475 research outputs found

    CMDM: un método conceptual para la especificación de bases multidimensionales

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    En los últimos años, el área de Data Warehouse y Aplicaciones OLAP ha tenido un desarrollo importante. En este tipo de aplicaciones, se construye una base de datos con visión multidimensional de la realidad. A pesar del amplio desarrollo del área, aún no hay mecanismos de especificación de este tipo de sistemas que permita tener en cuenta la mayor parte de los detalles relevantes de una determinada porción de la realidad. Las especificaciones relacionales [Kim 96] dejan de lado algunos aspectos multidimensionales tales como la dimensionalidad genérica [Cod 93]. Las especificaciones multidimensionales que manejan la dimensionalidad genérica, contemplan los aspectos de carga y/o limpieza de los datos desde datos de un nivel inferior de una forma externa al modelo o directamente, no los contemplan. Pocas propuestas son capaces de permitir la especificación de qué manipulaciones están autorizadas y cuales no, sobre determinado aspecto de la realidad. En este trabajo, se presenta un modelo que permite la especificación detallada de una base de datos multidimensional. Esta especificación se construye mediante un lenguaje gráfico que permite describir las estructuras de datos y algunas restricciones de integridad, y un lenguaje de restricciones de integridad que permite dar una descripción precisa de las relaciones entre los datos

    Language as an identifier sing : educational challenges in the Genovese multicultural context

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    En el marco de una investigación que se está llevando a cabo en la\ud Universidad de Génova sobre las "lenguas inmigradas" en el contexto\ud escolar genovés, se han detectado nuevas necesidades lingüísticoeducativas,\ud que surgen a partir de la inserción de estudiantes latinoamericanos\ud en muchos colegios de la ciudad. Después de una breve\ud introducción, se describen algunas estrategias de enseñanza desarrolladas\ud para afrontar las exigencias de estos estudiantes, que difieren de\ud las que tienen quienes estudian español como lengua extranjera. Estas\ud estrategias, aplicadas con éxito en los EE.UU (Español para Hablantes\ud Nativos), han sido adaptadas teniendo en cuenta la tipología de\ud ambas lenguas en contacto. Posteriormente, se presentan los resultados\ud parciales de un estudio realizado en el ámbito de la escuela secundaria,\ud basado en el marco del método autobiográfico, que toma en\ud cuenta no solo la etapa de la migración, sino también la fase pre migratoria,\ud y pone el acento en algunos factores sociales, como la visión que\ud los entrevistados tienen de sí mismos y la actitud de la sociedad de\ud acogida ante estos nuevos ciudadanos, dos aspectos que guardan una\ud estrecha relación con el proceso de adaptación social y con la evolución\ud del aprendizaje en general.Within the frame of University of Genoa\ud research project dealing with "Immigrant Languages" in the local\ud scholar context, the research group has detected new linguistic and\ud educational needs, resulting from the school insertion of Latin American\ud students. After a brief introduction, the article describes the\ud development of teaching strategies to address the needs of such students,\ud which are different from those of native-Italian speaking students\ud studying Spanish as a foreign language. These strategies, successfully applied in the USA (Spanish for Native Speakers) have been\ud adapted according to the nature of the two languages in contact. The\ud second part of the article presents some preliminary results of a study\ud carried out in a High School, based on the framework of the autobiographical\ud method, which takes into consideration not only the migration\ud process, but also the pre-migratory phase, and stress the importance\ud of some social factors, such migrants' beliefs about themselves\ud and the attitude of the receiving society, two aspects strongly related\ud to the social adaptation process as well as learning improvements in\ud general

    Sensitivity analysis of a hierarchical qualitative model – the analysis of MASC

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    AbstractSensitivity Analysis (SA) is applied to a hierarchical qualitative model built to assess the sustainability of cropping systems. Three approaches were tested to perform a first-order SA on such a model, assuming a fixed model structure and no correlation among input variables: (i) factorial designs combined with analysis of variance (ANOVA), (ii) conditional probabilities, (iii) Monte Carlo sampling (MC). If the complete factorial design is too large to be computed, MC and conditional probabilities represent efficient alternatives to perform an analysis of the overall qualitative model. Conditional probabilities exploit the hierarchical structure of the model to give exact first-order indices, while MC could be a more flexible approach for the introduction of correlations among variables. We discuss how such SA results can guide modellers and end-users in modelling and application phases

    Evaluation of agri-environmental measures in the Venice Lagoon Watershed. Nitrogen budgets and surplus indicators

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    One of the main concerns of the environmental scientists and policy makers is related to the environmental compatibility of current agricultural systems and, in particular, to the losses of chemical fertilizers and manure in surface and ground-waters, as a consequence of run-off and leaching phenomena. In most cases European recent agrienvironmental schemes envisaged specific measures for the reduction of fertilizer rates and the control of manure applications, in order to limit the releases of nutrients in surface and ground-waters. Substantial financial resources are invested in those measures and therefore the issue raises interest in monitoring and evaluating their effectiveness. Nutrient balance indicators are often used for quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of the measures in limiting the environmental impact of farming activities. N-surplus is one of the most commonly used indicators. The paper refers the results of a research project aimed at assessing the outcomes of agri-environmental measures implemented in the Venice Lagoon Watershed with an approach based upon the gross nitrogen balance, called "Nboxes". The results of applying the Nboxes procedure to a sample of 550 farms set are presented, evidencing the expectations of greater effectiveness in terms of nitrogen surplus reduction from the measure C.5.1.3a and C.5.1.3b (low input farming and buffer strips). Measures supporting improved irrigation systems, controlled drainage and more rational livestock nutritional programmes and technologies, showed instead only limited potential for tangible contributions to the reduction of nitrogen surplus in cultivated soils

    Diverse reductive dehalogenases are associated with Clostridiales-enriched microcosms dechlorinating 1,2-dichloroethane

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    The achievement of successful biostimulation of active microbiomes for the cleanup of a polluted site is strictly dependent on the knowledge of the key microorganisms equipped with the relevant catabolic genes responsible for the degradation process. In this work, we present the characterization of the bacterial community developed in anaerobic microcosms after biostimulation with the electron donor lactate of groundwater polluted with 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA). Through a multilevel analysis, we have assessed (i) the structural analysis of the bacterial community; (ii) the identification of putative dehalorespiring bacteria; (iii) the characterization of functional genes encoding for putative 1,2-DCA reductive dehalogenases (RDs). Following the biostimulation treatment, the structure of the bacterial community underwent a notable change of the main phylotypes, with the enrichment of representatives of the order Clostridiales. Through PCR targeting conserved regions within known RD genes, four novel variants of RDs previously associated with the reductive dechlorination of 1,2-DCA were identified in the metagenome of the Clostridiales-dominated bacterial community

    Absolute Freedom. The l+l (lndividuation + lndividualization) as a Metanarrative of Self-Development in a Second-Late-Modern Society

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    In this work I attempt a comparative study of C.G. Jung´s Individuation process and U. Beck´s Individualization theory, which will lead to a merger between the two into a new concept: the ‘I+I’. The ‘I+I’, the concept of Individuation in a second-late-modern (individualized) society, takes Beck´s individualization theory as a valid picture of second modernity and merges it with Jung´s individuation process. The ‘I+I’ is an attempt to claim that to become free in second-late modernity, and thereby to fulfil their destiny, people need to individuate once being individualized. The novelty of this research consists in the support it provides to current social theory and psychoanalytic research as well as its reinforcement of the discourse undertaken by psychosocial studies and by relational psychoanalysis. In this work I underline that Jung´s individuation´s theory is a possible frame (not the only one) to ascertain the lacks within Beck´s theory of individualization (therefore traditional sociology). From this, I investigate the concept of freedom (according to Jung and Beck) and then shift to what I term absolute freedom, which is our innate striving for wholeness, in a second-late-modern (individualized) society. Absolute freedom is a possible consequence of the ‘I+I’ merger and considers a social and psychic point of view in the study of the individual and society. In order to clarify my analytic generalization I shall examine a clinical case. Specifically, I will look into the biography of a patient of mine, Carla, from three different points of view: individuation, individualization, and the ‘I+I’. My conclusions will underline that (i) Beck´s research is fundamental to portraying and understanding late modernity; that (ii) a renewed look at Jung´s individuation process is a helpful tool to examine our current epoch; that (iii) it could be beneficial to employ relational psychoanalysis and psychosocial studies into the current investigation, and hence to develop a Jungian-relational-psychosocial model. The ‘I+I’ is an attempt to claim that to become free in a second-late modernity, therefore, to fulfil one´s destiny, people need to individuate once being individualized

    Comentário Linguístico sobre a “Crónica Geral de Espanha” de 1344

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    O presente trabalho pretende desenvolver um comentário linguístico sobre um pequeno trecho da Crónica Geral de Espanha, de 1344. Nosso comentário apontará, fundamentalmente, para características típicas do português do período arcaico em diversos níveis de análise (lexical, fonético, grafemático e morfossintático)

    O ensino de latim nos cursos de Letras das faculdades particulares de Campinas e região

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    O presente trabalho contempla breves discussões e considerações sobre o ensino de língua latina nos cursos de Letras de algumas instituições particulares de ensino de Campinas e região. O foco principal para o desenvolvimento do trabalho dar-se-á na reflexão das seguintes questões: por que se estudar latim ainda hoje e como se constitui o seu ensino? Palavras-chave: Estudos Clássicos; metodologia de ensino de latim; Instituições de Ensino Superior; Diretrizes Curriculares; cultura clássica

    Multidimensional models :A state of art

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    In the last four years, some multidimensional models were defined. Some of these models are focused on query specifications, but only a little has really a conceptual approach. The nex section is an attempt to present some fundamentals over some of "query models". These models are aummarized in [Car 97] and [Sap 99]. For such models, only some comparisions are made with a special emphasis on data structures. The following sections are dedicated to some relevant works on Multidimensional Conceptual and Logic Modeling ([Cab 97], [Gol 98], [Fra 99a], [Sap 99a]). Later, some conclusions, about the works are presented