80 research outputs found

    FPGA based technical solutions for high throughput data processing and encryption for 5G communication: A review

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    The field programmable gate array (FPGA) devices are ideal solutions for high-speed processing applications, given their flexibility, parallel processing capability, and power efficiency. In this review paper, at first, an overview of the key applications of FPGA-based platforms in 5G networks/systems is presented, exploiting the improved performances offered by such devices. FPGA-based implementations of cloud radio access network (C-RAN) accelerators, network function virtualization (NFV)-based network slicers, cognitive radio systems, and multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channel characterizers are the main considered applications that can benefit from the high processing rate, power efficiency and flexibility of FPGAs. Furthermore, the implementations of encryption/decryption algorithms by employing the Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+MPSoC ZCU102 FPGA platform are discussed, and then we introduce our high-speed and lightweight implementation of the well-known AES-128 algorithm, developed on the same FPGA platform, and comparing it with similar solutions already published in the literature. The comparison results indicate that our AES-128 implementation enables efficient hardware usage for a given data-rate (up to 28.16 Gbit/s), resulting in higher efficiency (8.64 Mbps/slice) than other considered solutions. Finally, the applications of the ZCU102 platform for high-speed processing are explored, such as image and signal processing, visual recognition, and hardware resource management

    Statute of the body in times of puberty. Readings from a clinical material

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    El presente trabajo se desprende de las elaboraciones teórico-clínicas realizadas a partir del Proyecto de Investigación de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata “Estatutos del cuerpo en las formas actuales de presentación subjetiva en púberes y adolescentes de la ciudad de La Plata. Indagaciones preliminares”, dirigido por la Lic. Florencia Almagro y codirigido por la Lic. Andrea Elizabeth Mirc. El análisis que realizaremos se enmarca dentro de la  complejidad del campo de la clínica con niños y adolescentes, campo que envuelve en su interior los tiempos de la constitución de la tópica psíquica y, por lo tanto, la dimensión de la sexualidad. Tal como venimos trabajando en el mencionado proyecto, partimos de pensar problemáticas clínicas que se encuentran en los “límites de lo analizable”, en las cuales la dimensión de lo corporal plantea, para el psicoanálisis, interrogantes que ponen a prueba sus enunciados metapsicológicos, nuevas complejizaciones que abren viejos problemas ligados a lo fundacional del psiquismo.The present work follows from the theoretical-clinical elaborations made from the research project of the School of Psychology of the National University of La Plata “Statutes of the body in the current forms of subjective presentation in pubescent and adolescents of the city of La Plata. Preliminary indagations”, directed by Lic. Florencia Almagro and co-directed by Lic. Andrea Elizabeth Mirc. The analysis that we will carry out is framed within the complexity of the clinic field with children and adolescents, field that surrounds within it the times of the constitution of the psychic topic and therefore, the dimension of sexuality. We start thinking that in the clinical approach to the problems that are found in the “limits of the analysable”, the dimension of the body rooted in different forms of psychic illness, raises questions for psychoanalysis that test their metapsychological statements, new complexities that open old problems linked to the foundational of psyche.Facultad de Psicologí

    Energy harvesting technologies and devices from vehicular transit and natural sources on roads for a sustainable transport: state-of-the-art analysis and commercial solutions

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    The roads we travel daily are exposed to several energy sources (mechanical load, solar radiation, heat, air movement, etc.), which can be exploited to make common systems and apparatus for roadways (i.e., lighting, video surveillance, and traffic monitoring systems) energetically autonomous. For decades, research groups have developed many technologies able to scavenge energy from the said sources related to roadways: electromagnetism, piezoelectric and triboelectric harvesters for the cars’ stress and vibrations, photovoltaic modules for sunlight, thermoelectric solutions and pyroelectric materials for heat and wind turbines optimized for low-speed winds, such as the ones produced by moving vehicles. Thus, this paper explores the existing technologies for scavenging energy from sources available on roadways, both natural and related to vehicular transit. At first, to contextualize them within the application scenario, the available energy sources and transduction mechanisms were identified and described, arguing the main requirements that must be considered for developing harvesters applicable on roadways. Afterward, an overview of energy harvesting solutions presented in the scientific literature to recover energy from roadways is introduced, classifying them according to the transduction method (i.e., piezoelectric, triboelectric, electromagnetic, photovoltaic, etc.) and proposed system architecture. Later, a survey of commercial systems available on the market for scavenging energy from roadways is introduced, focusing on their architecture, performance, and installation methods. Lastly, comparative analyses are offered for each device category (i.e., scientific works and commercial products), providing insights to identify the most promising solutions and technologies for developing future self-sustainable smart roads

    Body, social modes and adolescent psychic work

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo sistematizar las nociones conceptuales desarrolladas en el marco del Proyecto de Investigación denominado “Estatutos del cuerpo en las formas actuales de presentación subjetiva en púberes y adolescentes de la ciudad de La Plata. Indagaciones preliminares” dirigido por las Profesoras Almagro, Florencia y Mirc, Andrea, en el que puntualizamos algunos aportes significativos que se desprenden de la construcción del marco teórico indagados hasta este momento.En tal sentido, partimos de la premisa que ordena toda indagación posible en el campo de la clínica con adolescentes, aquella que sostiene que el tiempo de la adolescencia es el tiempo donde el cuerpo recobra un protagonismo similar al de la primera infancia, asumiendo vestiduras particulares. Tiempo de resignificaciones en el campo de lo identificatorio y relacional, que tomarán los matices propios de los discursos imperantes de cada época.La referencia a lo epocal, nos obliga a servirnos de los aportes no solo ofertados por el Psicoanálisis sino también por las referencias a otros campos semánticos y discursivos tales como la Filosofía, la Sociología y la Antropología Cultural, de la mano de autores contemporáneos tales como Le Bretón, D., Chul Han, B., Bauman Z., entre otros.El cuerpo adolescente con sus marcas y transformaciones, será el escenario privilegiado en el cual se podrán leer en clave clínica los efectos de las marcas de época, ello en función de re pensar las intervenciones analíticas en su singularidad.Tal como plantean Duschatzky, S. y Coria, C. (2008) “Las formas de producción de la subjetividad no son atemporales ni universales, sino que se inscriben en condiciones sociales y culturales específicas”.¿Cuáles son las nuevas condiciones en las que las adolescencias actuales construyen su subjetividad, en un mundo surcado por las nuevas tecnologías, las redes sociales y la primacía de la imagen como modalidad de lazo social privilegiado? ¿Qué lugar particular ocupa el cuerpo en nuestra época?Estos serán algunos de los ejes que se desarrollan de manera general en el presente trabajo para compartir nuestra producción con la comunidad académica.The present work aims to systematize the conceptual notions developed within the framework of the Research Project called "Statutes of the body in the current forms of subjective presentation in pubescents and adolescents of the city of La Plata. Preliminary inquiries" directed by Professors Almagro, Florencia and Mirc, Andrea, in which we point out some significant contributions that emerge from the construction of the theoretical framework investigated so far. In this sense, we start from the premise that orders every possible inquiry in the field of the clinic with adolescents, the one that maintains that the time of adolescence is the time where the body recovers a protagonism similar to that of early childhood, assuming particular garments. Time of resignifications in the field of the identifying and relational, which will take the nuances of the prevailing discourses of each era. The reference to the epocal, forcesus to use the contributions not only offered by Psychoanalysis but also by references to other semantic and discursive fields such as Philosophy, Sociology and Cultural Anthropology, by the hand of contemporary authors such as Le Bretón, D., Chul Han, B., Bauman Z., among others. The adolescent body with its marks and transformations, will be the privileged scenario in which the effects of the epochal marks can be read in a clinical key, this in function of rethinking the analytical interventions in their uniqueness. As Duschatzky, S. and Coria, C. (2008) propose, "The forms of production of subjectivity are neither timeless nor universal, but are part ofs pecific social and cultural conditions". What are the new conditions in which today's adolescents build their subjectivity, in a world furrowed by new technologies, social networks and the primacy of the image as a form of privileged social bond? What particular place does the body occupy in our time? These will be some of the axes that are developed in a general way in this work to share our production with the academic community.Facultad de Psicologí

    The game as transmitter of identifying statements. Traces of time - third part

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    El presente trabajo se vertebra en torno a las nociones conceptuales trabajadas en el marco del Proyecto de Investigación denominado “Juego y constitución psíquica: Su vínculo con lo histórico - social. El campo lúdico como soporte identificatorio en la infancia y la adolescencia” dirigido por la Profesora Roxana Gaudio, en el que puntualizamos algunos aportes significativos que se desprenden de la construcción del marco teórico indagados hasta el momento.En tal sentido partimos de la premisa que ordena toda indagación posible en el campo de la clínica con niños/niñas y adolescentes, aquella que sostiene que el tiempo de la infancia es el tiempo de la constitución de la tópica psíquica, constitución que dependerá del encuentro con un Otro significativo portador de los enunciados identificatorios que establecerán las bases de la subjetividad, aquellas primeras marcas que serán resignificadas en distintos momentos de la trayectoria identificatoria (Aulagnier, 1975). Así, dicha constitución no se emplaza en el vacío, sino que debe ser estudiada en función de las coordenadas histórico - sociales propias de cada época.La referencia a lo epocal nos obliga a servirnos de los aportes no sólo ofertados por el Psicoanálisis sino también por las referencias a otros campos semánticos y discursivos tales como la Filosofía, la Sociología y la Antropología Cultural.Lo lúdico será el escenario privilegiado en el cual se podrán leer en clave clínica los efectos de las marcas de época y su resonancia en la subjetividad. En tal sentido, algunos interrogantes son posibles: ¿Cómo construyen las infancias y adolescencias actuales su subjetividad en un contexto surcado por lo instantáneo, la velocidad, y el imperativo de eficacia y exigencia de satisfacción inmediata? ¿Qué lugar hay para la creatividad y la ficción en este contexto?The present work is structured around the conceptual notions worked on in the framework of the Research Project called “Game and psychic constitution: Its link with the historical - social. The playfield as an identification support in childhood and adolescence” directed by Professor Roxana Gaudio, in which we point out some significant contributions that emerge from the construction of the theoretical framework investigated so far. We will focus on examining, through the methodology of bibliographic research, the status of the game as a means of transmission of the identifying statements typical of each era. In this sense, we start from the premise that orders all possible inquiry in the field of the clinic with children and adolescents, the one that maintains that the time of childhood is the time of the constitution of the psychic topic, a constitution that will depend on the encounter with a significant Other who is the bearer of the identifying statements that will establish the bases of subjectivity, those first marks that will be re-signified at different moments of the identifying trajectory (Aulagnier, 1975). Thus, said constitution is not located in a vacuum, but must be studied according to the historical-social coordinates of each era. The reference to the epochal forces us to make use of the contributions not only offered by Psychoanalysis but also by references to other semantic and discursive fields such as Philosophy, Sociology and Cultural Anthropology. The ludic thing will be the privileged scene in which the effects of the vintage marks and the irresonance in the subjectivity can be read in a clinical key. In this sense, we ask ourselves: How do current childhood and adolescence construct their subjectivity in a context furrowed by the instantaneous, speed, and the imperative of efficiency and the demand for immediate satisfaction? What place is there for creativity and fiction in this context?Facultad de Psicologí

    Wearable Urban Mobility Assistive Device for Visually Impaired Pedestrians Using a Smartphone and a Tactile-Foot Interface

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    This paper reports on the progress of a wearable assistive technology (AT) device designed to enhance the independent, safe, and efficient mobility of blind and visually impaired pedestrians in outdoor environments. Such device exploits the smartphone’s positioning and computing capabilities to locate and guide users along urban settings. The necessary navigation instructions to reach a destination are encoded as vibrating patterns which are conveyed to the user via a foot-placed tactile interface. To determine the performance of the proposed AT device, two user experiments were conducted. The first one requested a group of 20 voluntary normally sighted subjects to recognize the feedback provided by the tactile-foot interface. The results showed recognition rates over 93%. The second experiment involved two blind voluntary subjects which were assisted to find target destinations along public urban pathways. Results show that the subjects successfully accomplished the task and suggest that blind and visually impaired pedes-trians might find the AT device and its concept approach useful, friendly, fast to master, and easy to use

    Lack of association between genetic variants in the mannose-binding lectin 2 (MBL2) gene and HPV infection

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    Genetic variants in the immunomodulatory gene mannose-binding lectin 2 (MBL2), were associated with risk, severity, and frequency of viral infections. In a case-control setting, we investigated the association of MBL2 functional polymorphisms with Human Papillomas Virus (HPV) infection. No differences between cases (HPV+) and controls (HPV-) were found in the distribution of each single genotypes or allele. Haplotype analysis did not show any difference between HPV+ and HPV- groups

    Epigenetic Immune Remodeling of Mesothelioma Cells: A New Strategy to Improve the Efficacy of Immunotherapy

