28 research outputs found

    An evolutionary perspective on Elovl5 fatty acid elongase: comparison of Northern pike and duplicated paralogs from Atlantic salmon

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    BACKGROUND The ability to produce physiologically critical LC-PUFA from dietary fatty acids differs greatly among teleost species, and is dependent on the possession and expression of fatty acyl desaturase and elongase genes. Atlantic salmon, as a result of a recently duplicated genome, have more of these enzymes than other fish. Recent phylogenetic studies show that Northern pike represents the closest extant relative of the preduplicated ancestral salmonid. Here we characterise a pike fatty acyl elongase, elovl5, and compare it to Atlantic salmon elovl5a and elovl5b duplicates. RESULTS Phylogenetic analyses show that Atlantic salmon paralogs are evolving symmetrically, and they have been retained in the genome by purifying selection. Heterologous expression in yeast showed that Northern pike Elovl5 activity is indistinguishable from that of the salmon paralogs, efficiently elongating C18 and C20 substrates. However, in contrast to salmon, pike elovl5 was predominantly expressed in brain with negligible expression in liver and intestine. CONCLUSIONS We suggest that the predominant expression of Elovl5b in salmon liver and Elovl5a in salmon intestine is an adaptation, enabled by genome duplication, to a diet rich in terrestrial invertebrates which are relatively poor in LC-PUFA. Pike have retained an ancestral expression profile which supports the maintenance of PUFA in the brain but, due to a highly piscivorous LC-PUFA-rich diet, is not required in liver and intestine. Thus, the characterisation of elovl5 in Northern pike provides insights into the evolutionary divergence of duplicated genes, and the ecological adaptations of salmonids which have enabled colonisation of nutrient poor freshwaters

    Regulatory divergence of homeologous Atlantic salmon elovl5 genes following the salmonid-specific whole genome duplication

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    Fatty acyl elongase 5 (elovl5) is a critical enzyme in the vertebrate biosynthetic pathway which produces the physiologically essential long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA), docosahexenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentenoic acid (EPA) from 18 carbon fatty acids precursors. In contrast to most other vertebrates, Atlantic salmon possess two copies of elovl5 (elovl5a and elovl5b) as a result of a whole genome duplication (WGD) which occurred at the base of the salmonid lineage. WGDs have had a major influence on vertebrate evolution, providing extra genetic material, enabling neofunctionalization to accelerate adaptation and speciation. However, little is known about the mechanisms by which such duplicated homeologous genes diverge. Here we show that homeologous Atlantic salmon elovl5a and elovl5b genes have been asymmetrically colonised by transposon-like elements. Identical locations and identities of insertions are also present in the rainbow trout duplicate elovl5 genes, but not in the nearest extant representative preduplicated teleost, the northern pike. Both elovl5 salmon duplicates possessed conserved regulatory elements that promoted Srebp1- and Srebp2-dependent transcription, and differences in the magnitude of Srebp response between promoters could be attributed to a tandem duplication of SRE and NF-Y cofactor binding sites in elovl5b. Furthermore, an insertion in the promoter region of elovl5a confers responsiveness to Lxr/Rxr transcriptional activation. Our results indicate that most, but not all transposon mobilisation into elovl5 genes occurred after the split from the common ancestor of pike and salmon, but before more recent salmonid speciations, and that divergence of elovl5 regulatory regions have enabled neofuntionalization by promoting differential expression of these homeologous genes

    Conservation of lipid metabolic gene transcriptional regulatory networks in fish and mammals

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    Lipid content and composition in aquafeeds have changed rapidly as a result of the recent drive to replace eco- logically limited marine ingredients, fishmeal and fish oil (FO). Terrestrial plant products are the most economic and sustainable alternative; however, plant meals and oils are devoid of physiologically important cholesterol and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA), docosahexaenoic (DHA) and arachidonic (ARA) acids. Although replacement of dietary FO with vegetable oil (VO) has little effect on growth in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), several studies have shown major effects on the activity and expression of genes involved in lipid homeostasis. In vertebrates, sterols and LC-PUFA play crucial roles in lipid metabolism by direct interaction with lipid-sensing transcription factors (TFs) and consequent regulation of target genes. The primary aim of the present study was to elucidate the role of key TFs in the transcriptional regulation of lipid metabolism in fish by transfection and overexpression of TFs. The results show that the expression of genes of LC-PUFA biosynthesis (elovl and fads2) and cholesterol metabolism (abca1) are regulated by Lxr and Srebp TFs in salmon, indicating highly conserved regulatory mechanism across vertebrates. In addition, srebp1 and srebp2 mRNA respond to replacement of dietary FO with VO. Thus, Atlantic salmon adjust lipid metabolism in response to dietary lipid composition through the transcriptional regulation of gene expression. It may be possible to further increase efficient and effective use of sustainable alternatives to marine products in aquaculture by considering these important molecular interactions when formulating diets

    Isolation and functional characterisation of a fads2 in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with ∆5 desaturase activity

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    Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, are intensively cultured globally. Understanding their requirement for long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) and the biochemistry of the enzymes and biosynthetic pathways required for fatty acid synthesis is important and highly relevant in current aquaculture. Most gnathostome vertebrates have two fatty acid desaturase (fads) genes with known functions in LC-PUFA biosynthesis and termed fads1 and fads2. However, teleost fish have exclusively fads2 genes. In rainbow trout, a fads2 cDNA had been previously cloned and found to encode an enzyme with Δ6 desaturase activity. In the present study, a second fads2 cDNA was cloned from the liver of rainbow trout and termed fads2b. The full-length mRNA contained 1578 nucleotides with an open reading frame of 1365 nucleotides that encoded a 454 amino acid protein with a predicted molecular weight of 52.48 kDa. The predicted Fads2b protein had the characteristic traits of the microsomal Fads family, including an N-terminal cytochrome b5 domain containing the heme-binding motif (HPPG), histidine boxes (HDXGH, HFQHH and QIEHH) and three transmembrane regions. The fads2b was expressed predominantly in the brain, liver, intes- tine and pyloric caeca. Expression of the fads2b in yeast generated a protein that was found to specifically convert eicosatetraenoic acid (20:4n-3) to eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3), and therefore functioned as a Δ5 desaturase. Therefore, rainbow trout have two fads2 genes that encode proteins with Δ5 and Δ6 desaturase activities, respectively, which enable this species to perform all the desaturation steps required for the biosynthesis of LC- PUFA from C18 precursors

    Biosynthesis of very long-chain fatty acids (C > 24) in Atlantic salmon: Cloning, functional characterisation, and tissue distribution of an Elovl4 elongase

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    The elongases of very long-chain fatty acids (Elovl) account for the rate-limiting condensation step of the elongation process in fatty acid (FA) biosynthesis in vertebrates. One member of the Elovl family, Elovl4, has been regarded as a critical enzyme in vertebrates in the production of the so-called very long-chain fatty acids (VLC-FA), a group of compounds that have been scarcely explored in fish. Here we report on the cloning of a novel elovl4-like elongase from Atlantic salmon. The salmon elovl4 cDNA codes for a putative protein containing 306 amino acids. Heterologous expression in yeast demonstrated that salmon Elovl4 efficiently elongated saturated FAs up to 36:0, with 24:0 and 26:0 appearing as preferred substrates. Additionally, salmon Elovl4 effectively converted C20 and C22 polyunsaturated fatty acids to elongated polyenoic products up to C36. Tissue distribution showed that elovl4 mRNA transcripts are abundant in eye, brain and testes, suggesting that, as described in mammals, these tissues are important metabolic sites for the biosynthesis of VLC-FA. Our results are discussed in comparison with the functional analyses observed in Elovl4 proteins from other vertebrates, and also other Elovl proteins investigated previously in Atlantic salmon

    Life-stage-associated remodelling of lipid metabolism regulation in Atlantic salmon

