594 research outputs found

    First B-HCG predict pregnancy outcome after in-vitro fertilization

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    Background: About 22% of IVF-conceived pregnancies result in spontaneous abortion. Therefore, it is important to predict the complicated and poor pregnancy outcome. Serum human chorionic gonadotrophin levels after 2 weeks of embryo transfer is a reliable marker to predict the pregnancy outcome in patients of IVF. Objective was to correlate the evolution curve of B-HCG after embryo transfer in assisted human reproduction techniques and the pregnancy outcome.Methods: A prospective and observational study. In patients who underwent embryo transfer, a collection of quantitative B-HCG in 12th day after transfer was made. In patients who had beta-HCG positive value (beta-HCG>5.0 mUI/ml), there were two new collections of beta-HCG 48 hours and 72 hours after the first collection. All results have been filed and all pregnancies were accompanied to the final outcome.Results: It was found that B-HCG values above 139.5 mIU / ml were associated with a good prognosis gestational.Conclusions: Larger studies are needed to improve these findings and give better information regarding the prognostic value of early pregnancy hCG levels

    Information System and Geographic Information System Tools in the Data Analyses of the Control Program for Visceral Leishmaniases from 2006 to 2010 in the Sanitary District of Venda Nova, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    The aim of this paper is to report a brief history of control actions for Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) from 2006 to 2010 in the Sanitary District (DS) of Venda Nova, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, focusing on the use of information systems and Geographic Information System (GIS) tools. The analyses showed that the use of an automated database allied with geoprocessing tools may favor control measures of VL, especially with regard to the evaluation of control actions carried out. Descriptive analyses of control measures allowed to evaluating that the information system and GIS tools promoted greater efficiency in making decisions and planning activities. These analyses also pointed to the necessity of new approaches to the control of VL in large urban centers

    Towards GWAS and genomic prediction in coffee: development and validation of a 26K SNP chip for Coffea canephora. [W173]

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    Genome-wide SNP genotyping platforms aiming at high-throughput and high-precision genotyping constitute an essential tool to advance breeding by genomic prediction and gene discovery by GWAS. Recent advances in coffee genomics with the sequencing of the Coffea canephora reference genome, has provided the coffee scientific community the necessary resource to develop a SNPs toolbox for genome-wide genotyping. C. canephora, an allogamous diploid species, and one of the parents of the allotetraploid C. arabica, has been an important source of genetic variability for breeding programs of both cultivated species. Highly heterozygous genomes such as C. canephora require a much higher sequence depth to reach acceptable marker call rates and genotype accuracy, when using sequence-based genotyping methods such that their cost effectiveness may not be realized. Here we describe the development and validation of a 26K Axiom SNP array (Affymetrix) whose genome-wide distributed SNP content was discovered from pooled whole-genome resequencing of C. canephora accessions covering most of its known genetic diversity. Besides facilitating low cost, high marker density, polymorphism and speed of data generation, the platform displays high genotype call accuracy and reproducibility. Genotyping validation resulted in 24,073 SNPs (94.6%) successfully converted out of the 25,456 SNPs on the array. 20,982 markers(87.1%) were scored as providing high-resolution genotypic data in a set of 800 individuals of a breeding population in which 19,586 (81.4%) were polymorphic and 1,396 (5.8%) were monomorphic. The remaining set of 3,091 (12.8%) successfully converted markers were of lower accuracy in the studied sample and may require additional cluster analysis to proper biological interpretation, i.e. targeting CNVs. This large validated SNP collection provides a powerful tool for molecular breeding and population genetics investigation within coffee species. Some preliminary results of a GWAS using this genotyping platform will be presented. (Résumé d'auteur

    Ciência sobre rodas: busão da ciência no agreste e no sertão uma ação de educação não formal

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar o projeto ciência sobre rodas: busão da ciência no agreste e no sertão da universidade federal de sergipe - campus professor alberto carvalho e duas atividades desenvolvidas pelos monitores

    Biological control as part of the soybean Integrated Pest Management (IPM) : potential and challenges

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    Soybean production is usually performed on large scales, requiring simple but efficient pest management to be successful. Soybean fields are inhabited by several species of arthropods, demanding constant development of management practices to prevent pest outbreaks. More recently, stink bugs have become the most important pest group of soybeans in the Neotropics, responsible for up to 60% of the applied insecticides in Brazil. Natural enemies represent an important mortality factor that can keep the damage caused by stink bugs below the economic threshold levels without additional control actions. Thus, Conservation Biological Control (CBC) strategies can be adopted to preserve or even promote the increase in such natural enemies in the fields, or alternatively, massive releases of biocontrol agents in Augmentative Biological Control (ABC) programs could be adopted. Simple practices such as reducing insecticide use (with the adoption of economic thresholds), prioritizing harmless insecticides or biopesticides, and planting resistant soybean cultivars have been adopted in Brazil with positive results. The challenges to increasing the adoption of more complex stink bug management in commodity crops such as soybean may be overcome using the more recent economic incentives in the global agenda of decarbonized agriculture. The potential and challenges of conservation and augmentative biological control are further discussed in this review

    A lei 10.639/03 no ensino de ciências: uma proposta decolonial para o currículo de Química

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    A Lei 10.639/03 completa 16 anos de existência, e com isto, 16 anos de obrigatoriedade do ensino de História e da Cultura Afro-brasileira e Africana em todas as escolas do Brasil. Com base nisto, este trabalho se estrutura, então, a partir da provocação decolonial ao currículo de Química, a fim de estudar os desdobramentos da colonialidade no contexto educacional. Para isso, são tecidas considerações acerca da implementação da lei citada nos livros didáticos, principais ferramentas didáticas dos professores, através de uma análise qualitativa da abordagem da temática por esses livros. Diante dos resultados desta análise, buscamos compreender a relação entre livros, currículo e colonialidade. Ao nos depararmos com livros baseados em um currículo predominantemente eurocêntrico, realizamos, como disposição final, uma proposta de currículo decolonial contextualizado que contemple as culturas tradicionais, em particular, a afro-brasileira. Neste sentido, esperamos que, a partir do desenvolvimento de um currículo afrocentrado seja possível atingir a efetivação da Lei 10.639/03 e combater os perversos efeitos do racismo na sociedade brasileira. Palavras-chave: Lei 10.630/03. Decolonialidade. Ensino de Química

    Construção e validação de aplicativo móvel para educação em saúde acerca da COVID- 19

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    Objetivo: Construir e validar um aplicativo móvel para educação em saúde acerca da COVID-19.Método: Estudo metodológico, desenvolvido em seis etapas, no estado do Rio de Janeiro, entre junho de 2020 a agosto de 2021, com 20 profissionais de saúde, utilizando um formulário eletrônico. A validação ocorreu através do Índice de Validade de Conteúdo, cujosíndices deveriam ser maiores ou iguais a 80%.Resultados: O aplicativo denominado ROBOVID foi construído e validado por profissionais juízes especialistas na temática, com Índice de Validade de Conteúdo de 100% para os domínios de conteúdo e adequação cultural, e com variação de 90 a 100% para os domínios de linguagem, ilustração e apresentação, alcançando 97% de Índice de Validade Global e 98% nas “dez regras de ouro” para uso em educação em saúde.Conclusão: O aplicativo ROBOVID demostrou ser uma ferramenta tecnológica válida para educação em saúde acerca da COVID-19 entre a população brasileira. Palavras-chave: Educação em saúde. Computadores de mão. Pandemias

    Práticas sexuais de homens que fazem sexo com homens: adaptação de questionário

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    Este artigo trata da adaptação transcultural para o português do Cuestionario de Investigación sobre Prácticas Sexuales – CIPRASEX - de Hombres que Practican Sexo con Hombres (HSH). O instrumento parte da Teoria do Comportamento Planejado, apresentando como dimensões: fator atitudinal, norma subjetiva e controle condutual, associados ao não uso de preservativos de HSH. A adaptação envolveu quatro fases: tradução e tradução reversa do questionário; avaliação por experts e público-alvo; estudo piloto com 20 participantes; elaboração da versão brasileira. Constatou-se boa equivalência conceitual e semântica entre a versão final em português e o original, bem como caráter inovador do instrumento no contexto brasileiro. O CIPRASEX poderá auxiliar no desenvolvimento de  intervenções específicas no âmbito da saúde e prevenção do HIV