165 research outputs found

    Sweetened nopal flakes: a functional snack

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    Nopal (Opuntia spp. and Nopalea spp. genera) is a crop, recognized for its nutritional and medicinal properties; however, there are some underused species, despite the great genetic diversity in Mexico. The genus Opuntia spp. is the most consumed nopal, whereas Nopalea spp. has low commercial demand, possibly because their nutraceutical attributes are unknown. Additionally, the nopal pads or cladodes are little accepted by many consumers, due to their texture and flavor. The study objectives were 1) evaluate the nutraceutical content and antioxidant activity of four nopal cultivars: Nopalea cochenillifera cv. Texas (NT) and Opuntia ficus-indica cv. Jade (OJ), Milpa Alta (OMA), and Atlixco (OA); 2) develop nopal flakes, sweetened with rebaudioside A, from the cultivar with the best nutraceutical quality and sensory acceptability. Ascorbic acid, total phenolics, and total flavonoids were determined by spectrophotometric methods, individual flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol, and isorhamnetin) by HPLC, and antioxidant activity by the DPPH assay. OA was the cultivar with the best nutraceutical quality. The sweetened nopal flakes of OA, at a concentration of 1.1 mg g-1 rebaudioside A, had the highest sensory acceptability by the panelists in intensity and sweetness preference. The addition of rebaudioside A improved the product’s flavor and contributed to preserve the flavonoids and antioxidant activity. These results will contribute to the chemotaxonomy of O. ficus-indica and N. cochellinifera species,and to the utilization of nopals as functional foods, due to their nutraceutical quality

    Estrategias que favorecen el interés por canciones infantiles en los niños y niñas de II Y III nivel del CDI 18 de mayo de la ciudad de Estelí en el año lectivo 2015

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    Las canciones infantiles son una actividad lúdica en la que los niños y las niñas aprenden jugando a través de temas variados, que ayudan ampliar sus conocimientos sobre el medio ambiente que los rodea; tiene por objetivo aumentar el vocabulario, así como estimular la atención y la memoria, ejercita las coordinaciones motoras y la sociabilización. Durante esta actividad, las educadoras de educación infantil deben mostrar alegría, entusiasmo, para poder alegrar al grupo y que haya una participación activa en los niños y niñas. Es importante al momento de cantar con los niños y niñas tomar en cuenta los criterios de selección en la variedad de las canciones infantiles a realizarse en el salón de clase del preescolar; la capacidad del niño y la niña para aprender a cantar, depende mucho del ambiente, la educación y la aptitud musical pero también de aquello que le interesa, que le llama la atención, porque es la fuente de satisfacción para ellos y ellas. Se ha comprobado que en los centros preescolares las educadoras realizan cantos tradicionales y de forma rutinaria, haciendo uso solo de las palmas sin hacer uso de instrumentos propios de la canción, sin tomar en cuenta la importancia que los niños y niñas conozcan los diferentes sonidos de cada instrumento. Dada la problemática antes mencionada se decidió trabajar en el CDI 18 de mayo. El propósito principal de este estudio es promover estrategias que despierten el interés en los niños y niñas por los cantos infantiles, para enriquecer el desarrollo del aprendizaje. El estudio pertenece al paradigma cualitativo, en la cual se han aplicado las técnicas e instrumentos como: entrevista y observación aplicadas a educadoras y director respectivamente. Así como un diario de campo para la realización de anotaciones significativas de acuerdo a lo observado durante todo este proceso de investigación. Esta investigación es de carácter aplicativo con enfoque de investigación acción, ya que se ejecutó un plan de Acción donde se propusieron estrategias que despierten el interés por los cantos infantiles en los niños y niñas, por el tiempo de realización es de corte transversal porque se realizó durante el año lectivo 2015. La investigación comprendió la realización y aplicación de técnicas e instrumentos de investigación como: observación, entrevistas, plan de acción y diario de campo, estas se aplicaron a la educadora del preescolar, al director del centro. De manera general los resultados evidencian que la educadora del CDI 18 de mayo, aplica estrategias en las canciones infantiles, pero no la suficiente para despertar el interés en los niños y niñas al momento de cantar, por la falta de conocimiento de la misma y por ser su primera experiencia en nivel preescolar

