138 research outputs found
Analysis of sustainability presence in Spanish higher education
This paper analyzes the presence of sustainability in sixteen Spanish Higher Education curricula in the fields of Education and Engineering.
The methodology employs two instruments: the Sustainability Map and the Sustainability Presence Map. These instruments enable the following: to analyze the number of subjects that develop sustainability and the sustainability presence level in each curriculum; to identify at what domain levels of the learning taxonomy sustainability is most developed; and to analyze whether a correlation exists between the
sustainability presence and the number of subjects that develop sustainability in each curriculum.
A wide variety of subjects develop sustainability in a given degree, depending on the university. The presence of sustainability is more homogeneous in education degrees than in engineering degrees. Education degrees have a greater presence of sustainability in the lower domain levels of the taxonomy, while in engineering degrees the lower levels of the taxonomy have a lower presence of sustainability than the higher levels. Finally, a correlation appears to exist between the number of subjects that develop sustainability in the curriculum and the sustainability presence. However, engineering degrees seem to need fewer subjects than education degrees to achieve the same degree of sustainability presence.
This paper proposes a methodology to measure sustainability presence that can be applicable to the curricula of a Higher Education degree if the corresponding Sustainability Map is available. To our knowledge, this is the largest study yet conducted to analyze the presence of sustainability in different Higher Education curricula.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Analysis of the presence of sustainability in Higher Education Degrees of the Spanish university system
This paper analyzes the extent to which sustainability is present in the
curricula of the 16 Education Degree programs belonging to the
EDINSOST project: 6 Early Childhood Education Degrees, 7 Primary
Education Degrees, 2 Pedagogy Degrees and 1 Social Education Degree.
The results obtained suggest that sustainability is present in all Degrees,
but not uniformly so. A great disparity is observed in the number of
subjects that develop sustainability, with an average of 22.63 subjects
per Degree. The competency most present is the
Application of ethical
principles related to the values of sustainability in personal and
professional behaviors,
while the least present is
Sustainable use of
resources and prevention of negative impacts on the natural and social
’Sustainability is not developed uniformly in the different
universities either. Three universities (UAM, UCA and UIC) develop
sustainability competencies at 100%, while others such as the USAL do
so at only 50
Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd geochronology of the Valencia del Ventoso plutonic complex (Badajoz)
It has been carried out the first whole rock Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic characterization of the Valencia del
Ventoso plutonic complex, Ossa Morena Zone (Badajoz). The obtained emplacement age is 349±28 my,
with an 87Sr/86Sr i of 0.70662 and eNd349 Ma = -1.6 y -5.6. This age includes this massif in the magmatic
event developed after the devonian subduction regime, so after the ocean closure and the first and main
deformational event related with the variscan oroge
A Methodology to Analyze the Presence of Sustainability in Engineering Curricula. Case of Study: Ten Spanish Engineering Degree Curricula
This paper presents a methodology to analyze the sustainability presence level in the
curriculum of an engineering degree. The methodology is applied to ten engineering degrees of the
Spanish university system, taught in three di erent universities. The design used for the research
is quantitative and correlational. The analytical instrument used is the engineering sustainability
map, which contains the learning outcomes related to sustainability that are expected of engineering
students upon completion of their studies. The methodology is used to analyze the curricula of the ten
engineering degrees in order to identify what learning outcomes of the engineering sustainability map
are developed in each degree. The results indicate that the sustainability competency least present in
all the degrees is the “participation in community processes that promotes sustainability,” with an
average presence of 23.3%, while the most present is the “application of ethical principles related
to the values of sustainability in personal and professional behavior,” with an average presence of
76.6%. In general, learning outcomes related to sustainability have an average presence of 52.1%,
so practically half of the cells in the ten engineering sustainability maps are not developed in the
degrees under study
Education for Sustainable Development in Spanish University Education Degrees
This work presents an analysis of student perception of Spanish university education degrees regarding their training in sustainable development. A sample of 942 students was used. The methodology consists of analyzing the results of a survey answered by the first- and fourth-year students from nine education degree courses in four Spanish universities. Comparison of the perception of learning by fourth-year students against those of the first year enables improvements in learning regarding sustainability to be ascertained. The questionnaire consists of 18 questions concerning four sustainability competencies: C1-Critical contextualization of knowledge, C2-Sustainable use of resources, C3-Participation in community processes, and C4-Ethics. Two composite indicators are defined to analyze the absolute learning (achieved on completion of their studies) and the relative learning (achieved with respect to what should have been achieved) declared by the students in each competency, degree and university. The results show that students declare an improvement in all their sustainability competencies, although the results of the final learning are far from those expected: they have learned only 27% of what they should have learned. Moreover, the learning achieved in the four competencies depends on the degree and the university
Education for sustainable development in Spanish higher education: an assessment of sustainability competencies in engineering and education degrees
This paper aims to present a methodology for analysing the extent to which students of a university degree perceive that they have received a good education for sustainable development (ESD). The methodology enables us to quantify this perception, which, in turn, allows us to determine: to what extent the objectives related to ESD are achieved in the degree, and to compare the learning in ESD perceived by students of different degrees. The methodology is applied to nine engineering degrees and nine education degrees in the Spanish university system.
ESD is analysed from the students’ learning perception. This perception is measured by comparing the responses of first- and fourth-year students to a questionnaire about their sustainability competencies. Two indicators have been designed to analyse the results. The first indicator, learning increase, measures the declared learning difference between fourth- and first-year students. The second indicator, learning percentage, measure the amount of learning as reported by fourth-year students compared to how much they could have learned.
The results show that the average learning percentage perceived by students is higher in engineering degrees (33%) than in education degrees (27%), despite the fact that the average learning increase declared by students at the end of their studies in both areas of knowledge is similar (66%). Engineering students report having achieved higher learning than education students in all sustainability competencies, with the exception of ethics.
This paper analyses ESD from the student’s perspective. Furthermore, to the knowledge of the authors, this is the first study that compares the perception of ESD between engineering and education students. This comparison allows us to determine the different approaches that university Professors take to ESD according to the discipline they teach.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under Grant EDU2015-65574-R, and by Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) under grant number RTI2018-094982-B-I00, from study design to submission.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de QualitatPostprint (author's final draft
The feeder-dyke of La Cornudilla volcano (Campo de Calatrava Volcanic Field): structure, petrography and conventional geochemistry
En el volcán de La Cornudilla (Región Volcánica del Campo de Calatrava,
RVCC) se ha identificado un dique de 250 metros de corrida y potencia
variable (<1.65 m). El dique muestra un trazado rectilíneo, continuo,
cuando intruye en los materiales escoriáceos (cinder) que forman la base del
edificio volcánico, y un trazado anular, discontinuo, al intruir en las facies de
spatter cimeras. Las rocas que forman el dique son basanitas y basaltos alcalinos
generados en un ambiente de intraplaca continental a partir de magmas
procedentes de la fusión de fuentes mantélicas enriquecidas de tipo
OIB. El dique presenta una composición mineralógica y química similar a la
de los depósitos de spatter y a la de una colada de lava emitida desde el volcán,
por lo cual se interpreta como un dique de alimentación. Se trata de uno
de los pocos diques identificados hasta el momento en la RVCCA ca. 250 m long dyke with variable thickness (< 1.65 m) has been identified
in the La Cornudilla volcano (Campo de Calatrava Volcanic Field,
CCVF). The dyke exhibits a rectilinear and continuous trend when intruding
the cinder that constitutes the base of the volcanic edifice, and an annular
discontinuous shape as it intrudes into the summit spatter facies. The dyke
is formed by basanites and alkali basalts generated in a continental intraplate
setting through OIB-type enriched mantle melting. The dyke mineralogy and
chemical composition is similar to both the summit spatter deposits and a
lava flow emitted from the volcano. It is therefore interpreted as a feederdyke
and represents one of the few dykes identified in the CCVF so fa
Sobre la asociación de Enclaves Magmáticos Microgranulares (EMM) y monzogranitos con cordierita del plutón de Sierra Bermeja (SO España)
Magmatic Microgranular Enclaves (MMEs) included in the cordierite-bearing monzogranites of the Sierra Bermeja Pluton (southern Iberian Massif) have been examined to elucidate their possible
petrogenetic linkage. Mineralogical differences such as the absence
of Crd and Kfs in the MMEs, or the compositions of Bt and Pl, as well
as the lack of correlations of some elements in whole-rock geochemistry, point to a separate origin for the MMEs and host monzogranites. The MMEs could represent minor globules of a more mafic
magma injected into and comingled with the host monzogranitic
magma, without causing significant modifications in the geochemical characteristics of the latterLos Enclaves Magmáticos Microgranulares (EMM) del plutón
de Sierra Bermeja (Macizo Ibérico meridional) han sido estudiados
para esclarecer su posible relación petrogenética con los monzogranitos cordieríticos encajantes. Diferencias mineralógicas como la
ausencia de Crd y Kfs en los EMM, o las composiciones de Bt y Pl, así
como la falta de correlación de algunos elementos en geoquímica
de roca total, apuntan a orígenes independientes para los EMM y
los monzogranitos encajantes. Los EMM representarían glóbulos de
un magma más máfico inyectado y entremezclado con el magma
monzogranítico, sin modificar significativamente las características
geoquímicas de este últim
La evaluación de competencias en los trabajos fin de estudios
En este artículo proponemos un procedimiento
objetivo para la evaluación, basada en
competencias, de los trabajos fin de grado
(TFG) y de máster (TFM) en el contexto de las
ingenierías. Dicho procedimiento se ha dividido
en seis etapas: (1) definición de las
competencias asociadas al TFG o al TFM y de
indicadores objetivos; (2) definición de los
momentos (hitos) de evaluación, las acciones
concretas de evaluación y los agentes
implicados; (3) asignación de indicadores
objetivos a cada acción de evaluación; (4)
definición de los niveles de cumplimiento de
cada indicador; (5) elaboración de los informes
de evaluación que los agentes evaluadores
deberán cumplimentar y (6) definición del
criterio de puntación para asignar la nota final a
partir de los informes de evaluación. Para cada
uno de estos puntos se ofrecen ayudas en forma
de encuestas, fichas de competencias y/o
ejemplos de aplicación.Peer Reviewe
Validation of a questionnaire on emotional eating for use in cases of obesity : the Emotional Eater Questionnaire (EEQ)
Introduction: Emotions have a powerful effect on our choice of food and eating habits. It has been found that in some people there is relationship between eating, emotions and the increased energy intake. This relationship should be measurable to better understand how food is used to deal with certain mood states and how these emotions affect the effectiveness of weight loss programs. Objective: To develop and analyze the psychometric characteristics of a questionnaire on emotional eating for obesity easy to apply in clinical practice. Subjects and methods: A ten-item questionnaire called Emotional-Eater-Questionnaire (EEQ) was developed and administered to a total of 354 subjects (body mass index, 31 ± 5), aged 39 ± 12, who were subjected to a weight-reduction program. The questionnaire was specifically designed for obesity. Analysis of the internal structure, internal consistency, test-retest reliability and convergent validity with Mindful-Eater-Questionnaire (MEQ) were conducted. Results: After principal components analysis, the questionnaire was classified in three different dimensions that explained 60% of the total variance: Disinhibition, Type-of-food and Guilt. Internal consistency showed that Cronbach's alpha was 0.773 for the "Dishinibition" subscale, 0.656 for the "Type of food" subscale and 0.612 for the "Guilt" subscale. The test-retest stability was r =0.70. The data showed that the percentage of agreement between the EEQ and the MEQ was around 70% with a Kappa index of 0.40; P < 0.0001. Conclusion: We have presented a new questionnaire, which classifies individuals as a function of the relation between food intake and emotions. Such information will permit personalised treatments to be designed by drawing up early strategies from the very beginning of treatment programmesIntroducción: Las emociones tienen un poderoso efecto sobre la elección de alimentos y los hábitos alimentarios. Existe una relación entre comer, emociones y el aumento del aporte calórico. Esta relación debería ser medible para comprender mejor cómo utilizamos los alimentos en determinados estados de ánimo y cómo las emociones afectan a la eficacia de los programas de pérdida de peso. Objetivo: Desarrollar y analizar las características psicométricas de un cuestionario para identificar la ingesta emocional en la obesidad de fácil aplicación en la práctica clínica. Material y métodos: Se ha desarrollado y administrado un cuestionario de diez ítems llamado Cuestionario-de-Comedor-Emocional (CCE) a un total de 354 sujetos (Índice de Masa Corporal: 31 ± 5), (Edad: 39 ± 12 años), pertenecientes a un programa de reducción de peso. Se llevó a cabo un análisis de la estructura interna del cuestionario, de la consistencia interna, la fiabilidad testretest y la validez convergente con el Mindful-Eater- Questionnaire (MEQ). Resultados: El análisis de componentes principales del cuestionario encontró tres dimensiones diferentes que explicaban el 60% de la varianza: desinhibición, tipo de alimento y culpa. La consistencia interna mostró que el alfa de Cronbach fue de 0,773 para la subescala "Desinhibición", 0,656 para "Tipo de alimentos" y 0,612 para "culpa". La estabilidad test-retest fue de r = 0,70. Los datos mostraron que el porcentaje de acuerdo entre el CCE y MEQ era del 70% con un índice Kappa de 0,40, P < 0,0001. Conclusión: Hemos presentado un nuevo cuestionario, que clasifica a los individuos en función de la relación entre la ingesta de alimentos y las emociones. Esta información permitirá el diseño de tratamientos personalizados desde el inicio para la obesida
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