6,490 research outputs found

    Importância da avaliação da função tireoidiana em pacientes com diabetes mellitus

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    Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Disciplina de EndocrinologiaUNIFESP, Disciplina de EndocrinologiaSciEL

    Légitimité démocratique de la restriction du droit fondamental dans la théorie du consensus de Jürgen Habermas

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    Los derechos humanos, según la literatura autorizada, contienen un papel central en tribunales internacionales y especializados. La dimensión fundamental de estos derechos se proyecta en el orden interno de cada país por medio de las Constituciones. En el Estado democrático de Derecho, los derechos fundamentales son formados por las fuerzas políticas y democráticas. Asimismo, para la restricción de estos derechos, en el proceso penal, es esencial la participación del interesado en la formación de la decisión del Tribunal. La democracia requiere la participación de la persona interesada en la elaboración de las decisiones de Estado. Esta comprensión se proyecta en la jurisdicción para adaptarla a la democracia y superar la “jurisdição-soberania”, de los Estados autoritarios, para lograr la “jurisdição-participação”, de los Estados democráticos. Según la teoría de Habermas, el discurso entre los participantes busca el consenso. Además, asegura que la restricción de derechos fundamentales ocurra con la participación de los interesados, rechazando cualquier decisión autoritaria.Human rights, according to the authoritative literature, contain a central role in international and specialized Courts. The fundamental dimension of these rights is projected in the internal order of each country through the constitutions. In the democratic rule of law, fundamental rights are formed by political and democratic forces. Also, for the restriction of these rights in the criminal process, the participation of the interested party in the formation of the decision of the Court is essential. Democracy requires the participation of the person concerned in the elaboration of decisions of State. This understanding is projected in the jurisdiction to adapt to democracy and overcome the “jurisdição-soberania”, authoritarian States, to achieve the “jurisdição-participação”, of the democratic States. According to the theory of Habermas, discourse among participants seeks consensus. In addition, it ensures that the restriction of fundamental rights occur with the participation of interested parties, rejecting any authoritarian decision.Droits de l’homme, selon la littérature faisant autoritaire, contiennent un rôle central dans les tribunaux internationaux et spécialisés. La dimension fondamentale de ces droits est prévue dans l’ordre interne de chaque pays à travers les constitutions. Dans l’état de droit démocratique, les droits fondamentaux sont formés par des forces politiques et démocratiques. En outre, la restriction de ces droits dans la procédure pénale, la participation de l’intéressé à la formation de la décision de la Cour est essentielle. La démocratie exige la participation de la personne concernée dans l’élaboration des décisions de l’État. Cette compréhension est projetée dans la compétence voulue pour s’adapter à la démocratie et de surmonter la «jurisdição-soberania», les États autoritaires, pour atteindre le «jurisdição-participação», des États démocratiques. Selon la théorie d’Habermas, discours parmi les participants à la recherche d’un consensus. Assure, en outre, à la restriction des droits fondamentaux se produisent avec la participation des parties intéressées, rejetant toute décision autoritaire

    Investigating order release dimensions of workload control mechanisms.

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    A variety of order release mechanisms have been developed for workload control. In this paper the effectiveness of order release mechanisms in a job shop environment is assessed by studying the influence of single order release dimensions, instead of comparing different mechanisms as a whole. In particular, the paper aims at improving the basis for selecting the workload accounting over time and the workload control strategies, through the understanding of its impact on the overall system performance. The robustness of these order release strategies to environmental perturbations is also assessed through a plan of experiments based on the Taguchi method. Simulation results provide important insights for the implementation of order release mechanisms

