410 research outputs found

    Size-Controlled Water-Soluble Ag Nanoparticles

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    Ag nanoparticles of two different sizes (1 and 4 nm) were prepared within an apoferritin cavity by using an Ag+-loaded apoferritin as a nanoconfined environment for their construction. The initial amount of Ag' ions injected in the apoferritin cavity dictates the size of the final Ag particles. The protein shell prevents bulk aggregation of the metal particles, which renders them water soluble and extremely stable

    Approaching long genomic regions and large recombination rates with msParSm as an alternative to MaCS

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    The msParSm application is an evolution of msPar, the parallel version of the coalescent simulation program ms, which removes the limitation for simulating long stretches of DNA sequences with large recombination rates, without compromising the accuracy of the standard coalescence. This work introduces msParSm, describes its significant performance improvements over msPar and its shared memory parallelization details, and shows how it can get better, if not similar, execution times than MaCS. Two case studies with different mutation rates were analyzed, one approximating the human average and the other approximating the Drosophila melanogaster average. Source code is available at https://github.com/cmontemuino/msparsm

    La gestión de conocimiento e investigación: Papel protagónico de docentes y estudiantes universitarios

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    The universities have been considered as generating institutions and disseminators of new scientific and technological knowledge, being the investigation the main source of these knowledge, which should be negotiated for their creation, diffusion and transfer that explain the necessity to approach the management of the knowledge like action mechanism for the design of development strategies based on the use of the knowledge in the university, as strategic and significant resource guided to the sustainable development.Las universidades han sido consideradas como instituciones generadoras y difusoras de nuevos conocimientos científicos y tecnológicos, siendo la investigación la fuente principal de estos conocimientos, los cuales deben ser gestionados para su creación, difusión y transferencia que explican la necesidad de abordar la gestión del conocimiento como mecanismo de acción para el diseño de estrategias de desarrollo basadas en la utilización del conocimiento en la universidad, como recurso estratégico y significativo orientado al desarrollo sustentable

    Mesozoic palaeogeographic evolution of the External Zones of the Betic Cordillera

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    14 páginas, 8 figuras.The main events characterizing the Mesozoic palaeogeographic evolution of the External Zones of the Betic Cordillera are outlined. The Triassic sediments show a 'germanic' type lacies over the entire region, ending with Late Triassic evaporites and variegated clays of Keuper facies. At the beginning of the Jurassic a transgression takes place, and a broad shallow-marine carbonate-platform environment appears. During the Carixian (180 Ma) the carbonate platform breaks down leading to the differentiation of two large palaeogeographic units: the Prebetic Zone where shallow-water environments prevailed throughout the Mesozoic, and the Subbetic Zone where the sediments are clearly pelagic. Within the Prebetic Zone, two palaeogeographic realms are differentiated: the External Prebetic ,showing important stratigraphic gaps in the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous sequence, and the Internal Prebetic with a thicker and more continuous stratigraphic sequence. Between the Prebetic and Subbetic Zones, a palaeogeographic realm is distinguished (Intermediate units) where turbiditic and pelagic materials were deposited. This zone corresponds approximately to a slope environment during most of Mesozoic times. In the Subbetic Zone a marked differential subsidence occurs during the Jurassic, leading to trough (Median Subbetic) and swells (External and Internal Subbetic). In the Median Subbetic, the deposits consist mainly of marls, pelagic limestones, radiolarites and calcareous turbidites, with mafic volcanic hand subvolcanic rocks. During the Cretaceous pelagic marls and marty limestones were laid down. Mesozoic sedimentation took place along the southern margin of the European plate, in an Atlantic-type continental margin underlain by continental crust. Three-dimensional schemes, explaining the main palaeogcographic events are included.Peer reviewe

    Estimación del desempeño por competencias a partir del perfil de ingreso del personal docente universitario

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    This present research aims to identify the competences necessary for the effective exercise of university teachers, specifically the key and cardinal competences, so that they are finally integrated into a profile of professional competencies that contribute to improve their performance. This process would allow in addition to assessing the teaching work, identify the skills, skills, talents and experiences among others, which must be presented by a teacher to respond to current university dynamics; assuming the university with this, the management of human talent by competencies, allowing to demonstrate these behaviors of high level, that guarantee the success of its academic activitiesEl presente artículo tiene como propósito identificar las competencias necesarias para el ejercicio efectivo del docente universitario, específicamente las competencias clave y cardinales, para que finalmente se integren en un perfil de competencias profesionales que contribuyan a mejorar su desempeño. Este proceso permitiría además de valorar el trabajo docente, identificaría las habilidades, destrezas, talentos y experiencias entre otros, que debe presentar un docente para responder a la dinámica universitaria actual; asumiendo la universidad con esto, la gestión del talento humano por competencias, permitiendo demostrar estos comportamientos de alto nivel, que garanticen el éxito de sus actividades académicas

    Insuficiencia renal tratada exitosamente con células madre

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    Introducción. La insuficiencia renal constituye una de las patologías con mayor morbilidad a nivel mundial, que genera deterioro progresivo de la calidad de vida de los pacientes y lamentablemente cuenta con pocas opciones terapéuticas para promover la regresión de la enfermedad una vez alcanzada estadíos avanzados. Reporte de caso: Se presenta un caso de Insuficiencia renal terminal Lúpica que presentó respuesta favorable al tratamiento con Células Madre hematopoyéticas aplicada vía percutánea ecodirigida en ambos riñones. Conclusión: la terapia con células madre representa una alentadora alternativa para paciente como el presentado con pocas alternativas terapéuticas, con fines de brindar una oportunidad de mejorar su calidad de vida o enlentecer el progreso de su enfermedad

