1,713 research outputs found

    Brief considerations about language policy: An European assessment

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    The rising of language policy worldwide is a consequence of a globalized world and the openness of borders. Even countries with a relative cultural homogeneity face nowadays new challenges regarding massive migration fluxes and the results of growing awareness for endangered languages and cultures, notably in Europe. This is being noticed around the Old Continent where diversity proves to be a distinct value since ever. In this paper we reflect on the scope of cultural identity and multilingualism to shed new light on language policy and consequently refresh our understanding of a key policy, which is already a decisive public policy for the European peoples.National Foreign Language Resource Cente

    Digital technology for fashion e-commerce

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    As empresas do vestuário têm apresentado uma menor adesão ao comércio eletrônico do que outros setores. Alguns destes setores faturam milhões com as vendas online. A tecnologia atual começa a apresentar soluções digitais para as barreiras específicas das vendas online do vestuário. Desta forma, este artigo pretende apresentar algumas tecnologias desenvolvidas ou em desenvolvimento, que possam vir a auxiliar a ampliação das vendas online do vestuário. Os dados deste artigo foram obtidos por meio de consultas periódicas à Internet, análise dos avanços em curso e pesquisa bibliográfica.The clothing industry has not shown the same degree of interest in the online market as other industries that make millions in profits. Emerging digital solutions are helping the clothing industry to overcome the barriers for selling their products online. This paper presents some developing technologies that can help increase the number of online clothing sales. The data was obtained through frequent Internet searches, analysis of new technological developments, and bibliographical research.Comunidade Europeia (CE) - E05M059413B

    Pós-verdade e política na era digital

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    Como é sabido, post-truth (pós-verdade) foi eleita em 2016 a palavra do ano pelo Dicionário Oxford. Talvez a expressão tenha adquirido foros mais dramáticos na medida em que o ano fora marcado pela decisão referendada por Londres para a saída da União Europeia (Brexit), pela eleição de Donald Trump como Presidente dos Estados Unidos da América (EUA), pela vitória do «não» ao acordo de paz entre as FARC e o Governo da Colômbia após décadas de guerra civil, pelo referendo sobre a reforma constitucional proposto por Matteo Renzi em Itália ou pelo crescimento da extrema-direita na Europa, em particular em França e na Holanda. Dito assim, parece que a pós-verdade se escora no que de mais negativo os povos poderão enfrentar, sobretudo se governa dos por líderes pouco credíveis ou impreparados. A pós-verdade, ainda que sob outras designações, não é uma novidade; simplesmente tornou-se mais visível. Neste texto procuramos averiguar as razões da sua ascensão no espaço público e os desafios que lança à estabilidade das democracias e respectivas instituições, bem como à cidadania

    Improving Twitter gender classification using multiple classifiers

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    The user profile information is important for many studies, but essential information, such as gender and age, is not provided when creating a Twitter account. However, clues about the user profile, such as the age and gender, behaviors, and preferences, can be extracted from other content provided by the user. The main focus of this paper is to infer the gender of the user from unstructured information, including the username, screen name, description and picture, or by the user generated content. Our experiments use an English labelled dataset containing 6.5M tweets from 65K users, and a Portuguese labelled dataset containing 5.8M tweets from 58K users. We use supervised approaches, considering four groups of features extracted from different sources: user name and screen name, user description, content of the tweets, and profile picture. A final classifier that combines the prediction of each one of the four previous partial classifiers achieves 93.2% accuracy for English and 96.9% accuracy for Portuguese data.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Creating extended gender labelled datasets of Twitter users

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    The gender information of a Twitter user is not known a priori when analysing Twitter data, because user registration does not include gender information. This paper proposes an approach for creating extended gender labelled datasets of Twitter users. The process involves creating a smaller database of active Twitter users and to manually label the gender. The process follows by extracting features from unstructured information found on each user profile and by creating a gender classification model. The model is then applied to a larger dataset, thus providing automatic labels and corresponding confidence scores, which can be used to estimate the most accurately labeled users. The resulting databases can be further enriched with additional information extracted, for example, from the profile picture and from the user location. The proposed approach was successfully applied to English and Portuguese users, leading to two large datasets containing more than 57K labeled users each.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Un projet d’évangélisation toujours ajourné (Madagascar, 1508-1589)

