9 research outputs found

    Maternity care through the eyes of Southern European immigrant parents in Norway

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    Objective To explore Southern European immigrant mothers and fathers’ experiences of reproductive health services in Norway, and their perceptions of health providers’ beliefs and attitudes regarding pregnancy and childbirth. Method We employed a qualitative research methodology with two focus group discussions and 11 in-depth interviews with 4 fathers and 11 mothers from Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Greece, whose children were born in Norway. Thematic Analysis was conducted to identify and analyze patterns across the data. Results We identified three themes as key elements in parents’ experiences: experiences with the coverage and organization of the Reproductive Health Services; relational experiences with health providers; and pregnancy and delivery as a culturally-shaped event. The immigrant parents experienced a clash between their expectations and the procedures and health facility environment encountered in Norway regarding check-ups, diagnosis tests, childbirth preparation courses, and health facilities. Informants perceived that the maternity care practices of the host country were underpinned by the health care providers’ cultural understandings of labor and pregnancy. Particularly, they experienced a less interventionist approach towards pregnancy and childbirth. Conclusions The experiences of immigrant parents provide relevant information to improve reproductive health services in a cross-cultural context. Inmigration brings new challenges that must be addressed from a perspective of cultural competence. These services should acknowledge diversity in cultural beliefs around childrearing and involve both fathers and mothers in decision-making.publishedVersio

    Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on perinatal mental health (Riseup-PPD-COVID-19): protocol for an international prospective cohort study

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    Background: Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID-19) is a new pandemic, declared a public health emergency by the World Health Organization, which could have negative consequences for pregnant and postpartum women. The scarce evidence published to date suggests that perinatal mental health has deteriorated since the COVID-19 outbreak. However, the few studies published so far have some limitations, such as a cross-sectional design and the omission of important factors for the understanding of perinatal mental health, including governmental restriction measures and healthcare practices implemented at the maternity hospitals. Within the Riseup-PPD COST Action, a study is underway to assess the impact of COVID-19 in perinatal mental health. The primary objectives are to (1) evaluate changes in perinatal mental health outcomes; and (2) determine the risk and protective factors for perinatal mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, we will compare the results between the countries participating in the study. Methods: This is an international prospective cohort study, with a baseline and three follow-up assessments over a six-month period. It is being carried out in 11 European countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Greece, Israel, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, and the United Kingdom), Argentina, Brazil and Chile. The sample consists of adult pregnant and postpartum women (with infants up to 6 months of age). The assessment includes measures on COVID-19 epidemiology and public health measures (Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker dataset), Coronavirus Perinatal Experiences (COPE questionnaires), psychological distress (BSI-18), depression (EPDS), anxiety (GAD-7) and post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSD checklist for DSM-V). Discussion: This study will provide important information for understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on perinatal mental health and well-being, including the identification of potential risk and protective factors by implementing predictive models using machine learning techniques. The findings will help policymakers develop suitable guidelines and prevention strategies for perinatal mental health and contribute to designing tailored mental health interventions. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04595123.The project is part of the COST Action Riseup-PPD CA 18138 and was supported by COST under COST Action Riseup-PPD CA18138; also, by the Spanish Ministry of Health, the Institute of Health Carlos III, and the European Regional Development Fund «Una manera de hacer Europa» by the Prevention and Health Promotion Research Network ‘redIAPP’ (RD16/0007). Raquel Costa is supported by the FSE and FCT under an individual Post-Doctoral Grant SFRH/BPD/117597/2016. Rena Bina and Drorit Levy received funding from the Bar-Ilan Dangoor Centre for Personalized Medicine, Israel. Ana Mesquita is supported from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and from EU through the European Social Fund and from the Human Potential Operational Program - IF/00750/2015. Ana Osório received financial support from CAPES/Proex no. 0653/2018 and CAPES/PrInt grant no. 88887.310343/2018-00.The funders of the study had no role in the study design or the writing the protocol. The corresponding author had final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication

    Appraissal of the Millennium Development Goals by means of a review of the scientific literature in 2008

