantes y la capacidad física en mujeres de mediana edad

    Efecto de un programa de intervención sobre el estrés percibido, autoestima y rendimiento en jóvenes pilotos de motociclismo de elite

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    In the motorcycling sport specialty, scientific literature has focused on technology, safety or even on injury variables; however there is little information regarding psychological variables. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of a technical and physical intervention on psychological variables such as self-esteem, self-assessment, appraisal of others and, finally, performance. The sample was made up of twenty-seven young elite road-race motorcyclists who competed in the Red Bull Moto GP Rookies Cup. 16 of whom completed an intervention program (Experimental Group, EG), while the other 14 belonged to the Control Group (CG). We collected the measurements in the first and last race of the season. Our results indicate the EG had controlled the stress level, had a better technique, physical, and psychological conditions, besides better competition performance, in comparison with the CG. We conclude that our intervention program has been effective at maintaining stress levels, bettering technical, tactical and psychological skills, and also improving performance throughout the competition period

    Effects of a 12-week supervised resistance training program, combined with home-based physical activity, on physical fitness and quality of life in female breast cancer survivors: the EFICAN randomized controlled trial.

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    This study assessed the effects of 12-week supervised resistance training combined with home-based physical activity on physical fitness, cancer-related fatigue, depressive symptoms, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and life satisfaction in female breast cancer survivors. A parallel-group, outcome assessor-blinded, randomized controlled trial included 60 female breast cancer survivors who had completed their core treatments within the previous 10 years. Through computer-generated simple randomization, participants were assigned to resistance training (RTG; two sessions/week for 12 weeks plus instructions to undertake ≥ 10,000 steps/d) or control (CG; ≥ 10,000 steps/d only). Outcomes were evaluated at baseline and week 12. Muscular strength was assessed with electromechanical dynamometry. A standardized full-body muscular strength score was the primary outcome. Secondary outcomes included cardiorespiratory fitness, shoulder mobility, cancer-related fatigue, depressive symptoms, HRQoL, and life satisfaction. Thirty-two participants were assigned to RTG (29 achieved ≥ 75% attendance) and 28 to CG (all completed the trial). Intention-to-treat analyses revealed that the standardized full-body muscular strength score increased significantly in the RTG compared to the CG (0.718; 95% CI 0.361-1.074, P  and implication for cancer survivors. In female breast cancer survivors who had completed their core treatments within the past 10 years, adding two weekly sessions of supervised resistance training to a prescription of home-based physical activity for 12 weeks produced a large increase in upper-, lower-, and full-body muscular strength, while other fitness components and patient-reported outcomes did not improve. ISRCTN14601208

    Effects of a 12-week resistance and aerobic exercise program on muscular strength and quality of life in breast cancer survivors: Study protocol for the EFICAN randomized controlled trial.

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    The number of people living with the side effects of breast cancer treatment (eg, loss of muscular mass and muscular strength, upper-limb mobility and disability, lymphedema, cardiac toxicity, and reduced quality of life) is increasing yearly. These consequences can be improved through exercise, specially combining resistance and aerobic training. Previous exercise trials have not been consistent in applying training principles and standardized reporting, and this partly explains the variability in obtained results. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of a 12-week supervised resistance exercise program combined with home-based aerobic exercise, compared with home-based aerobic exercise only, on muscular strength and several aspects of health-related quality of life in breast cancer survivors. To maximize transparency, replicability, and clinical applicability, the intervention is described following the consensus on exercise reporting template. This study is a parallel-group randomized controlled trial in which 60 female breast cancer survivors, who have completed central treatments of the disease in the last 5 years, will be randomly assigned to either an experimental group that will perform a total of 24 progressive resistance training sessions for 12 weeks (ie, 2 weeks of individual training and 10 weeks of micro-group training) and will be requested to undertake 10,000 steps/d, or a control group that will be requested to undertake 10,000 steps/d, only. Outcomes will be evaluated at baseline and at week 12. Primary outcome measure is peak isometric muscular strength of the lower- and upper-body, assessed with several exercises through an electromechanical dynamometer. Secondary outcomes include cardiorespiratory fitness, upper-joint mobility and disability, health-related quality of life, cancer-related fatigue, depression, life satisfaction, and presence of lymphedema. This study aims to investigate the extent to which a 12-week supervised and progressive resistance exercise program, in addition to home-based aerobic physical activity, might improve muscular strength and health-related quality of life in breast cancer survivors. The comprehensive description of the intervention will likely contribute to enhancing exercise prescription in this population. ISRCTN14601208