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    Separated from his companions by a storm near the Cape of Good Hope, one of the captains of the fleet of Pedro Álvares Cabral circled part of the east coast of the island of Madagascar, reaching the island on August 10, 1500 (day of the feast of St. Lawrence), and so gave the island the name of this saint. Subsequently, other ships of the Indian route explored the island or sank on its back. King Manuel I of Portugal thought for some time that Madagascar could become a « New India » but gradually a more realistic view prevailed. This study attempts to situate the first project of evangelisation of the Malgaches (1508-1589) in the context of the interests of the Indian route and the state of India.L’un des capitaines de la flotte de Pedro Álvares Cabral, séparé de ses compagnons par une tempête dans les parages du cap de Bonne-Espérance, longea une partie de la côte orientale de l’île de Madagascar, qu’il aperçut le 10 août 1500 (jour de la fête de Saint-Laurent), et qu’il baptisa ainsi en l’honneur du saint. Ensuite, d’autres navires de la Carreira da Índia explorèrent cette île ou firent naufrage sur leurs côtes. D. Manuel Ier du Portugal crut un moment que Madagascar pourrait devenir une « Nouvelle Inde » mais, peu à peu, une vision plus réaliste s’imposa. Cette étude essaye de situer le premier projet d’évangélisation des Malgaches (1508-1589) dans le contexte des intérêts portugais de la Carreira da Índia et de l’Estado da Índia.Um dos capitães da frota de Pedro Álvares Cabral, separado de seus companheiros por uma tempestade nas proximidades do Cabo da Boa Esperança, circundou uma parte da costa leste da ilha de Madagáscar, que alcançou a 10 de agosto de 1500 (dia da festa de São Lourenço), e assim deu à ilha o nome desse santo. Posteriormente, outros navios da Carreira da Índia exploraram a ilha ou naufragaram nas suas costas. D. Manuel I de Portugal julgou, por algum tempo, que Madagascar se poderia tornar uma «Nova Índia», mas pouco a pouco uma visão mais realista se impôs. Este estudo tenta situar o primeiro projeto de evangelização das Malgaches (1508-1589) no contexto dos interesses da Carreira da Índia e do Estado da Índia

    A sexualidade das mulheres com câncer genital

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    A mulher possui uma história de repressão e subjugação de sua sexualidade, em vista da construção social de segundo plano em relação ao homem. Atualmente vemos uma intensa liberação, mas com padrões ainda arcaicos daquelas construções perpassando as novas configurações sociais. Com isso, discutiremos a associação feita ao longo dos séculos entre mulher-útero-sexualidade, na qual o câncer genital interfere e obriga a mulher a criar novos padrões de pensamento, reorganizando-se subjetivamente de forma a adaptar-se a um novo contexto que se impõe. Entender como essa mulher reconstrói sua sexualidade após a mutilação que o câncer provoca constitui o objetivo deste trabalho, no qual um estudo de caso serve como base para a construção teórica. No caso estudado, o vínculo com os parceiros foi a peça-chave para que esta mulher pudesse exercer normalmente sua sexualidade, encontrando assim diferentes caminhos do “ser mulher”, formulando uma concepção diferente daquela construída ao longo da história

    Tooth loss in patients under periodontal maintenance in a private practice : a retrospective study

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the incidence and causes of tooth loss in periodontal subjects from a private practice in Brazil. Two trained examiners extracted data from the records of subjects who sought periodontal treatment from 1980 to 2013. Only records of patients who completed the non-surgical periodontal treatment and had at least one visit for maintenance were included. Data were analyzed by chi-square test, Student’s t-test, Kaplan-Meier survival curve and Cox regression. A total of 3,319 records were reviewed and 737 records included (58.6% women, mean age of 46.6±13.0 years at the beginning of the treatment). Maintenance period ranged from 1 to 33 years (7.4±6 years). During this period, 202 individuals (27.4%) lost 360 teeth, 47.5% of losses within the first five years (n=171). Non-compliers lost more teeth than compliers (p<0.001), respectively 211 and 149 teeth. Regarding reasons of tooth loss, 84 individuals lost 38% of the teeth from periodontal disease progression (n=137). Survival analysis showed that most patients lost only one tooth from periodontal disease, and differences in the survival rates between compliers and non-compliers were observed following the second tooth loss. Approximately one-third of tooth losses was related to periodontal disease progression, and there was stability in time of the proportion of losses from disease progression and other reasons. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that compliant patients in a private practice lose fewer teeth than do non-compliers. Among compliers, periodontal disease progression was not the main cause of tooth loss