260 research outputs found

    ¿Cuál es la importancia de implementar estrategias en las organizaciones?

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    The strategies developed by organizations are a fundamental pillar to know how they will compete in the markets and the success of business management will depend on them. It is of great importance that organizations can identify the most powerful strategies to compete efficiently in the markets. Only by establishing the right strategy can the goals and objectives of the organization be achieved. This article aims to analyze the five most important competitive strategies in the literature: Miles and Snow (1978), Porter (1980), Chandler (1971), Mintzberg (1988) and Kotler (1992). It is about finding their questions, similarities and differences and is intended to answer the importance of implementing appropriate strategies in organizations.Las estrategias que desarrollan las organizaciones son un pilar fundamental para saber la forma en que éstas van a competir en los mercados y de ellas dependerá el éxito de la gestión empresarial. Es de gran importancia que las organizaciones puedan identifcar las estrategias más efcaces para competir efcientemente en los mercados. Identifcando e implementando la estrategia y bajo el enfoque de dirección estrategica, la cual es considerada un cumulo de enfoques u opciones (Hernández, Cardona, & Del Rio, 2017) se pueden alcanzar las metas y objetivos de la organización. Este documento pretende hacer una aproximación de cinco tipologías de estrategias competitivas: Miles y Snow (1978), Porter (1980), Chandler (1971), Mintzberg (1988) y Kotler (1992). En este, se presentan sus cuestionamientos, similitudes y diferencias, asi como la importancia de implementar adecuadamente las estrategias en las organizaciones

    La mujer científica y sus grandes descubrimientos

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    El presente trabajo se ha concebido teniendo como motivación inicial el papel de la mujer en el devenir científico. Resulta impactante como han pasado siglos de historia y la mujer ha estado encasillada a su papel exclusivo de madre y cuidadora de la prole. Los hombres, los hijos, los ascendientes y ellas mismas dignificaban ese papel, lo llenaban de contenido, lo magnificaban y, por tanto, no veían necesario plantearse que la mujer pudiera sentir la necesidad de ser otra cosa sino madre. Los escasos derechos que se le otorgaban estaban dirigidos a potenciar ese rol, para que la maternidad pudiera llevarse a cabo de manera plena. No existía la necesidad de educarla en otra cosa que no fuera el cuidado del hogar, ya que ese entorno es donde se va a desarrollar durante siglos. El ingreso de la mujer en la educación llegó tardío y su evolución fue demasiado lenta, por lo que se tardó muchos años en que la educación a hombres y mujeres fuese igual. Si se habla de la educación universitaria, esta dilató aún más en la llegada a la mujer debido a los continuos impedimentos que a ella se le ponía. Una vez que la educación comenzó a ser semejante y la mujer empezó a indagar con más fuerza en el mundo de la ciencia, volvieron los impedimentos y esto se ve reflejado en la proporción de Premio Nobel otorgados a ellas. Pero, aunque no hayan sido laureadas todas ellas, se han querido destacar diez figuras, empezando por Hipatia de Alejandría, que han contribuido al avance de la ciencia a pesar de las dificultades que han tenido que sobrellevar. Todo esto se ha pretendido recoger, de forma más escueta, en una propuesta de intervención didáctica la cual persigue hacer llegar a los más pequeños la idea de igualdad entre hombres y mujeres y la gran labor que han realizado y realizan mujeres en el ámbito científico.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primari

    Abordagem da distinção flexão e derivação : uma análise em livros didáticos e gramáticas escolares

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Linguística, Português e Línguas Clássicas, Bacharelado em Letras – Língua Portuguesa e suas Respectivas Literaturas, 2013.Este trabalho pretende apontar alguns critérios que podem ser utilizados para distinguir a flexão da derivação, através da análise das variações dos nomes em gênero, número e grau. Além disso, será investigado de que forma as gramáticas tradicionais, os livros didáticos e as gramáticas escolares abordam o tema, a fim de contrapor tais abordagens e analisá-las a partir dos pressupostos gerativistas. Outro objetivo deste estudo é perceber se as atividades propostas pelos livros e gramáticas estimulam o resgate do conhecimento prévio do aluno, isto é, se trazem à consciência dele a informação que este já detém sobre a sua língua, para, em seguida, apresentar-lhe um conteúdo novo

    Evaluation of VDR gene polymorphisms in Trypanosoma cruzi infection and chronic Chagasic cardiomyopathy

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    Vitamin D is an important modulator of the immune response. It acts over several immune cell types where the Vitamin D receptor (VDR) is expressed. Due to the high relevance of this signaling pathway, several studies have investigated the possible influence of genes involved in the metabolism of Vitamin D and its receptor in different human diseases. Here, we analyzed whether four single-nucleotide polymorphisms of the VDR gene (rs731236, rs7975232, rs1544410 and rs2228570) are involved in the susceptibility to infection by Trypanosoma cruzi and/or to chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC) in a Colombian endemic population for this parasite. Our results showed that the rs2228570*A allele is associated with CCC development (P = 4.46E−03, OR = 1.51). In summary, the data presented in this report suggest that variation within the VDR gene may affect the immune response against T. cruzi, increasing the probability of cardiac complications in infected individuals.Peer reviewe

    Avaliação da satisfação de mulheres com trabalho de parto e parto em hospital de ensino

