9 research outputs found

    Análisis de los desafíos de las instituciones de educación superior en México

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    The objective of this research was to analyze the challenges of Higher Education in Mexico, with the purpose of this document to promote students to become agents of change and development for society. The focus of this research was quantitative, non-experimental, documentary and field research. The population of interest was public universities in Mexico. A measurement instrument was applied, which was a survey to 79 universities in Mexico through the National Transparency Platform. The main results of these studies showed that the main challenge for Higher Education Institutions is the participation of students in society, since 54% of the universities surveyed responded that they strongly agreed, 35% agreed and 8% disagreed slightly, which shows a high interest in social participation. The labor market increasingly demands greater competence and quality of professionals, which is linked to comprehensive training and awareness of contributing to sustainable development. Graduates must prioritize human and ethical values for personal and social benefit.El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar los desafíos de la Educación Superior en México, con la finalidad de que el presente documento promueva que los estudiantes se transformen en agentes de cambio y desarrollo para la sociedad. El enfoque de esta investigación fue cuantitativo, de carácter no experimental, de tipo documental y de campo. La población de interés fueron las Universidades Públicas en México. Se aplicó un instrumento de medición que fue una encuesta a 79 universidades de la República Mexicana por medio de la Plataforma Nacional de Transparencia. Llegando a determinar con dichos estudios que, dentro de los principales resultados se encontró que el principal desafío para las Instituciones de Educación Superior, es la participación de los estudiantes en la sociedad, ya que el 54 % de las universidades encuestadas respondieron estar muy de acuerdo, el 35 % de acuerdo y el 8 % poco de acuerdo, esto denota un interés alto en participación social. El mercado laboral exige cada vez mayor competencia y calidad de los profesionistas, la cual está ligada a la formación integral y conciencia de contribuir al desarrollo sustentable. Los egresados deben priorizar valores humanos y éticos para el beneficio personal y social

    Impacto del teletrabajo administrativo ante la pandemia por covid-19 en la Coordinación de Deportes de una Institución de Educación Superior en México

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    Objective: To know the impact of telework in the Coordination of Sports, Physical Activation and Recreation (CODAFyR) of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (UACH) before the pandemic by COVID-19. Problem Statement: Companies have experienced changes in their organization, from the moment they modified their work schedules, implemented massive teleworking, and physically have had to modify the facilities, making them safer to prevent the spread of the virus still latent. Methodology: The approach of this research work was quantitative, non-experimental, field, non-probabilistic. Also, through the application of surveys disseminated and delivered to workers and answered through the application of "Google Forms". Results: Among the main results it can be said that 72% of the personnel agree that the administrative telework had an impact on the Coordination, in addition, that there is a refusal to continue working remotely, prevailing the fear of contagion despite the health measures and social distancing, considering telework as a mechanism that has kept them safe from contagion by COVID-19.Objetivo: Conocer el impacto del teletrabajo en la Coordinación de Deportes, Activación Física y Recreación (CODAFyR) de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (UACH) ante la pandemia por COVID-19. Planteamiento del problema: Las empresas han experimentado cambios en su organización, desde el momento en que modificaron sus horarios de trabajo, se implementó el teletrabajo masivo y físicamente se han tenido que modificar las instalaciones, haciéndolas más seguras para evitar el contagio del virus aún latente. Metodología: El enfoque del presente trabajo de investigación fue cuantitativa, de carácter no experimental, de campo, de tipo no probabilístico. Asimismo, mediante la aplicación de encuestas difundidas y entregadas a los trabajadores, y contestadas mediante la aplicación de “Google Forms” Resultados: Entre los resultados principales se puede decir que el 72% del personal está de acuerdo en que el teletrabajo administrativo tuvo un impacto en la Coordinación, además, que existe una negación a continuar trabajando a distancia, prevaleciendo el miedo a contagiarse a pesar de las medidas sanitarias y de distanciamiento social, considerando al teletrabajo como un mecanismo que los ha mantenido seguros de contagios por COVID-19