    Caffeine and Chlorogenic Acid Combination Attenuate Early-Stage Chemically Induced Colon Carcinogenesis in Mice: Involvement of oncomiR miR-21a-5p

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of most common cancers worldwide, with high rates of mortality. Epidemiological findings demonstrate that coffee consumption reduces the risk of developing CRC by ~13%. In general, in vivo and in vitro findings demonstrate the antiproliferative, antioxidant and proapoptotic effects of brewed coffee or major bioavailable coffee compounds. Thus, it was assessed whether caffeine (CAF) and/or chlorogenic acid (CGA) attenuates the earlystage of chemically induced mouse colon carcinogenesis. Male Swiss mice were submitted to a 1,2-dimethylhydrazine/deoxycholic acid (DMH/DCA)-induced colon carcinogenesis model. These animals received CAF (50 mg/kg), CGA (25 mg/kg) or CAF+CGA (50 + 25 mg/kg) intragastrically for five times/week for ten weeks. CAF+CGA had the most pronounced effects on decreasing epithelial cell proliferation (Ki-67) and increasing apoptosis (cleaved caspase-3) in colonic crypts. This treatment also decreased the levels of proinflammatory cytokines IL-6, IL-17 and TNF- , and downregulated the oncomiR miR-21a-5p in the colon. Accordingly, the analysis of miR-21a-5p targets demonstrated the genes involved in the negative regulation of proliferation and inflammation, and the positive regulation of apoptosis. Ultimately, CAF+CGA attenuated preneoplastic aberrant crypt foci (ACF) development. Our findings suggest that a combination of coffee compounds reduces early-stage colon carcinogenesis by the modulation of miR-21a-5p expression, highlighting the importance of coffee intake to prevent CRC.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES) 001Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) 2017/26217-7 2016/12015-0 2016/14420-0Junta de Andalucia RH-0139-202


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    Introduction: This research is motivated, by the current world situation, caused by the pandemic declared by the WHO before the spread and severity of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), notified for the first time in Wuhan (China) on December 31 of 2019. Through mathematical and statistical analysis, it seeks to show and explain in an expeditious manner, the causes for which there is a higher rate of contagion and lethality due to the virus, in different countries, taking into consideration patterns associated with social political behavior and economic, as a first approach to knowing statistics that allow generating forecasts for future periods, given the conditions.  Objective: The main objective of this work is to define the correlation of the economic, social and demographic variables of the countries of America, with respect to the contagion of the virus, proposing a forecast model on the level of contagion in each cluster proposed by the different regions of the American continent. Methodology: The study performs clustering (grouping) of the countries of America with respect to their geographical position North America, Central America and the Caribbean islands and South America, followed by a search for statistical data on social, economic and demographic indicators of the countries of America in recent years and statistics of levels of contagion of COVID 19 in sources such as international organizations regulating health issues. Next, a characterization and correlation of the collected data was carried out, to finally, based on the results of the correlation, make a forecast of the level of contagion that would be reached by each of the regions. Results: The purpose of this document is to provide information on the countries of North America, Latin America and the Caribbean with respect to the analysis of mortality from COVID-19, through methods of analysis of mortality from all causes as one of the approaches proposed to contribute to the assessment of the true magnitude of the burden of the COVID-19 epidemic in these countries.   Conclusions: The results show interesting information, since the Latin American curve turned out to be much less pronounced than that of the United States, in terms of contagion and deaths, despite the socio-demographic conditions, economic, technological and political opportunities. This analysis invites us to find out which are those correlations that directly impact the behavior of infections, taking into account variables such as age, gender, stratum, level of education, and other sociodemographic characteristics that may influence the spread or containment of the virus. Future research: It is proposed to study the correlation between race, sex, region and age vs levels of COVID 19 contagion in the Colombian context and the application of more robust statistical tools to develop models that allow correlation of variables and define possible level scenarios contagion, in addition to conducting a correlation study of economic and socio-demographic variables with respect to other diseases such as zika and dengueIntroduction: This research is motivated, by the current world situation, caused by the pandemic declared by the WHO before the spread and severity of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), notified for the first time in Wuhan (China) on December 31 of 2019. Through mathematical and statistical analysis, it seeks to show and explain in an expeditious manner, the causes for which there is a higher rate of contagion and lethality due to the virus, in different countries, taking into consideration patterns associated with social political behavior and economic, as a first approach to knowing statistics that allow generating forecasts for future periods, given the conditions.  Objective: The main objective of this work is to define the correlation of the economic, social and demographic variables of the countries of America, with respect to the contagion of the virus, proposing a forecast model on the level of contagion in each cluster proposed by the different regions of the American continent. Methodology: The study performs clustering (grouping) of the countries of America with respect to their geographical position North America, Central America and the Caribbean islands and South America, followed by a search for statistical data on social, economic and demographic indicators of the countries of America in recent years and statistics of levels of contagion of COVID 19 in sources such as international organizations regulating health issues. Next, a characterization and correlation of the collected data was carried out, to finally, based on the results of the correlation, make a forecast of the level of contagion that would be reached by each of the regions. Results: The purpose of this document is to provide information on the countries of North America, Latin America and the Caribbean with respect to the analysis of mortality from COVID-19, through methods of analysis of mortality from all causes as one of the approaches proposed to contribute to the assessment of the true magnitude of the burden of the COVID-19 epidemic in these countries.   Conclusions: The results show interesting information, since the Latin American curve turned out to be much less pronounced than that of the United States, in terms of contagion and deaths, despite the socio-demographic conditions, economic, technological and political opportunities. This analysis invites us to find out which are those correlations that directly impact the behavior of infections, taking into account variables such as age, gender, stratum, level of education, and other sociodemographic characteristics that may influence the spread or containment of the virus. Future research: It is proposed to study the correlation between race, sex, region and age vs levels of COVID 19 contagion in the Colombian context and the application of more robust statistical tools to develop models that allow correlation of variables and define possible level scenarios contagion, in addition to conducting a correlation study of economic and socio-demographic variables with respect to other diseases such as zika and dengu

    Correlational analysis between the economics, socio-demographic indices and statistics of contagion due to Covid-19, applying the Clustering methodology in countries of America

