624 research outputs found

    A closed-form solution to predict short-range surface plasmons in thin films and its application to hole arrays

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    A theoretical study of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) in ultrathin lossy metal films is presented. The dispersion relation of such films is well known and can be solved numerically to obtain a combination of long-range (LR-) and short-range (SR-) eigenmodes. In this contribution, a simple solution for the SR-SPPs is derived. An approximation for the LR- eigenmodes can be found elsewhere. To validate the approximation, a two dimensional (2D) periodic array of small holes is studied subsequently. The spectral response of the array is obtained by full-wave simulations and the results compared with those calculated analytically, showing an excellent agreement for small holes

    Near-field analysis of frequency selective surfaces and applications in directive antennas

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    A near-field characterisation of two dimensional metallo-dielectric frequency selective surfaces either in a single or double layer configuration is presented in this thesis. Motivated by the current attention of the electromagnetic properties of near-fields, an in-house periodic MoM-based computational tool is developed for the efficient and rigorous estimation of the near-fields in frequency selective surfaces (FSS) illuminated by a plane wave. For this purpose a thorough convergence study related to the calculation of the near fields is initially presented. The near-field estimation allows us to calculate the power stored in an FSS at resonance which, in turn, can be used in the calculation of the loaded quality factor of the FSS. Based on the characterisation of various topologies, new techniques for the analysis of highly-directive and broadband leaky wave antennas are proposed. An initial design based on a perturbed FSS results in a structure with multiband response and near-fields enhanced by more than 70 fold, which can be relevant to sensor applications. Subsequently, the near-field technique is used in combination with reciprocity for the extraction of the radiation patterns in Fabry-Perot cavity antennas formed between a FSS and a metamaterial ground plane. In combination with traditional array theory the complex dispersion characteristics of high-gain sub-wavelength 2-D Fabry-Perot leaky-wave antennas (LWA) consisting of two periodic metallodielectric arrays over a ground plane are extracted. This yields a fast and rigorous tool for the characterisation of this type of antennas. Design guidelines are given throughout to synthesize a highly-directive antenna and a broadband leakywave antenna. This thesis was fully funded by the Joint Research Institute for Integrated Systems in Edinburgh, Scotland

    Key activities for successful ventures scaling up

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    The generation of new business models and the renewal of competencies are crucial for mature companies’ survival in the long term. Corporate venturing is a recognized mechanism to ensure balancing exploration and exploitation activities in established corporations. Due to fundamental differences in business organizations and culture, and in risk taking behaviors, the integration of these new ventures in existing business units is difficult. A key factor, as well as one of the less studied, is to determine the venture readiness for the scaling up and the right moment to be incorporated in the existing business. Premature venture scaling up could provoke growth failure and reduced post-transition performance because of a number of unresolved market and technology uncertainties. On the contrary, when the corporate organization integrates the venture too late, the established business might miss its window of advantage position. Based on the results of an empirical study carried out in fifteen corporate venture innovation processes, we identified certain specific activities that will help determine the venture readiness and proper timing to scale up, and integrated the results of the empirical study with knowledge from extant literature, to develop a set of propositions for improving the success of the scaling up. These principles provide practical guidelines to improve corporate venture growth processes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    La trascendencia del logos universitario: diálogo educativo/ diálogo académico

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    A partir de la propuesta hermenéutica de Hans-Georg Gadamer, se reflexionó sobre la trascendencia de los diálogos educativo y académico en el ámbito universitario. Se puso énfasis en el intercambio de argumentos como elemento que instaura y renueva el sentido humanista y científico de la sociedad académica, y al mismo tiempo confiere a sus miembros identidad, legitimidad y presencia histórica. Finalmente, se dio cuenta de la importancia del debate cotidiano de nociones y concepciones entre investigadores, profesores y alumnos, para configurar una comunidad plural, defensora de la libertad de pensamiento y consciente de los modelos que sustentan sus interpretaciones

    Estudio de confiabilidad de una prueba para evaluar memoria de trabajo fonologica y visuoespacial en ninos entre 4 anos a 5 anos 11 meses con desarrollo tipico de la ciudad de Talca

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    94 p.La memoria de trabajo es el “espacio mental” necesario para el recuerdo episódico y semántico, para el pensamiento y la toma de decisión, para la comprensión del lenguaje y el cálculo mental, y en general para todas las actividades cognitivas que requieren atención y procesamiento controlado (Miyake y Shah, 1999). Diversos estudios han demostrado que la Memoria de Trabajo se relaciona con aspectos lingüísticos, como la adquisición y comprensión de la lectura, así como también en la adquisición de nuevas palabras, por lo que se presume que un fallo en ésta capacidad afectaría de una u otra forma los distintos niveles del lenguaje. El propósito de esta investigación es realizar un estudio de confiabilidad de una Prueba que evalué la Memoria de Trabajo Fonológica y Visuoespacial, con el fin de entregar un método de evaluación que permita reconocer alteraciones o dificultades a este nivel, lo cual no era posible hasta ahora más que con la observación clínica. Se evaluó con esta prueba a niños con desarrollo típico de entre 4 años y 5 años 11 meses de la ciudad de Talca

    Conjoint Analysis of Tourist Choice of Hotel Attributes Presented in Travel Agent Brochures

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    The purposes of this study are to demonstrate how it is possible to determinewhich attributes are the most important in the final choices of tourists who use a travel agent brochure as a source of information and how these attributes influence perceived value in a pre-purchase stage.We conduct the study in three phases: (i) a qualitative study, (ii) an experiment using choice-based conjoint analysis by means of a fractional factorial experimental design and (iii) another experiment using a full factorial derived from the same design. Results suggest advertisement size, a hotel's starred rating and price influence perceived value at this stage. The presence of a positive combined effect of price and advertising was found. Implications and directions for future applications are offered,focusing particularly on marketing services

    Determinar la eficacia de lasek (queratomileusis subepitelial con láser) en miopía en el instituto de cornea de Bogotá

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    Actualización de matriz de peligros y valoración de riesgo

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    Actualmente se conoce que la evaluación y valoración de riesgo es la base para una eficiente gestión de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo. Un diagnostico general de las condiciones de trabajo en la identificación de los riesgos es una herramienta para el análisis, la priorización y establecimiento de acciones de control a los riesgos existentes en las diferentes áreas y operaciones de la organización que ocasionen accidentes de trabajo ó enfermedades profesionales.Declaración: EL AUTOR-ESTUDIANTE, manifiesta que la obra objeto de la presente autorización es original y la realizó sin violar o usurpar derechos de autor de terceros, por lo tanto, la obra es de su exclusiva autoría y tiene la titularidad sobre la misma. PARÁGRAFO: en caso de presentarse cualquier reclamación o acción por parte de un tercero en cuanto a los derechos de autor sobre la obra en cuestión, EL ESTUDIANTE-AUTOR, asumirá toda la responsabilidad, y saldrá en defensa de los derechos aquí autorizados; para todos los efectos la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina actúa como un tercero de buena fe

    Conjoint Analysis of Tourist Choice of Hotel Attributes Presented in Travel Agent Brochures

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    The purposes of this study are to demonstrate how it is possible to determine which attributes are the most important in the final choices of tourists who use a travel agent brochure as a source of information and how these attributes influence perceived value in a pre-purchase stage.We conduct the study in three phases: (i) a qualitative study, (ii) an experiment using choice-based conjoint analysis by means of a fractional factorial experimental design and (iii) another experiment using a full factorial derived from the same design. Results suggest advertisement size, a hotel’s starred rating and price influence perceived value at this stage. The presence of a positive combined effect of price and advertising was found. Implications and directions for future applications are offered, focusing particularly on marketing services.Postprint (published version