3,207 research outputs found

    Promotion of Health, "empowerment" and education: a critical reflection as a contribution to the sanitary reform

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    An exploratory study, which analyses and discusses the promotion of health in Canada, is carried out to detect its contribution to the sanitary reform processes. Important variations arose in the investigation regarding the commitment to the change of the status quo. This tends to occur mainly between the behaviourists and the supporters of the New Promotion of Health. This last trend is characterized by the ambiguity of its assumptions, which justifies, in part, the limited impact of its actions. In spite of all this, it is possible to state that this conception has contributed to the strengthening of the health system in countries belonging to the capitalist periphery. In this sense, it is important to highlight the usefulness of the concept social "empowerment" to rethink about the practices of health education and the contribution of the practices of heath care.4333534

    Gastrointestinal parasitism in Miranda donkeys : epidemiology and selective control of strongyles infection in the Northeast of Portugal

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    Research Areas: Agriculture ; Veterinary Sciences ; ZoologyIn Portugal, equine parasitism in pasture animals is characterized by high parasitic burden and high helminthic biodiversity; both factors are potentially pathogenic for their hosts. The decrease in the number of donkeys over the last years in Portugal, their importance in rural lowland and mountain ecosystems and pastures and the scarce information regarding their parasitism led to this research, which aimed to evaluate the parasitological status of a Miranda donkey breed population, a native breed mainly located in the northeast of Portugal. This study provides better knowledge of their gastrointestinal parasitism, particularly strongyles, and the assessment of a targeted selective treatment (TST) as an alternative control approach of their parasitism. A longitudinal observational study was developed during a period of five years in a population of 62 Miranda donkeys. At first, strategic deworming of these animals was performed every semester, but this was progressively replaced by a TST approach according to the levels of Eggs per Gram (EPG). This new deworming strategy was conducted in association with a regular parasitological monitoring of the animals every three months, being dewormed with ivermectin when egg shedding was higher than 500 EPG. Over the study period, a decrease of the annual prevalence rate of infection by gastrointestinal strongyles was observed, from 35.5% to 19.4%, as well as a negative binomial distribution of parasitic strongyles in donkeys submitted to selective anthelminthic control. The prevalence rate of infection was higher in females (39.5%), in individuals under four years (46.7%) and in those presenting a lower body condition (40.8%). The egg output was higher in animals younger than four years (589.3 EPG) than in those older than 10 years (533.6 EPG) (p < 0.05). However, no differences were observed according to sex during the study period. Results from this study allowed to note the influence of swampy pastures and of the weather changes in the epidemiology of strongylosis in Miranda donkeys. Moreover, it was possible to establish the annual epidemiological curve of strongyle egg shedding, with June being the month with the highest EPG, December having the lowest EPG and March and September showing intermediate numbers. Overall, a lower biodiversity of gastrointestinal parasites was observed. Cyathostomum sensu lato was the most prevalent genus and Strongylus vulgaris was the most observed large strongyle of the Strongylidae family. Trichostrongylus axei and Parascaris sp. were other nematodes with a minor frequency. The higher prevalence of strongyles at the beginning of the study showed a progressive decrease throughout the research period, and also for parasite biodiversity. Therefore, a targeted selective treatment seems to be a rational anthelminthic control approach in Miranda donkey strongyle infection and in other gastrointestinal parasites, since it reduces the antiparasitic treatments, the parasite’ prevalence and the EPG level. However, a loss of parasite biodiversity was noted at the end of the study period, as Cyathostominae were the only isolated strongyles. This can be a challenging situation in the long run, taking the ability of these nematodes to adapt easily to any deworming program, meaning that fecal EPG monitoring should be kept as a rule to a rational parasite control program.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploring the boundaries between clinic and art: account of an experience with the Borda Artist Front

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    This article is constituted as a qualitative study that investigates the use of art in mental health, and more specifically, what is produced when these two fields overlap. This debate is inspired by an experience shared with the Borda Artist Front, a movement led by artists and health professionals, in the Jose Tiburcio Borda Psychiatric Hospital in the city of Buenos Aires. Based in the theoretical framework of the Philosophy of Difference, Institutional Analysis and Psychosocial Medicine, this study is constructed in accordance with the principles of psychiatric reform and the anti-institutionalization movement. The results and discussions presented stem from an analysis of the data obtained using the methodology corresponding to ethnographic fieldwork, participant observation documented through field notes, as well as a literature review.7334736