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    Los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM) se encuentran actualmente a mitad de su periodo de ejecución, siendo el año 2015 la fecha prevista por la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) para su alcance. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar la situación actual en la que se encuentran los ODM a nivel mundial y analizar las barreras que estarían impidiendo su consecución para cada uno de los ámbitos de los ODM, así como valorar algunos de los indicadores evaluados. Para ello, se ha revisado la literatura científica publicada sobre los ODM en las principales bases de datos de ciencias de la salud y ciencias sociales, así como los principales informes elaborados sobre el tema por Naciones Unidas. Los estudios científicos en torno a los 8 ODM y sus 18 Metas permiten realizar un análisis crítico sobre la situación en la que se encuentra en la actualidad cada uno de ellos, identificando los determinantes que están impidiendo su consecución y las acciones que se consideran necesarias para impulsar el avance. Aunque a nivel global ha habido mejoras en algunas de las metas, la investigación realizada hasta la fecha muestra barreras a la consecución de los ODM, como el insuficiente peso de los estados de los países en desarrollo sobre las decisiones económicas y políticas, así como la incoherencia entre las políticas económicas y las políticas sociales y de salud. Por otra parte, África Subsahariana constituye la región con mayor desventaja, lo que supone que no alcanzará la mayoría de los ODM. España y los países desarrollados, además de aportar recursos, pueden contribuir a los ODM mediante la identificación y erradicación de las barreras que impiden su alcance. Esto significa promover unas relaciones económicas internacionales en condiciones de justicia social, apoyando un mayor poder de decisión para los países en desarrollo, y denunciando las actuaciones que incrementan las desigualdades sociales y el empobrecimiento de la población.The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are now at the midterm of their target period, as 2015 is the date scheduled by the United Nations Organisation (UN) for their attainment. The purpose of this article is to review the current situation of the MDGs worldwide and to analyse the barriers which are preventing them from being attained in each of the MDG areas, as well as to assess a number of the indicators evaluated. In order to do so, a review has been made of the scientific literature published on the MDGs in the principal health sciences and social sciences databases, as well as the most significant reports on the issue drawn up by the United Nations. The scientific studies on the 8 MDGs and their 18 Targets make it possible to undertake a critical analysis of the situation in which each of these Goals are found at the present time, identifying the determinants that are preventing the attainment of the Goals and the actions considered necessary in order to achieve progress. Although there have been improvements in some of the goals on a world level, the research carried out to date reveals barriers to the attainment of the MDGs, as well as the insufficient weight of the developing countries in the economic and political decision-making processes, together with the incoherence between the economic policies and the social and health policies. Furthermore, Sub-Saharan Africa constitutes the most disadvantaged region, which means that it will not attain the majority of the MDGs. Spain and the developed countries, in addition to contributing resources, can also contribute to the MDGs by means of the identification and eradication of the barriers preventing attainment. This involves promoting international economic relations under conditions of social justice, by supporting a greater decision-making power for developing countries and denouncing actions that increase social inequalities and the impoverishment of the population

    Gender policies and advertising and marketing practices that affect women's health

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    Background: The three papers of this doctoral thesis are based on the social construction of reality through the analysis of communication relating to health issues. We have analysed the contents of parliamentary, institutional, and mass media to uncover whether their communications create, transmit, and perpetuate gender biases and/or stereotypes, which may have an impact on people's health, with a particular focus on women. Objective: To analyse decision making and the creation of gender awareness policies and actions affecting women's health: (1) political debates about abortion, (2) gender awareness communication campaigns and educational actions, and (3) pharmaceutical advertising strategies. Design: Quantitative and qualitative methods were employed, and the research included observational studies and systematic reviews. To apply a gender perspective, we used the level of gender observation proposed by S. Harding, which states that: (1) gender is the basis of social norms and (2) gender is one of the organisers of the social structure. Results: Sixty percentage of the bills concerning abortion introduced in the Spanish Parliament were initiated and led by pro-choice women's groups. Seventy-nine percent of institutional initiatives aimed at promoting equality awareness and were in the form of educational actions, while unconventional advertising accounted for 6 percent. Both initiatives focused on occupational equality, and very few actions addressed issues such as shared responsibility or public policy. With regard to pharmaceutical advertising, similar traditional male–female gender roles were used between 1975 and 2005. Conclusions: Gender sensitivity continues to be essential in changing the established gender system in Spanish institutions, which has a direct and indirect impact on health. Greater participation of women in public policy and decision-making are critical for womens’ health, such as the issue of abortion. The predominance of women as the target group of institutional gender awareness campaigns proves that the gender perspective still lacks the promotion of shared responsibilities between men and women. There is a need for institutions that act as ‘policy watchdogs’ to control the gender biases in mass media and pharmaceutical marketing as well as to ensure the proper implementation and maintenance of Spanish equality laws

