57 research outputs found

    Opipramol inhibits lipolysis in human adipocytes without altering glucose uptake and differently from antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs with adverse effects on body weight control

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    Treatment with several antipsychotic drugs exhibits a tendency to induce weight gain and diabetic complications. The proposed mechanisms by which the atypical antipsychotic drug olanzapine increases body weight include central dysregulations leading to hyperphagia and direct peripheral impairment of fat cell lipolysis. Several investigations have reproduced in vitro direct actions of antipsychotics on rodent adipocytes, cultured preadipocytes, or human adipose tissue-derived stem cells. However, to our knowledge, no such direct action has been described in human mature adipocytes. The aim of the present study was to compare in human adipocytes the putative direct alterations of lipolysis by antipsychotics (haloperidol, olanzapine, ziprazidone, risperidone), antidepressants (pargyline, phenelzine), or anxiolytics (opipramol). Lipolytic responses to the tested drugs, and to recognized lipolytic (e.g., isoprenaline) or antilipolytic agents (e.g., insulin) were determined, together with glucose transport and amine oxidase activities in abdominal subcutaneous adipocytes from individuals undergoing plastic surgery. None of the tested drugs were lipolytic. Surprisingly, only opipramol exhibited substantial antilipolytic properties in the micromolar to millimolar range. An opipramol antilipolytic effect was evident against isoprenaline-, forskolin-, or atrial natriuretic peptide-stimulated lipolysis. Opipramol did not impair insulin activation of glucose transport but inhibited monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity to the same extent as antidepressants recognized as MAO inhibitors (pargyline, harmine, or phenelzine), whereas antipsychotics were inefficient. Considering its unique properties, opipramol, which is not associated with weight gain in treated patients, is a good candidate for drug repurposing because it limits exaggerated lipolysis, prevents hydrogen peroxide release by amine oxidases in adipocytes, and is thereby of potential use to limit lipotoxicity and oxidative stress, two deleterious complications of diabetes and obesity

    Polyamine metabolism is involved in adipogenesis of 3T3-L1 cells

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    Polyamines spermidine and spermine are known to be required for mammalian cell proliferation and for embryonic development. Alpha-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), an inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) a limiting enzyme of polyamine biosynthesis, depleted the cellular polyamines and prevented triglyceride accumulation and differentiation in 3T3-L1 cells. In this study, to explore the function of polyamines in adipogenesis, we examined the effect of polyamine biosynthesis inhibitors on adipocyte differentiation and lipid accumulation of 3T3-L1 cells. The spermidine synthase inhibitor trans-4-methylcyclohexylamine (MCHA) increased spermine/spermidine ratios, whereas the spermine synthase inhibitor N-(3-aminopropyl)-cyclohexylamine (APCHA) decreased the ratios in the cells. MCHA was found to decrease lipid accumulation and GPDH activity during differentiation, while APCHA increased lipid accumulation and GPDH activity indicating the enhancement of differentiation. The polyamine-acetylating enzyme, spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase (SSAT) activity was increased within a few hours after stimulus for differentiation, and was found to be elevated by APCHA. In mature adipocytes APCHA decreased lipid accumulation while MCHA had the opposite effect. An acetylpolyamine oxidase and spermine oxidase inhibitor MDL72527 or an antioxidant N-acetylcysteine prevented the promoting effect of APCHA on adipogenesis. These results suggest that not only spermine/spermidine ratios but also polyamine catabolic enzyme activity may contribute to adipogenesis

    Systems Genetics of Hepatic Metabolome Reveals Octopamine as a Target for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Treatment.

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is often associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes. To disentangle etiological relationships between these conditions and identify genetically-determined metabolites involved in NAFLD processes, we mapped 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) metabolomic and disease-related phenotypes in a mouse F2 cross derived from strains showing resistance (BALB/c) and increased susceptibility (129S6) to these diseases. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis based on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotypes identified diet responsive QTLs in F2 mice fed control or high fat diet (HFD). In HFD fed F2 mice we mapped on chromosome 18 a QTL regulating liver micro- and macrovesicular steatosis and inflammation, independently from glucose intolerance and adiposity, which was linked to chromosome 4. Linkage analysis of liver metabolomic profiling data identified a QTL for octopamine, which co-localised with the QTL for liver histopathology in the cross. Functional relationship between these two QTLs was validated in vivo in mice chronically treated with octopamine, which exhibited reduction in liver histopathology and metabolic benefits, underlining its role as a mechanistic biomarker of fatty liver with potential therapeutic applications

    Modulation of imidazoline I

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    Tyramine end benzylamine partially but selectively mimic insulin action on adipose differentiation in 3t3-l1 cells

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    Biogenic amines like tyramine, methylamine and the non-naturally occuring amine, benzylamine, have been described to promote adipose conversion of murine 3T3 preadipocytes. To further investigate these novel effects of amines, we studied whether they selectively mimic the long-term adipogenic action of insulin. To this aim, we decided to use the 3T3-L1 cell line since this model needs a complex combination of inducers to trigger the differentiation programme: insulin, isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX, an activator of cAMP-signal transduction pathway) and the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone. A cell culture protocol was designed, by which each component of the differentiation cocktail was replaced with either benzylamine or tyramine, in order to determine whether these amine oxidase substrates could substitute any of the differentiation inducers in 3T3-L1 cells. The incomplete lipid accumulation found in 3T3-L1 grown under IBMX- or dexamethasone-free conditions was not improved by the daily addition of amines to the culture medium. Insulin was the only component of adipose differentiation cocktail of 3T3-L1 that could be replaced, although partially, by tyramine or benzylamine. When used at 0.5 mM, these amines resulted in a significant increase of triacylglycerol accumulated eight days after confluence, when compared to cells kept without insulin. This partial insulin replacement was totally abolished by SSAO-inhibitors, while MAO-blockade did not reduce lipid accumulation. As previously reported for other insulin-sensitive process, such as stimulation of glucose transport or lipolysis inhibition in mature adipocytes, the stimulation of adipogenesis by tyramine and benzylamine was an SSAO-dependent mechanism that appparently shared common signaling pathways with insulinSe ha descrito que las aminas naturales, como tiramina o metilamina y las aminas sintéticas, como benzilamina, estimulan la conversión en adipocitos de las células 3T3. En el presente trabajo, se estudia si esas aminas podían mimetizar de forma selectiva la acción estimulante de la insulina sobre la adipogénesis. Se han utilizado células 3T3-L1, ya que, para la inducción del programa de diferenciación en adipocitos, requieren una mezcla compleja de insulina, isobutilmetilxantina (IBMX) y dexametasona. De acuerdo con el protocolo de cultivo celular escogido, cada componente de la mezcla de diferenciación se reemplazaba por benzilamina o por tiramina, a fin de determinar si esos sustratos de las amino-oxidasas podían substituir alguno de los factores de diferenciación necesarios para la transformación de las celulas 3T3-L1 en adipocitos. La acumulación incompleta de lipidos en células 3T3-L1 cultivadas en ausencia de IBMX o dexamethasona no se corrigió por la administración diaria de aminas en el medio de cultivo. La insulina resultó ser el único componente del medio de diferenciación que se podía reemplazar, aunque de manera parcial, por tiramina o benzilamina. En comparación con las células incubadas en ausencia de insulina, dichas aminas, a concentración 0,5 mM, aumentaron significativamente la acumulación de triacilgliceroles 8 días después de alcanzada la confluencia. Este efecto de las aminas, reemplazando parcialmente el de la insulina, se bloqueó totalmente por la adición al medio de cultivo de inhibidores de la SSAO, mientras que la adición de inhibidores de la MAO no redujo el efecto de la acumulación de lípidos. Como ha sido previamente descrito para otras respuestas dependientes de la insulina, los efectos adipogénicos de la tiramina y benzilamina son dependientes de la actividad SSAO y parecen estar relacionados con las vías de señalización de la insulina