91 research outputs found

    Ilhas Malvinas: a influência da geopolítica britânica e a política externa dos países da América do Sul

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    O I Encontro Internacional de Política Externa Latino-Americana, aconteceu nos dias 14, 15 e 16 de setembro de 2015 em Foz do Iguaçu/PR, a partir de uma iniciativa do Núcleo de Pesquisa de Política Externa Latino-Americana (NUPELA), formado por professores e estudantes da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA).O presente estudo visa trazer a superfície do conhecimento um dos embates diplomáticos que se arrastam por mais de um século entre os Governos britânico e argentino pelo território das Ilhas Malvinas. Enquanto um se baseia no direito histórico, o outro pela permanência do seu poderio marítimo. O que ganhou força após as descobertas e exploração de reservas de petróleo e gás, levando as duas a contar com apoio de seus aliados. De um lado, o Reino Unido tem mostrado a sua influência sobre essa região e as suas reais intenções. Ao mesmo tempo, os países sul-americanos têm favorecido suas políticas externas e demonstrando apoio e interesse pela soberania argentina. O artigo tem cunho pesquisa bibliográfica, exploratório se baseando em estudos, dados, documentos e reportagens que refletem esse contorno geopolítico.Núcleo de Pesquisa de Política Externa Latino-Americana (NUPELA); Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA

    A base espacial Chinesa em Neuquén, Argentina

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    This article intends to characterize the approximation of the People's Republic of China to Latin American countries, especially Argentina, in view of the building a spatial base in the province of Neuquén. It also aims to demonstrate factors that lead to this approximation, since China was responsible for assisting the Argentine economy at a time when it was going through a serious credibility crisis. For this, The approach adopted is the narrative of facts, complemented with data drawn up by joint documents and also, facts that were extracted from scientific articles and recent reports, addressing the way in which China reverberates soft power and begins to exert influence in the region. It is also consistent with the Chinese spirit of cooperation and analyzes how the agreements and commitments assumed occur practice. The conclusions of the analyzed documents show that the Chinese will to promote aid to countries like Argentina can make a stage of prosperity viable. Provided that countries pay due attention, since Chinese expansion is proving to be vigorous and, therefore, impossible to be followed for nations that do not have the necessary infrastructure, which would lead them to depend more and more on Chinese benefits.O objetivo do artigo é caracterizar a aproximação da República Popular da China a países da América Latina, neste caso à Argentina, tendo em vista a construção de estação espacial na província de Neuquén. Também tem o intuito de demonstrar fatores que levam a esta aproximação, pois a China foi responsável por auxiliar a economia argentina no momento em que esta passava por grave crise de credibilidade. A abordagem adotada é a de narrativa de fatos, complementada com dados exarados por documentos conjuntos e, ainda, extraídos de artigos científicos e reportagens recentes, abordando a forma como a China reverbera o soft power e começa a exercer influência na região. Coaduna-se também com o espírito chinês de cooperação e analisa-se como são na prática os acordos e compromissos assumidos. A conclusão dos documentos analisados permite depreender que a vontade chinesa em promover auxílio a países como a Argentina pode viabilizar uma etapa de prosperidade, sempre que os países tomem a devida atenção, já que a expansão chinesa se mostra pujante e, portanto, impossível de acompanhar para nações que não possuem a infraestrutura necessária, o que os levaria a depender cada vez mais das benesses chinesas.El objetivo del artículo es caracterizar la aproximación de la República Popular China a países latinoamericanos, en este caso a Argentina, con miras a construir una estación de espacio lejano en la provincia de Neuquén. También se busca demostrar los factores que conducen a tal aproximación, ya que China se responsabilizó por ayudar a la economía argentina en un momento en que este país atravesaba por una grave crisis de credibilidad. El enfoque adoptado es el de narrativa de hechos, complementado con datos elaborados por documentos conjuntos y también extraídos de artículos científicos e informes recientes, que tratan del modo como China refleja el soft power y comienza a ejercer influencia en la región. El artículo refleja también el espíritu de cooperación del país chino y analiza cómo son en la práctica los acuerdos y compromisos asumidos. La conclusión de los documentos analizados muestra que el deseo de China de promover cooperación a países como Argentina puede viabilizar una etapa de prosperidad, siempre y cuando los países tengan el debido cuidado, ya que la expansión de China se revela como vigorosa y, por tanto, imposible de seguir para naciones que no cuentan con la infraestructura necesaria, lo que podría llevarlas a depender cada vez más de los beneficios del país chino