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    Objetivo: Avaliar a satisfação de puérperas quanto ao trabalho de parto e parto.Método: Pesquisa analítica e transversal, realizada com puérperas de um hospital de ensino. Os dados foram coletados de outubro a dezembro de 2020, por meio de um questionário sociodemográfico e obstétrico e da Escala de Avaliação da Satisfação com o Parto de Mackey. A escala possui 34 itens divididos em seis domínios, com pontuação mínima de 34 e máxima de 170 pontos.Resultados: Em uma amostra de 243 puérperas, a pontuação média foi de 141 pontos, com desvio padrão de 16,8. Verificou-se alta satisfação das mulheres em todos os domínios da escala e baixa adesão às boas práticas de atenção ao parto e nascimento, recomendadas atualmente.Conclusão: As participantes se mostraram satisfeitas com a experiência. A limitação do processo educativo em saúde durante o pré-natal pode diminuir o discernimento e o julgamento crítico das parturientes. Palavras-chave: Saúde da mulher. Parto. Satisfação do paciente

    IL18 Gene Variants Influence the Susceptibility to Chagas Disease

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    Chagas disease is a parasitic disorder caused by the infection with the flagellated protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. According to the World Health Organization, more than six million people are currently infected in endemic regions. Genetic factors have been proposed to influence predisposition to infection and development of severe clinical phenotypes like chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC). Interleukin 18 (IL18) encodes a proinflammatory cytokine that has been proposed to be involved in controlling T. cruzi infection. In this study, we analyzed the possible role of six IL18 gene variants (rs5744258, rs360722, rs2043055, rs187238, rs1946518 and rs360719), which cover most of the variation within the locus, in the susceptibility to infection by T. cruzi and/or CCC. In total, 1,171 individuals from a Colombian region endemic for Chagas disease, classified as seronegative (n = 595), seropositive asymptomatic (n = 175) and CCC (n = 401), were genotyped using TaqMan probes. Significant associations with T. cruzi infection were observed when comparing seronegative and seropositive individuals for rs187238 (P = 2.18E-03, OR = 0.77), rs360719 (P = 1.49E-03, OR = 0.76), rs2043055 (P = 2.52E-03, OR = 1.29), and rs1946518 (P = 0.0162, OR = 1.22). However, dependence analyses suggested that the association was mainly driven by the polymorphism rs360719. This variant is located within the promoter region of the IL18 gene, and it has been described that it creates a binding site for the transcription factor OCT-1 affecting IL-18 expression levels. In addition, no evidence of association was observed between any of the analyzed IL18 gene polymorphisms and the development of CCC. In summary, our data suggest that genetic variation within the promoter region of IL18 is directly involved in the susceptibility to infection by T. cruzi, which provides novel insight into disease pathophysiology and adds new perspectives to achieve a more effective disease control.This work is part of the doctoral thesis “Estudio de las bases genéticas de la enfermedad de Chagas” from the Biomedicine PhD program at the Universidad de Granada (Spain).Peer reviewe


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    Objetivo: investigar as repercussões da pobreza menstrual para as mulheres e pessoas que menstruam. Método: revisão integrativa da literatura, realizada nas bases de dados MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science e CINAHL. Foram incluídos artigos na íntegra, nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol e com recorte temporal de sete anos (2017-2023) para responder a pergunta norteadora:Quais são as repercussões da pobreza menstrual na vida das mulheres e pessoas que menstruam?A inclusão dos artigos foi feita por dois revisores independentes e com consenso por um terceiro.Resultados: foram incluídos 15 artigos e observou-se três principais repercussões da pobreza menstrual: absenteísmo escolar, aumento do risco de infecções do trato genital e repercussões emocionais.Considerações finais: a pobreza menstrual traz repercussões negativas para as mulheres e pessoas que menstruam, comprometendo a saúde física,mental e a esfera social,motivo pelo qual o tema precisa ser amplamente visibilizado e combatido. Descritores: Mulheres. Saúde da Mulher. Menstruação. Pobreza. Populações Vulneráveis

    The experience of informal caregivers of children with disabilities: objective and subjective burden - a systematic review

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    Objective: Describe the experience of informal caregivers of children with disabilities to understand the burden of caregiving. Methods: This article uses the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), we defined study inclusion criteria using a PICOS scheme. Essentially, we included only studies that reported data on documents related to caregivers: fathers and mothers of children, adolescents, and adults (P = Population) who diagnosed with any type of disability (I = Intervention), compared to formal caregivers (C = Comparison), and that these parents had the experience of being a caregiver (O = Outcome). In terms of study design, studies with any type of design were included to get a broader view of how existing research has addressed the issue, and a full understanding of the implications of informal caregiving (S = Study Design). The thematic research was carried out in the thesauri of MeSH, my NCBI, PubMed and Scopus. The MeSH terms were used in databases the search was guided by the terms suggested in their Thesaurus tool. Results: The initial search retrieved 136 records. After duplicates were removed (n = 86), the remaining 50 records (titles and abstracts) were screened against our study inclusion criteria, resulting in the exclusion of another 30. Titles not relevant or unrelated to the topic; titles mentioning disability, but not parents; those alluding to formal care; those describing formal medical or nursing care; and those describing nursing caregivers were excluded. Conclusion: A promising avenue for addressing informal caregiving emerges by delving into the need to propose interventions that improve the physical and mental health of caregivers. These interventions should urgently focus on the mental health of mothers, who present greater psychological distress than fathers. It is necessary to propose programs that reveal the need to care for the caregiver, according to the subjective burden (stress); and programs that promote the care of children with disabilities (objective burden), who may be affected by the mental health of their caregiver