260 research outputs found

    Análisis de los sitios web oficiales de los principales puntos turísticos de España: importancia de la web 2.0.

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    Este trabajo analiza la calidad de las páginas web de los principales puntos turísticos de España, presta especial atención al uso de las herramientas que nos ofrece el paradigma 2.0. Para ello se va a utilizar el modelo de análisis de Pedraza-Jiménez et al. (2016), formado por 5 parámetros y 33 indicadores. Con el mismo se ha tratado de estudiar no solo el diseño de la web, sino también el grado en que realizan una correcta implementación de las funcionalidades y herramientas de la web 2.0. El portal web oficial de turismo debe ofrecer una navegación sencilla con información útil para el viajero, de forma que hace más accesible el uso por parte de usuarios sin conocimientos tecnológicos avanzados. En el trabajo se analiza también la relación entre el número de visitantes que el punto turístico recibió durante el año 2016 y la valoración que obtiene según el método empleado. Diagnosticamos algunas fortalezas y puntos débiles o puntos de mejoras que posean los portales web, realizando así mismo algunas recomendaciones dirigidas a los gestores de los sitios web en cuestión.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Turism

    Análisis del efecto de hongos entomopatógenos como control biológico sobre la plaga de pulgón

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    RESUMEN: EL presente trabajo evalúa la eficacia que presentan una serie de hongos entomopatógenos en la mortalidad de una población de insectos pertenecientes a la familia Aphididae. La principal finalidad de dicho trabajo es contribuir al control biológico, con el objetivo de encontrar organismos que consigan reducir y eliminar una de las plagas de insectos que afecta en gran medida a los cultivos de nuestra zona. Para ello se han llevado a cado una serie de objetivos: captura de las diferentes especies de insectos utilizados, aislar las diferentes especies fúngicas que se quieren analizar, observar y evaluar la acción parasítica de los microorganismos sobre los insectos. ABSTRACT:The present work evaluates the efficacy of a series of entomopathogenic fungi in the mortality of a population of insects belonging to the Aphididae family. The main purpose of this work is to contribute to biological control in order to find organisms that manage to reduce and eliminate one of the insect pests that greatly affects crops in our area. To do this, a series of objectives have been carried out: capture of the different species of insects used, isolate the different fungal species to be analyzed, observe and evaluate the parasitic action of microorganisms on insect

    La crónica de sucesos. Evolución del género en el World Wide Web

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    Estudio y análisis sobre la evolución del género periodístico, dentro de la era digital mediante con casos que han provocado discusión social sobre la aplicación de la justicia. El objetivo será poner de manifiesto las relaciones que se pueden establecer entre diferentes tipos de textos y su contenido, tratando de mostrar la repercusión y calado social que tendrán, con la llegada del World Wide Web, la globalización de la información hace que las noticias tengan repercusión a nivel internacional. La propia crónica de sucesos, va evolucionando según la sociedad, y evoluciona tanto en su forma como en su fondo.Study and analysis on the evolution of journalistic genre, in the digital age through with cases that have caused social discussion on the implementation of justice. The aim will be to highlight the relationships that can be established between different types of texts and their content, trying to show the impact and social significance that have, with the advent of the World Wide Web, the globalization of information have made the news international repercussions. The own chronicle of events, as society evolves, and evolves both in form and in substance

    Ferroelectric, Dielectric and Electromechanical Performance of Ba0.92Ca0.08Ti0.95Zr0.05O3 Ceramics with an Enhanced Curie Temperature

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    Ba0.92Ca0.08Ti0.95Zr0.05O3 (BCZT8-5) ceramic materials have been scarcely studied as lead-free piezo/ferroelectrics despite their enhanced Curie temperature (&gt;100 °C) with respect to most studied BCZT compositions. In this work, homogeneous dense BCZT8-5 ceramics with grain size in the range of 20 μm, and optimum ferroelectric, dielectric, and electromechanical performance, were prepared by the mixed oxides route using moderate synthesis (1250 °C-2 h) and sintering (1400 °C-2 h) conditions. Thickness-poled thin disks and monomodal shear plate resonators were used for the determination of piezoelectric coefficients, coupling factors, elastic, and dielectric permittivity coefficients, including all losses, by iterative analysis of impedance curves at resonance. Furthermore, the thermal evolution of the piezoelectric characteristics at resonance was determined to assess the enhanced working range of the ceramics (≈100 °C). Ferroelectric hysteresis loops and strains vs. electric-field butterfly loops were also measured and showed soft behavior with Ec = 2 kV/cm, Pr = 12 μC/cm2 after a maximum applied field of 3 kV was used. The ceramics showed a high endurance of P-E cycles to electrical fatigue up to 107 cycles. Moreover, dielectric properties as a function of temperature were also accomplished and showed nearly normal ferroelectric behavior, characteristic of samples with low crystallographic disorder. Overall, these ceramics showed high sensitivity and higher stability than other currently studied BCZT compositions.<br/

    Probabilistic assessment of seismic risk of Barcelona, Spain, using the CAPRA platform

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    The Comprehensive Approach for Probabilistic Risk Assessment (CAPRA), is a robust methodology for modeling risk which allows identifying the most important aspects of catastrophes. CAPRA performs the evaluation of losses of the exposed elements using probabilistic metrics, such as the loss exceedance curve, the expected annual loss and the probable maximum loss, which are useful for multi-hazard risk analysis. The outcomes obtained with such a technical-scientific methodology are oriented to facilitate decision-making. They allow designing risk transfer instruments, evaluating the cost–benefit ratio, developing risk mitigation strategies and loss scenarios for emergency response, etc. The CAPRA platform is described in this paper by using as a testbed the city of Barcelona, Spain. Nevertheless, the results included for this urban area have not only a high scientific interest but also a practical one, because they are useful in taking risk reduction decision by the Municipality.Postprint (published version

    Characterizing the mechanism of quetiapine distribution in lipid-core nanocapsules pseudo-phases using a validated LC/UV method

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    Quetiapine is an atypical antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia. However, despite great interest for its chronic therapeutic use, quetiapine has some important side effects such as weight gain induction. The development of a quetiapine nanocarrier can potentially target the drug into central nervous system, resulting in a reduction of systemic side effects and improved patient treatment. In the present work, a simple liquid chromatography/ultraviolet detection (LC/UV) analytical method was developed and validated for quantification of total quetiapine content in lipid core nanocapsules as well as for determination of incorporation efficiency. An algorithm proposed by Oliveira et al. (2012) was applied to characterize the distribution of quetiapine in the pseudo-phases of the nanocarrier, leading to a better understanding of the quetiapine nanoparticles produced. The analytical methodology developed was specific, linear in the range of 0.5 to 100 µg mL−1 (r2 > 0,99), and accurate and precise (R.S.D < ±5%). The absolute recovery of quetiapine from the nanoparticles was approximately 98% with an incorporation efficiency of approximately 96%. The results indicated that quetiapine was present in a type III distribution according to the algorithm, and was mainly located in the core of the nanoparticle because of its logD in the formulation pH (6.86 ± 0.4)

    A multicentre, randomised, parallel‐group, double‐blind, vehicle‐controlled and open‐label, active‐controlled study (versus amorolfine 5%), to evaluate the efficacy and safety of terbinafine 10% nail lacquer in the treatment of onychomycosis

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    Background: Onychomycosis is a difficult-to-treat fungal nail infection whose treatment can involve systemic or topical antifungal approaches. Objectives: To assess the efficacy and safety of terbinafine 10% nail lacquer in distal-lateral subungual onychomycosis (DLSO). Patients/methods: Patients with mild-to-moderate DLSO were randomised (3:3:1) to receive double-blind topical terbinafine 10% (n = 406) or its vehicle (n = 410) administered once daily for 4 weeks and then once weekly for 44 weeks, or open-label topical amorolfine 5% (n = 137) for 48 weeks, with a 12-week follow-up period. The primary efficacy endpoint, complete cure rate at Week 60, was a composite of negative potassium hydroxide (KOH) microscopy, negative culture for dermatophytes and no residual clinical involvement of the target big toenail. Results: Complete cure rates at Week 60 in the terbinafine, vehicle and amorolfine groups were 5.67%, 2.20% and 2.92%, respectively (odds ratio (OR) vs vehicle = 2.68; 95% confidence intervals (CI): 1.22-5.86; p = .0138). Statistically significant differences in responder (negative KOH and negative culture and ≤10% residual clinical involvement) and mycological cure rates (negative KOH and negative culture) at Week 60 were obtained between terbinafine and vehicle. Terbinafine was well-tolerated with no systemic adverse reactions identified; the most common topical adverse reactions were erythema and skin irritation. Conclusions: Terbinafine 10% nail lacquer was an effective treatment for mild-to-moderate onychomycosis improving both clinical and mycological criteria compared with vehicle. Furthermore, there may be some benefits compared to the currently available topical agent, amorolfine 5%. Treatment was well-tolerated and safe

    Поліваріантність ефектів біоактивної води Нафтуся на вегетативну реактивність, їх ендокринний і імунний супровід та можливість прогнозування

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    Выявлены разнонаправленные изменения (а также отсутствие оных) в результате питьевой монотерапии биоактивной водой Нафтуся вегетативной реактивности у женщин детородного возраста с хронической гинекологически-эндокринной патологией. Прослежены сопутствующие изменения ряда эндокринных и иммунных показателей. Доказана возможность надежного прогнозирования (точность - 92%) типа эффекта по 30 исходным показателям, отобранным методом дискриминантного анализа.Are revealed various changes (and also absence these) as a result of drinking monotherapy by bioactive water Naftussya of vegetative reactivity at the women of reproductive age with chronic ginecological and endocrine pathology. Are investigated accompanying changes of line of endocrine and immune parameters. The opportunity of reliable forecasting (accuracy - 92 %) such as effect on 30 initial parameters selected method of discriminant analysis is proved

    Victimología y género. Aportes para pensar las violencias basadas en género desde un servicio universitario de consulta psicológica

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    El Servicio de Abordajes en violencia de género, es una pasantía en clínica individual ofrecida a estudiantes avanzados de la Licenciatura en Psicología, de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay. La misma tiene como objetivo la formación en los enfoques de violencias basadas en género desde la psicología de la salud con perspectiva de género y derechos humanos. Se utiliza la Entrevista Motivacional como herramienta principal para intervenir en la consulta psicológica, así como la escucha clínica. En el presente trabajo se expondrán viñetas de algunos de los casos trabajados en la pasantía, reflexionando y articulando teóricamente con autores de la región, dedicados al compromiso académico del abordaje a situaciones de violencias hacia la mujer, desde una perspectiva de género, generaciones y derechos humanos.The Gender Violence Approach Service is an internship in individual clinic modality offered to advanced students of the Psychology Degree from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay. It aims to train gender-based violence approaches from health psychology with a gender perspective and human rights. The Motivational Interview is used as the main tool to intervene in the psychological consultation, as well as the clinical listening. In the present work, vignettes of some of the cases worked in the internship will be exhibited, reflecting and theoretically articulating with authors of the region, dedicated to the academic commitment of the approach to situations of violence against women, from a perspective of gender, generations and rights humans.Facultad de Psicologí