1,406 research outputs found

    The Ursinus Weekly, October 31, 1960

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    Second Forum to feature speaker on Bill of Rights • Pre-medders hear Dean of Jefferson • Conference on careers to be held in Phila. • Mr. Jones attends colloquium on college admissions in N.Y. • Sixty-one girls get sorority bids • Debating Club to hold meet on Tues., Nov. 1 • National Teacher Exams to be given on Feb. 11 • Big Little Sister party to be held Tuesday, Nov. 1 in college woods • Young Democrats hear Kennedy in Norristown on Sat. • YM-YW to sponsor formal political debate on Nov. 2 • New Lantern staff policy includes planned criticism • Newman Club to discuss All Saint\u27s Day at meeting • Young Republicans poll campus to determine student political leanings • APO initiates 17 new pledges • Chemistry society tours research laboratory • Society Hill Playhouse launches inaugural season • Frosh elect officers; Dave Kohr is president • Senior class to receive annuals • Spanish Club hears Dave Williams on October 17 • Editorial: A proposal • Letters to the editor • Hurrah! Brave new world • Point of interest • Reflections • Customs program called beneficial • Bears lose two games in soccer • Ursinus trackman sets AAU record • Wagner defeats Bears; Allebach is standout • Lassies divide during past week • Intramural corner • 1,350 fellowships offered by N.C.S. • Presidential humor • Y hears speaker on social work • Phila. Museum of Art to open new wing • Russian film premieres at Franklin Institute • Phila. art directors to have exhibition • Romance language teachers to attend dinner at Temple • Captain Dinneen of U.S. Army to visit Ursinus • Business Administration Club to hear Mr. King speak Weds.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1325/thumbnail.jp

    Costs of formal and informal care at home for people with dementia: ‘expert panel’ opinions from staff and informal carers

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    Effective home support in dementia is key in delaying nursing home admission. However, home support is frequently not tailored to the individual needs of people with dementia. Staff allocating home support services may not identify important care needs, which only be recognised by informal carers. The purpose of this study was to explore the balance of informal and formal home support and their associated costs from the perspectives of both informal carers and paid staff. Five case vignettes of people with dementia were designed based on an existing English data set from a European study into transition into long-term care (the RightTimePlaceCare programme), representing 42 per cent of the English sample. In total, 14 informal carers and 14 paid staff were consulted in separate groups, as expert panels, regarding their recommendations for home care services for each vignette. Care recommendations of carers and staff were costed based on nationally available unit costs and compared. Informal carers allocated fewer hours of care than staff. Personal and domestic home care and day care centres were the most frequently recommended formal services by both groups, and some vignettes of people with dementia were recommended for care home admission. The ratio of costs of informal versus formal support was relatively equal for paid staff, yet unbalanced from the perspectives of informal carers with a greater proportion of formal care costs. Recommendations from this study can help shape dementia care to be more tailored to the individual needs of people with dementia and their carers

    Effect of local environment and stellar mass on galaxy quenching and morphology at 0.5<z<2.00.5<z<2.0

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    We study galactic star-formation activity as a function of environment and stellar mass over 0.5<z<2.0 using the FourStar Galaxy Evolution (ZFOURGE) survey. We estimate the galaxy environment using a Bayesian-motivated measure of the distance to the third nearest neighbor for galaxies to the stellar mass completeness of our survey, log(M/M)>9(9.5)\log(M/M_\odot)>9 (9.5) at z=1.3 (2.0). This method, when applied to a mock catalog with the photometric-redshift precision (σz/(1+z)0.02\sigma_z / (1+z) \lesssim 0.02), recovers galaxies in low- and high-density environments accurately. We quantify the environmental quenching efficiency, and show that at z> 0.5 it depends on galaxy stellar mass, demonstrating that the effects of quenching related to (stellar) mass and environment are not separable. In high-density environments, the mass and environmental quenching efficiencies are comparable for massive galaxies (log(M/M)\log (M/M_\odot)\gtrsim 10.5) at all redshifts. For lower mass galaxies (log(M/M))\log (M/M)_\odot) \lesssim 10), the environmental quenching efficiency is very low at zz\gtrsim 1.5, but increases rapidly with decreasing redshift. Environmental quenching can account for nearly all quiescent lower mass galaxies (log(M/M)\log(M/M_\odot) \sim 9-10), which appear primarily at zz\lesssim 1.0. The morphologies of lower mass quiescent galaxies are inconsistent with those expected of recently quenched star-forming galaxies. Some environmental process must transform the morphologies on similar timescales as the environmental quenching itself. The evolution of the environmental quenching favors models that combine gas starvation (as galaxies become satellites) with gas exhaustion through star-formation and outflows ("overconsumption"), and additional processes such as galaxy interactions, tidal stripping and disk fading to account for the morphological differences between the quiescent and star-forming galaxy populations.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figure, accepted for publication in Ap

    Abstract priming and the lexical boost effect across development in a structurally biased language

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    The present study investigates the developmental trajectory of abstract representations for syntactic structures in children. In a structural priming experiment on the dative alternation in German, we primed children from three different age groups (3–4 years, 5–6 years, 7–8 years) and adults with double object datives (Dora sent Boots the rabbit) or prepositional object datives (Dora sent the rabbit to Boots). Importantly, the prepositional object structure in German is dispreferred and only rarely encountered by young children. While immediate as well as cumulative structural priming effects occurred across all age groups, these effects were strongest in the 3- to 4-year-old group and gradually decreased with increasing age. These results suggest that representations in young children are less stable than in adults and, therefore, more susceptible to adaptation both immediately and across time, presumably due to stronger surprisal. Lexical boost effects, in contrast, were not present in 3- to 4-year-olds but gradually emerged with increasing age, possibly due to limited working-memory capacity in the younger child groups.</jats:p

    The distribution of satellites around massive galaxies at 1<z<3 in ZFOURGE/CANDELS: dependence on star formation activity

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    We study the statistical distribution of satellites around star-forming and quiescent central galaxies at 1<z<3 using imaging from the FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey (ZFOURGE) and the Cosmic Assembly Near-IR Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS). The deep near-IR data select satellites down to log(M/M)>9\log(M/M_\odot)>9 at z<3. The radial satellite distribution around centrals is consistent with a projected NFW profile. Massive quiescent centrals, log(M/M)>10.78\log(M/M_\odot)>10.78, have \sim2 times the number of satellites compared to star-forming centrals with a significance of 2.7σ\sigma even after accounting for differences in the centrals' stellar-mass distributions. We find no statistical difference in the satellite distributions of intermediate-mass quiescent and star-forming centrals, 10.48<log(M/M)<10.7810.48<\log(M/M_\odot)<10.78. Comparing to the Guo2011 semi-analytic model, the excess number of satellites indicates that quiescent centrals have halo masses 0.3 dex larger than star-forming centrals, even when the stellar-mass distributions are fixed. We use a simple toy model that relates halo mass and quenching, which roughly reproduces the observed quenched fractions and the differences in halo mass between star-forming and quenched galaxies only if galaxies have a quenching probability that increases with halo mass from \sim0 for log(Mh/M)\log(M_h/M_\odot)\sim11 to \sim1 for log(Mh/M)\log(M_h/M_\odot)\sim13.5. A single halo-mass quenching threshold is unable to reproduce the quiescent fraction and satellite distribution of centrals. Therefore, while halo quenching may be an important mechanism, it is unlikely to be the only factor driving quenching. It remains unclear why a high fraction of centrals remain star-forming even in relatively massive halos.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, accepted by ApJ. Information on ZFOURGE can be found at http://zfourge.tamu.ed

    Aerial dissemination of Clostridium difficile spores

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    Background: Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea (CDAD) is a frequently occurring healthcare-associated infection, which is responsible for significant morbidity and mortality amongst elderly patients in healthcare facilities. Environmental contamination is known to play an important contributory role in the spread of CDAD and it is suspected that contamination might be occurring as a result of aerial dissemination of C. difficile spores. However previous studies have failed to isolate C. difficile from air in hospitals. In an attempt to clarify this issue we undertook a short controlled pilot study in an elderly care ward with the aim of culturing C. difficile from the air. Methods: In a survey undertaken during February (two days) 2006 and March (two days) 2007, air samples were collected using a portable cyclone sampler and surface samples collected using contact plates in a UK hospital. Sampling took place in a six bedded elderly care bay (Study) during February 2006 and in March 2007 both the study bay and a four bedded orthopaedic bay (Control). Particulate material from the air was collected in Ringer's solution, alcohol shocked and plated out in triplicate onto Brazier's CCEY agar without egg yolk, but supplemented with 5 mg/L of lysozyme. After incubation, the identity of isolates was confirmed by standard techniques. Ribotyping and REP-PCR fingerprinting were used to further characterise isolates. Results: On both days in February 2006, C. difficile was cultured from the air with 23 samples yielding the bacterium (mean counts 53 – 426 cfu/m3 of air). One representative isolate from each of these was characterized further. Of the 23 isolates, 22 were ribotype 001 and were indistinguishable on REP-PCR typing. C. difficile was not cultured from the air or surfaces of either hospital bay during the two days in March 2007. Conclusion: This pilot study produced clear evidence of sporadic aerial dissemination of spores of a clone of C. difficile, a finding which may help to explain why CDAD is so persistent within hospitals and difficult to eradicate. Although preliminary, the findings reinforce concerns that current C. difficile control measures may be inadequate and suggest that improved ward ventilation may help to reduce the spread of CDAD in healthcare facilities

    Gefäß, Tasse

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    Rand- und Körperfragment einer Tasse. Konkaves Oberteilprofil, scharfe Knickwand und niedriger Unterteil. Schwarze Farbe. Außen: An Schulter umlaufenden Rillen. Am Körper bis zum Knick Stempeldekor mit senkrechten Winkeln und einem Punkt innen

    Seafloor incubation experiment with deep-sea hydrothermal vent fluid reveals effect of pressure and lag time on autotrophic microbial communities

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Fortunato, C. S., Butterfield, D. A., Larson, B., Lawrence-Slavas, N., Algar, C. K., Zeigler Allen, L., Holden, J. F., Proskurowski, G., Reddington, E., Stewart, L. C., Topçuoğlu, B. D., Vallino, J. J., & Huber, J. A. Seafloor incubation experiment with deep-sea hydrothermal vent fluid reveals effect of pressure and lag time on autotrophic microbial communities. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 87, (2021): e00078-21, https://doi.org/10.1128/AEM.00078-21Depressurization and sample processing delays may impact the outcome of shipboard microbial incubations of samples collected from the deep sea. To address this knowledge gap, we developed a remotely operated vehicle (ROV)-powered incubator instrument to carry out and compare results from in situ and shipboard RNA stable isotope probing (RNA-SIP) experiments to identify the key chemolithoautotrophic microbes and metabolisms in diffuse, low-temperature venting fluids from Axial Seamount. All the incubations showed microbial uptake of labeled bicarbonate primarily by thermophilic autotrophic Epsilonbacteraeota that oxidized hydrogen coupled with nitrate reduction. However, the in situ seafloor incubations showed higher abundances of transcripts annotated for aerobic processes, suggesting that oxygen was lost from the hydrothermal fluid samples prior to shipboard analysis. Furthermore, transcripts for thermal stress proteins such as heat shock chaperones and proteases were significantly more abundant in the shipboard incubations, suggesting that depressurization induced thermal stress in the metabolically active microbes in these incubations. Together, the results indicate that while the autotrophic microbial communities in the shipboard and seafloor experiments behaved similarly, there were distinct differences that provide new insight into the activities of natural microbial assemblages under nearly native conditions in the ocean.This work was funded by Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation grant GBMF3297; the NSF Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (C-DEBI) (OCE-0939564), contribution number 562; NOAA/PMEL, contribution number 5182; and the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO) under NOAA cooperative agreement NA15OAR4320063, contribution number 2020-1113. The RNA-SIP methodology used in this work was developed during cruise FK010-2013 aboard the R/V Falkor supported by the Schmidt Ocean Institute. The NOAA/PMEL supported this work with ship time in 2014 and through funding to the Earth Ocean Interactions group. NSF provided ship time for the 2015 expedition through OCE-1546695 to D.A.B. and OCE-1547004 to J.F.H