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    Atlantic salmon migrates from rivers to sea to feed, grow and develop gonads before returning to spawn in freshwater. The transition to marine habitats is associated with dramatic changes in the environment, including water salinity, exposure to pathogens and shift in dietary lipid availability. Many changes in physiology and metabolism occur across this life-stage transition, but little is known about the molecular nature of these changes. Here, we use a long-term feeding experiment to study transcriptional regulation of lipid metabolism in Atlantic salmon gut and liver in both fresh- and saltwater. We find that lipid metabolism becomes significantly less plastic to differences in dietary lipid composition when salmon transitions to saltwater and experiences increased dietary lipid availability. Expression of genes in liver relating to lipogenesis and lipid transport decreases overall and becomes less responsive to diet, while genes for lipid uptake in gut become more highly expressed. Finally, analyses of evolutionary consequences of the salmonid-specific whole-genome duplication on lipid metabolism reveal several pathways with significantly different (p  < .05) duplicate retention or duplicate regulatory conservation. We also find a limited number of cases where the whole-genome duplication has resulted in an increased gene dosage. In conclusion, we find variable and pathway-specific effects of the salmonid genome duplication on lipid metabolism genes. A clear life-stage-associated shift in lipid metabolism regulation is evident, and we hypothesize this to be, at least partly, driven by nondietary factors such as the preparatory remodelling of gene regulation and physiology prior to sea migration

    Cloning and characterization of Lxr and Srebp1, and their potential roles in regulation of LC-PUFA biosynthesis in rabbitfish Siganus canaliculatus

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    Rabbitfish Siganus canaliculatus was the first marine teleost demonstrated to have the ability to biosynthesize C20-22 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) from C18 PUFA precursors, which is generally absent or low in marine teleosts. Thus, understanding the molecular basis of LC-PUFA biosynthesis in rabbitfish will contribute to efforts aimed at optimizing LC-PUFA biosynthesis in teleosts, especially marine species. In the present study, the importance of the transcription factors liver X receptor (Lxr) and sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 (Srebp1) in regulation of LC-PUFA biosynthesis in rabbitfish was investigated. First, full-length cDNAs of Lxr and Srebp1 were cloned and characterized. The Lxr mRNA displayed a ubiquitous tissue expression pattern while Srebp1 was highly expressed in eyes, brain and intestine. In rabbitfish primary hepatocytes treated with Lxr agonist T0901317, the expression of Lxr and Srebp1 was activated, accompanied by elevated mRNA levels of &Delta;4 and &Delta;6/&Delta;5 fatty acyl desaturases (Fad), key enzymes of LC-PUFA biosynthesis, as well as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor &gamma; (Ppar&gamma;). In addition, Srebp1 displayed higher expression levels in liver of rabbitfish fed a vegetable oil diet or reared at 10 ppt salinity, which were conditions reported to increase the liver expression of &Delta;4 and &Delta;6/&Delta;5 Fad and LC-PUFA biosynthetic ability, than fish fed a fish oil diet or reared at 32 ppt, respectively. These results suggested that Lxr and Srebp1 are involved in regulation of LC-PUFA biosynthesis probably by promoting the expression of two Fads in rabbitfish liver, which, to our knowledge, is the first report in marine teleosts

    The role of Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARG) in adipogenesis: applying knowledge from the fish aquaculture industry to biomedical research

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    The tropical freshwater zebrafish has recently emerged as a valuable model organism for the study of adipose tissue biology and obesity-related disease. The strengths of the zebrafish model system are its wealth of genetic mutants, transgenic tools, and amenability to high-resolution imaging of cell dynamics within live animals. However, zebrafish adipose research is at a nascent stage and many gaps exist in our understanding of zebrafish adipose physiology and metabolism. By contrast, adipose research within other, closely related, teleost species has a rich and extensive history, owing to the economic importance of these fish as a food source. Here, we compare and contrast knowledge on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARG)-mediated adipogenesis derived from both biomedical and aquaculture literatures. We first concentrate on the biomedical literature to (i) briefly review PPARG-mediated adipogenesis in mammals, before (ii) reviewing Pparg-mediated adipogenesis in zebrafish. Finally, we (iii) mine the aquaculture literature to compare and contrast Pparg-mediated adipogenesis in aquaculturally relevant teleosts. Our goal is to highlight evolutionary similarities and differences in adipose biology that will inform our understanding of the role of adipose tissue in obesity and related disease