    Pedagogical Praxis and Educational Practices in Pós-Critical Theory: Rethinking concepts and methods

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    The changes that occur in the educational field are nourished by the rationality of different paradigms, with post-structuralism and post-modern thinking determining in the (re)configuration of educational practices in contemporary times. This article aims to reflect on the contributions of Post-Critical Theory in the formulation, understanding and development of pedagogical praxis and educational practice in terms of conceptualization and methodology. The proposal comes from the epistemological, social and educational changes brought about by the reflections of the Post-Critical Theory, instigating us to raise elements to promote a dialogue that can collaborate to meet the theoretical-practical demands brought by the referred scientific approach. The ideas are based both on authors who analyze the concept of praxis and educational practices (SOUZA, 2012), as well as on those who validate the influence of the post-structuralist paradigm and post-modern thinking such as Jean-François Lyotard (1984), Gadamer (1997) and Habermas (1987a, 1987b), who approach hermeneutics and dialectics as possibilities of methodological composition for data analysis. And, in this aspect, we anchored, too, with Heiddeger (2005a, 2005b) who helps in the intelligibility of the hermeneutic circle. The intention is to promote reflection on the concept of educational practices and their epistemological implications from the perspective of Post-Critical Theory so that it is possible to understand current social phenomena and, thus, strengthen the methodological proposals that are in line with the problems undertaken by this current theoretical. Our considerations, therefore, provide subsidies that broaden the debate about educational praxis and pedagogical praxis as sine quan non categories in the educational field

    Severe hyponatremia in older patients at admission in an internal medicine department

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    Hyponatremia is common in older people, most often of multifactorial origin, and can be associated with poor clinical outcomes. The aim was to analyze the frequency of severe hyponatremia (sodium concentration below 125 mmol/L), risk factors and mortality association in hospitalized older patients. A retrospective study was performed in older patients (over 65 years) with hyponatremia, diagnosed at admission in an Internal Medicine Department during one year. A control group of 127 older patients without hyponatremia was considered. Statistical analysis of the data gathered was made with SPSS Statistics 20. The main results were: a group of 1060 patients with age superior to 65 years was identified (representing 72.26% of total admissions); incidence of hyponatremia in those patients was 27.55% and severe hyponatremia was 5.94%; diagnosis of hyponatremia was mentioned in the discharge note in 66.67% of cases; mortality was 27.0%, against 16.0% in the control group (p = 0.057, Odds Ratio (OR) = 1.940); drugs were a significant risk factor (p < 0.001), specially thiazide diuretics (p = 0.029, OR = 2.774), angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) (p = 0.001, OR = 4.097), proton-pump inhibitors (PPI) (p = 0.007, OR = 2.561) and spironolactone (p = 0.011, OR = 4.473); other relevant risk factors were: increased water intake (p = 0.004), tube feeding (p < 0.001), vomiting (p = 0.032, OR = 2.492), cirrhosis (p = 0.008, OR = 10.862) and hyperhidrosis (p = 0.017, OR = 2.542). We conclude that, although this group of patients had a high mortality, hyponatremia is often not investigated and not always mentioned as a diagnosis. Clinicians should have a clear appreciation of the roles that iatrogenic interventions and lapses in nutrition frequently play in upsetting the homeostatic balance in older patients

