2,927 research outputs found

    Disseny d'un crèdit variable sobre hàbits saludables per al primer cicle de l'ESO

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    L'alimentació és un dels principals determinants de salut. Mitjançant la dieta és possible millorar la salut però una dieta inadequada també pot constituir un factor de risc. La saviesa popular, garant durant dècades d'uns bons hàbits alimentaris, està caient en l'oblit a causa de la dificultat de transmissió de la tradició alimentària. Així, es dóna a infants i joves l'oportunitat (sovint obligada) de construir els seus propis hàbits, massa sovint sense fonament. En general, els hàbits alimentaris de la població catalana i espanyola són poc adequats. Es dóna una alimentació per excés a base d'aliments amb un alt contingut en greixos i sucres i deficient en verdures, peix i llegums. Alhora, augmenta la incidència i la varietat de trastorns de la conducta alimentària. Es fa palesa, doncs, la necessitat de donar un coneixement fonamentat a infants i joves del que és una alimentació saludable: nutrients, estructura dels àpats, distribució al llarg del dia i tot allò que influeix a la conducta alimentària. Si entenem que el ple desenvolupament d'una persona depèn en gran mesura del seu estat de salut (i aquest, alhora, de la seva alimentació) i de com la visqui la persona, esdevé fonamental educar també en aquest sentit.Nutrition is one of the most important health determinants. A correct diet can improve health whereas an incorrect diet can become a risk factor. Common knowledge, which has guaranteed good nutritional habits during decades, is now becoming forgotten because of the difficulty to pass on traditional nutrition habits. So, teenagers have the opportunity, and are often obligated, to build their own habits, too often without foundation. In general, the Catalan and Spanish population have unsuitable nutritional habits. Their diet is high in fat and sugar, while poor in vegetables, fish, and legumes. At the same time, the incidence and types of eating disorders are rising. So, it is necessary to give children and teenagers founded knowledge about a healthy diet: nutrients, meal structure, proper distribution throughout the day, and all things affecting eating behavior. Since the full development of a person highly depends on one’s state of health (which in turn depends on nutrition) and on life style, nutritional education becomes fundamental

    La política europea de consumidores entre la revisión de 2001 y la ampliación de la Unión

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    Approach to corporate governance and supporting shareholders' interests

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    10 páginasShareholders interests play a relevant role in corporate governance. Notwithstanding the different legal regimes across the globe, there is a trend towards converging mechanisms protect shareholders through disclosure and other instruments. Simplification of voting process and procedures to ease the taking into account of shareholder preferences are matters still to be resolved.S

    Corporate Governance: shareholders' interests and other stakeholders' interests

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    7 paginasMuch of the traditional Company Law doctrine considers that Corporations must be managed to promote, above all, shareholders’ rights. Activities in favour of non-shareholder constituencies such as suppliers, consumers, employees or the Community at large can be perceived as a means of Management to increase its power and personal prestige. Stakeholders’ interests can be interpreted as opposing Shareholders rights to obtain fair revenue for their investment. In this paper, we argue that Shareholders and Stakeholders interests are compatible and both contribute to corporate long term efficiency and progress. It is further argued that it is essential to achieve a wide consensus on how to control Management actions in support of Stakeholders interests.S

    Particiones de todos continuos elaboradas por maestros de primaria en formación

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    Esta investigación de carácter exploratorio y de corte cualitativo, concierne al aprendizaje y enseñanza de las relaciones de equivalencia entre fracciones y los procesos de partición. Los sujetos del estudio son maestros en formación del tercer semestre de la licenciatura en Educación Primaria, impartida en la Escuela Normal de la Ciudad de México. Los instrumentos metodológicos empleados son: dos cuestionarios, observación participante y entrevistas, para elaborar estudio de casos. En este documento mostramos los resultados observados en las tareas de los cuestionarios fase 1 y 2 con respecto a la partición de todos continuos (figuras geométricas)

    Viability of patent insurance in Spain

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    M-24609-2013Since 1975 the FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE has involved itself in activities serving the general interests of society in different areas of business and culture along with activities aimed at improving the economic and social conditions of the least advantaged members and sectors of society. Within this framework, the FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE’s Institute of Insurance Science promotes and undertakes educational and research activities in the fields of insurance and risk management. In the area of education, its activities include specialized, post-graduate academic training carried out in association with the Pontifical University of Salamanca and courses and seminars for professionals held in Spain and Latin America. These activities have been expanded into other geographic regions thanks to cooperation with a series of institutions in Spain and other countries and an Internet training programme. The Institute offers grants for research in risk and insurance science and operates a specialized insurance and risk management Documentation Centre as support for its activities. The Institute routinely sponsors and draws up reports and publishes books dealing with insurance and risk management to improve our understanding of these fields. Some are intended as reference materials for those starting out in the study or practice of insurance affairs, while others are intended as information sources for undertaking research into specialized issues in greater depth. One of these activities is the publication of this volume, the outcome of research carried out by Drs. Pérez Carrillo and Cuypers in 2011 and 2012, under the guidance of José Antonio Aventín Arroyo

    The motivation to use oral language in the EFL classroom in ESO and Bachillerato

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    The students’ general inhibition to use L2 in the classroom is a reality which every teacher has experienced. The purpose of this research is to observe and describe the reasons for this reality from the students’ perspective and obtain some conclusions which can help teachers to improve the situation. A survey was passed among students of ESO and Bachillerato as well as among their teachers. This showed that students must be intrinsically motivated and the teacher must help them to raise their self- worth and reach autonomy. This seems to be the most important factor although there are some others such as interactive pattern, feedback and the role of the teacher itself. The reality reflected by the surveys is totally opposed to the most current methodological tendencies.La tendencia general del alumno a inhibirse en el uso oral de la lengua meta en el aula es una realidad que todo profesor ha podido experimentar. Nuestra finalidad es observar y describir las razones que explican esta situación desde la perspectiva del alumno y obtener algunas conclusiones que puedan ayudar al profesor a solucionar dicha situación. Alumnos de ESO y Bachillerato fueron encuestados, así como sus profesores. La información recavada muestra que los alumnos deben estar intrínsicamente motivados y los profesores deben ayudarles a incrementar su autoestima y alcanzar autonomía de aprendizaje. No podemos dejar a un lado la importancia de los esquemas de interacción, la corrección y del papel del profesor. Sin embargo, la realidad reflejada por los resultados de las encuestas es bastante opuesta a las corrientes metodológicas actuales

    Escribir en educación inicial: Una realidad a partir de la lectura y las actividades rectoras de la educación inicial.

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    126 Páginas incluye ilustraciones y diagramas.La lectura y la escritura son procesos que preocupan permanentemente a los docentes en el ámbito pedagógico y en particular a los de educación inicial; en primer lugar porque en Colombia enseñar a leer y a escribir ha sido cuestionado para este ciclo por los docentes, y en segundo, porque en general se evidencia que los niños, niñas y jóvenes tienen dificultades para leer y escribir en todos los ciclos de la educación. Por ello, este trabajo muestra los resultados de un proceso de investigación cualitativa que tiene por objeto caracterizar las prácticas de escritura de un grupo de 21 niñas y niños del grado transición, del colegio I.E.D. Atenas jornada tarde; e indagar sobre las prácticas de lectura y escritura que tienen sus familias, para diseñar e implementar una secuencia didáctica que responda a las características y necesidades de las niñas y los niños y que contemple las actividades rectoras de educación inicial, para fortalecer la escritura y desde allí generar cambios que contribuyan al mejoramiento de la calidad de la educación inicial, pero sobre todo que transformen la calidad de vida de las niñas y los niños del país

    Corporate governance facing corporate social responsability: solving challenges in the 21st century

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    17 páginasWithin the context of modern Corporate Governance and particularly in the aftermath of the financial scandals of the XXIst Century, companies, regulators, markets and the public in general claim for more transparency, accountability, shareholders and investor protection. There is also a trend towards reinforcing the Responsibility of Companies towards the Communities in which they develop their businesses. However, generally speaking shareholders do not have a direct control nor saying in management; and stakeholders possibility of influencing corporations’ decisions seems very rare. This article reviews some of the existing corporate cultural and legal systems and provides ideas for future development of corporate Governance in de field of Share- and Interest- -Holders’ protectionS

    Validation of microsatellite markers for cytotype discrimination in the model grass Brachypodium distachyon

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    Brachypodium distachyon (2n = 2x = 10) is a small annual grass species where the existence of three different cytotypes (10, 20 and 30 chromosomes) has long been regarded as a case of autopolyploid series, with x = 5. However, it has been demonstrated that the cytotypes assumed to be polyploids represent two separate Brachypodium species recently named as B. stacei (2n = 2x = 20) and B. hybridum (2n = 4x = 30). The aim of this study was to find a PCR-based alternative approach that could replace standard cytotyping methods (i. e., chromosome counting and flow cytometry) to characterize each of the three Brachypodium species. We have analyzed with four microsatellite (SSR) markers eighty-three Brachypodium distachyon-type lines from varied locations in Spain, including the Balearic and Canary Islands. Within this set of lines, 64, 4 and 15 had 10, 20 and 30 chromosomes, respectively. The surveyed markers produced cytotype-specific SSR profiles. So, a single amplification product was generated in the diploid samples, with non-overlapping allelic ranges between the 2n = 10 and 2n = 20 cytotypes, whereas two bands, one in the size range of each of the diploid cytotypes, were amplified in the 2n = 30 lines. Furthermore, the remarkable size difference obtained with the SSR ALB165 allowed the identification of the Brachypodium species by simple agarose gel electrophoresis
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