    Abortion in Democratic Spain: The Parliamentary Political Agenda 1979–2004

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    Desde la transición de España a la democracia, el aborto ha sido asunto de políticas públicas dentro y fuera del parlamento. En este artículo se describe la historia de la reforma de la ley de aborto en España desde 1979 hasta 2004, y se analiza el discurso sobre el aborto por parte de los parlamentarios españoles, por sexo y afiliación política. El análisis se basa en un estudio retrospectivo de la frecuencia de iniciativas legislativas y la prevalencia de diferentes argumentos y posiciones en debates sobre aborto, encontradas mediante una búsqueda sistemática en la base de datos parlamentaria. No se dedicó mucho tiempo al aborto en la agenda parlamentaria, comparado con otros asuntos relacionados con las mujeres, como la violencia contra éstas. Hubo 229 iniciativas parlamentarias en ese período, el 60% iniciadas y dirigidas por mujeres por el derecho a decidir; 143 diputadas y 72 diputados participaron en los debates. La aceptación de motivos socioeconómicos para tener un aborto legal (64%) y la legalización de la práctica de abortos a petición en el primer trimestre del embarazo (60%) fueron las formas más frecuentes propuestas para reformar la ley, principalmente a raíz de argumentos referentes a los derechos de las mujeres. Hombres y mujeres afiliados a partidos contra el derecho a decidir, y la mayoría de los hombres afiliados a otros partidos abogaron por los derechos del feto. Los partidos por el derecho a decidir presentaron más proyectos de ley que aquellos en contra, pero hasta ahora, se ha votado en contra de todas las reformas propuestas desde 1985.Since Spain’s transition to democracy, abortion has been a public policy issue both inside and outside parliament. This paper describes the history of abortion law reform in Spain from 1979 to 2004 and analyses the discourse on abortion of members of the Spanish parliament by sex and political allegiance. The analysis is based on a retrospective study of the frequency of legislative initiatives and the prevalence of different arguments and positions in debates on abortion found through a systematic search of the parliamentary database. Little time was given to abortion in the parliamentary agenda compared to other women’s issues such as violence against women. There were 229 bills and other parliamentary initiatives in that period, 60% initiated and led by pro-choice women. 143 female and 72 male parliamentarians took part in the debates. The inclusion of socio-economic grounds for legal abortion (64%), and making abortion on request legal in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (60%) were the most frequent forms of law reform proposed, based most often on pro-women’s rights arguments. Male and female members of anti-choice parties and most male members of other parties argued for fetal rights. Pro-choice parties tabled more bills than anti-choice parties but till now all reforms proposed since 1985 have been voted down.Depuis la transition de l’Espagne vers la démocratie, l’avortement est une question politique à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur du Parlement. Cet article retrace l’histoire de la réforme de la législation sur l’avortement en Espagne de 1979 à 2004 et analyse le discours des députés espagnols, par sexe et appartenance politique. L’analyse est fondée sur une étude de la fréquence des initiatives législatives et de la prévalence des différents arguments dans les débats sur l’avortement, effectuée à l’aide d’une recherche systématique dans la base de données parlementaire. Les travaux parlementaires ont consacré peu de temps à l’avortement par comparaison à d’autres questions intéressant les femmes, comme la violence contre les femmes. On a recensé 229 propositions de lois et autres initiatives parlementaires pendant cette période, dont 60% lancées et dirigées par des femmes favorables à l’avortement. Parmi les députés ayant participé au débat, il y avait 143 femmes et 72 hommes. L’inclusion de motifs socio-économiques pour l’avortement légal (64%) et la légalisation de l’avortement pendant les 12 premières semaines de grossesse (60%) étaient les propositions les plus fréquentes, basées le plus souvent sur le droit des femmes à choisir. Les membres masculins et féminins de partis opposés à l’avortement et la plupart des membres masculins d’autres partis militaient pour les droits du foetus. Les partis pour le libre choix ont présenté davantage de propositions de loi que les partis contre l’avortement, mais, depuis 1985, toutes les réformes ont été refusées.Spanish Research Network on Health and Gender, Institute of Health Carlos III, Ministry of Health, Spai

    Valoración de los objetivos de desarrollo del milenio mediante la revisión de la literatura científica en 2008

