27 research outputs found

    AMPK involvement in endoplasmic reticulum stress and autophagy modulation after fatty liver graft preservation: a role for melatonin and trimetazidine cocktail

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    Ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI) associated with liver transplantation plays an important role in the induction of graft injury. Prolonged cold storage remains a risk factor for liver graft outcome, especially when steatosis is present. Steatotic livers exhibit exacerbated endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress that occurs in response to cold IRI. In addition, a defective liver autophagy correlates well with liver damage. Here, we evaluated the combined effect of melatonin and trimetazidine as additives to IGL-1 solution in the modulation of ER stress and autophagy in steatotic liver grafts through activation of AMPK. Steatotic livers were preserved for 24 hr (4掳C) in UW or IGL-1 solutions with or without MEL + TMZ and subjected to 2-hr reperfusion (37掳C). We assessed hepatic injury (ALT and AST) and function (bile production). We evaluated ER stress (GRP78, PERK, and CHOP) and autophagy (beclin-1, ATG7, LC3B, and P62). Steatotic livers preserved in IGL-1 + MEL + TMZ showed lower injury and better function as compared to those preserved in IGL-1 alone. IGL-1 + MEL + TMZ induced a significant decrease in GRP78, pPERK, and CHOP activation after reperfusion. This was consistent with a major activation of autophagic parameters (beclin-1, ATG7, and LC3B) and AMPK phosphorylation. The inhibition of AMPK induced an increase in ER stress and a significant reduction in autophagy. These data confirm the close relationship between AMPK activation and ER stress and autophagy after cold IRI. The addition of melatonin and TMZ to IGL-1 solution improved steatotic liver graft preservation through AMPK activation, which reduces ER stress and increases autophagy

    Mecanismos de protecci贸n del precondicionamiento isqu茅mico en el trasplante hep谩tico de injertos esteat贸sicos

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    [spa] Actualmente la principal limitaci贸n del trasplante hep谩tico es la falta de donantes. Para suplir la carencia de 贸rganos en muchas ocasiones se recurre al trasplante de 贸rganos que no son 贸ptimos para este fin, los denominados h铆gados sub贸ptimos. Entre estos injertos destacan, por su prevalencia, los h铆gados esteat贸sicos. Los h铆gados esteat贸sicos son m谩s susceptibles a la lesi贸n de isquemia/reperfusi贸n (I/R) asociada al trasplante hep谩tico que los h铆gados no grasos, y por ello presentan un mayor riesgo de disfunci贸n tras ser trasplantados. Estudios llevados a cabo en modelos de isquemia normot茅rmica se帽alan hacia una mayor alteraci贸n en la microcirculaci贸n hep谩tica, un aumento en la acumulaci贸n de neutr贸filos, una mayor liberaci贸n de mediadores inflamatorios o una mayor lesi贸n por estr茅s oxidativo como posibles causas de esta mayor vulnerabilidad a la lesi贸n de I/R. El Precondicionamiento (PC) isqu茅mico, una estrategia quir煤rgica basada en la aplicaci贸n de breves periodos de isquemia-reperfusi贸n antes de someter al 贸rgano a una I/R prolongada, ha resultado eficaz en la protecci贸n de los h铆gados grasos frente a la lesi贸n de I/R en modelos de isquemia normot茅rmica, donde se sugiere que la preservaci贸n de los niveles de ATP ejercida por el PC isqu茅mico tendr铆a un papel determinante en la protecci贸n del PC isqu茅mico en este tipo de h铆gados. Diversos autores sugieren que el NO y la AMPK est谩n implicados en la protecci贸n del PC isqu茅mico frente a la lesi贸n de I/R en modelos experimentales de isquemia normot茅rmica. Sobre estas bases, en esta tesis se plantearon los siguientes objetivos: (1) estudiar si el PC isqu茅mico, modulando los mecanismos implicados en la mayor vulnerabilidad de los h铆gados grasos a la lesi贸n de I/R, protege frente a la lesi贸n hep谩tica y pulmonar asociada al trasplante de h铆gados grasos. As铆 como la evaluaci贸n de la implicaci贸n del NO en los efectos protectores del PC isqu茅mico; (2) evaluar el papel de la AMPK y el NO en los efectos del PC isqu茅mico en el metabolismo energ茅tico de los h铆gados grasos sometidos a trasplante. En las condiciones evaluadas en la presente tesis las alteraciones en la microcirculaci贸n, la acumulaci贸n de neutr贸filos o la producci贸n de TNF-伪 no parecen ser los mecanismos responsables de la mayor susceptibilidad de los h铆gados grasos a la lesi贸n de I/R; por contra, el estr茅s oxidativo tiene un papel fundamental en la mayor susceptibilidad que presentan este tipo de h铆gados a la lesi贸n de I/R asociada al trasplante de h铆gado. El PC isqu茅mico protegi贸 a los h铆gados esteat贸sicos frente a la lesi贸n de I/R asociada al trasplante hep谩tico. El PC isqu茅mico, modulando el sistema xantina/XOD, redujo la lesi贸n hep谩tica y pulmonar asociadas al trasplante de injertos esteat贸sicos. El NO est谩 implicado en la protecci贸n del PC isqu茅mico sobre la lesi贸n hep谩tica y pulmonar asociada al trasplante de h铆gados esteat贸sicos. Este mediador vasoactivo al modular el sistema xantina/XOD y los efectos nocivos de los RLO, protegi贸 frente a los des贸rdenes locales y sist茅micos asociados al trasplante hep谩tico. La s铆ntesis de NO durante el PC isqu茅mico es inducida por la activaci贸n de la AMPK. Estrategias farmacol贸gicas basadas en la administraci贸n de activadores de la AMPK o donadores de NO simulan los efectos beneficiosos del PC isqu茅mico sobre la lesi贸n de I/R asociada al trasplante de injertos no esteat贸sicos. Si bien los activadores de la AMPK son tambi茅n beneficiosos en el caso de los injertos esteat贸sicos, los donadores de NO resultaron ineficaces en este tipo de injertos. En estas condiciones, el NO se combin贸 con el exceso de RLO presentes en este tipo de injertos generando peroxinitritro, agravando a煤n m谩s la vulnerabilidad de este tipo de h铆gados a la lesi贸n de I/R.[eng] Despite the significant improvement during the last decade, the dramatic shortage of organs for transplantation obliges us to consider use of steatotic grafts, which are more vulnerable to hepatic ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury than non-steatotic livers. The use of steatotic livers is associated with an increased risk of primary non-function or dysfunction after transplantation. Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain why steatotic livers are more liable to I/R injury than normal livers. These include increases in: oxidative stress, neutrophil infiltration, microcirculatory alterations and release of tumor necrosis factor ; (TNF) from Kupffer cell activation. Recently, it has been reported that ischemic preconditioning, based on brief episodes of ischemia and reperfusion, protects steatotic livers undergoing normothermic ischemia. Results obtained suggest that ATP preservation induced by ischemic preconditioning may be central to the protection of steatotic liver against the hepatic I/R injury. NO and AMPK are candidates for mediating ischemic preconditioning. In the present work we examined: (1) whether preconditioning protects against hepatic and lung damage associated with steatotic liver transplantation and the effect of preconditioning on the mechanisms involved in the increased vulnerability of fatty livers to hepatic I/R. Evaluate the role of NO in ischemic preconditioning; (2) Whether AMPK and NO are involved in the benefits of ischemic preconditiong on energy metabolism in steatotic liver transplantation. Steatotic and non-steatotic liver grafts were similar in their blood flow, neutrophil accumulation, and TNF release after transplantation. Neither the increased vulnerability of fatty livers of Zucker rats to hepatic I/R injury associated with liver transplantation nor the protection conferred by preconditioning could be explained by changes in hepatic blood flow, neutrophil accumulation, and TNF release after transplantation under the conditions evaluated. However, in the presence of steatosis, lipid peroxidation injury increased. Preconditioning reduced the xanthine accumulation and percentage of xanthine oxidase seen in steatotic liver grafts during cold ischemia, and conferred protection against liver and lung damage following transplantation. The benefits of preconditioning could be mediated by nitric oxide. NO reduce the deleterious effects of ROS and modulate XDH/XOD activity, thus protecting steatotic livers against hepatic I/R injury. Preconditioning, through AMPK activation, induce NO synthesis. Pharmacological strategies based in pretreatment with AMPK activators or NO donors could protect against I/R injury associated with non-steatotic liver transplantation. However, the effective dose of exogenous NO may differ in both steatotic and non-steatotic livers.The injurious effects of exogenous donors on hepatic injury and oxidative stress in steatotic grafts were associated with increase nitrotyrosine levels. The results of nitrotyrosines suggest that peroxynitrite is a predominant form of ROS in steatotic grafts. This could explain, at least partially, the increased vulnerability of steatotic grafts to I/R injury and the injurious effects of exogenous NO on steatotic liver transplantation

    Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase and nitric oxide in rat steatotic liver transplantation

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    Background/Aims: Hepatic steatosis is a risk factor for transplantation. We examined the role of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and nitric oxide (NO) in the benefits of preconditioning in steatotic liver transplantation. Methods: Steatotic liver transplantation with or without preconditioning was induced in Zucker rats. The activities of AMPK and NO synthase (NOS) were measured and altered pharmacologically. Results: Preconditioning or AMPK activation with aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleoside (AICAR) increased AMPK and constitutive NOS activities and protected against lipid peroxidation, nitrotyrosine formation and hepatic injury in both grafts. Inhibition of AMPK activity removed the benefits of preconditioning. NO synthesis inhibition abolished the benefits of preconditioning or AICAR. Therefore, preconditioning or AICAR, through AMPK activation, may induce NO synthesis, thus protecting against hepatic injury in both steatotic and non-steatotic liver transplantation. In non-steatotic grafts, NO donors simulated the benefits of preconditioning. However, in steatotic grafts, NO supplementation was ineffective. Conclusions: These results indicate (a) a potential relationship between AMPK and NO in the benefits of preconditioning in steatotic liver transplantation, (b) AICAR as a new phamacological strategy in steatotic liver transplantation and (c) a differential effect of NO supplementation in both grafts. 漏 2005 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Supported by The Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a (project grant no. BFI 2002-00704 and BFI-2003-00912 and Ram贸n y Cajal research contract to Carmen Peralta) and the Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo (project grant no. V2003-REDC03G-O) (Madrid, Spain)Peer Reviewe