28 research outputs found

    The role of posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic growth on online information use in breast cancer survivors

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    ObjectiveChanges perceived as both positive (eg, posttraumatic growth [PTG]) and negative (eg, posttraumatic stress symptoms [PTSS]) have been associated with intensive Internet use among breast cancer survivors. In this multicenter study, we analyzed the role of PTG and PTSS on the amount of time spent looking for online cancer information, its content, and its psychological impact. MethodsPosttraumatic stress symptoms and PTG were assessed in 182 breast cancer survivors by using the Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist and Post-traumatic Growth Inventory questionnaires. Subjects also completed a questionnaire about their behavior when looking for online illness-related information (ie, time spent, type of contents, and psychological impact). ResultsPosttraumatic stress symptoms positively correlated with the amount of time spent looking for cancer-related information, including both medical and psychosocial content. By contrast, PTG showed no relationships with the amount of time, but with a predominant search for cancer-related psychosocial information. The psychological impact of online information was associated with participants' levels of PTG and/or PTSS. Whereas PTG was related to a decrease of women's hope, PTSS was linked to the perception of being less conscious or inadequately informed about the illness, thereby increasing feelings of distress. ConclusionsPosttraumatic stress symptoms and PTG show relationships with the amount of time spent online, the type of information accessed online, and the psychological impact of Internet use. Health professionals should prescribe online information according to the psychological response to cancer. There is a need for professional-led online resources to provide patients with timely information as well as support sites to facilitate psychological adjustment

    Evaluation des risques associés aux perturbateurs endocriniens.

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    Differences in muscle transcriptome among pigs phenotypically extreme for fatty acid composition

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    Contains fulltext : 137788.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Besides having an impact on human health, the porcine muscle fatty acid profile determines meat quality and taste. The RNA-Seq technologies allowed us to explore the pig muscle transcriptome with an unprecedented detail. The aim of this study was to identify differentially-expressed genes between two groups of 6 sows belonging to an Iberian x Landrace backcross with extreme phenotypes according to FA profile. RESULTS: We sequenced the muscle transcriptome acquiring 787.5 M of 75 bp paired-end reads. About 85.1% of reads were mapped to the reference genome. Of the total reads, 79.1% were located in exons, 6.0% in introns and 14.9% in intergenic regions, indicating expressed regions not annotated in the reference genome. We identified a 34.5% of the intergenic regions as interspersed repetitive regions. We predicted a total of 2,372 putative proteins. Pathway analysis with 131 differentially-expressed genes revealed that the most statistically-significant metabolic pathways were related with lipid metabolism. Moreover, 18 of the differentially-expressed genes were located in genomic regions associated with IMF composition in an independent GWAS study in the same genetic background. Thus, our results indicate that the lipid metabolism of FAs is differently modulated when the FA composition in muscle differs. For instance, a high content of PUFA may reduce FA and glucose uptake resulting in an inhibition of the lipogenesis. These results are consistent with previous studies of our group analysing the liver and the adipose tissue transcriptomes providing a view of each of the main organs involved in lipid metabolism. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained in the muscle transcriptome analysis increase the knowledge of the gene regulation of IMF deposition, FA profile and meat quality, in terms of taste and nutritional value. Besides, our results may be important in terms of human health

    Bias-adjustment method for street-scale air quality models

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    Air quality (AQ) is a growing concern, especially in urban areas where high-density populated regions are exposed to frequent exceedances of regulated pollutants. To take action in reducing citizen exposure to pollution, a reliable assessment of the pollutants’ ambient concentrations across the city is required. Street-scale AQ models are designed to capture the typical spatial variability that pollutants exhibit in the urban morphology. Such urban models are generally nested to regional AQ models and use the information of traffic emissions, together with meteorological conditions, and a geometric description of the building’s layout, to provide an estimation of the dispersion of target pollutants at the street scale. However, results of urban AQ models are subjected to uncertainties, mainly due to the multiscale behavior of the phenomenon and to the challenges of characterizing the wind flow within street-canyons, which encompasses multiple emission sources and the downscaling of meteorological variables. To minimize these uncertainties, we present a data-fusion method that combines the model results, obtained using the CALIOPE-Urban [1] model, with publicly available observations from the official monitoring network in Catalonia (XVPCA). This method is derived to preserve the spatial variability of the urban model. As a test case, we then present annual bias-corrected results of the NO2 levels across the city of Barcelona for the year 2019. Results correspond to the legislated annual mean and the 19th daily maximum value of the year

    Transcriptional analysis of intramuscular fatty acid composition in the longissimus thoracis muscle of Iberian × Landrace back-crossed pigs

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    [EN] This study aimed at identifying differential gene expression conditional on the fatty acid profile of the longissimus thoracis (Lt) muscle, a prime cut of economic relevance for fresh and cured pork production. A population of 110 Iberian (25%)xLandrace (75%) back-crossed pigs was used, because these two breeds exhibit extreme profiles of intramuscular saturated fatty acid, monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) contents. Total RNA from Lt muscle was individually hybridized to GeneChip Porcine Genome arrays (Affymetrix). A principal component analysis was performed with data from the 110 animals to select 40 extreme animals based on the total fatty acid profile and the MUFA composition (MAP). Comparison of global transcription levels between extreme fatty acid profile pigs (n=40) resulted in 219 differentially expressed probes (false discovery rate <0.10). Gene ontology, pathway and network analysis indicated that animals with higher percentages of PUFA exhibit a shift toward a more oxidative muscular metabolism state, with a raise in mitochondria function (PPARGC1A, ATF2), fatty acid uptake and oxidation (FABP5, MGLL). On the other hand, 87 probes were differentially expressed between MUFA composition groups (n=40; false discovery rate <0.10). In particular, muscles rich in n-7 MUFA expressed higher levels of genes involved in lipid metabolism (GLUL, CRAT, PLA2G15) and lower levels of fatty acid elongation genes (ELOVL5). Moreover, the chromosomal position of FABP5, PAQR3, MGLL, PPARGC1A, GLUL and ELOVL5 co-localized with very relevant QTL for fat deposition and composition described in the same resource population. This study represents a complementary approach to identifying genes underlying these QTL effects.This work was funded by MICINN project AGL2008-04818-C03/GAN. The authors gratefully acknowledge NOVA GENETICA S.A. and the cooperative COPAGA for their collaboration and would particularly like to thank Eva Ramells, Pere Borras, Josep M Borras and Felix Grau.Pena, R.; Noguera, J.; Casellas, J.; Diaz, I.; Díaz Fernández, AI.; Folch, J.; Ibañez Escriche, N. (2013). Transcriptional analysis of intramuscular fatty acid composition in the longissimus thoracis muscle of Iberian × Landrace back-crossed pigs. Animal Genetics. 44(6):648-660. https://doi.org/10.1111/age.12066S648660446Bakkar, N., Wang, J., Ladner, K. J., Wang, H., Dahlman, J. M., Carathers, M., … Guttridge, D. C. (2008). IKK/NF-κB regulates skeletal myogenesis via a signaling switch to inhibit differentiation and promote mitochondrial biogenesis. Journal of Cell Biology, 180(4), 787-802. doi:10.1083/jcb.200707179Benjamini, Y., & Hochberg, Y. (1995). Controlling the False Discovery Rate: A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing. 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    End-to-end service orchestration from access to backbone

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    The rise of new types of business models with service providers , content providers, and virtual network operators entering in competition with traditional telco operators, is reducing revenue margins, making cost-effective provisioning mechanism a necessity. Costly massive over-provisioning needs thus to be replaced by more intelligent dynamic resources allocation. In addition, it is increasingly recognized that many upcoming 5G applications and services will require assured end-to-end quality of service. Operators have thus started to look at Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks as means to address the challenges of cost effective and highly dynamic end-to-end provisioning. In this paper we present a test case of an SDN-driven end-to-end service orchestration using a transport API called Control Orchestration Protocol. Our testbed, interconnecting a core network (within the Telefonica premises in Madrid) and an access network (within the Trinity College of Dublin facilities), demonstrates the possibility to operate sub-second end-to-end capacity reservation, showcasing SDN provisioning across multi-domain networks.Grant numbers : The research leading to these results has received funding from the Spanish MINECO project DESTELLO (TEC2015-69256-R).© 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works