    Pollen Spectrum and Trophic Niche Width of Melipona scutellaris Latreille, 1811 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Highly Urbanized and Industrialized Sites

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    The floristic composition of an environment is important to ensure the trophic niche of bee species. Melipona scutellaris Latreille, is a typical stingless bee of Atlantic rainforest sites in northeastern Brazil, a region widely established in meliponaries for honey and pollen production. M. scutellaris is reared (meliponiculture) in rural and urban areas, where the species depends on the availability of different plants for nectar and pollen collection. In this study, we estimated food niche width, equitativity, and similarity between different colonies of M. scutellaris in highly urbanized and industrialized sites of the Metropolitan Region of Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil. We analyzed pollen spectrum of 58 honey samples from six meliponaries, during 12 months. We identified 111 pollen types distributed in 28 plant families. The Fabaceae family showed the highest diversity in pollen types (33.33% of the total) and Mimosa caesalpiniifolia was the most frequent pollen type, found in 100% of the samples. M. scutellaris concentrated its foraging activity on a few trophic resources (H’ = 2.69 and J’ = 0.01) indicating a few melittophilous plant species belonging to the genera Eucalyptus, Mimosa, Protium, Serjania and Tapirira, should be managed on a regional scale to favor meliponiculture with this native bee species

    Characterization of Cysticercus bovis lesions at postmortem inspection of cattle by gross examination, histopathology and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

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    Considerando a necessidade do conhecimento da cisticercose bovina e do aperfeiçoamento dos métodos de diagnóstico desta doença, objetivou-se verificar a ocorrência do Cysticercus bovis nos diversos locais anatômicos, tais como: cabeça, coração, esôfago, diafragma, língua, fígado e carcaça, examinados pelo Serviço de Inspeção Federal. O diagnóstico foi feito por macroscopia, microscopia e PCR com extração de DNA por fervura para a identificação do metacestóide. Dos 22043 bovinos abatidos, 713 (3,23%) estavam infectados. O coração foi o sítio anatômico mais afetado, com 1,90% (420/22043), seguido da cabeça, 1,11% (245/22043), do esôfago, 0,08% (18/22043), da carcaça, 0,07% (15/22043), do diafragma, 0,03% (7/22043), do fígado, 0,02% (5/22043) e da língua, 0,01% (3/22043). Dos cistos obtidos, 58,35% (416/713) estavam mortos e 41,65% (297/713), vivos. As diferenças entre os sítios anatômicos e a condição morfológica dos cistos foram significativas (p < 0,05). Dos 416 cistos mortos, 253 foram examinados por apresentarem características de: lesões nodulares firmes, brancacentas, com material amarelado, por vezes com aspecto calcário, no interior. O exame microscópico revelou granulomas comumente representados por centro necrótico e/ou mineralizado, envolto por histiócitos dispostos em paliçada, células gigantes