    A service-oriented admission control strategy for class-based IP networks

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    The clear trend toward the integration of current and emerging applications and services in the Internet launches new demands on service deployment and management. Distributed service-oriented traffic control mechanisms, operating with minimum impact on network performance, assume a crucial role as regards controlling services quality and network resources transparently and efficiently. In this paper, we describe and specify a lightweight distributed admission control (AC) model based on per-class monitoring feedback for ensuring the quality of distinct service levels in multiclass and multidomain environments. The model design, covering explicit and implicit AC, exhibits relevant properties that allow managing quality of service (QoS) and service-level specifications (SLSs) in multiservice IP networks in a flexible and scalable manner. These properties, stemming from the way service-dependent AC and on-line service performance monitoring are proposed and articulated in the model’s architecture and operation, allow a self-adaptive service and resource management, while abstracting from network core complexity and heterogeneity. A proof of concept is provided to illustrate the AC criteria ability in satisfying multiple service class commitments efficiently. The obtained results show that the self-adaptive behavior inherent to on-line measurement-based service management, combined with the established AC rules, is effective in controlling each class QoS and SLS commitments consistently

    Common molecular pathways involved in human CD133+/CD34+ progenitor cell expansion and cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Uncovering the molecular mechanism underlying expansion of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells is critical to extend current therapeutic applications and to understand how its deregulation relates to leukemia. The characterization of genes commonly relevant to stem/progenitor cell expansion and tumor development should facilitate the identification of novel therapeutic targets in cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>CD34+/CD133+ progenitor cells were purified from human umbilical cord blood and expanded <it>in vitro</it>. Correlated molecular changes were analyzed by gene expression profiling using microarrays covering up to 55,000 transcripts. Genes regulated during progenitor cell expansion were identified and functionally classified. Aberrant expression of such genes in cancer was indicated by <it>in silico </it>SAGE. Differential expression of selected genes was assessed by real-time PCR in hematopoietic cells from chronic myeloid leukemia patients and healthy individuals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Several genes and signaling pathways not previously associated with <it>ex vivo </it>expansion of CD133+/CD34+ cells were identified, most of which associated with cancer. Regulation of MEK/ERK and Hedgehog signaling genes in addition to numerous proto-oncogenes was detected during conditions of enhanced progenitor cell expansion. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis confirmed down-regulation of several newly described cancer-associated genes in CD133+/CD34+ cells, including <it>DOCK4 </it>and <it>SPARCL1 </it>tumor suppressors, and parallel results were verified when comparing their expression in cells from chronic myeloid leukemia patients</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings reveal potential molecular targets for oncogenic transformation in CD133+/CD34+ cells and strengthen the link between deregulation of stem/progenitor cell expansion and the malignant process.</p

    Physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of Italian salami made of lamb and enriched with pequi (Caryocar brasiliense, Cambess)

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the inclusion of different levels of pequi (Caryocar Brasiliense, Cambess) pulp in the processing of Italian salami made of lamb for the evaluation of their physicochemical and microbiological characteristics. Six formulations of Italian salamis were processed: no pequi pulp (control - treatment 1); 4% pequi pulp (treatment 2); 8% pequi pulp (treatment 3), 12% pequi pulp (Treatment 4), 16% pequi pulp (treatment 5) and 20% pequi pulp (treatment 6). During the maturation period, all Italian salamis made of lamb enriched with pequi presented similar behaviors; and acidity (pH) and water activity (aw) results showed stable end values. For protein, the Italian salami made of lamb without pequi pump presented a higher content. For one of the lowest contents of fat, treatment 3 showed the highest content of humidity. The contents of fat and ashes did not present any significant difference when comparing the Italian salami formulations. A color tending to dark, yellowish and reddish shades was observed in the Italian salamis made of lamb and enriched with pequi. All Italian salamis were microbiologically satisfactory, showing ideal sanitary conditions for consumption. Pequi is a typical fruit from the Brazilian cerrado region, with characteristic color, odor and flavor, and it is an option for inclusion in Italian salamis, but additional studies should be conducted to inspect the sensory acceptability of these products.Keywords: Cerrado fruit, fermented stuffed meat sausages, physicochemical parameters, microbiological parameters

    Vancomycin-Loaded, Nanohydroxyapatite-Based Scaffold for Osteomyelitis Treatment: In Vivo Rabbit Toxicological Tests and In Vivo Efficacy Tests in a Sheep Model

