4,411 research outputs found

    Marcadores moleculares para el estudio de la variabilidad dentro del complejo Eragrostis curvula

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    211-220Weeping lovegrass is well adapted for forage production and useful for soil conservation in semiarid regions, constituting a morphologically diverse group. Diploid genotypes are unfrequent and reproduce sexually, whereas the tetraploids and plants of higher ploidy levels reproduce by apomixis. In the present work RAPD, AFLP and EST-SSR were used in order to assess the reproductive mode through progeny tests, to determine intracultivar homogeneity or seed purity, to establish genetic relationships among the cultivars within the complex and to characterize the new materials obtained by our group. Eight commercial cultivars and three new plant materials were analyzed. Uniform and variable patterns were observed in progenies of apomictic and sexual plants, respectively. Seed purity was evaluated in seed bulks, observing a certain degree of contamination with seeds from different sources. AFLP were the markers with the highest potential for cultivar identification. The clustering using SSR and AFLP was consistent with previous studies using isozymes and morphological traits. The new tetraploid materials developed by our own group should be included within the curvula type. We also proposed the creation of a new morphological type for the diploid, because it posses morphological characteristics of robusta and molecular profiles of the conferta type

    Composição química da carne de cabritos Saanen arraçoados com diferentes proporções de concentrado e volumoso.

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a composição química da carne de cabritos da raça Saanen submetidos a quatro relações de concentrado e volumoso (C:V) (80:20; 60:40; 40:60 e 20:80% de C:V) na matéria seca de rações, tendo o capim Elefante in natura picado como volumoso base. Foram utilizados 28 caprinos, machos, distribuídos em quatro grupos, em baias coletivas, sendo que, cada baia continha sete animais. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado com sete repetições por tratamento. As variáveis analisadas foram os teores de matéria seca, proteína bruta, extrato etéreo e cinzas. Foram observados maiores teores de matéria seca (P0,05) pelas doses de concentrado. Assim, o incremento na proporção de concentrado nas rações elevou os teores de matéria seca da carne caprina

    Composição química de cortes cárneos de caprinos confinados.

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a composição química de cortes cárneos comerciais de caprinos da raça Saanen confinados. Foram avaliados os teores de matéria seca, proteína bruta, cinzas e extrato etéreo dos cortes cárneos oriundos de 28 caprinos, machos, não castrados, mantidos em baias coletivas. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado. O pernil, a paleta, o pescoço, a costela, o carré e o Longissimus dorsi apresentaram semelhantes (P>0,05) teores de matéria seca, proteína bruta e extrato etéreo. A paleta e o pernil apresentaram teores de cinzas superiores (P<0,05) em relação ao pescoço, costela ao Longissimus dorsi. O músculo Longissimus dorsi apresentou teores de cinzas inferiores (P<0,05) aos demais cortes cárneos comerciais

    Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Is Associated with Better Metabolic Features in Youths with Type 1 Diabetes

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    Our aim was to evaluate adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) among children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1D) in relation to metabolic control. Adherence to the MedDiet was assessed with the Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED)questionnaire and physical activity by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescent (IPAQ-A) on 65 subjects (32 males, 9–18 years) with T1D. Clinical and metabolic evaluation was performed (standardized body mass index(BMI-SDS), hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c), continuous glucose monitoring metrics when present, blood pressure, lipid profile). Parental characteristics (age, body mass index (BMI), socio-economic status) were reported. The adherence to the MedDiet was poor in 12.3%, average in 58.6%, and high in 29.1% of the subjects. Furthermore, 23.4% of patients were overweight/obese. The most impacting factors on BMI-SDS were skipping breakfast and their father’s BMI. HbA1c and time in range % were positively associated with sweets and fish intake, respectively. Additionally, the father’s socio-economic status (SES) and mother’s age were associated with glucose control. Blood pressure was associated with travelling to school in vehicles, extra-virgin olive oil intake and milk/dairy consumption at breakfast. The promotion of the MedDiet, mainly having a healthy breakfast, is a good strategy to include in the management of T1D to improve glucose and metabolic control. This research is valuable for parents to obtain the best results for their children with T1D

    Barras de cereais contendo alto teor de proteína de soja e isoflavonas na avaliação do perfil lipídico de indivíduos dislipidêmicos.

