62 research outputs found

    MARIFLOR AGUILAR RIVERO, Resistir es construir: movilidades y pertenencias. México, UNAM y Juan Pablos Editor, 2013. 142 p.

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    Resistir es construir: movilidades y pertenencias de Mariflor Aguilar Rivero, Dra. en Filosofía y docente de la UNAM, es un breve volumen en el que su autora establece con claridad su horizonte de trabajo. Ya en las palabras introductorias expresa: “pertenencia, movilidad y resistencia, [son] tres formas de enfrentar lo que el mundo moderno nos presenta y nos ofrece vivir.” (p.9) y es sobre estas tres categorías sobre las que estructurará su obra

    Sensibilización sobre el sedentarismo en Educación Física a partir de la hibridación de dos modelos pedagógicos: [Sensitivity about sedentarism in Physical Education from a hybridization of two pedagogical models]

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    In the present work, an educational innovation in Physical Education is presented in order to sensitize students about the repercussions on health of a sedentary lifestyle. The experience was based on the hybridization of two pedagogical models (Adventure Education and Health-Related Physical Education) through a Didactic Unit on orientation that was experienced for two groups on the first year of high school. A sedentary activities questionnaire was administered to the students, the results of which served as a starting point for the development of the sessions and an evaluation of the teaching staff, and the innovation experience was also carried out. Results show the high number of hours of sedentary activities spent by adolescents, finding differences according to gender and type of day. Students value very positively the implication of the teachers, as well as the learning acquired from the proposed hybridization model.Este trabajo presenta una innovación educativa llevada a cabo en Educación Física con el fin de sensibilizar al alumnado sobre las repercusiones en la salud de un estilo de vida sedentario. La experiencia se basó en la hibridación de dos modelos pedagógicos (Educación Aventura y Educación Física relacionada con la salud) en una unidad didáctica de orientación que se puso en práctica en dos grupos de primero de bachillerato. Se administró al alumnado un cuestionario sobre actividades sedentarias como punto de partida para el desarrollo de las sesiones y se realizó una evaluación del profesorado y de la experiencia de innovación. Los resultados muestran un número muy elevado de horas sedentarias en los adolescentes participantes, encontrando diferencias según el género y el tipo de día. El alumnado valora muy positivamente la labor del profesorado que desarrolló la práctica, así como los aprendizajes adquiridos a partir del modelo de hibridación propuesto. Palabras clave: Práctica basada en Modelos; innovación educativa; uso de pantallas; orientación; evaluación   Abstract: In the present work, an educational innovation in Physical Education is presented in order to sensitize students about the repercussions on health of a sedentary lifestyle. The experience was based on the hybridization of two pedagogical models (Adventure Education and Health-Related Physical Education) through a Didactic Unit on orientation that was experienced for two groups on the first year of high school. A sedentary activities questionnaire was administered to the students, the results of which served as a starting point for the development of the sessions and an evaluation of the teaching staff, and the innovation experience was also carried out. Results show the high number of hours of sedentary activities spent by adolescents, finding differences according to gender and type of day. Students value very positively the implication of the teachers, as well as the learning acquired from the proposed hybridization model. Key words: Models-based Practice; educational innovation; screen media use; orientation; evaluatio

    Impact of COVID-19 lockdown in telecommunications engineering competency-based alumni ranking

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    [EN] Higher education, as other social and economic sectors in Spain, was disrupted on 15th March 2020 following health emergency Laws enacted related to COVID-19. Non-presential lecturing was stablished country-wide until the end of the academic year 2019-20, as society was set in lockdown. In this context, it is necessary to evaluate the impact of the mandatory changes implemented in the education paradigm in order to assess the degree of acquisition of general and specific competencies altogether the acquisition of transversal competencies, as an important factor for the alumni career. This paper reports a comprehensive study on the competencies degree of acquisition considering the lockdown scenario in Spain. The results from the last four academic years have been comparatively evaluated in the core subject `Teoría de la Comunicación¿, lectured in the fourth semester of the Telecommunications Engineering Integrated Program (Bachelor and Master) in the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain, comprising data from 745 alumni. The results indicate that the degree of acquisition of technical competencies in this scenario has been adequate, being marginally better compared to previous academic year, probably due to new lecturing materials prepared. Nevertheless, the acquisition of the transversal competency `analysis and problem solving¿ exhibits degraded results, indicating inhomogeneous acquisition probably due to limitations in the group-based problem-solving practice. The results suggest that specific materials and remote lecturing strategies should be developed and implemented to guarantee adequate acquisition levels.The support by the 2020 Science Parks program from the Consellería de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital, Generalitat Valenciana, Spain, is acknowledged.Llorente, R.; Rodríguez-Hernández, MA.; Hernandez Franco, CA.; Sastre, J.; Carrión García, A.; Madrigal-Madrigal, J. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 lockdown in telecommunications engineering competency-based alumni ranking. IATED Academy. 9599-9607. https://doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2020.2139S9599960

    La fabricación digital en la educación inclusiva para estudiantes con discapacidad visual. Análisis literario y bibliométrico

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    Technology integration in teaching people with disabilities is essential and has generated the so-called assistive technologies. Among them, digital manufacturing technologies, considered transformative, have made personalization faster and access easier and more affordable, mainly for the visually impaired. This research combines a literature review with bibliometrics to evaluate the application of digital fabrication technologies in the learning process of students with visual disabilities. Likewise, it analyzes its contribution to implementing explicit instruction, a fundamental and transversal methodology for teaching people with and without visual disabilities. It offers a multisensory educational experience and can potentially increase the number of inclusive educational spaces.La integración de la tecnología en los procesos de enseñanza de las personas con discapacidad es primordial y ha generado las denominadas tecnologías de asistencia. Entre ellas, las tecnologías de fabricación digital, consideradas transformadoras, vienen acelerando su personalización, facilitando el acceso y asequibilidad principalmente para la población con discapacidad visual. La presente investigación combina la técnica de revisión de literatura con la bibliométrica para evaluar la aplicación de las tecnologías de fabricación digital en el proceso de aprendizaje de estudiantes con discapacidad visual. Asimismo, analiza su aporte en la implementación de la instrucción explícita, una metodología de enseñanza fundamental y transversal a la enseñanza de personas con y sin discapacidad visual, que ofrece una experiencia educativa multisensorial, teniendo potencial para fungir de catalizadora en el incremento de espacios educativos inclusivos

    Sensibilización sobre el sedentarismo en Educación Física a partir de la hibridación de dos modelos pedagógicos.

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    Este trabajo presenta una innovación educativa llevada a cabo en Educación Física con el fin de sensibilizar al alumnado sobre las repercusiones en la salud de un estilo de vida sedentario. La experiencia se basó en la hibridación de dos modelos pedagógicos (Educación Aventura y Educación Física relacionada con la salud) en una unidad didáctica de orientación que se puso en práctica en dos grupos de primero de bachillerato. Se administró al alumnado un cuestionario sobre actividades sedentarias como punto de partida para el desarrollo de las sesiones y se realizó una evaluación del profesorado y de la experiencia de innovación. Los resultados muestran un número muy elevado de horas sedentarias en los adolescentes participantes, encontrando diferencias según el género y el tipo de día. El alumnado valora muy positivamente la labor del profesorado que desarrolló la práctica, así como los aprendizajes adquiridos a partir del modelo de hibridación propuest

    Soybean Date of Planting and Maturity in Northern Iowa

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    Inevitably, every year soybean planting gets delayed or needs to be replanted because of weather somewhere in Iowa. Even if soybean planting starts and progresses in a timely manner, there always is the question of what maturity group should be planted. This trial was setup to determine what maturities are well suited for a given geographic location, but also how maturity selection should be adjusted as planting dates get pushed into late spring

    Design of an Automated System for fish Production at the Tsáchila Higher Technological Institute

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    El presente trabajo se centra en el diseño de un sistema automatizado para la producción piscícola en el Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsa´chila del cantón Santo Domingo de los Colorados, para ello se utilizaron métodos de observación de campo y fundamentos teóricos donde el mundo de la piscicultura se está llegando a tener mejoras en los procesos productivos, con la finalidad de fomentar el desarrollo socioeconómico y mejorar la calidad de alimentación de los clientes potenciales de la región, sin embargo, los avances tecnológicos en este sector son muy reducidos por los altos costos de los materiales y equipos tecnológicos para automatizar los procesos productivos, estos factores influyen en los productores para preferir un sistema de control manual obsoleto que provoca un bajo rendimiento productivo por falta de  automatización de los procesos que hacen parte de esta importante actividad productiva del país. El cultivo de tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) es una especie que predomina en este tipo de crianza por su resistencia a enfermedades y al clima, su producción podrá ser más eficiente mediante un proceso automatizado para controlar variables físicas del agua como son el porcentaje de oxígeno y el volumen de alimento balanceado dosificado en estanques recubiertos o piscinas, el diseño desarrollado cumple con los acondicionamientos técnicos a considerar para un adecuado manejo de la actividad piscícola mediante tecnologías de sistemas embebidos de Arduino para obtener un mayor volumen de producción y reducción de costos en el proceso.The present work focuses on the design of an automated system for fish production at the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsa ́chila of the Santo Domingo de los Colorados canton, for this purpose field observation methods and theoretical foundations were used where the world of fish farming is coming to have improvements in production processes,  In order to promote socioeconomic development and improve the quality of food for potential customers in the region, however, technological advances in this sector are greatly reduced by the high costs of materials and technological equipment to automate production processes, these factors influence producers to prefer an obsolete manual control system that causes low production performance due to lack of automation of the processes that  They are part of this important productive activity of the country. The culture of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is a species that predominates in this type of breeding for its resistance to diseases and climate, its production may be more efficient through an automated process to control physical variables of the water such as the percentage of oxygen and the volume of balanced feed dosed in covered ponds or swimming pools,  the developed design complies with the technical conditioning to be considered for an adequate management of the fish activity through Arduino embedded systems technologies to obtain a greater volume of production and cost reduction in the process

    Clinical applications of the respiratory equation of motion to guide decision-making in the patient under invasive mechanical ventilation

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    Introduction: Mechanical ventilation is a common practice in intensive care units and anesthesiology with both therapeutic and potentially harmful implications for the respiratory system and distant organs, that is why it is of utmost importance to continually monitor ventilation parameters. Objective: To describe the equation of motion of the respiratory system and its clinical applications in the patient under invasive mechanical ventilation. Main: The equation of motion of the respiratory system integrates the dynamic forces generated by the ventilator with the intrinsic properties of the lung and chest wall. It expresses the pressure in the respiratory system in relation to volume, elastance, resistance, air flow and pressures generated by the ventilator and the patient. Elevated pressures in the respiratory system during mechanical ventilation are associated with greater mortality, that is why the identification of the components responsible for elevation of pressures through the equation of motion of the respiratory system allows to modify ventilator programmed parameters to maintain a protective ventilation. Conclusion: Decision-making based on the equation of motion of the respiratory system allows to modify ventilatory parameters according to the characteristics and diseases of the patient under mechanical ventilation