    Bank Financing Opportunities for Mipymes in Chihuahua City From 2018 To 2022

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    Objetivo: detectar las oportunidades de financiamiento bancario para las MIPyMES en Chihuahua del 2018 al 2022. Planteamiento del problema: El centralismo en decisiones por parte de la Banca, la mayor sensibilización al riesgo en otorgamiento de crédito, el exceso de requisitos (en algunos casos) por parte de las Instituciones Bancarias, así como el temor, escepticismo, desinterés y escasa cultura financiera (anteponiendo el interés meramente Fiscal) por parte de los empresarios y sus respectivos asesores. Metodología: El diseño metodológico para este estudio fue mixto, de tipo aplicado, alcance descriptivo, modo de campo con apoyo bibliográfico, diseño no experimental transaccional, método inductivo-deductivo, la población de este estudio fueron las MIPyMES de nueve colonias de las zonas centro, norte y sur de chihuahua, determinándose por muestreo probabilístico y selección aleatoria 196 empresarios. Resultados: Dentro de los resultados más relevantes se pudo determinar que las principales causas para que los empresarios no adquieran un financiamiento es que las MIPyMES que desean contar con acceso a crédito bancario no cuentan con la información financiera y contable, el historial crediticio, la actividad y la antigüedad de las empresas.Objective: To detect bank financing opportunities for MIPyMES in Chihuahua from 2018 to 2022. Statement of the problem: The centralism in decisions on the part of the Bank, the greater awareness of the risk in granting credit, the excess of requirements (in some cases) by the Banking Institutions, as well as the fear, skepticism, disinterest and lack of financial culture (putting the purely Fiscal interest first) on the part of the businessmen and their respective advisors. Methodology: The methodological design for this study was mixed, applied, descriptive scope, field mode with bibliographic support, non-experimental transactional design, inductive-deductive method, the population of this study were the MIPyMEs of nine colonies in the central, northern and southern areas of Chihuahua, determining by probability sampling and random selection 196 entrepreneurs. Results: Among the most relevant results, it was determined that the main causes for entrepreneurs not to acquire financing is that MIPyMES that want to have access to bank credit do not have the financial and accounting information, credit history, activity and age of the companies

    SARS-CoV-2 omicron (B.1.1.529)-related COVID-19 sequelae in vaccinated and unvaccinated patients with cancer: results from the OnCovid registry

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    Background COVID-19 sequelae can affect about 15% of patients with cancer who survive the acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection and can substantially impair their survival and continuity of oncological care. We aimed to investigate whether previous immunisation affects long-term sequelae in the context of evolving variants of concern of SARS-CoV-2. Methods OnCovid is an active registry that includes patients aged 18 years or older from 37 institutions across Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK with a laboratory-confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 and a history of solid or haematological malignancy, either active or in remission, followed up from COVID-19 diagnosis until death. We evaluated the prevalence of COVID-19 sequelae in patients who survived COVID-19 and underwent a formal clinical reassessment, categorising infection according to the date of diagnosis as the omicron (B.1.1.529) phase from Dec 15, 2021, to Jan 31, 2022; the alpha (B.1.1.7)-delta (B.1.617.2) phase from Dec 1, 2020, to Dec 14, 2021; and the pre-vaccination phase from Feb 27 to Nov 30, 2020. The prevalence of overall COVID-19 sequelae was compared according to SARS-CoV-2 immunisation status and in relation to post-COVID-19 survival and resumption of systemic anticancer therapy. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04393974. Findings At the follow-up update on June 20, 2022, 1909 eligible patients, evaluated after a median of 39 days (IQR 24-68) from COVID-19 diagnosis, were included (964 [ 50 center dot 7%] of 1902 patients with sex data were female and 938 [49 center dot 3%] were male). Overall, 317 (16 center dot 6%; 95% CI 14 center dot 8-18 center dot 5) of 1909 patients had at least one sequela from COVID-19 at the first oncological reassessment. The prevalence of COVID-19 sequelae was highest in the prevaccination phase (191 [19 center dot 1%; 95% CI 16 center dot 4-22 center dot 0] of 1000 patients). The prevalence was similar in the alpha-delta phase (110 [16 center dot 8%; 13 center dot 8- 20 center dot 3] of 653 patients, p=0 center dot 24), but significantly lower in the omicron phase (16 [6 center dot 2%; 3 center dot 5-10 center dot 2] of 256 patients, p<0 center dot 0001). In the alpha- delta phase, 84 (18 center dot 3%; 95% CI 14 center dot 6-22 center dot 7) of 458 unvaccinated patients and three (9 center dot 4%; 1 center dot 9- 27 center dot 3) of 32 unvaccinated patients in the omicron phase had sequelae. Patients who received a booster and those who received two vaccine doses had a significantly lower prevalence of overall COVID-19 sequelae than unvaccinated or partially vaccinated patients (ten [7 center dot 4%; 95% CI 3 center dot 5-13 center dot 5] of 136 boosted patients, 18 [9 center dot 8%; 5 center dot 8-15 center dot 5] of 183 patients who had two vaccine doses vs 277 [ 18 center dot 5%; 16 center dot 5-20 center dot 9] of 1489 unvaccinated patients, p=0 center dot 0001), respiratory sequelae (six [4 center dot 4%; 1 center dot 6-9 center dot 6], 11 [6 center dot 0%; 3 center dot 0-10 center dot 7] vs 148 [9 center dot 9%; 8 center dot 4- 11 center dot 6], p= 0 center dot 030), and prolonged fatigue (three [2 center dot 2%; 0 center dot 1-6 center dot 4], ten [5 center dot 4%; 2 center dot 6-10 center dot 0] vs 115 [7 center dot 7%; 6 center dot 3-9 center dot 3], p=0 center dot 037)