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    Introduction: This research is motivated, by the current world situation, caused by the pandemic declared by the WHO before the spread and severity of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), notified for the first time in Wuhan (China) on December 31 of 2019. Through mathematical and statistical analysis, it seeks to show and explain in an expeditious manner, the causes for which there is a higher rate of contagion and lethality due to the virus, in different countries, taking into consideration patterns associated with social political behavior and economic, as a first approach to knowing statistics that allow generating forecasts for future periods, given the conditions.  Objective: The main objective of this work is to define the correlation of the economic, social and demographic variables of the countries of America, with respect to the contagion of the virus, proposing a forecast model on the level of contagion in each cluster proposed by the different regions of the American continent. Methodology: The study performs clustering (grouping) of the countries of America with respect to their geographical position North America, Central America and the Caribbean islands and South America, followed by a search for statistical data on social, economic and demographic indicators of the countries of America in recent years and statistics of levels of contagion of COVID 19 in sources such as international organizations regulating health issues. Next, a characterization and correlation of the collected data was carried out, to finally, based on the results of the correlation, make a forecast of the level of contagion that would be reached by each of the regions. Results: The purpose of this document is to provide information on the countries of North America, Latin America and the Caribbean with respect to the analysis of mortality from COVID-19, through methods of analysis of mortality from all causes as one of the approaches proposed to contribute to the assessment of the true magnitude of the burden of the COVID-19 epidemic in these countries.   Conclusions: The results show interesting information, since the Latin American curve turned out to be much less pronounced than that of the United States, in terms of contagion and deaths, despite the socio-demographic conditions, economic, technological and political opportunities. This analysis invites us to find out which are those correlations that directly impact the behavior of infections, taking into account variables such as age, gender, stratum, level of education, and other sociodemographic characteristics that may influence the spread or containment of the virus. Future research: It is proposed to study the correlation between race, sex, region and age vs levels of COVID 19 contagion in the Colombian context and the application of more robust statistical tools to develop models that allow correlation of variables and define possible level scenarios contagion, in addition to conducting a correlation study of economic and socio-demographic variables with respect to other diseases such as zika and dengueIntroduction: This research is motivated, by the current world situation, caused by the pandemic declared by the WHO before the spread and severity of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), notified for the first time in Wuhan (China) on December 31 of 2019. Through mathematical and statistical analysis, it seeks to show and explain in an expeditious manner, the causes for which there is a higher rate of contagion and lethality due to the virus, in different countries, taking into consideration patterns associated with social political behavior and economic, as a first approach to knowing statistics that allow generating forecasts for future periods, given the conditions.  Objective: The main objective of this work is to define the correlation of the economic, social and demographic variables of the countries of America, with respect to the contagion of the virus, proposing a forecast model on the level of contagion in each cluster proposed by the different regions of the American continent. Methodology: The study performs clustering (grouping) of the countries of America with respect to their geographical position North America, Central America and the Caribbean islands and South America, followed by a search for statistical data on social, economic and demographic indicators of the countries of America in recent years and statistics of levels of contagion of COVID 19 in sources such as international organizations regulating health issues. Next, a characterization and correlation of the collected data was carried out, to finally, based on the results of the correlation, make a forecast of the level of contagion that would be reached by each of the regions. Results: The purpose of this document is to provide information on the countries of North America, Latin America and the Caribbean with respect to the analysis of mortality from COVID-19, through methods of analysis of mortality from all causes as one of the approaches proposed to contribute to the assessment of the true magnitude of the burden of the COVID-19 epidemic in these countries.   Conclusions: The results show interesting information, since the Latin American curve turned out to be much less pronounced than that of the United States, in terms of contagion and deaths, despite the socio-demographic conditions, economic, technological and political opportunities. This analysis invites us to find out which are those correlations that directly impact the behavior of infections, taking into account variables such as age, gender, stratum, level of education, and other sociodemographic characteristics that may influence the spread or containment of the virus. Future research: It is proposed to study the correlation between race, sex, region and age vs levels of COVID 19 contagion in the Colombian context and the application of more robust statistical tools to develop models that allow correlation of variables and define possible level scenarios contagion, in addition to conducting a correlation study of economic and socio-demographic variables with respect to other diseases such as zika and dengu

    Analysis of serum proteome after treatment of osteoporosis with anabolic or antiresorptive drugs

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    The aim of the study was to explore new markers in serum proteome associated with the response to antiosteoporosis drugs, namely teriparatide and denosumab. We obtained serum samples from 14 patients with osteoporosis, both at baseline and after 6 months of treatment with teriparatide (n = 10) or denosumab (n = 4). Samples were analyzed by nanoliquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry on a QTOF 5600 (SCIEX) apparatus. The spectrometry data were analyzed with Mascot against the UniProtKB base and then several quality-control filters were applied for the identification of peptides (false discovery rate, FDR q < 0.02) and their quantification (FDR q < 0.05). In the group treated with teriparatide, 28 proteins were identified with significant differences before and after treatment. A pathway analysis by using the Reactome database revealed significant enrichment in the Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-I) (FDR q 4 × 10-²) and innate immune system (FDR q 2 × 10-³) pathways. Among patients treated with denosumab, we observed significant differences in the levels of 10 proteins, which were also enriched in the pathways related to the innate immune system (FDR q 3 × 10-²). These results suggest that the innate immune system may be involved in the response to antiosteoporosis drugs.Funding: Supported by grants from FEIOMM (Grant No.17/0025) and ProteoRed-ISCIII. Acknowledgments: Alvaro del Real received support by the postdoctoral grant Augusto Gonzalez de Linares of the University of Cantabria

