1,268 research outputs found

    Feminism will be trans-inclusive or it will not be: Why do two cis-hetero woman educators support transfeminism?

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    [Abstract] As two cis-hetero woman feminist educators, we provide an educator’s perspective on trans-exclusionary radical feminist (TERF) discourses. We begin by discussing the heterosexual matrix and the gender violence that it produces in schools as well as other socializing institutions. The socially constructed sexual binary constrains identity production to adhere to the heteronormative, at the same time excluding those who transgress this normativity. We continue by reviewing how schools are particularly significant spaces for these early social interactions, but the social discourses enacted in educational contexts mirror those of broader society. We then critically analyse some of the increasingly belligerent popular discourses promoted by TERF groups since the 1970s, appropriating feminist discourses to produce arguments that contradict basic premises of feminism. We trace possibilities for a collaborative response by reinforcing alliances between transfeminism and other feminist movements. Finally, as teacher-educators, we highlight among these a critical (queer) pedagogy that incorporates trans* experience as part of a broader feminist educational agenda: to contribute to the creation of a more equitable society based on critical reflections on the gender normative. Such a pedagogy not only rejects trans-exclusionary discourses that serve to reinforce hierarchies and promote violence, but embraces trans* experience as a productive educational resource for understanding human diversity. Human experience that challenges the sexual binary can help educators to critically question the heteronormative and to broaden our understandings; in the words of Eric Rofes, drawing upon ‘status queer’ to ‘rethink our efforts and our role in either maintaining or radically transforming the status quo’

    Primanjkljaji v strategiji vključevanja socialnoizobraževalnih šol za srednješolce s socialnimi težavami v Španiji med pandemijo covida-19

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    Students with administrative care measures have historically faced difficulties in achieving school goals. The Covid-19 pandemic forced the declaration of a lockdown, which accelerated changes in the schools’ pedagogical actions. This investigation analyses the strategies used by the educational system to promote the academic inclusion of students who have an open protection file in the child welfare system within the context of Covid-19. Two different phases are compared: Phase 1) from the March lockdown to the end of the 2019/20 school year; Phase 2) The first six weeks of the beginning of the 2020/21 school year. Longitudinal follow-ups were carried out with adolescents in care with a sample of N = 10 (Phase 1) and N = 11 (Phase 2). Based on the grounded theory, information is supplemented by case studies through interviews with educational professionals, N = 14 (Phase 1) and N = 11 (Phase 2). The results indicate deficits of schools’ adaptability to the situation of the students suffering social exclusion and difficulties in monitoring when students do not attend school in person and do school activities at home. It is concluded that the design of the educational policy applied in the context of the pandemic does not take the social factor into account. (DIPF/Orig.

    Los rasgos expresivos e instrumentales de la comunidad educativa española: estudiantes, padres/madres y docentes

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the expressive and instrumental traits of the Spanish Educational Community (students, teachers and parents) and to determine whether fathers and mothers or teachers are who have the greatest infl uence in the transmission of stereotypes gender to students in secondary education. The sample were of teacher (n = 744), students (n = 1113) and their mothers and fathers (n = 917). The scales were administered: the Personal Attributes Questionnaire, PAQ (Spence et al., 1974). The results showed that women are being more expressive, whereas men are more Instrumental and Instrumental-Expressive. Furthermore, teachers are more expressive and more instrumental. This is that they are less stereotyped. Therefore, schools should involve parents in co-educational practices.El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los rasgos expresivos e instrumentales de la comunidad educativa española (estudiantes, docentes y padres/madres) y determinar si son los padres y las madres o sus docentes los que ejercen la mayor infl uencia en la transmisión de los estereotipos de género de los estudiantes de educación secundaria. Para ello contamos con tres muestras: de docentes no universitarios (n= 744), de estudiantes (n= 1113) y de sus madres y padres (n=917). Se les administró un cuestionario con variables sociodemográfi cas y el Cuestionario de Atributos Personales (PAQ), (Spence et al., 1974). Los resultados demostraron que las mujeres siguen siendo más Expresivas, mientras que los hombres son más Instrumentales e Instrumentales-Expresivos. Y que son los y las docentes los que asume las características más Expresivas y las más Instrumentales y con ello menos estereotipadas. Por ello, la escuela debe implicar a los padres y madres en las prácticas coeducativas

    The time and community dimensions in socio-educational intervention strategies with adolescents in care during the transition to adult life