    Planeamiento estratégico de la región Amazonas

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    El presente plan estratégico tiene como principal objetivo el proponer estrategias que permitan a la Región Amazonas para el año 2025 alcanzar la visión propuesta que permitirá fortalecer los niveles de salud, educación e ingreso por habitante; siendo el turismo, la producción del café y la interconexión vial, los principales pilares para lograrlo. La Región Amazonas durante el periodo 2014 ocupó el puesto 21 de competitividad en el Perú de 24 regiones, viéndose reflejado dicho resultado en los bajos niveles de salud, educación e ingreso por habitante que presenta la región. Como parte de la primera etapa del plan estratégico se ha realizado una evaluación interna y externa de la región. Esta evaluación permitió poder determinar los intereses de la región, siendo estos: (a) posicionar a la región como un destino turístico, (b) disminuir el nivel de pobreza, (c) mejorar la educación, (d) mejorar los niveles de salud, (e) incrementar la productividad del café, y (f) mejorar la infraestructura vial. Asimismo, se han identificado seis objetivos a largo plazo (cada uno ligado a los intereses) que nos permitirá alcanzar la visión para el año 2025. Finalmente, a través de la elaboración de diversas matrices se han identificado siete estrategias (seis retenidas y una de contingencia). Ya en la segunda y tercera etapa del plan estratégico se han identificado objetivos de corto plazo e indicadores de gestión que permitirán alcanzar los objetivos de largo plazo y por ende la visión. Finalmente, se ha identificado la oportunidad de generar clusters en las actividades relacionadas con la producción y comercialización del café y en el sector turístico. Es en el turismo que se plantea posicionar a la región como un destino de turismo arqueológico, aventura y ecológico; y para ello es importante mejorar la infraestructura vial que hoy en día presenta la región.Tesi

    Yield of new hemp varieties for medical purposes under semi-arid Mediterranean environment conditions

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    Under the effects of climate change new drought tolerant crops are imperative to introduce in irrigated agricultural areas of Mediterranean countries. In this sense, hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) represents an alternative in many semi-arid agricultural areas of Mediterranean basin because of its low water requirements and cost effectiveness when it is developed under non controlled conditions. The aim of this work was to evaluate the potential yield of five new hemp varieties (Sara, Pilar, Aida, Theresa, and Juani) cultivated under high tunnel conditions in a semi-arid Mediterranean area, and also to study the effect of plant density on active biomass production and cannabinoids biosynthesis (cannabidiol, CBD and cannabigerol, CBG) at different plant positions. The trial was conducted under plastic macro-tunnels during two seasons (2014 and 2015), from May to October. The agronomic response and the chemical profiles of the studied varieties were evaluated at the end of each season. Moreover, it was monitored the differentiation in terms of active biomass production and cannabinoids biosynthesis in different plant organ positions (at upper, medium, and lower). Additionally, during the second season, three different plant densities (PD1, 9,777; PD2, 7,333; and PD3, 5,866 plants· ha-1) were tested in order to define the the best of them for maximizing CBD and CBG productions. The findings highlighted significant differences in yield between cultivars within the CBD and CBG. Moreover, plant density was a determinant factor related to active biomass production and cannabinoids contents, PD3 representing a suitable strategy to maximize the cannabinoids production minimizing the requirements of rooted apical cuttings. These results allowed concluding that these new hemp cultivars together with the adopted agronomic practices in this experience would be very appropriate for CBD and CBG productions, being determinant to consider the plant density and the cultivar for both studied chemotypes.Under the effects of climate change new drought tolerant crops are imperative to introduce in irrigated agricultural areas of Mediterranean countries. In this sense, hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) represents an alternative in many semi-arid agricultural areas of Mediterranean basin because of its low water requirements and cost effectiveness when it is developed under non controlled conditions. The aim of this work was to evaluate the potential yield of five new hemp varieties (Sara, Pilar, Aida, Theresa, and Juani) cultivated under high tunnel conditions in a semi-arid Mediterranean area, and also to study the effect of plant density on active biomass production and cannabinoids biosynthesis (cannabidiol, CBD and cannabigerol, CBG) at different plant positions. The trial was conducted under plastic macro-tunnels during two seasons (2014 and 2015), from May to October. The agronomic response and the chemical profiles of the studied varieties were evaluated at the end of each season. Moreover, it was monitored the differentiation in terms of active biomass production and cannabinoids biosynthesis in different plant organ positions (at upper, medium, and lower). Additionally, during the second season, three different plant densities (PD1, 9,777; PD2, 7,333; and PD3, 5,866 plants· ha-1) were tested in order to define the the best of them for maximizing CBD and CBG productions. The findings highlighted significant differences in yield between cultivars within the CBD and CBG. Moreover, plant density was a determinant factor related to active biomass production and cannabinoids contents, PD3 representing a suitable strategy to maximize the cannabinoids production minimizing the requirements of rooted apical cuttings. These results allowed concluding that these new hemp cultivars together with the adopted agronomic practices in this experience would be very appropriate for CBD and CBG productions, being determinant to consider the plant density and the cultivar for both studied chemotypes

    Integración de proyectos universitarios al desarrollo local: Caso de estudio Municipio Camajuaní.

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    La finalidad del trabajo que se presenta fue estudiar, con enfoque de Estudio de Redes del Conocimiento, la integración entre un grupo de proyectos de la Universidad Central Marta Abreu de las Villas (UCLV) y el Centro Universitario Municipal (CUM) Camajuaní, a las acciones de desarrollo local en el municipio.Se aplicaron métodos y técnicas de los niveles teórico y empírico. El plan de acciones se elaboró a partir de referentes teóricos y resultados obtenidos en investigaciones y  trabajo de campo por estudiantes del CUM y la UCLV y conocimientos de los proyectos universitarios