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    The treatment for osteomyelitis consists of surgical debridement, filling of the dead space, soft tissue coverage, and intravenous administration of antimicrobial (AM) agents for long periods. Biomaterials for local delivery of AM agents, while providing controllable antibiotic release rates and simultaneously acting as a bone scaffold, may be a valuable alternative; thus, avoiding systemic AM side effects. V-HEPHAPC is a heparinized nanohydroxyapatite (nHA)/collagen biocomposite loaded with vancomycin that has been previously studied and tested in vitro. It enables a vancomycin-releasing profile with an intense initial burst, followed by a sustained release with concentrations above the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) for MRSA. In vitro results have also shown that cellular viability is not compromised, suggesting that V-HEPHAPC granules may be a promising alternative device for the treatment of osteomyelitis. In the present study, V-HEPHAPC (HEPHAPC with vancomycin) granules were used as a vancomycin carrier to treat MRSA osteomyelitis. First, in vivo Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) toxicological tests were performed in a rabbit model, assuring that HEPHAPC and V-HEPHAPC have no relevant side effects. Second, V-HEPHAPC proved to be an efficient drug carrier and bone substitute to control MRSA infection and simultaneously reconstruct the bone cavity in a sheep model.This work was financed by FEDER-Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020-Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Portugal 2020; by Portuguese funds through FCT/MCTES in the framework of the project institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274); by the Project Biotherapies (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000012); and by the project HEPHAPC Program RESOLVE, Norte 2020 (NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000018). The authors would also like to acknowledge the technical support for histology and histochemical studies of Rui Fernandes and Rossana Correia and all the staff from HEMS/i3S, as well as the support of all the staff and students at the Hospital Veterinario-Universidade de Evora

    IL-4-secreting CD4+ T cells are crucial to the development of CD8+ T-cell responses against malaria liver stages.

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    CD4+ T cells are crucial to the development of CD8+ T cell responses against hepatocytes infected with malaria parasites. In the absence of CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells initiate a seemingly normal differentiation and proliferation during the first few days after immunization. However, this response fails to develop further and is reduced by more than 90%, compared to that observed in the presence of CD4+ T cells. We report here that interleukin-4 (IL-4) secreted by CD4+ T cells is essential to the full development of this CD8+ T cell response. This is the first demonstration that IL-4 is a mediator of CD4/CD8 cross-talk leading to the development of immunity against an infectious pathogen

    Custo de produção de mudas clonais de Café Arábica produzidas por embriogênese somática

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    A produção de mudas clonais de café pode ser feita de diferentes formas. Entretanto, a produção por embriogênese somática é a que tem despontado como a mais promissora. A embriogênese somática permite a produção de mudas em larga escala a partir de folhas usadas como explantes. Plantas obtidas por esse processo apresentam comportamento semelhante ao de plantas oriundas de sementes, não havendo limitação para a sua utilização comercial. A produção de mudas clonais de café é realizada em laboratórios de cultura de tecidos adaptados para a produção em escala industrial, denominados de biofábricas. Todavia, a produção de mudas clonais via embriogênese somática é uma técnica que ainda não foi explorada comercialmente no Brasil e não existe uma estimativa do custo de produção de mudas clonais de café arábica. Assim, o objetivo no presente trabalho foi calcular o custo de produção de mudas clonais de café em uma biofábrica de pequeno porte, tendo-se como base o protocolo desenvolvido pela Fundação Procafé/Embrapa Café, com a colaboração de pesquisadores da Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia e do Centro de Cooperação Internacional em Pesquisa Agronômica para o Desenvolvimento, CIRAD, França. Este trabalho apresenta também uma relação dos equipamentos e materiais necessários para a produção de mudas de café in vitro. O custo de produção de uma muda foi de R0,97paraumaproduc\ca~oanualde400.000mudas,utilizandoseoplantiodeembrio~espreˊgerminadosdiretamenteemtubetes.Casoaetapadeproduc\ca~odepla^ntulasempotesinvitrosejautilizada,ocustodeproduc\ca~opassaaserdeR0,97 para uma produção anual de 400.000 mudas, utilizando-se o plantio de embriões pré-germinados diretamente em tubetes. Caso a etapa de produção de plântulas em potes in vitro seja utilizada, o custo de produção passa a ser de R1,34