    Pre- and post-natal melatonin administration partially regulates brain oxidative stress but does not improve cognitive or histological alterations in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome

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    Melatonin administered during adulthood induces beneficial effects on cognition and neuroprotection in the Ts65Dn (TS) mouse model of Down syndrome. Here, we investigated the effects of pre- and post-natal melatonin treatment on behavioral and cognitive abnormalities and on several neuromorphological alterations (hypocellularity, neurogenesis impairment and increased oxidative stress) that appear during the early developmental stages in TS mice. Pregnant TS females were orally treated with melatonin or vehicle from the time of conception until the weaning of the offspring, and the pups continued to receive the treatment from weaning until the age of 5 months. Melatonin administered during the pre- and post-natal periods did not improve the cognitive impairment of TS mice as measured by the Morris Water maze or fear conditioning tests. Histological alterations, such as decreased proliferation (Ki67+ cells) and hippocampal hypocellularity (DAPI+ cells), which are typical in TS mice, were not prevented by melatonin. However, melatonin partially regulated brain oxidative stress by modulating the activity of the primary antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase in the cortex and catalase in the cortex and hippocampus) and slightly decreasing the levels of lipid peroxidation in the hippocampus of TS mice. These results show the inability of melatonin to prevent cognitive impairment in TS mice when it is administered at pre- and post-natal stages. Additionally, our findings suggest that to induce pro-cognitive effects in TS mice during the early stages of development, in addition to attenuating oxidative stress, therapies should aim to improve other altered processes, such as hippocampal neurogenesis and/or hypocellularity.This work was supported by the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI2016-76194-R) and by a grant from CNPq/Brazil (proc. 2606/14-13)

    A prevalent mutation with founder effect in Spanish recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa families

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    Background: Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa (RDEB) is a genodermatosis caused by more than 500 different mutations in the COL7A1 gene and characterized by blistering of the skin following a minimal friction or mechanical trauma. The identification of a cluster of RDEB pedigrees carrying the c.6527insC mutation in a specific area raises the question of the origin of this mutation from a common ancestor or as a result of a hotspot mutation. The aim of this study was to investigate the origin of the c.6527insC mutation. Methods: Haplotypes were constructed by genotyping nine single nucleotides polymorphisms (SNPs) throughout the COL7A1 gene. Haplotypes were determined in RDEB patients and control samples, both of Spanish origin. Results: Sixteen different haplotypes were identified in our study. A single haplotype cosegregated with the c.6527insC mutation. Conclusion: Haplotype analysis showed that all alleles carrying the c.6527insC mutation shared the same haplotype cosegregating with this mutation (CCGCTCAAA_6527insC), thus suggesting the presence of a common ancestor.This work was supported in part by grants from Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SAF2007-61019 and SAF2010-16976) and INTRA/08/714 from Centro de Investigaciones Biomédicas en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER)

    Article Interferon-Alpha Decreases Cancer Stem Cell Properties and Modulates Exosomes in Malignant Melanoma

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    Malignant melanoma (MM) can spread to other organs and is resistant in part due to the presence of cancer stem cell subpopulations (CSCs). While a controversial high dose of interferon-alpha (IFN-α) has been used to treat non-metastatic high-risk melanoma, it comes with undesirable side effects. In this study, we evaluated the effect of low and high doses of IFN-α on CSCs by analyzing ALDH activity, side population and specific surface markers in established and patient-derived primary cell lines. We also assessed the clonogenicity, migration and tumor initiation capacities of IFN-α treated CSCs. Additionally, we investigated genomic modulations related to stemness properties using microRNA sequencing and microarrays. The effect of IFN-α on CSCs-derived exosomes was also analyzed using NanoSight and liquid chromatography (LC-HRMS)-based metabolomic analysis, among others. Our results showed that even low doses of IFN-α reduced CSC formation and stemness properties, and led to a significant decrease in the ability to form tumors in mice xenotransplants. IFN-α also modulated the expression of genes and microRNAs involved in several cancer processes and metabolomics of released exosomes. Our work suggests the utility of low doses of interferon, combined with the analysis of metabolic biomarkers, as a potential clinical approach against the aggressiveness of CSCs in melanoma.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICIU, projects noº MAT2015-62644.C2.2.RRTI2018-101309-B-C2, FEDER Funds), by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PIE16-00045), by Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad de la Junta de Andalucía and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)ref. SOMM17/6109/UGR (UCE-PP2017-3)Consejería de Salud y Familias de la Junta de Andalucía (projects noº PEMP- 0205-2020 FEDER funds)The Chair “Doctors Galera-Requena in cancer stem cell research” (CMC-CTS963

    Splicing Factor SLU7 Prevents Oxidative Stress-Mediated Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4α Degradation, Preserving Hepatic Differentiation and Protecting From Liver Damage

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    Background and Aims: Hepatocellular dedifferentiation is emerging as an important determinant in liver disease progression. Preservation of mature hepatocyte identity relies on a set of key genes, predominantly the transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF4α) but also splicing factors like SLU7. How these factors interact and become dysregulated and the impact of their impairment in driving liver disease are not fully understood. Approach and Results: Expression of SLU7 and that of the adult and oncofetal isoforms of HNF4α, driven by its promoter 1 (P1) and P2, respectively, was studied in diseased human and mouse livers. Hepatic function and damage response were analyzed in wild-type and Slu7-haploinsufficient/heterozygous (Slu7) mice undergoing chronic (CCl) and acute (acetaminophen) injury. SLU7 expression was restored in CCl-injured mice using SLU7-expressing adeno-associated viruses (AAV-SLU7). The hepatocellular SLU7 interactome was characterized by mass spectrometry. Reduced SLU7 expression in human and mouse diseased livers correlated with a switch in HNF4α P1 to P2 usage. This response was reproduced in Slu7 mice, which displayed increased sensitivity to chronic and acute liver injury, enhanced oxidative stress, and marked impairment of hepatic functions. AAV-SLU7 infection prevented liver injury and hepatocellular dedifferentiation. Mechanistically we demonstrate a unique role for SLU7 in the preservation of HNF4α1 protein stability through its capacity to protect the liver against oxidative stress. SLU7 is herein identified as a key component of the stress granule proteome, an essential part of the cell’s antioxidant machinery. Conclusions: Our results place SLU7 at the highest level of hepatocellular identity control, identifying SLU7 as a link between stress-protective mechanisms and liver differentiation. These findings emphasize the importance of the preservation of hepatic functions in the protection from liver injury.Supported by MINECO/AEI/FEDER (UE SAF2016-75972-R, PID2019-104265RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and PID2019-104878RB-100/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), CIBERehd, Fundación La Caixa (HEPACARE), an AECC postdoctoral fellowship (POSTD18014AREC, to M.A.), a Ministerio de Educación FPU fellowship (FPU18/01461, to M.G.R.), a Ministerio de Educación FPI fellowship (BES-2017-079883, to M.R.); a Ramón y Cajal Program contract (RYC2018-024475-1, to M.G.F.B.), the Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual, the Fundación Mario Losantos, the Fundación M. Torres, and a generous donation from Mr. Eduardo Avila