268 research outputs found

    ¿Existe relación entre los perfiles de investigación de los IPs y la calificación de sus propuestas de investigación? El caso de ciencias sociales

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar y comparar las características de la actividad científica contenida en el curriculum vitae (CV) de los investigadores principales de las propuestas de investigación del Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2004-2007, calificadas como excelentes o cuestionables por la Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva (ANEP) en el área Ciencias Sociales. Se ha trabajado con un total de 149 propuestas de investigación que se distribuyen en: 62 propuestas de investigación excelentes y 87 cuestionables. Entre los resultados hay que destacar, el 10% del total de las propuestas solicitadas obtuvieron calificación excelente y el 13% cuestionable. En lo que se refiere a los datos del CV se han analizado el 83% de los CV de investigadores de propuestas excelentes y el 77% de los CV de los investigadores de propuestas cuestionables. La utilización de esta fuente ha permitido identificar y categorizar el perfil científico de los investigadores analizados en función de la investigación pública competitiva y con empresas que ha tenido financiación, la movilidad internacional, la formación de investigadores y la producción científica. Tanto las propuestas de investigación como los CV se han clasificado según la subárea de Ciencias Sociales-ANEP en la que fueron evaluadas.Abstract: The present study aims at determining and comparing the characteristics of scientific activity described in the curricula vitae (CV) of the head researchers appearing in Social Sciences proposals for projects under the Spanish National R&D+I Plan, 2004-2007. In all, 149 proposals were studied: 62 were classified as excellent and 87 as questionable by the National Evaluation and Foresight Agency (Spanish initials, ANEP), accounting respectively for 10% and 13% of all submitted proposals. In the case of the researchers’ CVs, 83% of excellent proposals and 77% of questionable ones were studied. The advantage of using curricula as the source of the raw data was that the scientific profile of the researchers analysed could be identified and classified on the basis of funded research, international mobility, researcher training and scientific production. Both the research proposals and the CVs have been classified according to the of Social Sciences-ANEP sub area in which they were evaluated.PublicadoPublicad

    Las emociones en la entrevista en psicooncología

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    In the present article we expose a model for a first psychological interview with cancer patients. We set our basis on the integration of the psychologist on the Oncology teams. We refer the importance of communication. Communication is the central element of the therapeutic relationship. The meeting ought to be warm and empathic. We detach the presence of both patient and care-givers emotions. Psychologists should be experts managing their own emotions, the patient and his family’s emotions and the sanitary team emotions. The first interview objective is as simple as getting to know the patient and to establish a profitable link. We aim to reach a mutual confidence to allow an assistance relationship. Two key moments that we shall not neglect are greeting and farewell. The information we manage to get includes socio demographic data, illness news and the illness patient narration. In the psycho-oncologist exploration we examine the symptoms area, behaviour, emotions, cognitions, spiritual beliefs and socio familiar support. The most important thing in a first psycho-oncologist interview is listening, connecting with the patient and come to an agreement to reach the objective

    La iniciación deportiva y el aprendizaje basado en proyectos en la programación de Educación Física

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    Este estudio parte de la necesidad de incluir nuevas metodologías de investigación-acción en Educación Física para intentar mejorar la práctica docente, así como la implicación de los alumnos en su propio aprendizaje. El propósito de este trabajo es abordar la iniciación deportiva a través de un Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP), de ahí que en este estudio presentemos una programación de iniciación deportiva basada en esta metodología, la cual desarrollaremos para el curso escolar haciendo ver en qué consiste y los elementos que lo conforman. Asimismo, expondremos las unidades didácticas enmarcadas dentro de esa programación, desarrollando, a modo de ejemplo, una unidad de voleibol. La propuesta de trabajo no se ha implementado, por lo que los resultados obtenidos son suposiciones o resultados esperados en caso de llevarse a la práctica. Podemos concluir que hemos intentado trabajar con una metodología que implique y favorezca la participación activa del alumnado, creando experiencias educativas y no la mera transmisión de contenidos, diseñando un proyecto para trabajar la iniciación deportiva dentro de la programación general del curso, para fomentar el aprendizaje significativo del alumno y llegar a una verdadera educación integral. Para ello, es fundamental contar con la participación de los distintos agentes implicados en el proyecto. Este estudio también puede servir de referencia y ayuda a otros maestros de Educación Física para implementar este tipo de proyectos. Nos hemos trazado como prospectiva de futuro, seguir investigando nuevas metodologías o la combinación de ellas para dar respuesta a los cambios sociales que se están produciendo en nuestra sociedad, y poder así, ofrecer una enseñanza de calidad.Grado en Educación Primari

    Using InSAR and GPR techniques to detect subsidence: application to the coastal area of “A Xunqueira” (NW Spain)

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    Climate change represents an important cause of subsidence, especially in coastal cities affected by changes in surface water level and water table. This paper presents a complementary study of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for the early detection of subsidence and sinkhole phenomena. The methodology was applied to a coastal urban area in Galicia, northwest Spain (humid region), showing apparent signs of subsidence and building settlement during the last two years. Two different InSAR methods are compared for the period from June 2021 to March 2022: PSI (Persistent Scatterer Interferometry) and SBAS (Small Baseline Subsets), and the average deformation velocities obtained resulted in −3.0 mm/yr and −4.1 mm/yr, respectively. Additional GPR data were collected in January 2022 to validate the InSAR results, which detected subsidence in agreement with the persistent scatters obtained from the PSI method. This is crucial information to plan preventive maintenance.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431F 2021/08European Commission | Ref. 101036926European Commission | Ref. 101021714Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. RYC2019–026604–IMinisterio de Universidades | Ref. CAS21/00241Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. TED2021-130183B-I0

    Las emociones en la entrevista en psicooncología

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    In the present article we expose a model for a first psychological interview with cancer patients. We set our basis on the integration of the psychologist on the Oncology teams. We refer the importance of communication. Communication is the central element of the therapeutic relationship. The meeting ought to be warm and empathic. We detach the presence of both patient and care-givers emotions. Psychologists should be experts managing their own emotions, the patient and his family’s emotions and the sanitary team emotions. The first interview objective is as simple as getting to know the patient and to establish a profitable link. We aim to reach a mutual confidence to allow an assistance relationship. Two key moments that we shall not neglect are greeting and farewell. The information we manage to get includes socio demographic data, illness news and the illness patient narration. In the psycho-oncologist exploration we examine the symptoms area, behaviour, emotions, cognitions, spiritual beliefs and socio familiar support. The most important thing in a first psycho-oncologist interview is listening, connecting with the patient and come to an agreement to reach the objective

    Estimating CO2/N2 permselectivity through Si/Al = 5 small-pore zeolites/PTMSP mixed matrix membranes: influence of temperature and topology

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    In the present work, the effect of zeolite type and topology on CO2 and N2 permeability using zeolites of different topology (CHA, RHO, and LTA) in the same Si/Al = 5, embedded in poly(trimethylsilyl-1-propyne) (PTMSP) is evaluated with temperature. Several models are compared on the prediction of CO2/N2 separation performance and then the modified Maxwell models are selected. The CO2 and N2 permeabilities through these membranes are predicted with an average absolute relative error (AARE) lower than 0.6% taking into account the temperature and zeolite loading and topology on non-idealities such as membrane rigidification, zeolite-polymer compatibility and sieve pore blockage. The evolution of this structure-performance relationship with temperature has also been predicted.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish MINECO—General Secretariat for Research, Development and Innovation under project CTQ2016-76231-C2-1-R at the University of Cantabria, and MAT2015-71842-P, at the Instituto de Tecnología Química

