
Efecto de un programa de intervención sobre el estrés percibido, autoestima y rendimiento en jóvenes pilotos de motociclismo de elite


In the motorcycling sport specialty, scientific literature has focused on technology, safety or even on injury variables; however there is little information regarding psychological variables. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of a technical and physical intervention on psychological variables such as self-esteem, self-assessment, appraisal of others and, finally, performance. The sample was made up of twenty-seven young elite road-race motorcyclists who competed in the Red Bull Moto GP Rookies Cup. 16 of whom completed an intervention program (Experimental Group, EG), while the other 14 belonged to the Control Group (CG). We collected the measurements in the first and last race of the season. Our results indicate the EG had controlled the stress level, had a better technique, physical, and psychological conditions, besides better competition performance, in comparison with the CG. We conclude that our intervention program has been effective at maintaining stress levels, bettering technical, tactical and psychological skills, and also improving performance throughout the competition period

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