54 research outputs found

    Rearing styles and psychopathology in children and adolescents with intellectual disability from Chile and Spain

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    Los objetivos de nuestro estudio fueron: a) evaluar los estilos educativos en función de la presencia de discapacidad intelectual (DI) y de dos culturas, Chile y España; y b) valorar cómo estos aspectos se asocian con la psicopatología. Participaron 236 niños y adolescentes de 8 a 14 años de edad, que fueron clasificados en los siguientes tres grupos en función del tipo de DI: con síndrome de Down (SD), discapacidad intelectual idiopática (DII) o sin discapacidad. Los progenitores contestaron un cuestionario de estilo educativo y de psicopatología. Hallamos que en Chile el grupo con SD percibió menos sobreprotección. Las medidas clínicas de psicopatología se asociaron con sobreprotección, rechazo y la presencia de DI. Además los participantes chilenos informaron de mayor depresión y somatización que los participantes españoles. Esperamos que nuestros hallazgos sean un aporte para la prevención e intervención de los estilos educativos y la psicopatología en personas con DI.Los objetivos de nuestro estudio fueron: a) evaluar los estilos educativos en función de la presencia de discapacidad intelectual (DI) y de dos culturas, Chile y España; y b) valorar cómo estos aspectos se asocian con la psicopatología. Participaron 236 niños y adolescentes de 8 a 14 años de edad, que fueron clasificados en los siguientes tres grupos en función del tipo de DI: con síndrome de Down (SD), discapacidad intelectual idiopática (DII) o sin discapacidad. Los progenitores contestaron un cuestionario de estilo educativo y de psicopatología. Hallamos que en Chile el grupo con SD percibió menos sobreprotección. Las medidas clínicas de psicopatología se asociaron con sobreprotección, rechazo y la presencia de DI. Además los participantes chilenos informaron de mayor depresión y somatización que los participantes españoles. Esperamos que nuestros hallazgos sean un aporte para la prevención e intervención de los estilos educativos y la psicopatología en personas con DI.Los objetivos de nuestro estudio fueron: a) evaluar los estilos educativos en función de la presencia de discapacidad intelectual (DI) y de dos culturas, Chile y España; y b) valorar cómo estos aspectos se asocian con la psicopatología. Participaron 236 niños y adolescentes de 8 a 14 años de edad, que fueron clasificados en los siguientes tres grupos en función del tipo de DI: con síndrome de Down (SD), discapacidad intelectual idiopática (DII) o sin discapacidad. Los progenitores contestaron un cuestionario de estilo educativo y de psicopatología. Hallamos que en Chile el grupo con SD percibió menos sobreprotección. Las medidas clínicas de psicopatología se asociaron con sobreprotección, rechazo y la presencia de DI. Además los participantes chilenos informaron de mayor depresión y somatización que los participantes españoles. Esperamos que nuestros hallazgos sean un aporte para la prevención e intervención de los estilos educativos y la psicopatología en personas con DI.The aims of our study were: a) to evaluate how parenting styles vary according to the presence of intellectual disability (ID) and between two cultures – Chile and Spain –; and to value their association with psychopathology. Participants were 236 children and adolescents aged 8-14, who were classified in the following three groups according to the type of ID: with Down syndrome (DS), idiopathic intellectual disability (IID) or without disability. Parents answered a questionnaire on perceived rearing style and psychopathology. Our results showed that in Chile DS group perceived less overprotection. Clinical scores were associated with overprotection, rejection and the presence of ID. Moreover, the Chilean participants reported more depression and somatisation than the Spanish participants. We expect our findings will contribute to the prevention and intervention of unfavourable rearing styles and psychopathology in ID

    Bullying victimization in young females with fragile-X-syndrome

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the risk associated with girls with fragile X syndrome (FXS) suffering bullying in the role of a victim and its effects on their adaptive behavior, socialization style, and emotional state. A neuropsychological assessment was carried out on a sample of 40 participants (26 FXS positive and 14 control group) using the following instruments: WISC-V, SENA, BAS-2, ABAS-II. The results show that the group of girls with FXS presented higher ratios of lack of social support and isolation from classmates. This finding suggests that problems with social interaction and communication in the group of girls with FXS could lead to difficulties in interpreting social signals and identifying situations of bullying correctly, placing them in a very vulnerable situation

