209 research outputs found

    Acoplamientos óptimos de caminos de longitud dos

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    96 páginas. Maestría en Optimización.Let P be a set of 3k points in the Euclidean plane. A 3-matching is a partition of P into k subsets of 3 points each, called triplets. The cost of each triplet fa; b; cg is given by minfjabj + jbcj; jbcj + jcaj; jcaj + jabjg, and the cost of the 3-matching is the sum of the costs of its triplets. The Euclidean 3-matching problem consists on finding a minimum cost 3-matching of P under the Euclidean metric. In the usual formulation of the Euclidean 3- matching problem we need to find a minimum cost 3-matching of P. This problem has several applications, especially in the insertion of components on a printed circuit board. Johnsson, Magyar, and Nevalainen introduced two integer programming formulations for this problem, and proved that its decision version is NP-complete if each triplet has an arbitrary positive cost (i.e., not necessarily Euclidean). The problem remains NP-complete even if the points of P correspond to vertices of a unit distance graph (a metric cost function). In this work, we prove that the linear programming relaxations of these two models are equivalent. Then we introduce three new integer programming models that use fewer variables than those from Johnsson, Magyar, and Nevalainen. We also compare the linear programming relaxations of the models. Besides the minimization problem, we are also interested in a similar maximization problem: finding a maximum cost non-crossing Euclidean 3-matching of P, where non-crossing means that no two segments intersect in a common interior point. Both problems, minimum cost and maximum cost non-crossing, are challenging, and we believe that both are NP-hard. Exact solutions to both problems can be attained through integer programming; however, in order to obtain good solutions in feasible times, we fix our attention to heuristics. We present three heuristics specially designed for our problems and compare their solutions and execution times against solving the exact models

    Violations of local equilibrium and linear response in classical lattice theories

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    We study the dynamics of ϕ4\phi^4 theory and the FPU β\beta model under thermal gradients, from first principles. We analyze quantitatively how local equilibrium and linear response are violated, paying special care to how we find observables that unambiguously display these violations. Relations between these quantities to equations of state are also examined. Further, we discuss how we can approach similar dynamical problems in continuum quantum field theory. We analyze how close we are to obtaining the continuum results.Comment: 7pp, 4figs, talk given by KA at "Thermal field theory and applications" workshop 200

    Entropy and Entropy Production in Some Applications

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    By using entropy and entropy production, we calculate the steady flux of some phenomena. The method we use is a competition method, SS/τ+σ=maximumS_S/\tau+\sigma={\it maximum}, where SSS_S is system entropy, σ\sigma is entropy production and τ\tau is microscopic interaction time. System entropy is calculated from the equilibrium state by studying the flux fluctuations. The phenomena we study include ionic conduction, atomic diffusion, thermal conduction and viscosity of a dilute gas

    Tris{N-[(anthracen-9-yl)methyl­ene­amino]thio­ureato}cobalt(III) tetra­hydrate

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    In the title complex, [Co(C16H12N3S)3]·4H2O, the central CoIII atom is in a distorted octa­hedral coordination environment. There are three N-[(anthracen-9-yl)­methyl­ene­amino]­thio­ureate ligands coordinated to the CoIII atom via three imine N and three thio­amide S atoms. The Co—S and Co—N bond distances are in expected ranges [2.2194 (8)—2.2545 (8) and 1.926 (2)—1.985 (2)Å, respectively]. The endocyclic S—Co—N bond angles in the five-membered chelate rings range from 82.91 (7) to 85.33 (7)°. The structure contains four water mol­ecules which are disordered over 12 sites and link the complex mol­ecules into a three-dimensional network through N—H⋯O, O—H⋯O, O—H⋯N, and O—H⋯S hydrogen bonds

    Thermodynamic Variables In The Context Of A Nonequilibrium Statistical Ensemble Approach