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    A dislipidemia é um problema de saúde pública devido a sua estreita relação com doenças cardiovasculares. A partir disso, estratégias farmacológicas e não-farmacológicas têm sido aplicadas. Entre elas está o desenvolvimento de alimentos funcionais que visem modificação do perfil lipídico. A ANVISA permite a alegação: O consumo diário de no mínimo 25 g de proteína de soja pode ajudar a reduzir o colesterol. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um alimento tipo barra de cereais, contendo basicamente ingredientes derivados de soja e utilizá-lo em estudo clínico com indivíduos dislipidêmicos, para avaliar o efeito sobre o perfil lipídico, glicose e índices antropométricos. METODOLOGIA: Foram feitos inúmeros testes em laboratório de combinações dos ingredientes de soja (flocos, proteína texturizada, proteína isolada e soja torrada natural) até atingir características sensoriais desejáveis e no mínimo 25 g de proteína e ± 80 mg de isoflavonas em 100g de produto. Foi coletado sangue, antes e após 45 dias de consumo de 3 barras de soja/dia, de 25 indivíduos com colesterol total (CT) >200 mg/dL ou TG> 150 mg/dL e maiores de 18 anos. As análises de CT, HDL, TG e glicose foram realizadas utilizando metodologia automatizada. O LDL foi calculado. Foram medidos circunferência abdominal, peso, altura, para cálculo do IMC. RESULTADOS: Obteve-se barras de soja com ±30 g de proteína e ±100 mg de isoflavonas em 100g de produto. Não houve diminuição significativa (p0,05) nos parâmetros avaliados. No entanto, houve uma tendência de diminuição do nível de TG (±13%) e aumento do HDL (± 7%) após 45 dias de consumo. CONCLUSÃO: É possível produzir barras de soja com alto teor de proteínas e isoflavonas. Seus efeitos sobre o perfil lipídico devem ser estudados por mais tempo e população maior, pois apresentaram ótimas tendências de regularização dos níveis de TG e HDL

    The XMM-Newton serendipitous survey. VII. The third XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue

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    Thanks to the large collecting area (3 x ~1500 cm2^2 at 1.5 keV) and wide field of view (30' across in full field mode) of the X-ray cameras on board the European Space Agency X-ray observatory XMM-Newton, each individual pointing can result in the detection of hundreds of X-ray sources, most of which are newly discovered. Recently, many improvements in the XMM-Newton data reduction algorithms have been made. These include enhanced source characterisation and reduced spurious source detections, refined astrometric precision, greater net sensitivity and the extraction of spectra and time series for fainter sources, with better signal-to-noise. Further, almost 50\% more observations are in the public domain compared to 2XMMi-DR3, allowing the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre (XMM-SSC) to produce a much larger and better quality X-ray source catalogue. The XMM-SSC has developed a pipeline to reduce the XMM-Newton data automatically and using improved calibration a new catalogue version has been produced from XMM-Newton data made public by 2013 Dec. 31 (13 years of data). Manual screening ensures the highest data quality. This catalogue is known as 3XMM. In the latest release, 3XMM-DR5, there are 565962 X-ray detections comprising 396910 unique X-ray sources. For the 133000 brightest sources, spectra and lightcurves are provided. For all detections, the positions on the sky, a measure of the quality of the detection, and an evaluation of the X-ray variability is provided, along with the fluxes and count rates in 7 X-ray energy bands, the total 0.2-12 keV band counts, and four hardness ratios. To identify the detections, a cross correlation with 228 catalogues is also provided for each X-ray detection. 3XMM-DR5 is the largest X-ray source catalogue ever produced. Thanks to the large array of data products, it is an excellent resource in which to find new and extreme objects.Comment: 23 pages, version accepted for publication in A&

    New Physics at the LHC. A Les Houches Report: Physics at TeV Colliders 2009 - New Physics Working Group

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    We present a collection of signatures for physics beyond the standard model that need to be explored at the LHC. First, are presented various tools developed to measure new particle masses in scenarios where all decays include an unobservable particle. Second, various aspects of supersymmetric models are discussed. Third, some signatures of models of strong electroweak symmetry are discussed. In the fourth part, a special attention is devoted to high mass resonances, as the ones appearing in models with warped extra dimensions. Finally, prospects for models with a hidden sector/valley are presented. Our report, which includes brief experimental and theoretical reviews as well as original results, summarizes the activities of the "New Physics" working group for the "Physics at TeV Colliders" workshop (Les Houches, France, 8-26 June, 2009).Comment: 189 page

    Thermodynamic properties and structural stability of thorium dioxide

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    Using density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we have systematically investigated the thermodynamic properties and structural stabilities of thorium dioxide (ThO2_2). Based on the calculated phonon dispersion curves, we calculate the thermal expansion coefficient, bulk modulus, and heat capacities at different temperatures for ThO2_2 under the quasi-harmonic approximation. All the results are in good agreement with corresponding experiments proving the validity of our methods. Our theoretical studies can help people more clearly understand the thermodynamic behaviors of ThO2_2 at different temperatures. In addition, we have also studied possible defect formations and diffusion behaviors of helium in ThO2_2, to discuss its structural stability. It is found that in intrinsic ThO2_2 without any Fermi energy shifts, the interstitial Thi4+_i^{4+} defect other than oxygen or thorium vacancies, interstitial oxygen, and any kinds of Frenkel pairs, is most probable to form with an energy release of 1.74 eV. However, after upshifting the Fermi energy, the formation of the other defects also becomes possible. For helium diffusion, we find that only through the thorium vacancy can it happen with the small energy barrier of 0.52 eV. Otherwise, helium atoms can hardly incorporate or diffuse in ThO2_2. Our results indicate that people should prevent upshifts of the Fermi energy of ThO2_2 to avoid the formation of thorium vacancies and so as to prevent helium caused damages.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    New H-band Stellar Spectral Libraries for the SDSS-III/APOGEE survey

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    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey--III (SDSS--III) Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) has obtained high resolution (R \sim 22,500), high signal-to-noise ratio (>> 100) spectra in the H-band (\sim1.5-1.7 μ\mum) for about 146,000 stars in the Milky Way galaxy. We have computed spectral libraries with effective temperature (TeffT\rm{_{eff}}) ranging from 3500 to 8000 K for the automated chemical analy\-sis of the survey data. The libraries, used to derive stellar parameters and abundances from the APOGEE spectra in the SDSS--III data release 12 (DR12), are based on ATLAS9 model atmospheres and the ASSϵ\epsilonT spectral synthesis code. We present a second set of libraries based on MARCS model atmospheres and the spectral synthesis code Turbospectrum. The ATLAS9/ASSϵ\epsilonT (TeffT\rm{_{eff}} = 3500-8000 K) and MARCS/Turbospectrum (TeffT\rm{_{eff}} = 3500-5500 K) grids cover a wide range of metallicity (-2.5 \leq [M/H] \leq ++0.5 dex), surface gravity (0 \leq log gg \leq 5 dex), microturbulence (0.5 \leq ξ\xi \leq 8 km~s1^{-1}), carbon (-1 \leq [C/M] \leq ++1 dex), nitrogen (-1 \leq [N/M] \leq ++1 dex), and α\alpha-element (-1 \leq [α\alpha/M] \leq ++1 dex) variations, having thus seven dimensions. We compare the ATLAS9/ASSϵ\epsilonT and MARCS/Turbospectrum libraries and apply both of them to the analysis of the observed H-band spectra of the Sun and the K2 giant Arcturus, as well as to a selected sample of well-known giant stars observed at very high-resolution. The new APOGEE libraries are publicly available and can be employed for chemical studies in the H-band using other high-resolution spectrographs.Comment: 45 pages, 11 figures; accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa