248 research outputs found

    Youth and Expectations on Democracy in Spain: the Role of Individual Human Values Structure of Young People in Dimension of Democracy

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    Democracy is a form of social organization based on popular sovereignty. The rise of democracy has run in parallel to economic growth in society and this system of government has been increasingly adopted in other countries (Inglehart, 2005). The same concept has been defined over time in different ways according to their historical characteristics. According to Kluckhohn (1958), humans react to external stimuli as well as to their own interpretations of stimuli as per a cognitive framework defined by the cul-ture in which the individual is inserted. This research is aimed at learning how values influence the concept that young Spaniards have of democracy and determine how these affect each dimension, factor or element in which the study of this type of social organization can be divided. In order to carry out this research we are using data from the sixth round of the European Social Survey (ESS) conducted in 2012. The sample consists of two groups, one with individuals aged 18 to 30 and a second group with people over 30 years of age. Results indicate that democracy —and its elements— is not an ideal concept, or it should not be seen as an invariable, objective concept, external to citizens. It is rather an adaptive and evolving instrument, consubstantial to each individual’s vital experience and society’s in its whole in which values have a joint function between the macro and the micro-social groups

    Poetry, Art and Historical Memory: Fostering Dialogue about War

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    Art, in its different manifestations, is one of the many ways in which human beings express themselves and reflect on how they construct meanings, not only about themselves but also about their historical, social, and cultural context. In the case of literature, these stories bring readers closer to realities and topics that are different from their own, which allows them to broaden their experience. The present study analyzes two poetic works that interpret, from different perspectives, the effects and consequences of some of the most terrible episodes of the twentieth century; namely, World War II and the dictatorships in Latin America. The conclusions highlight the relevance of this type of work for the development of critical thinking through art to keep track of and repair the wounds of historical memory

    The last representatives of the Superfamily Wellerelloidea (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellida) in the westernmost Tethys (Iberian paleomargins) prior to their demise in the early Toarcian Mass Extinction Event

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    The last clade-level extinction episode affecting the Phylum Brachiopoda has been long-established in the Early Toarcian Mass Extinction Event (ETMEE) around the Pliensbachian-Toarcian transition, when several rhynchonellide groups became extinct and others underwent a notable renewal in the western Tethys. Among them, Wellerelloidea is a long-ranging superfamily severely affected by this environmental crisis, embodying the subfamily Cirpinae as the last wellerelloids worldwide, prior to their global extinction in the Pb-To transition. The profuse record of Lower Jurassic cirpines in the peri-Iberian paleomargins provides an opportunity to clarify the taxonomy of wellerelloid species in the pre-extinction interval. A new species (Cirpa lucentina) is erected and the revision of the Cirpinae taxa around the ETMEE is carried out. Morphometric analysis and the study of internal structures of the shells support separation of the genera Cirpa and Salgirella, adding new supplementary diagnostic criteria. The biogeographic distribution of this clade in the western Tethys and its evolutionary history in the Early Jurassic reveal a pervasive colonization pattern of both epicontinental and epioceanic habitats. The Mediterranean origin of the last representatives of this group is ascertained, but while diversification of Salgirella took place in epioceanic habitats, speciation of Cirpa is unrelated to biochorema boundaries, even colonizing epicontinental seas until their extinction prior to the hyperwarming event that occurred in the basal Serpentinum Zone. A rhynchonellide morphogroup epitomized by cirpines was resilient to this event in the epicontinental seas. This morphogroup is also recorded after the extinction interval by means of the genus Pseudogibbirhynchia, thus postulating potential pre- and post-extinction phyletic relationships.This research is a contribution to the IGCP-710 Western Tethys meets Eastern Tethys, and to the Research Groups VIGROB-167 (University of Alicante) and PBM-910431 (Complutense University of Madrid)

    Mediadores psicológicos y motivación deportiva en judocas españoles.

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    El presente trabajo analizó las diferencias de la motivación en situación precompetitiva de judocas en función de los mediadores psicológicos (percepciones de competencia, apoyo a la autonomía y relaciones sociales), tal y como postula el Modelo Jerárquico de la Motivación Intrínseca, Extrínseca y Amotivación (Vallerand, 1997, 2001; Vallerand y Losier, 1999). Se empleó una muestra de 181 judocas de edades comprendidas entre los 14 y 16 años. Utilizamos una metodología selectiva, con diseño prospectivo simple. Los datos se analizaron mediante un MANOVA, tomando como variables independientes los mediadores psicológicos y el sexo de los deportistas y como variables dependientes cada una de las subescalas de la motivación planteadas en la Sport Motivation Scale (Pelletier et al., 1995). Los resultados apoyaron parcialmente los postulados de la teoría. Se verificaron las diferencias en motivación intrínseca en función de la percepción de competencia, apoyo a la autonomía y relaciones sociales. También se verificaron parcialmente las diferencias en la motivación extrínseca (ME) autodeterminada y de la amotivación en función de estas percepciones. Sin embargo cabe destacar que las diferencias en ME de regulación externa encontradas en función de estas percepciones se dieron en dirección opuesta a los postulados de la teoría. Se explica este resultado a partir de la situación precompetitiva en la que se encontraban los deportistas.Present study analysed differences between pre-competitive motivation of judokas in function of psychological mediators (perceptions of competence, support to autonomy, and social relationships), as is postulated by the Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and extrinsic Motivation, and Amotivation (Vallerand, 1997, 2001; Vallerand & Losier, 1999). Partipants were 181 judokas aged between 14 and 16. We employed a selective methodology, with a simple prospective design. Data were analysed with a MANOVA, taking as independent variables the psychological mediators (dichotomized by the median), and sex of participants, and as dependent variables each one of the sub-scales of motivation considered by the Sport Motivation Scale. Results gave support the theory postulates. There were differences in intrinsic motivation in functions of perceived competence, support to autonomy and social relationships. The same happened, partially, with the more self-determined sub-scales of extrinsic motivation and amotivation. However, differences in EM of external regulation were given in an opposite direction of theory. Results are explained regarding the pre-competitive situation of [email protected] [email protected] (este artículo no está en grec

    Decoding the Mediterranean Salinity Crisis by microfossils as teaching resource in Geosciences

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    El estudio de las disciplinas científicas resulta más atractivo si se acompaña de actividades de carácter práctico. En este trabajo se propone un taller cuya finalidad es introducir al alumnado en el estudio de los microfósiles y de las reconstrucciones paleoambientales aplicándolo a uno de los eventos más significativos ocurridos en el área Mediterránea, que conllevó la desecación y posterior reinundación de toda la cuenca hace aproximadamente unos cinco millones de años. El taller consta de tres sesiones: una teórica, de introducción de los contenidos necesarios para el desarrollo de la actividad, una práctica, de obtención de datos, y una final, de interpretación de los cambios ambientales y presentación de los resultados en forma de artículo científico y posterior debate en el aula. Todos los datos necesarios para el desarrollo de la actividad se proporcionan en el presente artículo. Además, se proponen una serie de recursos bibliográficos y audiovisuales de fácil acceso para la introducción de los conceptos teóricos.Studying scientific topics is more interesting if theory is followed by practice. Through the activity herein presented students are introduced to the study of microfossils and paleoenvironmental reconstructions, applying them to one of the most significant event in the recent history of the Mediterranean Sea: the desiccation and posterior reflooding of the basin, occurred about five millions years ago. The activity is articulated into three sessions: a theoretical one, by which the basic concepts necessary for working out the activity are introduced, a practical one, focused on the data gathering, and a last one, during which results are interpreted and presented to the class, in the form of both scientific paper and oral debate. Dataset needed for the elaboration of the activity is included in the present paper and references for the introduction of the theoretical concept are proposed as well.Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto de investigación CGL2007-65832 (MCyT) y el grupo de investigación Cambios Paleoambientales (VIGROB-167) de la Universidad de Alicante

    New deep-water brachiopod resilient assemblage from the South-Iberian Palaeomargin (Western Tethys) and its significance for the brachiopod adaptive strategies around the Early Toarcian Mass Extinction Event

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    The Pliensbachian-Toarcian transition was a period of changes in long-term environmental conditions leading up to the Early Toarcian Mass Extinction Event (ETMEE), which resulted in a noticeable extinction and turnover in the marine biota. The westernmost Tethyan basins, especially the peri-Iberian platforms, provide an exceptional brachiopod record to better understand the adaptive strategies and the severe ecological effects of these faunas within the marine ecosystems. This event marks a critical interval in the evolutionary history of the Phylum Brachiopoda as two orders, the Athyridida and Spiriferinida, became extinct. Evolutionary patterns displayed by several taxa from these groups and some rhynchonellids typifying deep-water habitats are analyzed across this biotic crisis spanning several Mediterranean and NW-European basins. New work performed in La Cerradura section, a deep pelagic trough from the South-Iberian palaeomargin, reveals two new taxa (Koninckodonta sumuntanensis and Atychorhynchia falsiorigo) herein described. This newly documented fauna supports pre-extinction dwarfing and resilience in deep refugia linked to the ETMEE, and an episode of speciation which is interpreted in terms of a pre-extinction radiation. In the ETMEE repopulation phase an opportunistic strategy occurs typified by Soaresirhynchia bouchardi, and a case of homoplasy involving post-extinction pioneers (Elvis taxon) is detected. Similar adaptive strategies occurred associated with other mass extinctions such as the Permian/Triassic and the Cretaceous/Paleocene events, supporting a possible standard pattern in the response of the brachiopod fauna to such biotic crises and shedding light on the ecological effects of the mass extinction events.This research is a contribution to the IGCP-655 Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: Impact on marine carbon cycle and ecosystems and was also supported by projects RYC-2009-04316 (Ramón y Cajal Program), P11-RNM-7408 (Junta de Andalucía), CGL2015-66604-R (MINECO, Government of Spain), and the Research Group VIGROB-167 (University of Alicante)

    La mobilitazione politica dei giovani in Spagna: dai miraggi alle realtà

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    Nel 2011 la Spagna ha visto una mobilitazione, quasi senza precedenti, che ha avuto come protagonista le diverse piattaforme di cittadini che hanno animato gli Indignados e il fenomeno del movimento 15M. La mobilitazione ha comportato una serie di manifestazioni, assemblee e proteste di natura non partitica, che hanno ottenuto una percezione positiva da parte del 70% degli spagnoli. Nel caso dei giovani, circa il 60% ha indicato che si trattava di un movimento che sarebbe dovuto continuare nel tempo (Studio CIS 2919-2011). Da allora tante voci, provenienti dalle scienze politiche, dalla sociologia e dalla psicologia sociale, hanno sostenuto l’idea che si fosse formata una cittadinanza critica, definita dalla volontà di prendere parte allo spazio pubblico per difendere principi quali la dignità, la giustizia e l’equità. Queste prese di posizione si basano sull’idea che si sia raggiunto un punto critico nella disaffezione politica rispetto agli attori socio-politici tradizionali (in particolare i partiti politici, ma anche i sindacati e le organizzazioni imprenditoriali), che ha portato alla nascita di movimenti che chiedono un cambiamento nel circuito della rappresentanza politica e nei modelli di gestione pubblica. D’accordo con questa interpretazione, si sarebbe raggiunto tra i cittadini un sufficiente grado di maturità e di motivazione per partecipare alla cosa pubblica, occupandosi di temi che fino a quel momento erano confinati in uno spazio politico di tipo corporativo