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    We consider the question of the definition of thermodynamic-like variables in the context of a statistical thermodynamics, which is a large generalization of Gibbs statistical thermostatics and linear and local-equilibrium classical irreversible thermodynamics. It is based on a nonequilibrium ensemble approach known as the nonequilibrium statistical operator method. Some of these quasithermodynamic variables are characteristic of the nonequilibrium state and go to zero in the limit of local or global equilibrium, but others go over the thermodynamic variables that are present in such a limit. We consider in particular temperature-like variables for the different subsystems of the sample. For illustration we apply the theory to the study of optical properties of highly photoexcited plasma in semiconductors, following a good agreement between theory and experimental data. It is shown that high-resolution spectroscopy provides an excellent experimental testing ground for corroboration of the theoretical concepts, and a quite appropriate way for characterizing and measuring nonequilibrium thermodynamic-like variables. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.1071873837396Tisza, L., (1991) Thermodynamics: History and Philosophy, pp. 515-522. , edited by K. Martinas, L. Ropolyi, and P. Szegedi World Scientific, SingaporeGarcia-Colin, L.S., Vasconcellos, A.R., Luzzi, R., (1994) J. Non-Equilib. Thermodyn., 19, p. 24Luzzi, R., Vasconcellos, A.R., (1997) Physica A, 241, p. 677Nettleton, R.E., Sobolev, S.L., (1995) J. Non-Equilib. Thermodyn., 20, p. 205Sieniutycz, S., Solomon, P., (1990) Nonequilibrium Theory and Extremum Principles, , Taylor and Francis, New YorkVansconcellos, A.R., Luzzi, R., Garcia-Colin, L.S., (1991) Phys. Rev. A, 43, p. 6622(1991) Phys. Rev. A, 43, p. 6633(1995) J. Non-Equilib. Thermodyn., 20, p. 103(1995) J. Non-Equilib. 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    Large Deviation Property of Free Energy in p-Body Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model

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    Cumulant generating function phi(n) and rate function Sigma(f) of the free energy is evaluated in p-body Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model by using the replica method with the replica number n finite. From a perturbational argument, we show that the cumulant generating function is constant in the vicinity of n = 0. On the other hand, with the help of two analytic properties of phi(n), the behavior of phi(n) is derived again. However this is also shown to be broken at a finite value of n, which gives a characteristic value in the rate function near the thermodynamic value of the free energy. Through the continuation of phi(n) as a function of n, we find out a way to derive the 1RSB solution at least in this model, which is to fix the RS solution to be a monotone increasing function.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. accepted for publication in J.Phs.Soc.Jp

    Violations of local equilibrium and stochastic thermostats

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    We quantitatively investigate the violations of local equilibrium in the ϕ4\phi^4 theory under thermal gradients, using stochastic thermostats. We find that the deviations from local equilibrium can be quite well described by a behavior (T)2\sim(\nabla T)^2. The dependence of the quantities on the thermostat type is analyzed and its physical implications are discussed.Comment: 5pp, 3 fig

    Higher-order hydrodynamics: Extended Fick's Law, evolution equation, and Bobylev's instability

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    A higher-order hydrodynamics for material motion in fluids, under arbitrary nonequilibrium conditions, is constructed. We obtain what is a generalized-to that conditions-Fick-type Law. It includes a representation of Burnett-type contributions of all order, in the form of a continuous-fraction expansion. Also, the equation includes generalized thermodynamic forces. which are characterized and discussed. All kinetic coefficients are given as correlations of microscopic mechanical quantities averaged over the nonequilibrium ensemble, and then are time- and space-dependent as a consequence of accounting for the dissipative processes that are unfolding in the medium. An extended evolution equation for the density of particles is derived, and the conditions when it goes over restricted forms of the type of the telegraphist equation and Fick's diffusion equation are presented. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.11641571158

    Status of QCD

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    I have been asked to discuss the status of QCD. It seems to me that there are three main points to be made about the present status of QCD: \bullet QCD is right, and we can do many beautiful things with it. \bullet There are several important concrete problems that lie just beyond the edge of our current understanding. \bullet There are some foundational issues in QCD, and some recent developments, that may point toward entirely new directions. These points will, I believe, emerge quite clearly from the following more detailed discussion. The discussion will be in three parts. I'll first discuss elementary processes, then more complicated processes, and then finally foundational issues.Comment: 28 pages, use Phyzzx, figures available by FAX or mail on request, IASSNS-HEP-93/6

    Evolution of dissipative processes via a statistical thermodynamic approach. II. Thermodynamic properties of a fluid of bosons

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    On the basis of the generalized Mori-Heisenberg-Langevin equations presented in the preceding paper, we derive and analyze the informational-statistical thermodynamic properties of a fluid of bosons away from equilibrium. We derive the informational entropy and its production, proceeding to an analysis of the several contributions to these state functions arising out of the evolution of dissipative processes in the system. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics.108187580758