    Diseño para el consumo cultural, la innovación y la inclusión social

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    Esta obra presenta diversos trabajos de investigación que tienen en común propuestas de diseño desde la cultura, la inclusión y la innovación social, desarrolladas por investigadores nacionales e internacionales adscritos a diversas universidades, así como a programas de posgrado

    Enabling planetary science across light-years. Ariel Definition Study Report

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    Ariel, the Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey, was adopted as the fourth medium-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision programme to be launched in 2029. During its 4-year mission, Ariel will study what exoplanets are made of, how they formed and how they evolve, by surveying a diverse sample of about 1000 extrasolar planets, simultaneously in visible and infrared wavelengths. It is the first mission dedicated to measuring the chemical composition and thermal structures of hundreds of transiting exoplanets, enabling planetary science far beyond the boundaries of the Solar System. The payload consists of an off-axis Cassegrain telescope (primary mirror 1100 mm x 730 mm ellipse) and two separate instruments (FGS and AIRS) covering simultaneously 0.5-7.8 micron spectral range. The satellite is best placed into an L2 orbit to maximise the thermal stability and the field of regard. The payload module is passively cooled via a series of V-Groove radiators; the detectors for the AIRS are the only items that require active cooling via an active Ne JT cooler. The Ariel payload is developed by a consortium of more than 50 institutes from 16 ESA countries, which include the UK, France, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Spain, Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, and a NASA contribution

    3er. Coloquio: Fortalecimiento de los Colectivos de Docencia

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    Las memorias del 3er. Coloquio de Fortalecimiento de Colectivos de Docencia deben ser entendidas como un esfuerzo colectivo de la comunidad de académicos de la División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño, en medio de la pandemia COVID-19, con el fin de: • Analizar y proponer acciones concretas que promuevan el mejoramiento de la calidad docente en la División. • Proponer acciones que permitan continuar fortaleciendo los cursos con modalidad a distancia (remotos). • Ante un escenario que probablemente demandará en el mediano plazo, transitar del modelo remoto a un modelo híbrido, proponer acciones a considerar para la transición de los cursos. • Planear y preparar cursos de nivelación de conocimientos, para cuando se transite a la impartición de la docencia de manera mixta o presencial, dirigidos a los alumnos que no hayan tenido oportunidad de desarrollar actividades relevantes para su formación, como prácticas de talleres y laboratorios, visitas, o alguna otra actividad relevante

    Ariel: Enabling planetary science across light-years

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    Ariel Definition Study ReportAriel Definition Study Report, 147 pages. Reviewed by ESA Science Advisory Structure in November 2020. Original document available at: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/documents/1783156/3267291/Ariel_RedBook_Nov2020.pdf/Ariel, the Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey, was adopted as the fourth medium-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision programme to be launched in 2029. During its 4-year mission, Ariel will study what exoplanets are made of, how they formed and how they evolve, by surveying a diverse sample of about 1000 extrasolar planets, simultaneously in visible and infrared wavelengths. It is the first mission dedicated to measuring the chemical composition and thermal structures of hundreds of transiting exoplanets, enabling planetary science far beyond the boundaries of the Solar System. The payload consists of an off-axis Cassegrain telescope (primary mirror 1100 mm x 730 mm ellipse) and two separate instruments (FGS and AIRS) covering simultaneously 0.5-7.8 micron spectral range. The satellite is best placed into an L2 orbit to maximise the thermal stability and the field of regard. The payload module is passively cooled via a series of V-Groove radiators; the detectors for the AIRS are the only items that require active cooling via an active Ne JT cooler. The Ariel payload is developed by a consortium of more than 50 institutes from 16 ESA countries, which include the UK, France, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Spain, Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, and a NASA contribution

    Ariel: Enabling planetary science across light-years

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    Ariel, the Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey, was adopted as the fourth medium-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision programme to be launched in 2029. During its 4-year mission, Ariel will study what exoplanets are made of, how they formed and how they evolve, by surveying a diverse sample of about 1000 extrasolar planets, simultaneously in visible and infrared wavelengths. It is the first mission dedicated to measuring the chemical composition and thermal structures of hundreds of transiting exoplanets, enabling planetary science far beyond the boundaries of the Solar System. The payload consists of an off-axis Cassegrain telescope (primary mirror 1100 mm x 730 mm ellipse) and two separate instruments (FGS and AIRS) covering simultaneously 0.5-7.8 micron spectral range. The satellite is best placed into an L2 orbit to maximise the thermal stability and the field of regard. The payload module is passively cooled via a series of V-Groove radiators; the detectors for the AIRS are the only items that require active cooling via an active Ne JT cooler. The Ariel payload is developed by a consortium of more than 50 institutes from 16 ESA countries, which include the UK, France, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Spain, Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, and a NASA contribution