    Acogimiento residencial : problemas emocionales y conductuales

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    En esta investigación se analizó la prevalencia de problemas emocionales y conductuales en niños en acogimiento residencial así como la influencia del tiempo de institucionalización. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 26 niños de ambos sexos en situación residencial y 45 niños que vivían con sus familias emparejados según edades y sexo. El instrumento de evaluación empleado fue el Behavior Assessment System for Children, BASC: autoinforme, formas padres y profesores. Se encontraron más problemas de conducta externalizada e internalizada, mayores dificultades de socialización y problemas de aprendizaje en los niños en acogimiento residencial. A mayor tiempo de institucionalización la agresividad, los problemas de conducta, y la percepción negativa hacia los profesores se incrementan y disminuye el ajuste personalThe prevalence of emotional and behavioral problems affecting children in residential care as well as the influence of the institutionalization length were analyzed. The sample consisted of 26 children in residential care and 45 children living with their families paired according to age and gender. The data collection procedure used was the Behavior Assessment System for Children, BASC :self-report scale, teacher rating scale and parent rating scale. Children in residential care were found to have more behavioral and emotional problems, greater difficulties in adaptation, as well as more learning difficulties. The length of institutionalization time increases aggressiveness, behavioral problems, the negative view towards teacher and decreases personal adjustmen

    Study of the Interaction between Executive Function and Adaptive Behavior at School in Girls with Fragile X Syndrome

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    Comportamiento adaptativo; Escuela; NiñasComportament adaptatiu; Escola; NenesAdaptive behavior; School; Young femalesThe aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between executive functions and adaptive behavior in girls with Fragile X syndrome (FXS) in the school setting. This study is part of a larger investigation conducted at the Hospital Parc Tauli in Sabadell. The sample consists of a total of 40 girls (26 with FXS and 14 control) aged 7–16 years, who were administered different neuropsychological tests (WISC-V, NEPSY-II, WCST, TOL) and questionnaires answered by teachers (ABAS-II, BRIEF 2, ADHD Rating Scale). The results show that there is a greater interaction between some areas of executive function (cognitive flexibility, auditory attention, and visual abstraction capacity) and certain areas of adaptive behavior (conceptual, practical, social, and total domains) in the FXS group than in the control group. These results suggest that an alteration in the executive functions was affecting the daily functioning of the girls with FXS to a greater extent.The study was awarded two scholarships by the “Parc Tauli Foundation”: (1) Financial assistance to cover part of the travel expenses (transportation and accommodation). Grant number: 2018.0035; (2) “Intensifica’t al Tauli” Scholarship: grant program for the institutions’ healthcare professionals who led research projects. This financial assistance partially frees them from their professional activity for a period of 12 months so that they can make a greater commitment to research. Grant number: 2020.0081

    Selective derivatization of N-terminal cysteines using cyclopentenediones

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    The outcome of the Michael-type reaction between thiols and 2,2-disubstituted cyclopentenediones varies depending on the thiol. Stable compounds with two fused rings were formed upon reaction with 1,2-aminothiols (such as N-terminal cysteines in peptides). Other thiols gave reversibly Michael-type adducts that were in equilibrium with the starting materials. This differential reactivity allows differently placed cysteines to be distinguished and has been exploited to prepare bioconjugates incorporating two or three different moieties

    New genes involved in Angelman syndrome-like: Expanding the genetic spectrum

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    Síndrome de Angelman; FenotipoSíndrome d'Angelman; FenotipAngelman syndrome; PhenotypeAngelman syndrome (AS) is a neurogenetic disorder characterized by severe developmental delay with absence of speech, happy disposition, frequent laughter, hyperactivity, stereotypies, ataxia and seizures with specific EEG abnormalities. There is a 10–15% of patients with an AS phenotype whose genetic cause remains unknown (Angelman-like syndrome, AS-like). Whole-exome sequencing (WES) was performed on a cohort of 14 patients with clinical features of AS and no molecular diagnosis. As a result, we identified 10 de novo and 1 X-linked pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants in 10 neurodevelopmental genes (SYNGAP1, VAMP2, TBL1XR1, ASXL3, SATB2, SMARCE1, SPTAN1, KCNQ3, SLC6A1 and LAS1L) and one deleterious de novo variant in a candidate gene (HSF2). Our results highlight the wide genetic heterogeneity in AS-like patients and expands the differential diagnosis.This work is supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (MG, PI16/01411), Asociación Española de Síndrome de Angelman (EG), Institut d’investigació i innovació Parc Taulí I3PT (CA, CIR2016/025, CIR2018/021) and Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (XD, SAF2016-14 80255-R). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Usefulness of the Bayley scales of infant and toddler development, third edition, in the early diagnosis of language disorder