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    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is an aggressive malignancy with a severe progno- sis, and with a long-standing need for more effective therapeutic approaches. However, treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors is becoming an increasingly effective strategy for MPM pa- tients. In this scenario, epigenetic modifications may negatively regulate the interplay between immune and malignant cells within the tumor microenvironment, thus contributing to the highly immunosuppressive contexture of MPM that may limit the efficacy of immunotherapy. Aiming to further improve prospectively the clinical efficacy of immunotherapeutic approaches in MPM, we investigated the immunomodulatory potential of different classes of epigenetic drugs (i.e., DNA hypomethylating agent (DHA) guadecitabine, histone deacetylase inhibitors VPA and SAHA, or EZH2 inhibitors EPZ-6438) in epithelioid, biphasic, and sarcomatoid MPM cell lines, by cytofluo- rimetric and real-time PCR analyses. We also characterized the effects of the DHA, guadecitabine, on the gene expression profiles (GEP) of the investigated MPM cell lines by the nCounter platform. Among investigated drugs, exposure of MPM cells to guadecitabine, either alone or in combination with VPA, SAHA and EPZ-6438 demonstrated to be the main driver of the induction/upregulation of immune molecules functionally crucial in host-tumor interaction (i.e., HLA class I, ICAM-1 and cancer testis antigens) in all three MPM subtypes investigated. Additionally, GEP demonstrated that treatment with guadecitabine led to the activation of genes involved in several immune-related func- tional classes mainly in the sarcomatoid subtype. Furthermore, among investigated MPM subtypes, DHA-induced CDH1 expression that contributes to restoring the epithelial phenotype was highest in sarcomatoid cells. Altogether, our results contribute to providing the rationale to develop new epigenetically-based immunotherapeutic approaches for MPM patients, potentially tailored to the specific histologic subtypes

    Precisiones conceptuales acerca del trabajo psíquico de simbolización sobre la construcción del marco teórico, parte II

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    La propuesta de este artículo es presentar las discusiones teórico-clínicas elaboradas por el equipo de investigación formado por docentes y adscriptos de las cátedras de Psicología Evolutiva I y Psicología Clínica de Niños y Adolescentes de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, integrantes del proyecto de investigación “El jugar como actividad sublimatoria. Procesos de simbolización en niños y adolescentes de la ciudad de La Plata: un estudio exploratorio”, bajo la dirección y codirección de las profesoras Andrea Mirc y Roxana Gaudio. Dicho proyecto tuvo como propósito indagar la actividad de elaboración simbólica en la infancia y en la adolescencia, ligada al jugar y al mecanismo defensivo de la sublimación, en su relación con los modos culturales. Se retoma en este escrito el recorrido teórico y epistémico respecto a la teorización y conceptualización que, directa o indirectamente, efectuase la psicoanalista Piera Aulagnier. Asimismo, psicólogos como Silvia Bleichmar y Jean Laplanche han considerado como fundamental el estudio sobre la simbolización en psicoanálisis, interpelados por la experiencia de la práctica clínica. En este sentido, estos autores han propuesto una revolución paradigmática al recuperar la vertiente exogenista presente en Sigmund Freud, ampliando sus alcances. El legado freudiano y posfreudiano es insoslayable a la hora de conceptualizar y revisar las nociones que atraviesan el proyecto de investigación en curso, ubicando los alcances, y también las limitaciones, que, en este caso, estos autores pueden ofrecer en torno a las nociones conceptuales que aquí se intentaron indagar.Facultad de Psicologí

    Investigaciones en ciencias humanas y sociales : del ABC disciplinar a la reflexión metodológica

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    Diversidad de objetos, variedad de enfoques, prácticas disciplinares y multidisciplinares, y ejemplos de ejecución de proyectos de investigación y desarrollo son los rasgos distintivos de los siete capítulos que integran esta obra. En ellos se recoge el material desplegado en los Seminarios-Talleres de Metodología de la Investigación en Humanidades que se realizaron en el marco de las V Jornadas de Investigación de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo en setiembre de 2004: estudios sobre procesos sociales, cuestiones educativas, geográficas, históricas, lingüísticas y literarias. Algunos capítulos han mantenido el estilo y formato característicos del contexto de los seminarios-talleres, a veces con ligeras modificaciones; otros han sido enteramente reescritos para la convocatoria de esta publicación. Este libro refleja entonces abordajes disciplinares y pluridisciplinares diversos a problemáticas igualmente variadas. Por tratarse de propuestas orientadas a y/o basadas en seminarios-talleres, está claro que los autores involucrados no pueden abarcar todos los aspectos de los objetos de estudio respectivos. Sin embargo, la idea es al menos brindar algún punto de vista sobre el estadio de desarrollo de algunas de las investigaciones actualmente en ejecución en nuestra Facultad