    Relatório de prática de ensino supervisionada

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    O presente relatório foi concebido no âmbito da Unidade Curricular denominada Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), parte conclusiva do Mestrado em Ensino do Português no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Secundário e de Francês nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, levada a efeito na Escola do 2º e 3º Ciclos e Secundária Cunha Rivara, em Arraiolos, no ano letivo de 2011/2012. Neste trabalho estão expostos muitos dos conceitos relativos à docência, assim como as reflexões sobre documentos reguladores do ensino e são tecidas considerações sobre a representação abrangente do papel social do professor. Relativamente à estrutura, este documento é composto por seis partes: na primeira, surgem explicações sobre a função dos documentos normativos desta profissão; na segunda, são explorados os instrumentos e as atividades desenvolvidas nas aulas; na terceira, é feita uma análise do decurso da prática; na quarta, evidencia-se o entrosamento com a instituição escolar; na sexta são demonstrados elementos de desenvolvimento pessoal/profissional e, por último, na sexta, são expressas as considerações finais; Report of Supervised Teaching Practice Abstract: This report was designed as part of the course called Supervised Teaching Practice (PES), the concluding part of Master’s degree of Teaching Portuguese in the 3rd Cycle of Basic Compulsory Education and Secondary Education and French in Basic Compulsory Education and Secondary Education, carried out at 2nd and 3rd Cycles and Secondary School Cunha Rivara, Arraiolos, in academic year 2011/2012. In this work are exposed many of the concepts related to teaching, as well as reflections on regulatory documents and teaching considerations about the social role of the teacher are woven. Concerning the structure, this document consists of six parts: first, explanations about the function of the normative documents of this profession arise; second, are exploited instruments and activities developed in the classroom; third, an analysis of the course of practice is done; fourth, is evinced the engagement with the academic institution; fifth, are established evidences of professional development and, finally, in the sixth, the final considerations are expressed

    Coronavirus: bond market and growth expectations

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    The pandemic triggered exceptional monetary policy interventions by the Federal Reserve, which in March 2020 cut the target rate. This thesis makes progress in understanding the impact of COVID-19 on the treasuries market by examining the behaviour of the determinants of the term structure of bond yields in the United States. For this, we use the Nelson-Siegel (1987) approach to the term structure of interest rates. Findings suggest that the treasury yields closely follow the cut in target rate. Hence, revealing as a good economic predictor.A pandemia desencadeou intervenções excecionais de política monetária por parte do Banco Central Norte Americano, que em março de 2020 cortou a "Target Rate". Esta tese tem como objetivo examinar o impacto do COVID-19 no mercado das "Treasuries", analisando o comportamento dos determinantes da estrutura das Treasuries nos Estados Unidos. Para isso, vai ser utilizada a abordagem de Nelson-Siegel (1987). Os resultados sugerem que as "Treasuries Yields" acompanham o corte na "Target Rate". Portanto, revelam ser um bom preditor económico