    Mixed matrix membranes for O2/N2 separation: the influence of temperature

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    In this work, mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) composed of small-pore zeolites with various topologies (CHA (Si/Al = 5), LTA (Si/Al = 1 and 5), and Rho (Si/Al = 5)) as dispersed phase, and the hugely permeable poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne) (PTMSP) as continuous phase, have been synthesized via solution casting, in order to obtain membranes that could be attractive for oxygen-enriched air production. The O2/N2 gas separation performance of the MMMs has been analyzed in terms of permeability, diffusivity, and solubility in the temperature range of 298–333 K. The higher the temperature of the oxygen-enriched stream, the lower the energy required for the combustion process. The effect of temperature on the gas permeability, diffusivity, and solubility of these MMMs is described in terms of the Arrhenius and Van’t Hoff relationships with acceptable accuracy. Moreover, the O2/N2 permselectivity of the MMMs increases with temperature, the O2/N2 selectivities being considerably higher than those of the pure PTMSP. In consequence, most of the MMMs prepared in this work exceeded the Robeson’s upper bound for the O2/N2 gas pair in the temperature range under study, with not much decrease in the O2 permeabilities, reaching O2/N2 selectivities of up to 8.43 and O2 permeabilities up to 4,800 Barrer at 333 K.Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under project CTQ2012-31229, at the Universidad de Cantabria, and Severo Ochoa SEV-2012-0267 and MAT2012-38517, at the Instituto de Tecnología Química, is gratefully acknowledged. Ana Fernández-Barquín and Clara Casado-Coterillo also thank the MINECO for the Early Stage Researcher (BES2013-064266) and the “Ramón y Cajal” tenure-track (RYC2011-08550) contracts, respectively

    Estado de salud y demanda de servicios de salud de la población ecuatoriana en España

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    Análisis del estado de salud y del grado de acceso a los servicios de salud de los inmigrantes ecuatorianos en la provincia de Alicante. La finalidad es descriptiva y práctica: realizar un diagnóstico comunitario de salud básico y una aproximación al nivel de demanda de los servicios sanitarios. El análisis se centra en la evaluación de la hipótesis del inmigrante sano, pero vulnerable, y en el tipo de consumo de servicios de salud realizado. Para valorar esta hipótesis se ha procedido a comparar los datos obtenidos en una encuesta a población ecuatoriana residente en la provincia de Alicante, con los de la última Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2003 y el PHOGUE (2000). Los resultados indican que el estado de salud de la población ecuatoriana es similar al de la población española que participa en el mismo mercado de trabajo que la inmigración económica (trabajadores con baja cualificación), aunque se observan algunos elementos de vulnerabilidad (en especial, en términos de salud emocional).La presente investigación ha sido financiada por el Instituto de Salud Carlos III, ref. PI042287

    Management models evaluation of a castanea sativa coppice in the northeast of Portugal

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    In a chestnut high forest converted in coppice, 4 permanent plots were established in 1994. These plots are being managed according to the silvicultural models proposed by Bourgeois (1992) and adapted to our conditions. The treatments are: T1 = Model 1: small dimensions; T2 = Model 2: medium dimensions; T3 = Model 3: Large dimensions; Control = (coppice without intervention). In 2003, a 2nd thinning was applied in order to select the more straight and cylindrical shoots without defects. The principal dendrometrical parameters (such as: number of stumps per hectare; number of shoots per hectare; mean total height of the shoots; dominant height of the shoots; mean DBH of the shoots; dominant diameter of the shoots; basal area of the shoots per hectare and basal area of the shoots) were measured, before and after thinning. Results show that T3 presents greater vigour and the highest dominant height. Concerning dominant height, T2 was exceeded by T1, because it has higher number of shoots and, consequently, strong competition in relation to available site resources. It was expected a T2 with dominant height superior to T1, but we believe that T2 will recover its dominant height leadership with the heavy thinning applied in the last intervention (about 75% reduction in the number of shoots). The control follows the other plots dominant height growth pattern, although presents inferior mean basal area per shoot in comparison to the other treatments