86 research outputs found

    Coherent behavior of balls in a vibrated box

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    We report observations on very low density limit of one and two balls, vibrated in a box, showing a coherent behavior along a direction parallel to the vibration. This ball behavior causes a significant reduction of the phase space dimension of this billiard-like system. We believe this is because the lowest dissipation process along a non-ergodic orbit eliminates ball rotation and freezes transverse velocity fluctuations. From a two-ball experiment performed under low-gravity conditions, we introduce a "laser-like" ball system as a prototype of a new dynamical model for very low density granular matter at nonequilibrium steady state

    Studying Near-Critical and Super-Critical Fluids in Reduced Gravity

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    Critical and supercritical fluids have a variety of applications, from use as machine lubricants in high pressure or high temperature environments to the manufacturing of materials such as aerogel. The optical properties of fluids undergo rapid changes near the critical point resulting in a rapid increase in turbidity known as critical opalescence. These optical changes can be used to probe the universality of critical behavior. As a fluid approaches the critical point, the compressibility rapidly increases. In a gravitational field, this increase in compressibility leads to near-critical fluids stratifying by phase and density, making it difficult to observe the optical properties of the fluid. Therefore it becomes necessary to study critical fluids in a reduced gravity environment. The HYdrogen Levitation DEvice (HYLDE) apparatus at CEA-Grenoble was used to study cells filled with oxygen and hydrogen suspended in a magnetic field as they were gradually decreased from the critical temperature (Tc). Using shadowgraph methods, we analyzed intensity map data to determine the light transmission and turbidity of critical and near critical hydrogen and oxygen. Turbidity measurements were made for a hydrogen filled cell at light wavelengths of 465.2 nm, 519.4 nm, and 669.4 nm. The turbidity of the oxygen filled cell was measured at 400 nm, 450 nm, 500 nm, and 650 nm

    Master singular behavior from correlation length measurements for seven one-component fluids near their gas-liquid critical point

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    We present the master (i.e. unique) behavior of the correlation length, as a function of the thermal field along the critical isochore, asymptotically close to the gas-liquid critical point of xenon, krypton, argon, helium 3, sulfur hexafluoride, carbon dioxide and heavy water. It is remarkable that this unicity extends to the correction-to-scaling terms. The critical parameter set which contains all the needed information to reveal the master behavior, is composed of four thermodynamic coordinates of the critical point and one adjustable parameter which accounts for quantum effects in the helium 3 case. We use a scale dilatation method applied to the relevant physical variables of the onecomponent fluid subclass, in analogy with the basic hypothesis of the renormalization theory. This master behavior for the correlation length satisfies hyperscaling. We finally estimate the thermal field extent, where the critical crossover of the singular thermodynamic and correlation functions deviate from the theoretical crossover function obtained from field theory.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review

    Supercritical Water Mixture (SCWM) Experiment in the High Temperature Insert-Reflight (HTI-R)

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    Current research on supercritical water processes on board the International Space Station (ISS) focuses on salt precipitation and transport in a test cell designed for supercritical water. This study, known as the Supercritical Water Mixture Experiment (SCWM) serves as a precursor experiment for developing a better understanding of inorganic salt precipitation and transport during supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) processes for the eventual application of this technology for waste management and resource reclamation in microgravity conditions. During typical SCWO reactions any inorganic salts present in the reactant stream will precipitate and begin to coat reactor surfaces and control mechanisms (e.g., valves) often severely impacting the systems performance. The SCWM experiment employs a Sample Cell Unit (SCU) filled with an aqueous solution of Na2SO4 0.5-w at the critical density and uses a refurbished High Temperature Insert, which was used in an earlier ISS experiment designed to study pure water at near-critical conditions. The insert, designated as the HTI-Reflight (HTI-R) will be deployed in the DECLIC (Device for the Study of Critical Liquids and Crystallization) Facility on the International Space Station (ISS). Objectives of the study include measurement of the shift in critical temperature due to the presence of the inorganic salt, assessment of the predominant mode of precipitation (i.e., heterogeneously on SCU surfaces or homogeneously in the bulk fluid), determination of the salt morphology including size and shapes of particulate clusters, and the determination of the dominant mode of transport of salt particles in the presence of an imposed temperature gradient. Initial results from the ISS experiments will be presented and compared to findings from laboratory experiments on the ground

    Behavior of a Salt Water Solution Near the Critical Point Under Microgravity Conditions

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    The Supercritical Water Mixture (SCWM) experiment conducted on the International Space Station (ISS) is designed to study a salt-water solution in the vicinity of the critical transition with a test cell filled with Na2SO4 (aq) 0.5-w. This salt is a Type II salt which undergoes a dramatic decrease in solubility past waters critical point. The paper discusses the liquid-vapor-salt distribution in the test cell for subcritical, trans-critical, and supercritical regimes. In 0-g, the vapor-liquid interface manifests itself by the presence of a large single vapor bubble that is flattened between the two windows. In contrast with pure water, the vapor bubble remains centered in the test cell and is stable for temperatures up to Tc - 50 mK. The processes leading to critical transition during heat-up, as marked by the break-up of the vapor bubble, depends on the applied heating rate. For temperature ramps 1 mKmin, the bubble interface begins to breakup with the formation of a large number of smaller bubbles. For larger temperature ramps (10mKmin), temperature gradients arise in the cell pushing the bubble toward a window surface. As the critical threshold is crossed small variations in cell temperature ( 1 mK) cause an observable spatial variation in density. However, this spatial variation is not discernible as the temperature is increased further into the supercritical regime. The salt precipitation in the vicinity of the critical crossing appears to be heterogeneous in nature with precipitates observable on the cell windows. Direct imaging as well as light scattering indicate a hexagonal structure of the precipitated salt crystals in the near critical regime. The salt deposition is not fully reversible as the temperature is reduced due to window corrosion effects which traps some of the precipitated salt. Critical temperatures as high as 1.9 K above the value for pure water (647.25 K) have been measured. Finally, results on the critical transition phenomena in the presence of an imposed temperature gradient, demonstrating the remarkable stability of the central bubble, are also presented

    Supercritical water oxidation using hydrothermal flames at microscale as a potential solution for organic waste treatment in space applications – A practical demonstration and numerical study

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    Supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) with hydrothermal flames is well established for the treatment of aqueous organic waste as it not only overcomes the limitations of simple SCWO, such as precipitation of salts, but also exhibits many advantages over other waste treatment processes. Seeking these advantages, we propose to perform SCWO using hydrothermal flames in microfluidic reactors ) for aerospace applications to be used in deep space/ISS missions. The novelty and highlight of this work are successful demonstration of realizing microreactors (channel width 200 ), which can withstand pressure of 250 bar with temperature °C, thereby presenting the feasibility to realize this technology. We present the first evidence of SCWO/hydrothermal in a flow microreactor of sapphire, which is captured through optical visualization. This is followed by a numerical investigation to understand the underlying physics leading to the formation of hydrothermal flame and thus differentiate it from a simple SCWO reaction. The simulations are performed in a 2D domain in a co-flow configuration with equal inlet velocity of fuel and oxidizer at two different inlet temperatures (350 °C and 365 °C), just below the critical temperature of water using ethanol and oxygen, the former acting not only as a model organic matter but also fuel for the formation of hydrothermal flames. It is observed that due to microscale size of the system, hydrothermal flames are formed at low inlet velocities (< 30 mm/s), while reaction at higher ones are characterized as simple SCWO reaction. This upper limit of inlet velocity was found to increase with inlet temperature. Finally, some key characteristics of hydrothermal flames - ignition delay time, flame structure, shape, and local propagation speed are analyzed

    Master crossover functions for the one-component fluid "subclass"

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    Introducing three well-defined dimensionless numbers, we establish the link between the scale dilatation method able to estimate master (i.e. unique) singular behaviors of the one-component fluid "subclass" and the universal crossover functions recently estimated [Garrabos and Bervillier, Phys. Rev. E 74, 021113 (2006)] from the bounded results of the massive renormalization scheme applied to the..

    Master crossover behavior of parachor correlations for one-component fluids

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    The master asymptotic behavior of the usual parachor correlations, expressing surface tension σ\sigma as a power law of the density difference ρLρV\rho_{L}-\rho_{V} between coexisting liquid and vapor, is analyzed for a series of pure compounds close to their liquid-vapor critical point, using only four critical parameters (βc)1(\beta_{c})^{-1}, αc\alpha_{c}, ZcZ_{c} and YcY_{c}, for each fluid. ... The main consequences of these theoretical estimations are discussed in the light of engineering applications and process simulations where parachor correlations constitute one of the most practical method for estimating surface tension from density and capillary rise measurements

    Master singular behavior for the Sugden factor of the one-component fluids near their gas-liquid critical point

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    We present the master (i.e. unique) behavior of the squared capillary length - so called the Sudgen factor-, as a function of the temperature-like field along the critical isochore, asymptotically close to the gas-liquid critical point of twenty (one component) fluids. This master behavior is obtained using the scale dilatation of the relevant physical fields of the one-component fluids. The scale dilatation introduces the fluid-dependent scale factors in a manner analog with the linear relations between physical fields and scaling fields needed by the renormalization theory applied to the Ising-like universality class. The master behavior for the Sudgen factor satisfies hyperscaling and can be asymptotically fitted by the leading terms of the theoretical crossover functions for the correlation length and the susceptibility in the homogeneous domain recently obtained from massive renormalization in field theory. In the absence of corresponding estimation of the theoretical crossover functions for the interfacial tension, we define the range of the temperature-like field where the master leading power law can be practically used to predict the singular behavior of the Sudgen factor in conformity with the theoretical description provided by the massive renormalization scheme within the extended asymptotic domain of the one-component fluid "subclass"

    Characteristic parameters of xenon near its liquid-gas critical point

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    The mean crossover functions estimated from the bounded results of the Massive Renormalization scheme applied to the 4d (n) model in three dimensions (d = 3) and scalar order parameter (n = 1) are used to represent the singular behaviors of the isothermal compressibility of xenon along the critical isochore in the homogeneous domain and the vapor-liquid coexisting densities of xenon in the nonhomogenous domain. The validity range and the Ising nature of the crossover description are discussed in terms of a single scale factor whose value can be analytically estimated beyond the Ising-like preasymptotic domain