    Efeito da alta-pressão na qualidade e estabilidade de emulsões alimentares

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    A primeira parte deste trabalho, realizada em Portugal, teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos de uma tecnologia não térmica, designada alta pressão (HPP), como possível alternativa ao tratamento térmico convencional, no aumento do prazo de validade de natas, um produto altamente perecível. A nata foi submetida à alta pressão (450 MPa por 5 min e 600 MPa por 5 e 15 min) e à pasteurização térmica, e armazenada durante 52 dias sob refrigeração (4 °C), para comparar os efeitos de ambos os tratamentos na sua carga microbiana (microrganismos endógenos e inoculados) e parâmetros físico-químicos. Diferentemente das amostras de HPP a 600 MPa, no 51º dia de armazenamento, os microrganismos endógenos das amostras termicamente pasteurizadas já tinham ultrapassado 6.00 log CFU/mL. Além disso, a alta pressão também foi capaz de reduzir (p0.05) pelas diferentes condições de processamento, exceto os compostos voláteis, que apresentaram uma tendência para aumentar ao longo do período de armazenamento. Estes resultados sugerem o HPP como um potencial substituto à pasteurização térmica convencional, podendo resultar num aumento de prazo de validade da nata. A segunda parte desta tese, realizada em Itália, teve como objetivo avaliar a possibilidade de utilizar a tecnologia de ultrassons para obter uma emulsão estável, com altos valores nutricionais e microbiologicamente segura por HPP, obtida a partir de azeite extra-virgem (EVOO) (o tipo mais valioso de azeite) de diferentes teores de polifenóis, usando reduzidas quantidades de emulsificante. Observou-se que para obter uma emulsão estável por ultrassons foi necessário utilizar um emulsificante, neste caso mono- e diglicerídeos de ácidos gordos. Além disso, EVOOs com alto teor de polifenóis produziram emulsões mais estáveis. No entanto, o conteúdo em polifenóis não pareceu ter um efeito sobre as propriedades reológicas da emulsão. Após otimização das condições de ultrassons e as percentagens de cada ingrediente usado para obter a emulsão, foi possível obter uma emulsão estável. Em termos de estabilidade microbiológica, o HPP (500 MPa por 5 min) foi capaz de inibir ou retardar o crescimento microbiano ao longo do tempo (20 dias), mantendo as emulsões estáveis mesmo após armazenamento à temperatura ambienteThe first part of this work, carried out in Portugal, aimed to evaluate the effects of a non-thermal technology, known as high pressure processing (HPP), as a possible alternative to the conventional heat treatment, in extending dairy cream’s, a highly perishable dairy product, shelf-life. Cream was subjected to HPP (450 MPa for 5 min and 600 MPa for 5 and 15 min) and to thermal pasteurization and then stored for 52 days under refrigeration (4 °C), in order to compare the effects of both treatments on cream’s microbiology (endogenous and inoculated microorganisms) and physicochemical parameters. Unlike HPP samples at 600 MPa, by the 51st day of storage, endogenous microorganisms of thermally pasteurized samples had already surpassed 6.00 log CFU/mL. Furthermore, HPP was also able to reduce (p0.05) by the different processing conditions, with the exception of volatile compounds, which presented a tendency to increase throughout storage period. These results hint HPP as a potential replacement of conventional thermal pasteurization regarding cream’s shelf-life extension. The second part of this thesis, carried out in Italy, aimed to evaluate the possibility of using ultrasounds technology to obtain a stable emulsion, with high nutritional values and microbiologically safe by HPP, based on extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) (one of the most valuable type of olive oil) with different polyphenol content, using reduced amounts of emulsifier. It was observed that to obtain a stable emulsion by ultrasounds it was necessary to use an emulsifier, in this case mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids. Furthermore, EVOOs with high polyphenols content yield more stable emulsions. Nevertheless, the polyphenols content did not seem to have an effect on emulsion’s rheological properties. After optimizing the ultrasounds conditions and the percentages of each ingredient used to make the emulsion, it was possible to obtain a stable emulsion. Regarding microbial stability, HPP (500 MPa for 5 min) was able to inhibit or slow microbial growth over time, keeping the emulsions stable even after storage (20 days) at room temperatureMestrado em Biotecnologi

    An investigation into tooling requirements and strategies for FMS operation

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    A study of the minimum tooling requirements and strategies for efficient operation of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, FMS's, in Assembly set Production, ASP, i.e production in sets of parts to completely assemble one or more product units, is presented in this research work. The main investigating tool is a simulation model. With this model the tool groups to be loaded into machines and fixtured pallet requirements were studied in conjunction with two scheduling rules. One is a FCFS rule and the other is a new rule, called MRPAS, which schedules work on the basis of the number of parts still unfinished belonging to an Assembly Set. The results of the research work show that ASP can be efficiently carried out in FMS's. However this requires that a good system set-up and adequate operating strategies are used. In particular appropriate tooling levels and good tooling configurations,TC's, i.e. combinations of tools in groups to be loaded into the machines, must be established to achieve high FMS performance. Tooling combination and duplication heuristic rules and the simulation model can be used for achieving this aim. The heuristic approach is shown to be necessary due to the impossibility, in a reasonable time, of evaluating the performance of FMS's under the large number of alternative tooling configurations which are possible. The level of fixtured pallets used can also have a great influence on system performance. Appropriate levels of these resources to operate FMS's for given TC's can be established using the methodology developed in this work. It is also important that good scheduling rules are used. In the cases studied, the MRPAS rule produces the best performance expressed as the combination of FMS utilization and production of complete assembly sets. Moreover a very small assembly set batch size, ASBS, i.e. number of AS released together into the FMS, is likely to be preferable. In the cases studied an ASBS of one performed best overall