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    The quality of protective action is related to the conditions in which the emancipation of adolescents in care occurs. The dimensions of timing and community are considered determinants for achieving the goals of the transition to adult life. The research aims to analyze which strategies professional teams use to adapt intervention times to individual needs and which scenarios of interaction with the community are facilitated during the emancipation itineraries. A qualitative investigation organized in three phases according to the grounded theory was designed. Two focus groups were carried out in which 11 professionals participated, 70 interviews in 22 longitudinal follow-ups for 12 months with young people in residential care, and eight interviews with already emancipated youth. The results indicate that professional teams use various strategies to try to minimize the impact of the deficits of the system, which provides insufficient accompaniment times. Institutional organizational design hinders the performance of community activities. It is concluded that the protection system needs to implement improvements that eliminate the deficits in the dimensions analyzed.Universidade de Vig

    Effective strategies for socio-educational intervention during the process of transition to adult life of unaccompanied minors from Africa

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    The arrival of unaccompanied minors from Africa in Spanish territory has been a constant since the last decade of the twentieth century. This migratory phenomenon has forced the child welfare system to attend to thousands of migrant children. The transition to adult life is a decisive stage in overcoming the situation of social exclusion. This research aims to analyse which socio-educational intervention strategies are effective during the process of transition to independent living with unaccompanied minors of African origin. We designed a qualitative research according to the grounded theory, which we divided into two phases. Twenty-nine young people (26 men and 3 women) participated. In phase 1, we performed two focus groups (N = 11), and in phase 2, we conducted longitudinal follow-ups (N = 18) for 24 months through 180 interviews. The results indicate the effectiveness of designing socio-educational accompaniment, prioritizing spaces of trust from which to attain the goals of emancipation. Young people consider effective those strategies that favour their knowledge of the social, labour and legal reality of the host society, designed considering each minor's individualized situation. We concluded that professional involvement acts as a buffer, reducing the bureaucratic obstacles implemented by the Spanish government

    Una aproximación a las actitudes hacia la diversidad sexual en la infancia: el juego de la casa de colores

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    En este trabajo se analizan las actitudes hacia la diversidad sexual en niñas/ os de 6º de Educación Infantil. La investigación se llevó a cabo en un CEIP de Galicia con un total de 24 alumnas/os. Se llevó a cabo un estudio cualitativo, poniendo en práctica un juego que consistía en la lectura y visionado del cuento–“La casa de colores”- donde se presentan diferentes tipos de familias, incluyendo familias homparentales, y se realizabauna entrevista individual. En general, los/as niños/as niegan la existencia de la homoparentalidad Asimismo sus respuestas y elecciones se sitúan en la línea del rechazo social hacia las familias homosexuales. 

    Hábitos de uso en las Redes Sociales de los y las adolescentes: análisis de género

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    The impact caused by the spread of social networks has led to drastic transformations in the forms of communication and socialization. The aim of this study is to know the habits of the USO in Social Networks / as ourensanos / as students analyzing gender differences. The WAS sample of 1,283 students in the province of Ourense with a mean age of 15.55 (SD: 1.6). Among the most relevant conclusions itself stresses that social networks used son both boys regularly as for girls, but are significant differences by gender in some f: aspectsEl impacto provocado por la generalización de las Redes Sociales ha supuesto drásticas transformaciones en las formas de comunicación y socialización. Esta realidad no deja al margen a los/las adolescentes, verdaderos/as nativos/as digitales. El objetivo de este estudio consiste en conocer los hábitos de uso en las Redes Sociales de los/as estudiantes ourensanos/as analizando las diferencias de género. La muestra estaba formada por 1283 estudiantes de la provincia de Ourense con una media de edad de 15,55 (DT: 1,6). Entre las conclusiones más relevantes se destaca que las R.S. son utilizadas tanto por chicos como por chicas con asiduidad. La mayor parte de los/as adolescentes refieren tener perfiles en una o más R.S. (siendo Facebook, Twitter y Tuenti las más utilizadas), a las que acceden fundamentalmente a través de su móvil (Chi2= 5,86; p<.05) tanto chicas (88.1%)  como chicos (83.3%). Se revelan cifras similares en lo relativo al número de contactos agregados en Facebook y Tuenti (entre 100 y 300 contactos mayoritariamente). No obstante tanto en Twitter (Chi2=40.1; p<.001) como en Instagram (Chi2=43.7; p<.001) las chicas manifiestan tener más contactos que sus compañeros, entre 500 (17.5%)  y más de 1000 (22.5%). Son también las chicas (27.7%) las que conceden mayor importancia al número de contactos frente a los chicos (25.2%). No obstante solamente un 4.5% de ellas afirma que siempre aceptan las solicitudes de amistad aunque no sepan quién es la otra persona (Chi2=14,53; p<.01) frente al 9.8% de ellos que así lo afirma. Algunos/as de los chicos (46.5%) y las chicas (41.6%) que etiquetan a contactos en fotos consideran que hacerlo los hace más  populares (23.2% chicos y 18.8% chicas). Las chicas son más cuidadosas en la privacidad de sus perfiles teniendo en mayor medida perfiles cerrados/protegidos, el 66.2% de las chicas declara que solo sus amistades pueden ver sus perfiles frente al 56.1% de los chicos que así lo manifiesta (Chi2=13.61; p<.01). En esta línea el  22.3% de los chicos frente al 17.9% de las chicas tienen perfiles que pueden ser observados por cualquier persona conocida y/o desconocida. Son ellas las que tienen mayor conciencia sobre el peligro de las R.S, afirmando que su uso puede llegar a ser “peligroso” o “muy peligroso” en el 44.2% de los casos frente al 35.1% de los chicos que así lo afirma (Chi2=23.26; p<.001). Asimismo son ellas las que afirman en mayor medida que sus amigos/as consideran el uso de las R.S peligroso (48.3% de chicos y un 52.7% de chicas).  A pesar de que tanto los chicos (91.4%) como las chicas (86.2%) no son supervisados sobre el acceso/uso a las R.S, son ellas las que recibir más vigilancia (Chi2=8.44; p<.01). Los chicos (33%) afirman más que sus compañeras (23.4%) que nunca han recibido formación sobre el uso de las R.S (Chi2=14,32; p<.001). A la vista de los resultados obtenidos se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de formación sobre el uso responsable de las redes sociales por parte de los y las adolescentes así como de docentes y familias