multinucleadas, infiltrado misto, predominantemente de mononucleares, e fibrose. Por vezes, a periferia das lesões tinha características de tecido de granulação e mineralização em forma de lâminas lineares. Os restos parasitários foram identificados como um material hialino acelular, contendo elementos ovais e circulares, basofílicos, acidófilos e incolores, denominados corpúsculos calcários. Em algumas lesões foram observados raros corpúsculos, dispersos na reação inflamatória. Nódulos fibrosos, ricos em infiltrado linfóide ou crônico ativos, foram frequentemente visualizados. Dos cistos vivos examinados, 65% (13/20) foram positivos para C. bovis , confirmando o diagnóstico ambulatorial e a eficácia do método de PCR utilizado. Em virtude da positividade observada para C. bovis nos exames histopatológico e PCR, particularmente em fígado e esôfago, sugere-se que seja reformulado o artigo 176 do Regulamento de Inspeção Industrial e Sanitária de Produtos de Origem Animal, incluindo estes locais na rotina de inspeção nos matadouros.Considering the importance of improving methods for diagnosis of bovine Cysticercosis, this study aimed to verify Cysticercus bovis occurrence in different anatomical sites, as head, heart, esophagus, diaphragm, tongue, liver and carcass, examined by federal inspection service. Diagnosis was performed by gross examination, histopatholgy and PCR with boiling DNA extraction for metacestode identification. Of 22043 slaughtered cattle, 713 (3.23%) were infected. The heart was mostly affected with 1.90% (420/22043), followed by head, 1.11% (245/22043), esophagus, 0.08% (18/22043), carcass, 0.07% (15/22043), diaphragm, 0.03% (7/22043), liver, 0.02% (5/22043) and tongue, 0.01% (3/22043). Of the cysts obtained, 58.35% (416/713) were dead and 41.65% (297/713) were alive. The differences among anatomical sites and cysts status were significant (p<0.05). Of the 416 dead cysts 253, characterized by nodular firm whitish lesions, containing yellowish material, some times in calcareous aspect were examined for histopathology. The histological exams of these cysts yielded granulomatous lesions, whose centers were characterized by caseous and/or calcareous material, multinucleate giant cells, histiocytes in palisade and infiltrate composed predominantly by lymphoid cells, wrapped up by fibrosis. Some times the lesions peripheries had granulation tissue and mineralized areas, like linear blade. The parasite debris were like a hyaline, non cellular material with spherical and ovoid, basophilic, eosinophilic and colorless corpuscles. These corpuscles were seen rarely, some times, among inflammatory reaction. Fibrous nodules, rich in lymphoid or mixed infiltrates, were frequently seen. Of the live cysts subjected to PCR with boiling DNA extraction, 65% (13/20) were positive for C. bovis, confirming the ambulatory diagnosis and the efficacy of the PCR procedure used. Due to microscopic and PCR diagnostic exams of C. bovis, mainly in the liver and esophagus, it is suggested changes in the 176 article of the regulatory inspection, by including these sites in the bovine routine inspection at the slaughterhouses

    Marketing de relacionamento como fator otimizador de vendas

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    “O cliente tem sempre razão”, com essa chamada, todas as organizações desenvolveram seus planejamentos de estratégicos, planos e marketing e ou, dentre outros, essenciais para o bom desempenho de suas atividades. Com o passar dos anos, as exigências, demandas e expectativas dos consumidores tem sofrido grandes mudanças, seja pela qualidade dos produtos ou mesmo pela presteza na prestação dos serviços. Dessa forma, torna-se imprescindível que o empresário compreenda o comportamento do consumidor antes de tomar qualquer atitude, seja colocando um produto novo no mercado ou oferecendo algum tipo de serviço. Alguns autores contemporâneos consideram já, que todo o planejamento de suas organizações deve ser desenvolvido tendo como uma análise profunda do comportamento do consumidor, no sentido de que ele ainda sendo a referência principal para que a empresa oferte um novo produto no mercado. Dessa forma então, a Empresa Engemix, busca ofertar um produto agregando um serviço bem diferenciado dos já existente no mercado, procurando, dessa forma, oferecer um diferencial para seus clientes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Subclavian Access for Transcatheter CoreValve® Aortic Prosthesis Implantation: Data from the Brazilian Registry

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    ABSTRACTBackgroundTransfemoral access is the preferred approach for transcatheter aortic valve implantation. However, some situations, such as the presence of peripheral vascular disease, preclude the use of such access. In these cases, subclavian access is an alternative approach for this procedure. This study aimed at evaluating the Brazilian experience using the subclavian approach for transcatheter CoreValve® prosthesis implantation.MethodsAortic valve area<1cm2, aortic valve ring≥20mm and≤27mm (26mm and 29mm CoreValve®), ascending aorta≤43mm and subclavian artery with a diameter≥6mm, without significant obstructive lesions, marked tortuosity and excess calcification were requisites for the procedure. The access through the subclavian artery was obtained by surgical dissection and, under direct vision, a subclavian artery puncture was performed. Once artery access was obtained, the standard technique was used.ResultsBetween January 2008 and April 2012, 8 patients with peripheral vascular disease underwent CoreValve® prosthesis implantation through the subclavian artery in 4 institutions. The procedure was successful in all cases with reduction of the mean transvalvular pressure gradient from 46.4±17.5mmHg to 9.3±3.6mmHg (P=0.0018) and improvement of symptoms. At 30 days and after 275±231 days of follow-up, 87.5% and 62.5% of the patients, respectively, were free from major adverse events (death, myocardial infarction, stroke and urgent cardiac suregery).ConclusionsIn the Brazilian experience, the subclavian access was a safe and effective alternative for transcatheter CoreValve® implantation

    Sensory characteristics and chemical composition of pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis) smoked with the presence and absence of the carapace

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    Abstract - Objective of this study was to evaluate the smoking process in pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis) prepared with and without the shell, through the proximal composition and sensory characteristics. Thus, we used 60 tails (abdomen) shrimp with individual average weight of 16.67 g, were divided into two treatments, with and without shell. After curing, they were evaluated sensorily, portions 30 tasters, using a simple stimulation method and 90 g samples were stored (-15 &deg;C) for later analysis proximal composition. The smoked shrimp showed average values ​​of crude protein (28.93%), moisture (62.15%), lipids (1.30%) and ash (8.14%) higher compared to the shrimp in natura (88.72%, 10.36%, 0.43% and 0.92%, respectively). There was no effect of the presence or absence of the shell in the proximal composition of smoked shrimp (p &lt;0.05). Regarding the sensory evaluation, the tasters showed preference to shrimp samples with no shell, through the grades given in the sensory analysis. Among the characteristics evaluated were no differences (p &lt;0.05) in appearance and flavor. The smoking process positively changed the proximal composition of shrimp and were approved by the tasters.The objective of this study was to evaluate the smoking process in pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis) prepared with and without the shell, through the proximal composition and sensory characteristics. Thus, we used 60 tails (abdomen) shrimp with individual average weight of 16.67 g, were divided into two treatments, with and without shell. After curing, they were evaluated sensorily, with 30 tasters, using a simple stimulation method and 90 g samples were stored (-15 ºC) for later analysis of proximal composition. The smoked shrimp showed average values of crude protein (28.93%), moisture (62.15%), lipids (1.30%) and ash (8.14%) higher than shrimp in natura (88.72%, 10.36%, 0.43% and 0.92%, respectively). There was no effect of the presence or absence of the shell in the proximal composition of smoked shrimp (p &lt; 0.05). Regarding the sensory evaluation, the tasters showed preference to shrimp samples with no shell, through the grades given in the analysis. Among the characteristics evaluated were no differences (p &lt; 0.05) in appearance and flavor. The smoking process positively changed the proximal composition of shrimp and were approved by the tasters

    Pollen spectrum of honey of Apis mellifera L. and stingless bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from the semi-arid region of Bahia State, Brazil

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    Pollen in honey reflects its botanical origin and melissopalynology is used to identify origin, type, and quantities of pollen grains of the botanical species visited by bees. This study aimed to identify the pollen spectrum of honeys from Apis mellifera and stingless bees produced in the semi-arid region of Bahia, Brazil. We analysed 78 honey samples, which were submitted to the acetolysis process for identification and quantification of pollen types. Fabaceae, Asteraceae and Euphorbiaceae were the most predominant families in pollen types. For Fabaceae, the most representative pollen types were Chamaecrista 1, Mimosa caesalpiniifolia, Mimosa pudica, Mimosa tenuiflora, Prosopis and Senna. The results indicate that the flora explored by the bees to collect nectar is diverse in the semi-arid region of Bahia and the honeys analysed were classified as multifloral.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio