1,684 research outputs found

    Social overview of smartphone use by teenagers

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    Information and Communication Technologies have led to a new way of life and, in particular, of socialization. The objective of this study is to analyse the image social media disseminate of news taken from digital newspapers, based on the opportunities and drawbacks attributed to smartphone use by teenagers. An essentially qualitative methodology was used, on a sample of 1704 news items published in digital newspapers. The results and conclusions show that smartphone use by teenagers improves development of their digital competence, presents new academic opportunities (through gamification or mobile learning) and provides them with digital tools for school and leisure. The widespread drawbacks reflect the effects of the device on the deterioration of health (dependence, stress, psychosocial problems) and emotions, thereby succinctly affecting academic performance. A noticeable increase of positive news about smartphones was published in the major newspapers in December, while that on its negative effects, in September.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. FPU16/0085

    Policy-relevant Assessment Method of Socio-Economic Impacts of Floods: an Italian Case Study

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    This paper estimates the direct and indirect socio-economic impacts of the 2000 flood that took place in the Po river basin (Italy) using a combination of Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model and Spatial and Multi-Criteria Analysis. A risk map for the whole basin is generated as a function of hazard, exposure and vulnerability. The indirect economic losses are assessed using the CGE model, whereas the direct social and economic impacts are estimated with spatial analysis tools combined with Multi-Criteria Analysis. The social impact is expressed as a function of physical characteristics of the extreme event, social vulnerability and adaptive capacity. The results indicate that the highest risk areas are located in the mountainous and in the most populated portions of the basin, which are consistent with the high values of hazard and vulnerability. Considerably economic damages occurred to the critical infrastructure of all the sectors with the industry/commercial sector having the biggest impact. A negative variation in the country and industry Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was also reported. Our study is of great interest to those who are interested in estimating the economic impact of flood events. It can also assist decision makers in pinpointing factors that threaten the sustainability and stability of a risk-prone area and more specifically, to help them understand how to reduce social vulnerability to flood events

    Uso y aplicación de instagram en la didáctica de las ciencias sociales

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    En este trabajo se va a presentar la utilidad y funcionalidad que las redes sociales nos ofrecen, pero orientado hacia el ámbito académico. Y como el uso de estas, generan una serie de beneficios para nuestros alumnos, porque les hace trabajar de una forma cooperativa y favorece que los alumnos estén en contacto con una gran cantidad de información y de una forma rápida y actualizada. Además, que al ser una plataforma con la que ellos están familiarizados se crea una gran expectación y curiosidad fomentando así la motivación de los alumnos de cara a la materia, siempre teniendo en cuenta las dificultades e inconvenientes que nos encontramos al trabajar con este tipo de redes. Tras ver diferentes experiencias en centros, valoraremos la funcionalidad de Instagram como la red social que más se adapta a las ciencias sociales, centrándonos en concreto en la materia de Geografía, dónde se presentarán diferentes utilidades para el uso y puesta en práctica de ejercicios en el ambiente del aula o fuera de él.<br /

    El uso informal del Smartphone en adolescentes de centros de protección: Un reto para promover la intervención socioeducativa

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    En la actualidad existe una preocupación social generalizada sobre el uso que realizan los/as adolescentes de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación, y concretamente de dispositivos como el Smartphone. La utilización del teléfono móvil se ha popularizado entre este colectivo, repercutiendo de diferente forma en su vida. Por ello, a la vista de la fascinación que le produce es pertinente realizar un estudio sobre su empleo. El objetivo central de este trabajo es conocer los patrones que se desprenden del uso informal del Smartphone como punto de partida en el diseño e implementación de la intervención socioeducativa, en particular con adolescentes que se integran en el Sistema de Protección de Menores considerando su elevada vulnerabilidad y la complejidad que envuelve a este colectivo. Esta investigación es de tipo cualitativo y se enmarca en el enfoque narrativo, a partir de la recogida de datos con la técnica del relato y de la entrevista. Los resultados y conclusiones ponen de manifiesto que el Smartphone responde a diversos patrones de uso en los/as adolescentes. Cabe indicar que supeditan el dispositivo al empleo constante de ciertas App por su popularidad, fácil manejo y gratuidad. Es notoria la utilización de aplicaciones de los sistemas de mensajería instantánea, destacando WhatsApp y Snapchat en cualquier tramo de edad de la etapa de la adolescencia. De las redes sociales que utilizan sobresale Instagram. En general las App las emplean con finalidad recreativa. No obstante, acogiendo un cometido esencialmente lúdico, los videojuegos no presentan una afluencia relevante en el colectivo. Por último, señalar que realizan un uso notorio del Smartphone con un propósito comunicativo, para mantenerse en contacto principalmente con sus coetáneos y la pareja sentimental.Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte | Ref. FPU16/0085

    Possibilities and controversies of the App in the communication and guidance of secondary education

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    Las App han adquirido un gran protagonismo y las instituciones educativas no pueden permanecer al margen. A su vez las pantallas táctiles, como el smartphone y la tableta, son cada vez más habituales en el entorno familiar, social, escolar y laboral. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio es descubrir los beneficios y controversias que presentan las App para facilitar la comunicación y la orientación educativa al alumnado de educación secundaria. Esta investigación es de tipo cualitativo y se aborda desde un enfoque e-tnográfico-narrativo participando a través de foros de discusión: el profesorado, el alumnado y las familias. Como resultados y conclusiones hay que resaltar las posibilidades de las App para cuestiones organizativas, el desarrollo de la comunicación e interacción del profesorado con la familia (para las convocatorias, registro de reuniones o comunicación sobre el rendimiento académico); así como para la búsqueda y depósito de contenidos. Las principales problemáticas se vinculan con los aspectos técnicos.Apps have acquired a great prominence and educational institutions cannot ignore it. At the same time, touch screens, such as smartphones and tablets, are increasingly present in the family, social, scholar and work environment. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to discover the benefits and controversies presented by the Apps to facilitate communication and educational guidance among secondary school students. This research is framed within the qualitative methodology, and it is tackled from an e-tnographic and narrative approach, in which have participated through discussion forums: teachers, students and families. As results and conclusions, we must highlight the possibilities of the Apps, in order to develop organizational issues, establish communication between teachers and family (for the call and registration of meetings or communication about the academic performance), as well as for the search and deposit of contents. The main problems are related to technical aspects

    Cirugía Conservadora de Nefronas

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    La cirugía conservadora de nefronas se ha convertido en la técnica quirúrgica estándar para masas renales de pequeño tamaño, desbancando a latradicional nefrectomía radical. A lo largo de los años han surgido nuevas técnicas como la enucleación simple. Nos marcamos como objetivo principal comparar los dos tipos de cirugía conservadora de nefronas (nefrectomía parcial y enucleación tumoral) en función de morbilidad,resultados oncológicos y perfil de seguridad.<br /

    Effect of epidermal growth factor on nuclear and cytoplasmic in vitro maruration of guinea pig oocytes

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    The guinea pig may represent an animal model for research on ovarian infertility and improvement of the in vitro maturation (IVM) conditions is needed in this species. The aim of the present work was to immunolocalize the Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)-Receptor in the guinea pig ovaries and to study the effect of EGF on meiotic and cytoplasmic maturation, and apoptotic rate in cumulus-oocyte-co mplexes (COCs). Immunohistochemistry was performed in paraffined ovaries using a rabbit polyclonal antibody EGF-R (1:100; Santa Cruz Biotechnology) and the ABC Vector Elite kit (Vector Laboratories). For the IVM, COCs were collected by aspiration of follicles >700μm under a stereoscopic microscope

    In vitro maturation of guinea pig oocytes supplemented with Epidermal Growth Factor and Insulin-Like Growth Factor I

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    Insights in oocyte maturation process in guinea pigs are essential for the development of in vitro culture systems in this species, since it represents an interesting animal model in reproduction field (Suzuki et al. Mol Reprod Dev 2003; 64, 219–25). The goal of this study was to elucidate the influence of both Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) and Insulin-like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) on in vitro oocyte maturation (IVM) medium of guinea pig. We assessed meiotic and cytoplasmic oocyte maturation, in terms of cortical granules (CG) and mitochondrial distribution, apoptotic rate and steroidogenic response of cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COCs) after IVM. A pool of 500 COCs from adult guinea pigs were cultured in groups of 40 COCs in four replicates in TCM-199 with 2 mM/mL glutamine, 0.1 mg/mL sodium pyruvate and 0.003% BSA for 17h (38ºC, 5%CO2) (Sigma Chemical Company)

    A systematic review evaluating loneliness assessment instruments in older adults

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    Introduction and objectives: The experiences and changes that come along with old age may lead to a feeling of loneliness, usually followed by negative physical and mental manifestations. In this systematic review, we evaluated the existing tools to assess loneliness in older adults. Methods: We performed a literature search in the Web of Science, Medline, and PsycINFO, following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. After, we examined the psychometric properties of the instruments with a focus on reliability, validity, and main conclusions. Results: We included 27 articles published between 1996 and 2021. Conclusion: To date, there are few instruments to assess loneliness in older adults. In general, they present adequate psychometric properties, although it is true that some scales show somewhat low levels of reliability and validityThis work has been partially funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, project SAPIENS- Services and applications for a healthy aging (Grant PI09/90609 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)S

    Assessment of validity and comparison of two spanish versions of the geriatric depression scale

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    Introduction: The Geriatric Depression Scale is an instrument used to identify depression in people of an older age. The original English version of this scale has been translated into Spanish (GDS-VE); two shorter versions of 5- (GDS-5) and 15-items (GDS-15) have been developed. Aim of the study: To assess the validity and compare the 5- and 15-item Spanish versions of the GDS among the Spanish population. Materials and methods: 573 Galicia residents aged >50 years participated in this study. The following instruments were applied: the 19-item Control, Autonomy, Self- Realization and Pleasure scale, the Subjective Memory Complaints Questionnaire, the Mini-Mental State Examination test, the GDS-5, and the GDS-15. Results: We found differences in total score between GDS-5 and GDS-15 regarding the variable sex. Internal reliability for GDS-5 and GDS-15 was 0.495 and 0.715, respectively. Sensitivity and specificity for GDS-5 – with a cut-off value of 1 – was 0.517 and 0.650, respectively; for GDS-15 – with a cut-off value of 3 points – sensitivity was 0.755 and specificity 0.668. GDS-5 has a ROC curve of 0.617 and GDS-15 of 0.764. Conclusion: GDS-15, and to a greater extent GDS-5, should be revised or even reformulated to improve their diagnostic usefulness by choosing higher discriminative ability items or even include new items with greater sensitivity that consider currently prevailing psychosocial factorsThis work was supported by Grant PID2020-115137RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033S