    Violencia en las relaciones de pareja de adolescentes gallegos/as

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    El objetivo de este estudio consiste en evaluar la prevalencia de la violencia en las relaciones de pareja de los y las adolescentes desde la perspectiva de la víctima. La muestra formada por 400 estudiantes de Secundaria de Galicia. La edad media fue de 16.29 años. Los resultados muestran bajas tasas de prevalencia en violencia física, sexual y relacional. Pero un alto nivel de violencia verbal sufrida por los y las adolescentes en sus relaciones de pareja. Por lo tanto, la violencia de género también está presente en la vida de los y las adolescentes

    Violencia en parejas Gays, Lesbianas y Bisexuales: una revisión sistemática 2002-2012

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    En este estudio teórico se ha llevado a cabo una revisión sistemática de los principales estudios existentes sobre la violencia en parejas homosexuales y bisexuales. Partimos de la revisión bibliográfica realizara por Richard, Noret y Rivers (2003) en la que se recopilaron un total de 26 estudios desde 1978 hasta 2002, se realiza una nueva revisión en las principales bases de datos durante el periodo 2002-2012, se obtiene un total de 43 estudios sobre violencia en parejas LGB. Se ha analizado el tipo de muestra, el método e instrumento utilizado, así como las principales aportaciones de cada investigación. Finalmente se analizan conjuntamente los resultados y se plantea la importancia de incorporar la violencia entre parejas iguales en los programas de prevención.In this theoretical study has been carried out a systematic revision of the main results obtained on violence in homosexual and bisexual couples. We set off of the bibliographic revision carried out for Richard, Noret &Rivers (2003) in the one that if they compiled a total of 26 studies since 1978 up to 2002, a new revision is carried out in the main databases during period 2002-2012, a total of 43 studies is obtained on violence in couples LGB. It analyzed itself the type of sample, the method and used instrument, as well as the main contributions of every research. The results are finally analyzed together and the importance of incorporating the violence among equal couples in the programs of prevention

    Comparative analysis of the child welfare systems of Portugal and Galician

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    Introdução: O sistema de proteção deve ser adaptado às necessidades específicas de dois jovens. Investigações anteriores indicam conveniência da administração de traçar políticas que facilitam a integração. Objetivo: Comparar as respostas que Galiza e Portugal dão às necessidades das crianças em situação de vulnerabilidade enquadradas no sistema de proteção. Métodos: Realizou-se uma análise das fontes estatísticas oficiais dos governos de Portugal, Espanha e da comunidade autónoma da Galiza. Resultados: Apontam a necessidade de reduzir, em ambos os países, o acolhimento residencial, priorizando a permanência nas famílias de acolhimento, especialmente no caso de Portugal. A família biológica, na qual a medida de proteção teve origem, é o principal destino após a saída do sistema proteção. Conclusão: Verificaram-se ainda défices de vagas nos recursos residenciais especializados em trabalhar o processo de transição para vida adulta.Introduction: The protection system must still adapt protective action to the specific needs of youth. Literature on the issue has indicated that the administration should design policies that facilitate the integration of vulnerable youth. Objetive: To compares Galiza and Portugal's response to the needs of vulnerable children who have an administrative protection case file. Methods: A analyze of the official statistical sources of the governments of Portugal, Spain, and the autonomous community of Galicia is carried out. Results: The results show the need to reduce residential care in both countries, giving priority to fixed residence in host families, especially in the case of Portugal. The biological family in which the protective measure originated is the main destination after leaving the protection system. Conclusion: A lack in places in residential resources specialized in addressing the process of transition to adult life are noted.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio