285 research outputs found

    Shaping wood: woodworking during the Iron Age and Roman period in the northwest of the Iberian peninsula

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    This article discusses several timber structures, wooden objects and manufacturing waste recovered from settlements and specialized production sites during the Iron Age and the Roman period in northwest Iberia. These archaeobotanical remains were preserved directly by carbonization, waterlogging and occasionally mineralization, as well as indirectly by impressions on clay. The study of these artifacts and structures allows us to characterize forestry practice, technical process of woodworking (sequence of actions, techniques and gestures), household equipment and architectureS

    A heuristic method for obtaining quasi ARL-unbiased p-Charts

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    [EN] It is known that control charts based on equal tail probability limits are ARL biased when the distribution of the plotted statistic is skewed. This is the case for p¿Charts that serve to monitor processes on the basis of the binomial distribution. For the particular case of the standard three¿sigma Shewhart p¿Chart, which is built on the basis of the binomial to normal distribution approximation, this ARL¿biased condition is particularly severe, and it greatly affects its monitoring capability. Surprisingly, in spite of this, the standard p¿Chart is still widely used and taught. Through a literature search, it was identified that several, simple to use, improved alternative p¿Charts had been proposed over the years; however, at first instance, it was not possible to determine which of them was the best. In order to identify the alternative that excelled, an ARL performance comparison was carried out in terms of their ARL bias severity level (ARLBSL) and their In¿Control ARL (ARL0). The results showed that even the best performing alternative charts would often be ARL¿biased or have nonoptimal ARL0. To improve on the existing alternatives, the ¿Kmod p¿Chart¿ was developed; it offers easiness of use, superior ARL performance, and a simple and effective method for verifying its ARL¿bias condition.Argoti, MA.; Carrión García, A. (2019). A heuristic method for obtaining quasi ARL-unbiased p-Charts. Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 35(1):47-61. https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.2379S476135

    Neolithic woodland in the north Mediterranean basin: A review on Olea europaea L.

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    The aim of this paper is to specify the natural distribution of Olea europaea L. during the Early Holocene in the Northern Mediterranean by means of the identification of wood charcoal remains of this species at prehistoric sites. For this purpose, we have reviewed the relevant literature and extracted the data in which Olea charcoal has been identified. We have taken into consideration the biogeographical and chrono-cultural contexts in which the species is present, its frequency of occurrence at different locations and the associated plant taxa with the aim of tracking the Holocene history of the oleaster. Based on this information we suggest that the species started expanding during the Preboreal from Pleistocene thermophilous tree refugia located in the Levant, Cyprus, Sicily and the southern parts of the Iberian Peninsula. Its presence was confined to the thermomediterraenan bioclimatic level. The expansion dynamics of Olea after the Boreal are better understood in the western Mediterranean. There the species becomes very abundant or dominant in the thermophilous plant formations of the Atlantic period and expands to favorable enclaves outside the limits of the thermomediterraenan bioclimatic level.The aim of this paper is to specify the natural distribution of Olea europaea L. during the Early Holocene in the Northern Mediterranean by means of the identification of wood charcoal remains of this species at prehistoric sites. For this purpose, we have reviewed the relevant literature and extracted the data in which Olea charcoal has been identified. We have taken into consideration the biogeographical and chrono-cultural contexts in which the species is present, its frequency of occurrence at different locations and the associated plant taxa with the aim of tracking the Holocene history of the oleaster. Based on this information we suggest that the species started expanding during the Preboreal from Pleistocene thermophilous tree refugia located in the Levant, Cyprus, Sicily and the southern parts of the Iberian Peninsula. Its presence was confined to the thermomediterraenan bioclimatic level. The expansion dynamics of Olea after the Boreal are better understood in the western Mediterranean. There the species becomes very abundant or dominant in the thermophilous plant formations of the Atlantic period and expands to favorable enclaves outside the limits of the thermomediterraenan bioclimatic level

    Olea europaea L. in the North Mediterranean basin during the Pleniglacial and the Early–Middle Holocene

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    17 páginas, 5 figuras, 2 tablas.The paper aims to define the natural distribution of Olea europaea L. var sylvestris (Miller) Lehr. in the North Mediterranean basin during the Pleniglacial and the Early-Middle Holocene by means of the identification of its wood-charcoal and/or wood at prehistoric sites For this purpose we have reviewed the previously available information and we have combined it with new wood-charcoal analyses data We have taken under consideration the presence and frequency of 0 europaea L in the available wood-charcoal sequences, the characteristics of the accompanying flora, the associated chrono-cultural contexts, the broader biogeographical context and the AMS dates provided by Olea wood-charcoal or endocarps. According to the available evidence, during the Middle and Late Pleniglacial (ca 59-11.5 ka cal BP), Olea would have persisted in thermophilous refugia located in the southern areas of the North Mediterranean basin, the southern Levant and the north of Africa. The Last Glacial Maximum (ca 2218 ka cal. BP) probably reduced the distribution area of Olea. During the Preboreal and the Boreal (ca 11500-8800 cal BP) the species started to expand in the thermomediterranean bioclimatic level In the western Mediterranean, during the Atlantic period (ca 8800-5600 cal. BP), the species became very abundant or dominant in the thermophilous plant formations and expanded to favorable enclaves outside the limits of the thermomediterranean level.This study has been supported by the national projects ‘‘Late Middle Palaeolithic and Upper Palaeolithic in the central region of the Iberian Peninsula’’ (Ref. FFI2008-01200/FISO) and ‘‘PALAEOFLORA OF IBERIA II: Ecological Change as Anthropological Contingency’’ (Ref. CGL2009-06988). We are grateful to all the wood-charcoal analysis specialists who have identified and published Olea wood-charcoals from archaeological sites. We are also thankful to the directors of excavations from which we report unpublished material for allowing us to study the wood-charcoal remains at those sites. Special thanks are addressed to Isabel Figueiral for her useful comments on the manuscript and for providing unpublished data. The authors are especially thankful to M. Stiner and J. Pigati for their kind permission to cite unpublished dating data from Klissoura Cave 1. Finally, we thank the two anonymous reviewers for their comments on an earlier version of the manuscript.Peer reviewe

    Woodland in the middle Ebro valley (Spain). Dendrological analysis of archaeological timber from Bell Baker and Iron Age periods

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    In this paper, the results of the dendrological analysis of timber from three archaeological sites are presented. This material comes from the wooden structures of different kinds of buildings (houses, walls and a funerary dolmen). For this task, a small number of vegetal species were used. Dendrological analyses are perfectly adapted to this research, since ecological, climatic and human events can be inferred from the observation and measurement of tree growth-rings. To implement the method in this region is particularly interesting because of the lack of palaeoenvironmental studies. Micro- and macroscopic observation of wood charcoal enables wood identification: mainly pine and juniper were selected for timber from among all the species identified from charcoal analyses in other archeological contexts (fireplaces, occupation levels, etc.). The samples with a longer radius were measured on a dendrological bench. Generally, the growth rate was very low in most of the specimens.Les résultats de l’étude dendrologique réalisée sur les bois de construction de trois sites archéologiques seront présentés. Il s’agit de bois de construction carbonisés sur place. Le principal intérêt de cette étude est la reconstitution des paléo-paysages, mais aussi des systèmes humains d’approvisionnement du bois et de gestion de la forêt, dans une région où l’information paléoenvironnemental en général est encore faible. L’examen microscopique et macroscopique du charbon de bois a permis de déterminer les essences végétales choisies pour la construction, essentiellement pin et genévrier, parmi un grand nombre d’essences utilisées que l’on connaît d’après l’analyse anthracologique en autres contextes (foyers, fours, sols d’occupation). La largeur des cernes de croissance radiale du bois, qui enregistrent les principaux événements climatiques et anthropiques, a été systématiquement mesurée. Ces données ont livré des informations intéressantes sur la densité des forêts, l’impact des conditions climatiques sur la croissance des plantes et l’évolution des formations végétales sur une longue séquence. La plupart des individus des trois sites présentent une taxe de croissance très basse

    Realidad MESH en metaversos inmersivos 3D, el futuro de una innovadora alternativa de enseñanza-aprendizaje en ciencias médicas

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    El siguiente artículo presenta el desarrollo de una nueva aplicación computacional que tiene por objetivo el proceso de importación de la representación tridimensional de estructuras orgánicas y anatómicas humanas, obtenidas del formato Dicom (archivo de imágenes médicas 2D obtenidas por un tomógrafo axial computarizado) y optimizadas a un formato estereolitográfico (archivo real 3D) ,mediante el proceso de segmentación con el uso de un software convertor llamado Mimics de la empresa Materialise. Este archivo optimizado y acondicionado posteriormente al formato collada .dae, es importado dentro de la plataforma virtual 3D inmersiva llamada Second Life. El propósito de esta experimentación en la aplicación, fue innovar los métodos de desarrollo y construcción en los mundos virtuales inmersivos, creando innovadoras herramientas de enseñanza aprendizaje en ciencias médicas y otras
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