78 research outputs found

    A QUESTÃO AMBIENTAL E O SERVIÇO SOCIAL: elementos para o debate

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    Este trabalho visa apresentar elementos para discussão acerca do debate entre a questão ambiental no contexto do capital e o trabalho profissional do assistente social nesta área. Para isto, através de pesquisa bibliográfica, apresentamos o cenário contemporâneo da questão ambiental e também a particularidade do trabalho do assistente social. Desta maneira, o que se evidencia desafio de compreender a contribuição da profissão para o entendimento crítico do movimento do real. Uma aproximação acerca do trabalho profissional e a questão ambiental, deve considerar as variáveis relacionais para a conformação e enfrentamento qualificado às problemáticas ambientais, e apreender a realidade sob múltiplos olhares, descartando considerações monocausais e “a-históricas”

    Descentralização, sociedade civil e participação: tendências e desafios

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    Este artigo visa analisa as tendências e desafi os colocados para o entendimento da recente descentralização e participação da sociedade civil na formulação e fi scalização das políticas públicas brasileiras. Ressalta a difusão que o conceito de sociedade civil vem passando nos últimos tempos sob o ideário neoliberal, buscando evidenciar as fragilidades e potencialidades desde modelo de participação democrática

    Chemistry of the interaction between an alkoxysilane-based impregnation treatment and cementitious phases

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    Chemical compatibility with a wide range of materials is among the features that has driven the use of alkoxysilanes as consolidants in built structures. Such compatibility is particularly important in cementitious materials where the reaction with portlandite may generate C-S-H gel, one of the main hydration phases of OPC. The cementitious matrix is a complex system, however, and the reaction of its many phases with alkoxysilanes, while poorly understood, may determine treatment efficacy. This article describes a detailed study of the individual interactions between an oligomeric alkoxysilane-based impregnation treatment previously shown to interact with the portlandite present in cement paste and the cementitious phases generated in ordinary portland cement hydration. The findings show that both portlandite and C-S-H gel interact with the silicon oligomers in the hydrolysed impregnation treatment to generate a C-S-H gel (in the case of portlandite) and a rise in C-S-H gel mean chain length (MCL). Ettringite is also altered in the presence of alkoxysilanes, transforming to gypsum and AH(3). Its transformation generates a tetrahedral aluminium that is taken up into a high silicon gel sourced from the treatment to form an amorphous aluminosilicate gel. Monocarboaluminate and katoite also partially decompose in the interaction with the product, whereas gibbsite remains unaffected

    Incidence and Survival Trends of Pancreatic Cancer in Girona: Impact of the Change in Patient Care in the Last 25 Years.

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    (1) Background: We investigated the incidence and survival trends for pancreatic cancer (PC) over the last 25 years in the Girona region, Catalonia, Spain; (2) Methods: Data were extracted from the population-based Girona Cancer Registry. Incident PC cases during 1994-2015 were classified using the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology Third Edition (ICD-O-3). Incidence rates age-adjusted to the European standard population (ASRE) and world standard population (ASRW) were obtained. Trends were assessed using the estimated annual percentage of change (EAPC) of the ASRE13. Observed and relative survivals (RS) were estimated with the Kaplan-Meier and Pohar Perme methods, respectively; (3) Results: We identified 1602 PC incident cases. According to histology, 44.4% of cases were exocrine PC, 4.1% neuroendocrine, and 51.1% malignant-non-specified. The crude incidence rate (CR) for PC was 11.43 cases-per-100,000 inhabitants/year. A significant increase of incidence with age and over the study period was observed. PC overall 5-year RS was 7.05% (95% confidence interval (CI) 5.63; 8.84). Longer overall survival was observed in patients with neuroendocrine tumours (5-year RS 61.45%; 95% CI 47.47; 79.55). Trends in 5-year RS for the whole cohort rose from 3.27% (95% CI 1.69-6.35) in 1994-1998 to 13.1% (95% CI 9.98; 17.2) in 2010-2015; (4) Conclusions: Incidence rates of PC in Girona have increased in the last two decades. There is a moderate but encouraging increase in survival thorough the study period. These results can be used as baseline for future research.S

    Estudio y planificación de contenidos, materiales y metodologías docentes según el EEES: Itinerario Ocio Digital (Cuarto Curso de Ingeniería Multimedia)

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    En esta memoria se describe el proyecto realizado para la planificación de contenidos, materiales y metodología docente, y el seguimiento de las asignaturas del itinerario de Creación y Entretenimiento digital del cuarto curso del Grado en Ingeniería Multimedia de la Escuela Politécnica Superior, como continuación del planteamiento realizado en el proyecto de la red de cuarto curso configurada en el año 2012-13 (identificador 2687). En el marco creado por los nuevos estudios dentro del EEES, el proyecto ha tenido como objetivo principal la preparación, coordinación y seguimiento de las asignaturas del citado itinerario, teniendo en cuenta la aplicación de la metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP). A partir de la experiencia adquirida en la planificación de cursos previos, se han elaborado las guías docentes de las asignaturas ajustando las del curso anterior. También se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la primera experiencia llevada a cabo en este curso, expresados en horas de dedicación al proyecto y en grado de satisfacción tanto del alumnado como del profesorado con la metodología ABP. Por último, se ha creado una página web informativa del itinerario explicando todos los aspectos de la metodología, y se han elaborado dos artículos detallando toda la labor realizada

    ABPgame+ o cómo hacer del último curso de ingeniería una primera experiencia profesional

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    Algunos de los aspectos clave en el desarrollo profesional de un ingeniero son su capacidad para trabajar en equipo, para integrar diferentes puntos de vista y para desarrollar grandes proyectos con un alto nivel de incertidumbre. Los planes de estudio de las titulaciones que preparan a estos futuros ingenieros no pueden permanecer ajenos a estas necesidades y deben plantear situaciones lo más cercanas posible a la realidad que se encontrarán nuestros egresados en su vida laboral. Estas razones, nos han llevado a plantear una experiencia innovadora en una titulación de nueva implantación como es el Grado en Ingeniería Multimedia. Hemos elegido, para ello, la metodología del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP), aplicada al itinerario de Creación y Entretenimiento Digital en cuarto curso, donde los estudiantes, agrupados en equipos, desarrollan un único gran proyecto durante el año, que es un videojuego. Queremos destacar dos consecuencias de esta experiencia: primero, el papel fundamental de la asignatura Proyectos Multimedia, sirviendo de apoyo al resto de asignaturas al llevar el peso de la gestión de los equipos y del seguimiento del proyecto. Y después, que los estudiantes pueden obtener un producto terminado al final del curso que les permita inaugurar su portafolio profesional

    Microbial metabolites are associated with a high adherence to a Mediterranean dietary pattern using a 1h-nmr-based untargeted metabolomics approach

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    The study of biomarkers of dietary patterns including the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) is scarce and could improve the assessment of these patterns. Moreover, it could provide a better understanding of health benefits of dietary patterns in nutritional epidemiology. We aimed to determine a robust and accurate biomarker associated with a high adherence to a MedDiet pattern that included dietary assessment and its biological effect. In this cross-sectional study, we included 56 and 63 individuals with high (H-MDA) and low (L-MDA) MedDiet adherence categories, respectively, all from the Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea trial. A 1H-NMR-based untargeted metabolomics approach was applied to urine samples. Multivariate statistical analyses were conducted to determine the metabolite differences between groups. A stepwise logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic curves were used to build and evaluate the prediction model for H-MDA. Thirty-four metabolites were identified as discriminant between H-MDA and L-MDA. The fingerprint associated with H-MDA included higher excretion of proline betaine and phenylacetylglutamine, among others, and decreased amounts of metabolites related to glucose metabolism. Three microbial metabolites - phenylacetylglutamine, p-cresol and 4-hydroxyphenylacetate - were included in the prediction model of H-MDA (95% specificity, 95% sensitivity and 97% area under the curve). The model composed of microbial metabolites was the biomarker that defined high adherence to a Mediterranean dietary pattern. The overall metabolite profiling identified reflects the metabolic modulation produced by H-MDA. The proposed biomarker may be a better tool for assessing and aiding nutritional epidemiology in future associations between H-MDA and the prevention or amelioration of chronic diseases