    Cine y álbum: narrativas visuales en la encrucijada

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    Wordless picturebooks: a theoretical review of the articles published between 1975-2020

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    El libro-álbum es uno de los recursos fundamentales en la educación literaria desde las primeras edades por la riqueza en las relaciones establecidas entre tres elementos esenciales en su diseño: formato, texto e ilustraciones. Dentro de las diferentes tipologías, el álbum sin palabras se apoya en la secuencia de las imágenes como elemento narrativo y recursos de diferentes lenguajes artísticos. El objetivo de este estudio era la revisión teórica de las publicaciones en las bases de datos bibliográfica Scopus y Web of Science para conocer las tipologías de las investigaciones desarrolladas mediante este tipo de álbumes. Una vez aplicados los criterios de inclusión y exclusión se analizaron 228 artículos en lengua inglesa en el periodo 1975-2020. Los resultados mostraron la tendencia creciente del número de publicaciones en el periodo, las obras más empleadas, las revistas con más publicaciones y las temáticas recurrentes en el conjunto de artículos. Las conclusiones destacan que el álbum sin palabras es un tipo de obra que ofrece más retos que el simple estímulo visual, un espacio interpretativo en el que abordar temáticas complejas y que sus propuestas artísticas tienen cabida en lectores de cualquier edad.Picturebooks are one of the fundamental resources in literary education since the first ages due to the richness of the relationships established between three essential elements in its design: object, text and illustrations. Within the different typologies, the wordless picturebook relies on the sequence of images as a narrative element and resources from different artistic languages. The aim of this study was a theoretical review of the articles in the bibliographic databases Scopus and Web of Science in order to know the investigations developed by means of this type of picturebooks. Once the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, 228 articles in English were analysed in the period 1975-2020. The results showed the increasing trend in the number of publications in the period, the most frequently used works, the journals with the most publications and the recurring topics in the set of articles. The conclusions highlight that the wordless picturebook is a type of work which offers more challenges than the simple visual stimulus, an interpretative space in which to approach complex topics, and that its artistic proposals are suitable for readers of all ages

    Vigencia de las especies de Prionorhynchia buckman, 1918 (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellida) erigidas como nuevas por Jiménez de Cisneros en el Jurásico Inferior de la Cordillera Bética Oriental

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    Se actualizan las especies del género Prionorhynchia que Jiménez de Cisneros consideró como nuevas, puntualizando trabajos previos (Alméras et al.,1993) que acertadamente revisaron buena parte de estos taxones. Se constata la validez de P. gignouxi, la cual se describe formalmente y se establece su sinonimia. Se integran en la sinonimia de P. quinqueplicata varias de las especies estudiadas, caracterizándola en el SE peninsular. Se ha precisado el rango bioestratigráfico de todas ellas en el Pliensbachiense superior terminal.S’actualitzen les espècies de Prionorhynchia les quals van ser considerades com a noves per Jiménez de Cisneros, puntualitzant treballs previs (Alméras et al.,1993) que encertadament revisaren bona part d’aquestos taxons. Es constata la validesa de P. gignouxi, la qual es descriu formalment, establint la seua sinonímia. S’integren en la sinonímia de P. quinqueplicata diverses espècies estudiades, la qual es caracteritza al SE Peninsular. S’estableix el seu rang biostratigràfic al Pliensbaquià superior.Six species of Prionorhynchia genus regarded as new by Jiménez de Cisneros have been updated, pointing out previous studies (Alméras et al., 1993) which rightly reviewed most of these taxa, verifying the validity of P. gignouxi, which is described formally herein establishing its synonymy. Additionally, several species are included in the synonymy of P. quinqueplicata, characterizing it in the Southeastern area of the Iberian Peninsula. The biostratigraphic range of all of them was specified in the uppermost Pliensbachian.Este trabajo se ha realizado bajo el marco del grupo de investigación VIGROB-167 de la Universidad de Alicante