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    Background: Language disorder (LD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder, and early diagnosis has an impact on speech therapy practice. The aim of this work is to test the usefulness of the Cognitive and Language scales of the Bayley-III in the early diagnosis of LD. Method: In a longitudinal study, a clinical sample of 187 children with diagnostic hypothesis of communication disorders at 4.5 years was assessed with the Bayley-III before age 3.5 years and subsequently with other scales of different psychological and psycholinguistic functions. Results: The results indicate that children with LD scored significantly lower than their control groups in all subtests and compounds of the Bayley-III. Additionally, low scores on the Language composite in the Bayley-III predicted lower scores in the Auditory-vocal Channel of the ITPA. A significant correlation was obtained between the Cognitive Scale of the Bayley-III and the General Cognitive Scale of the MSCA and the Mental Processing Composite of the K-ABC. Conclusions: We can draw the conclusion that the Cognitive and Language scales of the Bayley-III are a useful instrument for early diagnosis of LD, and can also discriminate more severe forms of LDAntecedentes: el trastorno del lenguaje (TL) es un trastorno del desarrollo neurológico. El objetivo de este trabajo es comprobar la utilidad de las escalas Cognitiva y de Lenguaje de Bayley-III en el diagnóstico precoz de los TL. Método: una muestra clínica de 187 niños con hipótesis diagnóstica de trastorno de la comunicación a los 4,5 años fue evaluada con Bayley-III antes de los 3,5 años y posteriormente con otras escalas de evaluación de diferentes funciones psicológicas y psicolingüísticas en un estudio longitudinal. Resultados: los resultados indican que los niños con TL obtuvieron puntuaciones significativamente inferiores a sus grupos control en todos los subtests y compuestos de Bayley-III. Además, puntuaciones bajas en el compuesto de Lenguaje de Bayley-III predecían puntuaciones inferiores en el Canal Auditivo-vocal del ITPA. Se halló una correlación significativa entre la Escala Cognitiva del Bayley-III y la Escala General Cognitiva de MSCA y con la de Procesamiento Mental Compuesto del K.ABC. Conclusiones: concluimos que las escalas Cognitiva y de Lenguaje de Bayley-III son un instrumento útil en el diagnóstico precoz de los TL, capaces además de discriminar sus formas más grave

    Assessment of cognition and language in the early diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder : usefulness of the Bayley Scales of infant and toddler development, third edition

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    The aim of this study was to test the usefulness of the Cognitive and Language scales Bayley-III in the early assessment of cognitive and language functions in the context of an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis. This paper focuses on the application of the Bayley-III and studies the predictive value of the test result in children with ASD with different levels of verbal ability. A sample of 135 children (121 boys, 14 girls) with a confirmed ASD diagnosis at age 4 years were assessed with the Bayley-III before 42 months of age (m = 36.49, s = 4.46) and later with other rating scales of different psychological and psycholinguistic functions as part of a longitudinal study [ McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities (MSCA) (n = 48, 90% boys), Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) (n = 38, 87% boys) or Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities (ITPA) (n = 44, 89% boys)]. Age assessment in months: MSCA (m = 48.80, s = 3.33), K-ABC (m = 51.80, s = 7.17) and ITPA (m = 54.48, s = 3.34). Lower scores on the cognitive and language Bayley-III scales before 3.5 years of age predicted lower cognitive and oral language levels at 4 years of age. A significant correlation was found between the Cognitive Bayley-III Scale and the General Cognitive MSCA Scale, and with the Compound K-ABC Mental Processing. An association between the nonverbal cognitive level and oral language level acquired at 4 years of age was found. The Bayley-III is a useful instrument in cognitive and language assessment of ASD

    Prácticas alimentarias en la Edad del Hierro en Cataluña

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    The aim of this paper is to provide a state of the research on the eating habits concerning the Iron Age populations of Catalonia, with particular attention to the Iberian period, under the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya project “Eating and Drinking in the periphery of the Graeco-Roman world: cultural and food habits of the northern Iberian (6th-2nd cent. BCE)”. The main goal of this project is the study of food habits in the Catalan Iberian world from a global and interdisciplinary approach that considers all aspects of the food phenomenon (technical, instrumental, social, cognitive) as an expression of a specific cultural reality