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    Los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM) se encuentran actualmente a mitad de su periodo de ejecución, siendo el año 2015 la fecha prevista por la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) para su alcance. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar la situación actual en la que se encuentran los ODM a nivel mundial y analizar las barreras que estarían impidiendo su consecución para cada uno de los ámbitos de los ODM, así como valorar algunos de los indicadores evaluados. Para ello, se ha revisado la literatura científica publicada sobre los ODM en las principales bases de datos de ciencias de la salud y ciencias sociales, así como los principales informes elaborados sobre el tema por Naciones Unidas. Los estudios científicos en torno a los 8 ODM y sus 18 Metas permiten realizar un análisis crítico sobre la situación en la que se encuentra en la actualidad cada uno de ellos, identificando los determinantes que están impidiendo su consecución y las acciones que se consideran necesarias para impulsar el avance. Aunque a nivel global ha habido mejoras en algunas de las metas, la investigación realizada hasta la fecha muestra barreras a la consecución de los ODM, como el insuficiente peso de los estados de los países en desarrollo sobre las decisiones económicas y políticas, así como la incoherencia entre las políticas económicas y las políticas sociales y de salud. Por otra parte, África Subsahariana constituye la región con mayor desventaja, lo que supone que no alcanzará la mayoría de los ODM. España y los países desarrollados, además de aportar recursos, pueden contribuir a los ODM mediante la identificación y erradicación de las barreras que impiden su alcance. Esto significa promover unas relaciones económicas internacionales en condiciones de justicia social, apoyando un mayor poder de decisión para los países en desarrollo, y denunciando las actuaciones que incrementan las desigualdades sociales y el empobrecimiento de la población

    Desigualdad en prescripción de analgésicos en España: una cuestión de desarrollo de género

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    Objectives: It is well known that sex differences in analgesic prescription are not merely the logical result of greater prevalence of pain in women, since this therapeutic variability is related to factors such as educational level or social class. This study aims to analyse the relationship between analgesic prescription and gender development in different regions of Spain. Methods: Cross-sectional study of sex-differences in analgesic prescription according to the gender development of the regions studied. Analgesic prescription, pain and demographic variables were obtained from the Spanish Health Interview Survey in 2006. Gender development was measured with the Gender Development Index (GDI). A logistic regression analysis was conducted to compare analgesic prescription by sex in regions with a GDI above or below the Spanish average. Results: Once adjusted by pain, age and social class, women were more likely to be prescribed analgesics than men, odds ratio (OR) = 1.74 (1.59-1.91), as residents in regions with a lower GDI compared with those in region with a higher GDI: ORWomen = 1.26 (1.12-1.42), ORMen = 1.30 (1.13-1.50). Women experiencing pain in regions with a lower GDI were more likely than men to be treated by a general practitioner rather than by a specialist, OR = 1.32 (1.04-1.67), irrespective of age and social class. Conclusions: Gender bias may be one of the pathways by which inequalities in analgesic treatment adversely affect women's health. Moreover, research into the adequacy of analgesic treatment and the possible medicalisation of women should consider contextual factors, such as gender development.Objetivos: Las diferencias por sexo en la prescripción de analgésicos no son simplemente el resultado lógico de una mayor prevalencia del dolor en las mujeres (ya que se relaciona con factores como la educación o la clase social). El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre la prescripción de analgésicos y el desarrollo de género de las regiones de España. Métodos: Estudio transversal de las diferencias por sexo en la prescripción de analgésicos en función del desarrollo de género de las regiones. La prescripción de analgésicos, el dolor y las variables demográficas se obtuvieron de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud de 2006. El desarrollo de género se midió con el Índice de Desarrollo al Género (IDG). Se realizó un análisis de regresión logística para comparar la prescripción de analgésicos por sexo en las regiones con IDG mayor o menor que la media española. Resultados: Independientemente del dolor, la edad y la clase social, las mujeres tienen mayor probabilidad de prescripción de analgesia que los hombres, con una odds ratio (OR) = 1,74 (1,59-1,91), así como los residentes de las regiones con menor IDG en comparación con los de regiones con mayor IDG: ORMujeres = 1,26 (1,12-1,42), ORHombres = 1,30 (1,13-1,50). Las mujeres que padecen dolor en regiones de menor IDG tienen más probabilidades de ser tratadas por un médico y no por un especialista, con una OR = 1,32 (1,04-1,67). Conclusiones: El sesgo de género puede ser una vía por la cual las desigualdades en el tratamiento analgésico afecta negativamente a la salud de las mujeres. La investigación sobre la conveniencia de la analgesia y la medicalización de las mujeres debería incluir factores de contexto, como el desarrollo de género.This work has been partially financed by CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP), Spain